An article for Billy. Where I live isn’t much different. Obama has killed off thousands of good paying coal jobs. 50% of the population in the county are on food stamps. Welfare and disability are a career path. And the upper crust, the 1%’ers around here? Doctors or business owners? Nope, union drone government employees. They’re making $120,000 a year and retiring at 50 with massive pensions. Welcome to socialism/communism in the USSA.


Vast Stretches Of Impoverished Appalachia Look Like They Have Been Through A War
By Michael Snyder, on January 15th, 2014

If you want to get an idea of where the rest of America is heading, just take a trip through the western half of West Virginia and the eastern half of Kentucky some time. Once you leave the main highways, you will rapidly encounter poverty on a level that is absolutely staggering. Overall, about 15 percent of the entire nation is under the poverty line, but in some areas of eastern Kentucky, more than 40 percent of the population is living in poverty.

Most of the people would work if they could. Over the past couple of decades, locals have witnessed businesses and industries leave the region at a steady pace. When another factory or business shuts down, many of the unemployed do not even realize that their jobs have been shipped overseas. Coal mining still produces jobs that pay a decent wage, but Barack Obama is doing his very best to kill off that entire industry. After decades of decline, vast stretches of impoverished Appalachia look like they have been through a war. Those living in the area know that things are not good, but they just try to do the best that they can with what they have.

In previous articles about areas of the country that are economically depressed, I have typically focused on large cities such as Detroit or Camden, New Jersey. But the economic suffering that is taking place in rural communities in the heartland of America is just as tragic. We just don’t hear about it as much.

Most of those that live in the heart of Appalachia are really good “salt of the earth” people that just want to work hard and do what is right for their families. But after decades of increasing poverty, the entire region has been transformed into an economic nightmare that never seems to end. The following is a description of what life is like in Appalachia today that comes from a recent article by Kevin D. Williamson…

Thinking about the future here and its bleak prospects is not much fun at all, so instead of too much black-minded introspection you have the pills and the dope, the morning beers, the endless scratch-off lotto cards, healing meetings up on the hill, the federally funded ritual of trading cases of food-stamp Pepsi for packs of Kentucky’s Best cigarettes and good old hard currency, tall piles of gas-station nachos, the occasional blast of meth, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, petty crime, the draw, the recreational making and surgical unmaking of teenaged mothers, and death: Life expectancies are short — the typical man here dies well over a decade earlier than does a man in Fairfax County, Va. — and they are getting shorter, women’s life expectancy having declined by nearly 1.1 percent from 1987 to 2007.

In these kinds of conditions, people do whatever they have to do just to survive. With so much poverty around, serving those on food stamps has become an important part of the local economy. In fact, cases of soda purchased with food stamps have become a form of “alternative currency” in the region. In his article, Williamson described how this works…

It works like this: Once a month, the debit-card accounts of those receiving what we still call food stamps are credited with a few hundred dollars — about $500 for a family of four, on average — which are immediately converted into a unit of exchange, in this case cases of soda. On the day when accounts are credited, local establishments accepting EBT cards — and all across the Big White Ghetto, “We Accept Food Stamps” is the new E pluribus unum – are swamped with locals using their public benefits to buy cases and cases — reports put the number at 30 to 40 cases for some buyers — of soda. Those cases of soda then either go on to another retailer, who buys them at 50 cents on the dollar, in effect laundering those $500 in monthly benefits into $250 in cash — a considerably worse rate than your typical organized-crime money launderer offers — or else they go into the local black-market economy, where they can be used as currency in such ventures as the dealing of unauthorized prescription painkillers — by “pillbillies,” as they are known at the sympathetic establishments in Florida that do so much business with Kentucky and West Virginia that the relevant interstate bus service is nicknamed the “OxyContin Express.” A woman who is intimately familiar with the local drug economy suggests that the exchange rate between sexual favors and cases of pop — some dealers will accept either — is about 1:1, meaning that the value of a woman in the local prescription-drug economy is about $12.99 at Walmart prices.

