Obama is finished. That is why he is so dangerous.

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January 30, 2014 9:54 am

Wow. There is hope. If they are from the inner-city, and they get it, there is hope.

January 30, 2014 10:07 am

Out in “the country”, people who liked Bush hate Obama, even though policies haven’t changed (wanna guess what the main, unspoken reason is?).

But, as people lose jobs & work hours, they quietly cheer his wanting to raise minimum wage and expansion of welfare programs. In other words, they care about self-interest.

January 30, 2014 10:18 am

Wow. Fabulous. Too bad they probably only represent maybe 5% …. but, it’s a start.

There are 175 more videos from rebelpundit.

The website is ——–

From their “About” tab;

“Rebel Pundit was founded by Jeremy Segal, a Chicago anti-activist and continues as a group effort based in Chicago, the belly of the progressive beast. The blog is a beacon of truth, showing the unholy alliance of the mainstream media, Republican establishment and the progressive Democratic Party . Our team takes to the field with cameras to show what isn’t aired in Chicago and beyond. The members of Rebel Pundit believe that exposing the true nature of liberalism to the American people is a top mission.”

Might be a good one to add to “Favorite Websites”

January 30, 2014 10:20 am

I’m not surprised; people in Chicago knew long before the rest of the world what kind of politician Obama was. They’ve lived with nepotism, political corruption, connectedness and union graft for generations. I only fault them for continuing to put up with it. There are enough people like this in Chicago to really change things, but they keep coming up with excuses to not do anything about it.

January 30, 2014 10:20 am

The fear of MLK that caused the power brokers to kill him was when he decided the way to win was to unite the poor across boundaries. If rednecks, esais, & homeboys realized they had more in common with each other, being economically screwed, then the DC Panem Capital would have a lot of pissed off, gun wielding folks to handle.

That’s why they’re buying billions of hollow point bullets.

January 30, 2014 10:25 am

“In other words, they care about self-interest.” ———- Econman

So do you. So do I. No one is 100% altruistic … or even close to it.

If it weren’t for selfishness, mankind would still be in the Garden of Eden, figuratively speaking.

January 30, 2014 10:46 am


The Garden Of Eden and the fall of man is real, literal Truth, with a Capital “T”. It IS NOT a figurative story. I will pray for your immortal soul.

January 30, 2014 10:50 am

Well, I’ll try that one more time.

The video is titled —- “Al Sharpton’s Chicago Town Hall Erupts into Anti-Machine Revolt ”

January 30, 2014 10:53 am

JESUS KRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn;t even have that fucking video above open to copy!

Fuckit, Just click on the linky @ 10:48

January 30, 2014 10:55 am

“I will pray for your immortal soul.” —— bb

Knock yourself out.

THAT’S why I like you better than your douchnozzle brethren, Nobrain. He would have condemned my immortal soul to the pits of hell.

January 30, 2014 11:01 am

Stuck – You have blasphemed the Holy Spirit, which is the one Unforgiveable Sin. You WILL spend all eternity burning in a sinner’s hell. Praying for your soul is a moot point.

January 30, 2014 11:03 am

OK. This will be my last video.

“It’s a damn shame that y’all have to try to manufacture something out of this to be relevant. You’re not relevant. You, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson.…here you are trying to take down Phil Robertson when you can’t even take care of the black-on-black crime that’s in America’s cities today, run by Democrats!

Somewhere along the line you graduated from the altar, and you left God. And you left your purpose of fighting for civil rights. And now you’re just causing more and more problems. Phil Robertson is a man of a god, and you are attacking him by placing some sort of ‘racism’ letter to A&E? Y’all need help. I wish that you were never created, because you’re doing nothing for the American people right now except for dividing–trying to divide and conquer. And that’s bullshit you have lost your way. Leave Phil Robertson alone, leave black conservatives alone, or bring them all to the table and let’s talk.”

January 30, 2014 11:11 am

“Stuck – You have blasphemed the Holy Spirit,” ———– Nonbrain

This will be my one and only response to you in this thread. I am not going to allow you to hijack it. Plus, I don’t want to piss off Balzytch.

Also, I don’t want to miss the opportunity to yet again show TBP readers how fucking clueless you are when it comes to the Bible.

Not ONE theologian in the history of Christian scholarship has a DEFINITIVE answer as to what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is. Not. One. All they have are guesses. The reason is that the verse is Just There without ANY explanation following. And, yet, you know what it is, and that I did it??

