What the hell are they teaching our kids in high school? They fill their brains full of green energy and global warming crap, but they can’t manage to teach them the basics about economics. They learn about the glories of diversity, but not about compounding interest on credit card debt? Only 43% of all high school students even have a proficient or better understanding of economics. The politically correct MSM gives their propaganda version of the report. I opened the report to get a few more facts. Here are a few tidbits:

  • The percentage of proficients students in private schools was 62%.
  • The percentage of proficient students in government run public schools was 41%.
  • The percentage of below basic (dullards/retards) in government public schools was 19% versus 9% in private schools.
  • The percentage of white and asian students that were proficient totaled 53% and 52% respectively. Only 11% and 15% were below basic.
  • The percentage of black students that were proficient totaled 17%, while the percentage below basic totaled 39%. (I’m racist for pointing this out. It is nowhere to be seen in the MSM articles)
  • The percentage of boys that were proficient was 47% versus 38% of girls.

I don’t want to hear the liberal crap about private schools having more money to spend. That’s a bullshit storyline. Catholic schools spend 20% to 30% less per student than the stinking city of Philadelphia. For $12,000 per year, a high school senior should know what GDP stands for. When you see the pitiful result produced by the government run, union teacher controlled, public school system, you wonder whether they are actually achieving the result they want. I’d love to see the results from just the Democratic run urban shitholes.

This country’s warped demented economic system depends upon luring millions of financially clueless dupes into student loan, credit card, auto and mortgage debt at an ever increasing rate in order to sustain Wall Street and the mega-corporations that run this country. If 90% of high school seniors understood basic economics, our economy would collapse because there wouldn’t be enough idiots to bilk. The government wants you just smart enough to drive a car, sign a credit card application, and flip a burger at McDonalds. They don’t want you smart enough to realize that making the minimum payment on a 21% credit card will add up to $100,000 of interest over the next 20 years. They don’t want you smart enough to question a national debt of $16.8 trillion or unfunded liabilities of $220 trillion. They certainly don’t want you to understand inflation or the true purpose of the Federal Reserve.

The government wants more useful idiots to screw, without protest. It looks like they’ve achieved their goal.


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April 25, 2013 4:09 pm

Okay, “dullards & retards” are more common in public schools. So stated.

How about the fact (FACT) that private schools rarely (if ever) have “special ed” programs and staff specially trained for trying to educate them (as laughable as that process may be)? Maybe parents of slow kids are more apt to take advantage of SpEd programs at publics?

How about the New-New thing (today’s “New Math”) of “mainstreaming?”

Kids who used to educated in “separate but equal” SpEd programs, all the way down to the officially mentally retarded (IQ 50-55) in “life skills” classes are now (WAIT FOR IT) to be placed in “regular ed” classrooms because “separate but equal” (yeah, you recognize this phrase) is a violation of the ADA.

If you thought a public school teacher was apt to be unable to simultaneously meet the needs and amplify the strengths of 2 standard deviations of intelligence in a room, how well will it work for 4 SD? How about kids in a regular classroom wearing diapers? Who are “screamers?” Who will bolt for the door and run out of the building if given an opening?

A good environment for your little Johnny to learn? Methinks NOT.

By the way, your idiot neighbors (3rd generation poor parenting) are dropping their little cherubs off at that school without a HINT of self-control. Even grade school classrooms are increasingly scenes of chaos, and “heavy discipline” falls too disproportionately on minorities to be allowed…so chaos is met with……….acceptance. High schools were up for grabs a decade ago.

Most public school teachers burn out in the first few years. With recent hard times in corporate America lots of people are going back (and borrowing) for 2nd careers as teachers. This is a trend that would make me laugh my ass off if I wasn’t already dripping tears in my beer.

Fact: My three sons went all through the public school system, played the game (from very well to off the charts exceptionally), went to public University, graduated WITHOUT DEBT, and immediately landed good jobs in top line companies doing what they intended to do. They’re all reasonably bright people who have a clue about the rest of the world. My sons avoided some of the public school chaos by taking the “academic” (college prep) track, but I’m sure that too will soon be eliminated as “unfair.”

If they were surrounded by F-ing idiots, maybe it was said IDIOTS’ fault, not the (admittedly ill-conceived) school system.

A market for education services may yet form as this current one implodes. The impetus to collapse is just as much the shit-for-brains (50-80%) students whose parents could figure out how to raise kids if their lives depended on it as it is the stupid, top-down, centrally-planned catastrophe that is government education (and most privates simply mimic the publics).

The more central the control, the worse the schools get.