I would encourage everyone to read the rest of Williamson’s excellent article. You can find the entire article right here:

In Appalachia, the abuse of alcohol, meth and other legal and illegal drugs is significantly higher than in the U.S. population as a whole. In a desperate attempt to deal with the pain of their lives, many people living in the region are looking for anything that will allow them to “escape” for a little while. The following is an excerpt from an excellent article by Chris Hedges which describes what life is like in the little town of Gary, West Virginia at this point…

Joe and I are sitting in the Tug River Health Clinic in Gary with a registered nurse who does not want her name used. The clinic handles federal and state black lung applications. It runs a program for those addicted to prescription pills. It also handles what in the local vernacular is known as “the crazy check” — payments obtained for mental illness from Medicaid or SSI — a vital source of income for those whose five years of welfare payments have run out. Doctors willing to diagnose a patient as mentally ill are important to economic survival.

“They come in and want to be diagnosed as soon as they can for the crazy check,” the nurse says. “They will insist to us they are crazy. They will tell us, ‘I know I’m not right.’ People here are very resigned. They will avoid working by being diagnosed as crazy.”

The reliance on government checks, and a vast array of painkillers and opiates, has turned towns like Gary into modern opium dens. The painkillers OxyContin, fentanyl — 80 times stronger than morphine — Lortab, as well as a wide variety of anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax, are widely abused. Many top off their daily cocktail of painkillers at night with sleeping pills and muscle relaxants. And for fun, addicts, especially the young, hold “pharm parties,” in which they combine their pills in a bowl, scoop out handfuls of medication, swallow them, and wait to feel the result.

Of course this kind of thing is not just happening in the heart of Appalachia. All over the country there are rural communities that are economically depressed. In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, economic activity in about half of the counties in the entire nation is still below pre-recession levels…

About half of the nation’s 3,069 county economies are still short of their prerecession economic output, reflecting the uneven economic recovery, according to a new report from the National Association of Counties.

So what are our “leaders” doing to fix this?

Well, they plan to ship millions more of our good jobs overseas.

Unfortunately, I am not kidding.

Republicans in the House of Representatives are introducing “fast track” trade promotion authority legislation that will pave the way for rapid approval of the secret trade treaty that Barack Obama has been negotiating. The following is how I described this insidious treaty in a previous article…

Did you know that the Obama administration is negotiating a super secret “trade agreement” that is so sensitive that he isn’t even allowing members of Congress to see it? The Trans-Pacific Partnership is being called the “NAFTA of the Pacific” and “NAFTA on steroids”, but the truth is that it is so much more than just a trade agreement. This treaty has 29 chapters, but only 5 of them have to do with trade. Most Americans don’t realize this, but this treaty will fundamentally change our laws regarding Internet freedom, health care, the trading of derivatives, copyright issues, food safety, environmental standards, civil liberties and so much more. It will also merge the United States far more deeply into the emerging one world economic system.

Once again, our politicians are betraying the American people and millions of jobs will be lost as a result.

Not that the economy needs another reason to go downhill. The truth is that our economic foundations have already been rotting away for quite some time.

But now the ongoing economic collapse seems to be picking up steam again. For example, the Baltic Dry Index (a very important indicator of global economic activity) is collapsing at a rate not seen since the great financial crash of 2008…

Despite ‘blaming’ the drop in the cost of dry bulk shipping on Colombian coal restrictions, it seems increasingly clear that the 40% collapse in the Baltic Dry Index since the start of the year is more than just that. While this is the worst start to a year in over 30 years, the scale of this meltdown is only matched by the total devastation that occurred in Q3 2008. Of course, the mainstream media will continue to ignore this dour index until it decides to rise once again, but for now, 9 days in a row of plunging prices is yet another canary in the global trade coalmine and suggests what inventory stacking that occurred in Q3/4 2013 is anything but sustained.

Soon economic conditions will get even worse for Appalachia and for the rest of the country. The consequences of decades of very foolish decisions are rapidly catching up with us, and millions upon millions of Americans are going to experience immense economic pain during the years to come.



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January 16, 2014 11:24 pm

SAH, what the fuck would you be doing in Swisshome? The funny part of that is that the cooperative community I spent a few days at, and briefly considered joining as a SHTF refuge, isn’t far from there.