Again, yet another brick in your own Wall Of Stupidity. Pretty soon it will surpass the Great Wall of China.

January 30, 2014 11:12 am

It must be a terrible disappointment to get “one of your own” into the White House for the very first time and then see the man take the nation into ruin. It must be heart wrenching to see one of your own offer nothing but handouts and kitchen scraps while empowering the very institutions the black community perceives to have oppressed them. They didn’t get a Nelson Mandela or a Desmond Tutu or Ghandi but, instead, got George Bush II in blackface. The cruelest of jokes.

The final years of his presidency should be very interesting because of these colossal failures and the president will, of course, be very concerned about his legacy of failure. As the democrats lose whatever slim majorities they have in the midterm election, the president will be forced to act more and more like a dictator to get any of his “agenda” in place.

January 30, 2014 11:26 am

Stuck –

You have denied that Jesus is the Living Christ, The One & only Son of The Living God.
Who was killed on the cross and resurrected from the dead to save YOU from YOUR sins so that you might live with him in heaven.

THAT’S why you’re going to spend eternity burning. Enjoy. I like mine well done.

January 30, 2014 12:16 pm


Just wrong. You’ve allowed anger and hate to make you unreasonable. Of course Mandela was a communist but communists have elections just like we do and, unlike Obama, Mandela was able to deliver to those that put him in office. If I had to pick only from Mandela or Obama, I’d go with Mandela.

I’m in no way wrong with my reference to table scraps as Obama refused to prosecute the banksters but, instead, opened an unprecedented money faucet that doubled our national debt. What has been given to the FSA is peanuts compared to the 20 or so Trillion Dollars that the taxpayer is on the hook for due to bankster malfeasance.

I fully understand that you are a bitter racist and that probably clouds your judgement but that can be a fatal flaw as it causes you to lose respect for your opponent. It will cause you to underestimate the capabilities of your enemies – I do not make that mistake. I believe that anyone, regardless of skin color, can destroy this nation.

January 30, 2014 12:17 pm

What I heard from some of these folks was that they understand that improvement in their situation isn’t like a pizza to be ordered on Election Day to be delivered from Washington, DC.

My poster children for this are “Native Americans.”

Those who depended on the BIA spiraled to the worst conditions in North America.
Those who threw off the BIA and entrepreneurially took advantage of the “special status” of the reservation to end-run the Clown Bureaucracy are laughing all the way to high living standards and (relative, I assume) happiness.

To the Christians reading this, note that during the Temptation of Christ, Satan promised any or all of the kingdoms of Earth, as they were Satan’s property to give.

Every politician works for Lucifer. And if you’re not religious, you might just imagine that every politician’s goal is hell-on-Earth.

Look at their success rate!

January 30, 2014 12:31 pm

The “Real” State Of The Union In Just 889 Words…

This summer we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I.
This senseless, destructive war was started and championed by politicians who cared nothing for the 9 million people who lost their lives.
And in doing so, they began a century of warfare which continues to this day.
Our military industrial complex is larger than ever.

Your government has spawned a culture of fear and intimidation. But frankly, we don’t need guns to harass citizens.
Our tax authorities have become more threatening than mafia warlords. In addition to your house, your business, and your savings, we also have the authority to take your children away from you as if they are property of the state.

When this nation was founded, there were four federal crimes on the books. Today there are THOUSANDS. All of this, of course, is financed by you the tax slave.

Make no mistake: the consequences of our actions are here. And the days of the United States as the world’s dominant superpower are finished.

January 30, 2014 12:38 pm

” If I had to pick only from Mandela or Obama, I’d go with Mandela.” ——– NickelthroweR


You mean …. the guy who wanted to kill whites? THAT guy??

January 30, 2014 1:01 pm

Correction… Minnie should be Winnie…

January 30, 2014 1:12 pm


Yeah .. I was wondering who that white guy was. Joofuk commie? That explains it.

“dumb as a bag of dick hair” …. Good Lord, where do you come up with this stuff? A Kentucky saying? Hilarious. Quick question, is a bag of cunt hair dumber or smarter?

A heads up; Nickelthrower probably won’t respond. He generally posts-and-runs. He is above the fray. I am just gathering my thoughts and will lay into him shortly.