April 25, 2013 4:10 pm

I could really care less about this topic. Every school system has a PTA and a school board. Every child is supposed to have parents. If the parents can not be counted on to give a fuck about what the kid is or is not learning then to fN bad. My kid went to public schools. My kid was bullied by teachers about his reading list until I put a stop to that shit. They tried to kick MY kid out of school for a non- event when he took 2 .50 cal drilled out bullets with no primers to school to show friends. It took a threat of a lawsuit to settle THAT one.

So my Eagle Scout son is just finishing his freshman year at BGSU. Not one class was remedial and both math classes he was the only Freshman in the room. The problem is and always be lazy parents who could care less about their kids.

April 25, 2013 4:13 pm


…students whose parents COULDN’T figure out how to raise kids if their lives depended on it…

April 25, 2013 4:20 pm

JIMSKI, it’s parents who think, just because they pay taxes (and extort their childless neighbors for money, too) that they don’t have any role to play in raising their rugrats.

They somehow think they can TV-babysit the kids until kindergarten, let them run wild at home and generally act like barbarians then drop them off and 13 years later a beautiful butterfly will emerge from the school cocoon.

In this regard, are people any MORE delusional about their kids & school than they are about the economic catastrophe baked into the cake?

Democracy infantilizes people. It has turned a nation of self-controlled, self-responsible individuals into a seething mass of screaming infants who mistake libertine for liberty.

We’re headed for this shitstorm BECAUSE people were too fat, stupid and lazy to learning anything and pay attention long enough to stop consenting to the process.

Nothing sets up failure like success. America was successful in the 19th century into the early 20th, and that helped make people complacent. It was thus easy for all the con artistry of 1913 through Obamacare to walk right by as everyone was passed out from all the partying.

No one gives a shit now.

They will. You know it. Give it time, trees don’t grow to the sky.

April 25, 2013 4:46 pm

The teachers at my kids school are lazy and dumb as dirt.

April 25, 2013 4:47 pm

Obviously, we must work harder to eliminate public and charter schools and any choice of sending students from bad schools to good ones.

The PTB are right on schedule turning young people into pliable, stupid sheep to follow the pliable stupid sheeple already out there. We don’t need to know no fucking economics to collect and spend our free shit! Hell, we don’t even have to think to do that. All I need to know is to keep this little plaxtic card safe and every month out comes steak, booze – hell, I even bought a piece of ass with it last week (but ran over what was there and had to stiff the bitch).

Ain’t life fun when you’re in the FSA??


April 25, 2013 5:00 pm

I took two semesters of economics in college and learned nothing about the financial system. The professor for the first semester spent a lot of time on extraneous subjects that had nothing to do with economics. The professor for the second semester was hardly of any benefit either.

April 25, 2013 5:06 pm

Aside from GDP vs. GNP, I really don’t remember spending much time on anything even remotely economic related in High School.

I got lucky in college though, I took a class titled “American History through the Civil War” and since the professor was an economic historian we ended up skipping most battles except for their impact on a country/people’s ability to produce and wage war, as well as what that meant in the long run.

It was kind of dry, but ultimately I learned far more than I expected from him.

April 25, 2013 5:12 pm

I don’t know what the fuck people expect. There are 100 million people on welfare that are breeding. They care little about education or economics, they get everything free and don’t have to work. People that are educated and work for a living can’t afford to reproduce, since many are in debt and living with their parents.

100 million people multiplying exponentially. They start reproducing at age 14 or 15 and get on welfare themselves. The more children they have, the more welfare money they get. Their only mission in life is to reproduce. Extrapolate that out 10 or 20 years, and we’ll be a nation with an average IQ of 60. It’s simple numbers.

April 25, 2013 5:25 pm

The answer to the problem is money. If we paid our teachers more, we would get better results.

April 25, 2013 5:28 pm

Most have phd’s in prime time television aka trendy progressivology.

April 25, 2013 5:37 pm

Get pregnant from baby daddy, drop out of high school, get on welfare, get free shit.

Exponential growth of welfare population:


April 25, 2013 5:54 pm

Sarcasm is lost on some folk. We need a better class f reader at times.

April 25, 2013 6:32 pm

Jim…my nephew has already read Hazlitt’s book “Economics In One Lesson”. This summer I’ll start him on Hayek’s “The Road To Serfdom” and other books. He’s 14…in the gifted classes at school…based on what I see his classes would be average classes when I was in school in the 60’s and 70’s .

April 25, 2013 6:57 pm

People educate their young kids or they don’t get educated.

Once a person is past about 10 years old, they either educate themselves or they don’t get educated.

This notion that “teachers suck” is kind of funny. Some of them clearly do, some of them are phenomenally gifted.

My sons all had a math teacher who was the most astonishingly gifted teacher I’ve ever met. They were truly blessed to have met her, and it’s truly sad that she retired.