The people of Mill City and the vicinity are my people. I spent my adolescence in that area. I know every valley, every creek, every mountain and every swimming hole in that area. Had I chosen, I could have lost my virginity in any number of them. I had my high school graduation party at our cabin in 1975, but that is the last time I have been there. After that, our cabin was turned into a rental and was later sold. I know a lot about that area; I know all about the history of Shiny Rock Mining Company and the ties to the Atiyeh family, and the Opal Creek Wilderness. I know about the local logging families. That is my Oregon and, coming from someone who is a son of the pioneers, via the Applegate trail in 1847, I miss it.

January 16, 2014 11:40 pm

Re: “Obama has killed off thousands of good paying jobs.”
What an ignorant, uninformed statement.

Obama has created tens of thousands of jobs. They’re in China, Singapore, Malaysia, the Phillipines, Mexico and other places overseas.

You fat, dumb, and unhappy Americans, who want all and more given to you, need to get off your asses and, if necessary, go abroad to get work and get ahead. Jim Rogers, Mr. Beaucoup Bucks, did. Thousands of other entrepreneurs and enterprising fellows have too. Learn from their examples.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 17, 2014 12:15 am

sensetti says:

“El Coyote Fuck you in ass. Did I spell that correctly you God Damn piece of shit.”

Your internet rage is scary, Sensetti. I expected some heat from Billy, although I think he knows I have enough respect for him and accordingly call him ‘Sarge’.

I was kidding in that I corrected ‘until’ but I left off correcting ‘their’, I even misspelled it again. No one takes me seriously, Sensetti, I am in the cheap seats, the peanut gallery, along with bb.

Captain Pangloss said, no need to use a cannon when a flyswatter will do.

January 17, 2014 12:40 am

El Coyote

Those videos you posted, “Redneck Camping” and “Ma and Pa Kettle Math,” are a hoot.

That frickin math used in the Ma and Pa Kettle skit was written by the same people who designed Obamacare.

January 17, 2014 6:38 am

sensetti, the red areas are designated no human traffic…you’ll be forced to move…or if you refuse, you’ll be as the government likes to put it, “pacified”..see here:

Agenda 21 population control map for USA
Posted on May 27, 2012 by Dr. Eowyn | 32 Comments

Agenda 21 is an action plan of the United Nations related to “sustainable development” and was an outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, where 178 governments (including the United States) voted to adopt the program. The number 21 refers to an agenda for the 21st Century. It is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment.

This is what the map says:

Simulated Reserve and Corridor System to Protect Biodiversity

As Mandated by the Convention on Biological Diversity, The Wildlands Project, UN and US Man and Biosphere Program, and Various UN, US Heritage Programs, and NAFTA

Mapping for the area East of the Mississippi and South of the Ohio Rivers is at various stages of completion

Color Key:

RED: Core Reserves and Corridors – Little to no human use.
YELLOW: Buffer Zones – Highly Regulated Use.
TURQUOISE: Normal Use Zones of Cooperation.
ORANGE: Border 21/La Paz Sidebar Agreement of NAFTA. 124 mile wide International Zone of Cooperation.
PINK: Indian Reservations.
GRAY: Military Reservations.
BLACK DOTS: Cities over 10,000 people.
Some major highways and Interstate rivers are also shown.

Taken from the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity Article ??,* United Nations Global Diversity Assessment Section US Man and the Biosphere Strategic Plan. UN, US Heritage Corridor Program. “The Wildlands Project,” Wild Earth 1992. Also see Science “The High Cost of Biodiversity,” 25 June 1993 pp 1963 to ?? and the Border 21 Sidebar of NAFTA. The very high percentage of buffer zone in the West is due to the very high percentage of federal land.

* ? due to blurring on map

January 17, 2014 7:24 am

Once again, I turn my back for a couple minutes and everyone else shows up… we really got to coordinate when we post…

Lots of good comments, maps, videos.. all sorts of shit. By the way, why hasn’t anyone posted a Beverly Hillbillies clip? You all know how many times I’ve been called Jethro Clampett in my life?


