Bill Moyers with an excellent hour of truth about how and why Wall Street was permitted to destroy the world. It simply comes down to greed. The powerful and wealthy use their power and wealth to gain even more power and wealth until they destroy the world. The repeal of Glass Steagall allowed the 2008 collapse to occur. This was bipartisanship at its best. If you ever needed proof that it doesn’t matter which party is in power, the repeal of this law proves that Wall Street and the Federal Reserve run this country.

John Reed, the former CEO of Citicorp, admits to being guilty of setting the whole disaster in motion. Moyers is too easy on him. Reed’s honesty was refreshing until the segment where he declares that the banks had to be bailed out. He said there was no other choice. There was. The Wall Street banks should have been nationalized (like Sweden did in 1990), all top executives should have been fired, all stockholders and bondholders wiped out, all bad debt should have been liquidated, and good assets should have been sold off to well run banks. It is a Big Lie propagated by the governing elite and the corporate MSM that bailing out the banks saved the country from financial collapse. It saved a few wealthy men from financial collapse.

The most despicable fact is that the very banks that destroyed the world and impoverished the middle class are much bigger today than they were in 2007. And people wonder why the Occupy Movement is growing more violent. Senator Byron Dorgan proves to be one of the few who saw what would happen. He goes on my good guy list.

This is a must watch video.  

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Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 29, 2012 2:52 pm

He said there was no other choice -Admin

Because zombehs are a good thing?

Working man's chest surgeon
Working man's chest surgeon
January 29, 2012 3:37 pm



Sounds like a good idea for the healthcare “industry”. Which really shouldn’t be an “industry”.

If one posits that this is “what should have been done” w the bankers, isn’t an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure when it comes to healthcare costs?

Aren’t the rising costs of healthcare the real driving force behind our nations insolvency in the long term?

Mary Malone
Mary Malone
January 29, 2012 3:58 pm

Very interesting. Fascinating really.

My take-away is that Wall Street CEO’s are going down. Reed, who had retired before the meltdown distances himself from current crop of CEO’s who are about to be indicted for MBS fraud.

Sandy was in business to “get rich.” Very interesting tell – see where this meme is going?

Reed also glosses over Citi’s participation in the MBS scheme. He is very adept at blaming others and expects us to believe that Citi, under Sandy Weill’s direction, was just following the herd by “purchasing” mortgages originated by fly-by-night originators.

In fact, the banks, who were being pressured to lower under-writing standards under Clinton’s Community Reinvestment Act purposely exploited a loophole in the legislation big enough to drive a truck thru.

You see, the CRA applied only to banks. The regs did not apply to Wall Street Investment banks or mortgage originators.

So, what did banks like Citi do?

They got out of the mortgage origination business.

Citi’s decision to “purchase” loans originated by these unscrupulous originators – like Countrywide – was a very lucrative way of getting into the MBS game – without violating CRA.

Lower risk – much higher reward.

Somewhere the game went from arbitrage to massive control fraud.

We believe senior executives at Fannie, Freddie, Countrywide, HSBC, BONY, Chase, Goldman Sachs, Lehman, Bear among others – devised the scheme very early on.

The rest were too greedy or stupid to ask questions – they just followed the herd.

Of course, since Wall Street captured The White House, Congress, Media, SEC, Treasury, there was no-body there to put the brakes on the criminals before they took down the global economy.

Bankers like Reed are gonna come out of the woodwork – Bernays would be so proud – to rewrite history – and launder their involvement in the MBS fake securitization scheme.

January 29, 2012 5:34 pm

Mary: wif all due respect, you are delusional. Wall Street and the FED are not going down. They will totally destroy this country first. They own Obongo. They own Mittens and the Newt. They do NOT own Dr. Paul, therefore he would never be given a chance. One of the chosen three will be our next president. Nothing will change. The fix is in. We will have a “war” with Iran, accompanied by $6 or more gasoline. What’s left of our economy will be destroyed, but who gives a shit? Israel will be saved. We will have martial law in the US and our descent to a police state will be complete. Have a nice day!

a cruel accountant
a cruel accountant
January 29, 2012 6:06 pm

Freedom is the answer!

January 29, 2012 9:06 pm

“The Wall Street banks should have been nationalized (like Sweden did in 1990), all top executives should have been fired”

I have to disagree with this statement. I think the banks should have been left to fail, have their corporate charters revoked and ceased to exist. The top executives should have been in jail to this day and well beyond.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 29, 2012 9:32 pm

You cannot cure mistrust by bailouts.

January 30, 2012 8:58 am

Mary: I hope you are correct, but………..I don’t think so. KaD: not only the top execs, but also Paulson, Grunspan, the Bernank, &tc should be in Federal Prison for life. It ain’t gonna happen!

January 30, 2012 3:11 pm

Hmmmm…Where are the comments by Chuck U. Schumer touting the G/S repeal? Where are the opposition comments by the Clinton administration when all this shit was going down? Oh, I know. When the shit finally exploded in 2008 it was all Bushs’ fault, and during the 90’s when all the changes were made that led to the disaster, it was the Republican’s in Congress that were at fault because the President isn’t in charge and that’s why Obama can blame Bush for everything or blame Congress or WHO THE FUCK KNOWS!