My wife is a gifted (in my opinion) grade school teacher. Half the kids in her class have been given no guidance from home at all. Some of the kids have parents who try, but the kid is truly messed up.

Nothing at a school can ever remediate a home life where mom has four kids, all from different men, none of whom was ever her husband. Schools can’t remediate a kid whose mother is a drug addict, where the kid’s on free lunch but comes to school reeking of cigarette smoke, and the parent is too hungover or lazy to feed the kid breakfast.

Lastly, what effect do you think there is for a kid who, from a few months old on, sits in front of a TV for 7 hours a day? Do we think this MIGHT have something to do with the ADHD craze, that all that sitting and pouring “Music+Moving Colors+Action” into their brains might have a PERMANENT effect on brain development?

You want to screw up your kids? Use the TV to keep them out of your hair.

April 25, 2013 7:01 pm

Buckhed, many of the kids showing up at universities have to take 90-level (sub-100) courses to bring them UP to normal beginning college work.

When no child can be left behind, one of two things will happen:
1) The curriculum will be dumbed down to the LCD.
2) Standards will be set so high that schools fail en mass, teachers are blamed, teachers are fired, a new crop of teachers is hired, with the SAME OUTCOME.

With available for free, there’s no excuse for kids not knowing the basics.

April 25, 2013 7:03 pm

Oh, and about those suburban schools that kick ass on standardized tests?

That’s all they teach… All the teachers’ lesson plans are produced centrally and each teacher is required to teach just that….and it is 100% geared to doing well on the stupid tests.

So the district touts its performance but only the smart kids with smart parents will actually have an education by the end of 12th grade.

April 25, 2013 10:24 pm

dc…very true. I have a fraternity brother who is an english professor,he was appalled at how “Honors” Students” in some of his classes couldn’t construct a paragraph correctly . The college he and I attended prided itself on the tough english classes !

April 25, 2013 11:40 pm

BUCKHED, don’t you think part of this is in part about the whole “diploma” obsession?

People want a degree just as a union card to a “good job.” The goal of actually being learned, of being engaged, of trying to achieve a degree of wisdom, none of that matters.

I honestly think that many young people, and frankly many of their parents, would be happy to just write a check for $120,000 in return for a license that entitles them to a mid-level management job in a Fortune 500 company. I think they’d all prefer to skip the stupid lectures, forget the papers and tests, and maybe spend those 4-5 years screwing a succession of one-night-stand-ins, drinking til they puke once a week, and sleeping in late.

Once I listened while two women, a drug rep and a nurse, discussed how happy they were that their college-aged daughters were drinking, getting laid, and all-around getting the “full college experience.” I must be a prude, because all I could think was, here were two women whoring out their daughters while I told my sons that everything you do becomes a part of you so, trust me, you don’t want to “know” that many women that well. Show some respect for yourself, and above all, for the young lady with whom you’ll someday pledge to share the rest of your life.

Nothing is what it is purported to be, anymore. College isn’t about education any more than the Affordable Care Act is about making medical procedures more affordable.

April 25, 2013 11:46 pm


If you were finding a mentor for your son or daughter, what would that be worth? I could make the case that some teachers are grossly over-paid, and others grossly under-paid.

The one-size-fits-all approach is, I agree, idiotic. Do we then propose to stick with a centrally-planned, Soviet system and just pay less for it?

I’m all in favor of separation of state from education, state from medical care, and (frankly) state from everything else, too. I’m a political anarchist, and I believe politics is axiomatically evil, just as is armed robbery and extortion (which is taxation in a nutshell).

Let’s do it! Free the (tax) slaves!

April 26, 2013 12:29 am

dc.sunsets says:

“Once I listened while two women, a drug rep and a nurse, discussed how happy they were that their college-aged daughters were drinking, getting laid, and all-around getting the “full college experience.” I must be a prude, because all I could think was, here were two women whoring out their daughters while I told my sons that everything you do becomes a part of you so, trust me, you don’t want to “know” that many women that well. Show some respect for yourself, and above all, for the young lady with whom you’ll someday pledge to share the rest of your life.”

I do believe that this tops everything. I have repeatedly commented that the world as we knew it in the 60’s-70’s is upside down. everything we knew to be true is false today. authority, money, manliness, supporting a family, respect for teachers, respect for elders, courtesy, femininity, I could go on but I make myself sad to even go into detail. I guess I screwed up my boy by not teaching him to cook and keep house, by looking the other way when he was sleeping with slutty women…is there a support group for people like me?

April 26, 2013 10:51 am

What’s to learn. Bang em all. Who even cares anymore

April 26, 2013 11:34 am

As I recall, the 60’s was the decade of “free love” and “flower power.”