The map you posted is a bit misleading… someone looks at that and says “HOLY SHIT!” without understanding that it just shows what percentage of poor families are black, not the true demographics of the Commonwealth. If you have two families that are equally poor, one black and one white, then on that map 50% of the poor are black. Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Here’s a map of our demographics. The dark blob down in the southwest is from Fort Campbell, plus some bleedover from Tennessee. Lexington is dead center, so yeah expect some there. Louisville.. do I need to say anything more than First 48?

Anon @ 21:07’s remarks about Eastern Kentucky and W. Va being spartan is correct. I’d like to think that only whites are tough enough and/or resourceful enough to live there…

Map for AWD.

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 17, 2014 7:31 am

flash says: sensetti, the red areas are designated no human traffic…you’ll be forced to move…or if you refuse, you’ll be as the government likes to put it, “pacified”..see here:

Thanks Flash I will check this out. My first thought is they would have to do away with private property all together to get this done. The majority of the map is either red or yellow. This action would bring civil war without a doubt.

January 17, 2014 7:36 am

Even the map I just posted is rather misleading… look at the last color, dark brown.

Could be anything between 15% to 100%. That’s a HUGE MARGIN!

A county that has 15.01% blacks in the population gets the same rating as one that has 99.98% blacks by population! Where I live, the rolling hills just west of the mountains proper, I can go weeks, sometimes months without seeing a single black person. I know we got some. Seen em. But again, the map is misleading… I mean, you go to a county fair and there’s some, so they got to live around somewhere… they’re kinda like Bigfoot… you know they exist, you just don’t see them as often, is all.

Then, you do something like drive to Danville or somewhere and there’s ghetto sleds rolling and thumping around on those stupid huge wheels or stop by the grocery store and there’s just swarms of them… and you’re like “Where the fuck did they all come from?!?” Totally unexpected…

January 17, 2014 7:52 am


That UN map is pretty disconcerting… bunch of UN bureaucrats chop up the US into Go and No Go areas? Where the fuck do they get the authority to do that? And what’s with the US being complicit in this stupid idea?

I tend to think you’re right. If they actually tried it, there would be a revolt. At the very least, it would fracture these United States…

Perhaps that is what is needed. One part could placate the UN, be their bitch and suck their collective dicks… and the other part could live free.

January 17, 2014 8:00 am

Billy, your States Demographics look pretty good.

Percentage of Blacks by county in my State.
[imgcomment image[/img]

January 17, 2014 8:11 am


Arkansas huh? I compared that map you posted with a road map. They tend to cluster along the river and along major highways… interesting.

Which means, if you’re not near Little Rock or the river or near a major interstate, you’re more or less safe… it’s like a big “X”. Fort Smith, Conway, Little Rock and Pine Bluff make one arm of the X, the other one follows highway 40 to Little Rock, then 30 down to Texarkana Anything above the X is safe, looks like…

Or, you could always haul ass for the Bluegrass…. just sayin’…

January 17, 2014 8:22 am

I live approx. 45 min west of the Rock. Pulaski and Jefferson counties have all the black violence almost exclusively. I work in the war zone, headed that way now.

January 17, 2014 8:55 am

Sensetti-My first thought is they would have to do away with private property all together to get this done.

Private property exists only at the favor of county, state and Federal government…see your county’s zoning ordinance, land use plan , regional planning commission, smart growth initiatives,transit corridors and sustainable economic development .

While citizens have been watching the Great American farce played out on Scam TV by a Duopoly of miscreants masquerading as representatives of the people, there has been entrenched a bureaucracy of land/environmental control freaks that have systematically created hundred of thousands of pages of regulations that can and will be used to force the global governments agenda 21 upon a unsuspecting nation of mostly idle consumers ..as is said, just because you not involved in government, does not mean government is not involved in you.
It’s basically a done deal and not 1 in 10,000 have even heard of Agenda 21.
Even AWD , who one would think might know better, accused me of being a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracist for even mention Agenda 21 …but then he is a Republican by nature..

Affordable / Sustainable
Land Use
Land Trust
Asset Based

Biodiversity Overshoot, overharvest
Capacity Building
Preserve / Sanctuary
Climate Change
Community Economic Development
Private Public Partnership
Conservation Easement
Riparian Areas
Endangered or
Keystone Species
Smart Grid
Smart Growth
Assessment / Impact
Social Audit
Environmental orEcological Economics
Social Justice

Friends of…….
Futures Thinking
Traffic Calming
Triple Bottom Line
(People, planet, profit)
Green Jobs
Human Capital
Water Rights
Human Settlements
Wetlands, Wildlands
Invasive Species
World Heritage Sites

January 17, 2014 12:08 pm

Glad your back hillbilly.I thought that Injun had run you off.

January 17, 2014 4:06 pm


You all know I’m against Free Shit. A guy who got his legs blown off in service to the Republic and who draws a disability stipend isn’t getting “Free Shit”… it’s just the butcher bill being paid. And no, I don’t mean my legs.. I still got mine.

Free Shit is the exact WORST thing that anyone could do. Grinding poverty? Yep. But taking the King’s Shilling in exchange for your pride, your work ethic? Being beholden to the Almighty Government forever? Those are some heavy chains… giving folks Free Shit just removes the motivation to work and earn and provide for you and yours. Lots of those folks find it easier to take the King’s Shilling and do nothing… what a horrible existence…

But as bad as that is, being slapped down at every turn is almost as bad. Those folks do try and make a living, but the heavy hand of the Feds always intervenes… coal? forget it. Want to grow tobacco? Hardly any market anymore, and that’s just a one-time paycheck anyway. Horses? Feds stopped that too. Cattle? WHERE are you going to run cattle in those hills? So folks turn to high-cash crops that are not legal. Pot. Meth. Pills. Hooch. And the Feds chuck them in the clink…

The Feds build a box with one hand that few can get out of, and with the other they offer The King’s Shilling… and anyone who takes it is leveraged for the rest of their lives…

Fuckers… just leave us the fuck alone… we never ASKED for them to stick their big fucking noses into our lives… do-gooder fucks always fucking shit up…

January 17, 2014 4:22 pm

If those hillbillies were not so busy inbreeding all the time maybe they would stay in school. Then they would not ned they free shit, and the Lord helps them that helps themselves. Poverty is God’s scourge on the hillbillies for their incest. Same as he destroyed Sodom, he is striking down the sinners now.

January 17, 2014 4:46 pm

Hey bb

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 17, 2014 4:48 pm

My doppleganger senses are tingling.

I vote “Stucky impersonating bb”

January 17, 2014 4:52 pm


bb really is that stupid.

January 17, 2014 4:55 pm


January 17, 2014 5:05 pm

It seems it wasn’t Big Dog Stucky doppling bb.

It was another shit stirring Big Dog

bb doppler
bb doppler
January 17, 2014 5:20 pm

Admin is a lily-livered tattler.

I deserve huge kudos. You folks have no idea how hard it is to act as dumb as bb is. Full retard is difficult to pull off.

January 17, 2014 5:23 pm

Guess the doppler.


bb doppler
bb doppler
January 17, 2014 5:24 pm

Tim – Stucky cannot carry my doppleganging jockstrap. He is still learning the ropes. He does show some promise at times, but lacks nuance. bb would be too hard for him. To dopple someone like bb takes real skill.

January 17, 2014 5:30 pm

Hey look! For all those “poverty causes crime” people, I give you this..

“Liberals Aghast as US’s “25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods” All Happen to be Black”

Rank 25: Chicago, IL (S Indiana Ave / E 60th St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 65.77
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 15

Rank 24: Tulsa, OK (E Apache St / N Quaker Ave)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 66.88
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 15

Rank 23: Memphis, TN (Saint Paul Ave / Walnut St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 67.26
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 15

Rank 22: St. Louis, MO (Cass Ave / N 9th St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 67.75
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 15

Rank 21: West Memphis, AR (E Broadway St / Stuart Ave)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 68.9
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 15

Rank 20: Indianapolis, IN (North Indianapolis)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 69.02
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 14

Rank 19: Flint, MI (Chambers St / Stonegate Dr)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 70.05
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 14

Rank 18: Nashville, TN (8th Ave S / Wedgewood Ave)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 70.59
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here: (in one year): 1 in 14

Rank 17: Indianapolis, IN (N Meridian St / E 34th St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 72.71
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 14