Then, as now, I wonder if the people pushing this meme have a financial interest in selling detection or treatment systems for Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

I did teach my sons how to cook and clean, and not just cooking off rounds from a semi-auto or cleaning the guns after a trip to the range. Heinlein said it best (through his character Lazarus Long in “Time Enough for Love”):

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects!” (from )

I respect people who can do lots of different things reasonably well.

April 26, 2013 11:50 am

ahd yet, back in the 1800’s an educated man was one who knew geography, we have google maps now and gps on the cell. makes ratbert’s external brainpack a reality. kids are smarter today than we were. but we still have to comply with the fourth turning set of laws that says we must decry stupid yutes (can we recall strauss and howe?). did you have a portable computer when you were a kid? that was all dick tracy stuff.

April 26, 2013 12:37 pm

Most kids (and their parents) couldn’t find Slovenia on a map. I had a nice conversation with a lady from there on Wednesday and she agreed that it’s not just Americans who are chauvinistic. Apparently everyone the world over thinks only their group is clued in, and everyone else is a dolt.

Sadly, Americans’ near total ignorance results in support for slaughtering endless piles of wogs in Nowhereistan, whereas the consequences of other peoples’ ignorance more commonly just falls on themselves.

My guess is that widespread ignorance of today’s Americans will soon land like a Rotting Blue Whale on most people here. Throughout history nature has tended to punish stupidity with (early) death. As the Fed has staved off a “correction” to mass financial folly, so too has the Welfare State shielded stupid people from the small scale lessons that might have taught them to correct their stupidity.

The consequences of that stupidity didn’t disappear. They accumulated and as with the financial follies, when they finally burst onto us, it’s frightening to imagine what forms that tsunami will take.

April 26, 2013 1:08 pm

dc.sunsets says:

:As I recall, the 60′s was the decade of “free love” and “flower power.”

that was the mantra, the reality was, “end the war” then as now, the MSM was trying to drown the noise of protest with the coopted hippie movement of dropping out of the man’s plan.

April 26, 2013 1:21 pm

Our education system is a joke. The Lost Boys of Sudan received an education in refugee camps sufficient to get them into college in the US. I’ll bet they didn’t spend $12 per student in those camps let alone $12,000!

April 26, 2013 1:36 pm

“My guess is that widespread ignorance of today’s Americans will soon land like a Rotting Blue Whale on most people here. Throughout history nature has tended to punish stupidity with (early) death”

Where I live we have the highest per capital number of welfare and disability recipients in the entire socialist state of Illinois. As I mentioned above, they are breeding at an alarming rate. 90% of the kids are obese, and start having kids at 15 y.o. They come in with the moms, obese and on welfare or disability themselves, no father or dad, they aren’t needed.

Once the girl gets her “golden ticket”, a positive pregnancy test, she is so excited, she won the lottery, and goes to the welfare office the same day. 80% drop out of high school. Their ambition in life has been fulfilled: get on welfare, and have as many kids as possible. I know girls that are 20 that have 3 or 4 kids, half of them mulatto, different fathers, mom is obese and smokes, and stares at her phone while the kids tear up the office.

Then, when the kids are old enough (3 or 4 y.o.), mom comes in wanting the kids tested for behavioral disorders. Sure enough, a month later we get the paperwork from social security, she’s applied to get all the kids on disability. So, she’s taking down $35,000 a year, no taxes, with “public housing”, $600 on SNAP card to maintain her and the kid’s obesity, free healthcare and meds, free phone and internet, and free transportation by the “rides bus” which is like a party coach that picks them up and takes them anyplace whenever they want.

The mom and kids could care less about education or getting training for a job. They know they are never going to have to work a day in their lives, so why get educated? It’s a waste of time. They are only interested in reproducing to get as much welfare and disability as possible. 95% never get married, there’s never been a marriage in the last three generations. We’re spending $1 trillion a year on these parasites, and Obama has increased welfare spending by 45% so far. We are indeed going to be an entire nation of imbeciles, a lot sooner than you may think, considering 100 million people are doing this exact same thing.

April 26, 2013 6:42 pm

O far, two thirds of TBPers are too dense to pick up on sarcasm. It may be the lowest form of wit, but for fuck sake, it does not take Einstein to figure out sarcasm.

Admin seriously needs to do some quality control.

April 27, 2013 12:00 am

Llpoh says:

“O far, two thirds of TBPers are too dense to pick up on sarcasm. It may be the lowest form of wit, but for fuck sake, it does not take Einstein to figure out sarcasm.

Admin seriously needs to do some quality control.”

take the high road, try fart jokes