Rank 16: Chicago, IL (S Ashland Ave / W 76th St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 73.05
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 14

Rank 15: Houston, TX (Sauer St / Mcgowen St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 75.89
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 13

Rank 14: Rockford, IL (Kishwaukee St / Grove St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 77.6
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 13

Rank 13: Chicago, IL (S Homan Ave / W Roosevelt Rd)
Violent Crime Rate: (per 1,000): 80.17
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 12

Rank 12: St. Louis, MO (Delmar Blvd / N Euclid Ave)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 82.76
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 12

Rank 11: Memphis, TN (E Eh Crump Blvd / S 4th St)
Violent Crime Rate : (per 1,000): 82.91
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 12

Rank 10: Saginaw, MI (E Holland Ave / E Genesee Ave)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 85.64
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 12

Rank 9: Atlanta, GA (Hopkins St SE / Adair Ave SE)
Violent Crime Rate: (per 1,000): 86.14
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 12

Rank 8: Greenville, SC (Woodside)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 86.38
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 12

Rank 7: Detroit, MI (Wyoming St / Orangelawn St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 90.82
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 11

Rank 6: Houston, TX (Scott St / Wilmington St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 91.27
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 11

Rank 5: Spartanburg, SC (Washington Heights)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 96.55
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 10

Rank 4: Chicago, IL (S Halsted St / W 77th St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 116.56
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 9

Rank 3: Detroit, MI (Gratiot Ave / Rosemary)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 123.93
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 8

Rank 2: Detroit, MI (Mack Ave / Helen St)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 145.29
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 7

Rank 1: Detroit, MI (W Chicago / Livernois Ave)
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 149.48
Chances of Becoming a Victim Here (in one year): 1 in 7


Hmmm…. Appalachian mountain communities are 98.5% white and are arguably in deeper, more grinding poverty than their melanin-enriched, urban counterparts…. yet, which makes the top 25 NO-GO zones in the US?

I think I’ll stay where I am, thanks…

January 17, 2014 6:13 pm

Billy The Rock did not make the list. Cool

The best Dopple in TBP history is when SAH first started posting and I had Stucky and Flash convinced she was a Lesbian writer. I gave them just enough clues and they both sleuthed out who I was mimicking, it was fucking awesome piece of work. SAH was mad as hell though when she showed back up and had about 30 post with her handle on it. LOL.

The lesson is, on TBP if they don’t sign in it can be anyone.

The Unknown Doppler
The Unknown Doppler
January 17, 2014 6:17 pm

There was a poster who made the mistake of saying he would leave if I did not stop doppling him. Don’t see him around no more. Showing weakness around these parts can be fatal.

January 17, 2014 6:28 pm


I don’t know how to be a doppleganger… I’m just me. Not good at pretending to be other people, so I guess I wouldn’t make a good actor…

As a joke, every once in awhile? Meh… don’t care. But to do it regularly, just to fuck with people?

Nah… that ain’t me.

January 17, 2014 6:34 pm

To be a good doppler requires imagination. Grunts are not paid to have imagination, and so I never acquired that skill. Shooting, farting, drinking and screwing – those things I gots covered. But imagination – I left that to the guys with bars and stars.

January 17, 2014 6:44 pm

Billy.,I watched Appalachian outlaws on the the history channel last night .Very interesting.Got any ginseng roots on your land?They were buying it for a 1000 dollars a pound.One guy made about 12000
Dollars his first time out.Season on last about two months.

January 17, 2014 6:51 pm

Lived in the Mack/ Helen area on Cadillac in the early 80’s during Med School.
Lovely place my friend was held up at gunpoint at the Sha-Sha market by a couple of very tanned fellows. Amazing what you will do to a few bucks when you are young.

January 17, 2014 6:56 pm

@ Billy
That was long ago and I don’t make a habit of it. The notion crossed my mind and I ran with it. I googled lesbian author or something like that and then started throwing down bread crumbs. Those two figured out who it was and then I think it was Flash that finally figured out it was a Doppler. It gave them something to work on and I laughed my ass off, all good fun.

Stuckys bad about that shit and does it on regular bases, watch out for him.