January 30, 2014 2:03 pm

“ …. note that during the Temptation of Christ, Satan promised any or all of the kingdoms of Earth, as they were Satan’s property to give.” ———- dc.sunsets

You know, I have been accused of bringing religion into topics. Bullshit. It’s NOT ME who in a political topic will suddenly quote some Scripture about Satan and / or Jeebus. It’s ALWAYS someone else. All I try to do is set the record straight. So, let’s get on with that.

Specifically, this ……. “they were Satan’s property to give”.

You couldn’t be more wrong. First, it was Satan himself who made that statement. Are you going to believe the words and promises made by Satan?? This isn’t the first time Satan made a bullshit promise. Don’t forget he promised Eve eternal life if she would just eat the fruit of the tree. Yes, he said to her “You will not surely die”. How did that work out? How ‘bout we look instead at what God says regarding Satan’s power. (It will be very brief.)

First, here is the passage; —— “”All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomever I will I give it.” —– Luke 4:6

1). Satan claims the kingdoms of the world are “delivered unto me”. This is rue. Throughout the Gospels Jesus refer to Satan as Prince of this World. But his rule is limited in power and temporary.

2) Satan says “ ..and to whomever 1 will I give it.”. TOTAL LIE. Just as Satan was not authorized to promise Eve she would not die likewise, he is not authorized to give away kingdoms. One need to look no further than 1Cor10:26 ….. “THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S, AND EVERYTHING IN IT.” Can it be any more succinct? To use a term from our esteemed Thunderbird …. Satan’s rule on earth is strictly limited to Administrative Law … his rule on earth does not include Title so, it was never his to give to Jesus.

As usual, Satan uses a half-truth to try to fool everybody. Just like Obama.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 30, 2014 4:50 pm

The Garden Of Eden and the fall of man is real, literal Truth, with a Capital “T”. It IS NOT a figurative story. -bb

Allegories Parallelisms and Parables.
While Jesus never made allegorical interpretations of the Old Testament, some of His parables were interpreted as allegories. The parable of the soils (Mark 4:1-20 ) and the parable of the tares (Matthew 13:24-30 ,Matthew 13:24-30,13:36-43 ) are prime examples. Other parables draw on obvious Old Testament images (such as the vineyard representing Israel). In general, however, parables are to be distinguished from allegories because of their simplicity, sharp focus, and direct imagery. Contemporary scholarship generally prefers the plain and obvious point of the parable over the veiled and obscure meanings that often characterize allegories.

Paul employed allegorical interpretations on four occasions (1 Corinthians 5:6-8 ; 1 Corinthians 9:8-10 ; 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 ; Galatians 4:21-31 ), once employing the word allegory itself (Galatians 4:24 ). Paul’s allegories generally are restrained and focus on contemporary application.

January 30, 2014 7:07 pm

For the record, this is my first post on the thread, even though the previous attributions are exactly what I would have written, if I wasn’t otherwise occupied, or not.

January 30, 2014 7:54 pm

My father taught me how to box. He told me that the first thing I should do is punch my opponent in the nose as it would blind them with rage at which time I could then take them apart at my leisure. With that said, I can just picture you in your underwear, Pabst Blue Ribbon in hand, swinging your fists around in your trailer whilst screaming racist epitaphs – I’m sure the neighbors find it amusing.

You, my good man, are blind with rage. You presume that I know nothing of Mandela’s history nor that of his wife or the ANC. I know all about it and I still would rather have someone like him running the show than the post turtle we currently have. Frankly, the list of leaders worse than the current CIO is rather short and features names like Hitler, Truman, Pol Pot, Castro, Mao and Stalin.

That Mandela had the courage to fight for his people, go to jail for his people and not exact a terrifying revenge upon the acquisition of power makes him admirable in my book. I am well aware of his faults and those of his wife.

Finally, that silly photo posted with the former communist dictator is just as laughable as the one of Rumsfeld and Saddam. Keep wildly swinging those fists around, the neighbors need the entertainment.

January 30, 2014 8:04 pm


You’re back. Good.

Did you see the video above where Mandela sings about killing white people.

Would you still choose him over Obama?


January 30, 2014 9:06 pm
January 30, 2014 9:08 pm

“You just hanged yourself by your own petard..” —- Me

I have a federal license to mix metaphors like that.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 30, 2014 9:13 pm

Stucky says:

“Stuck – You have blasphemed the Holy Spirit,” ———– Nonbrain

I have read a lot of Stucky’s comments and have not gotten the impression you have.

Also, I have read a lot of Billy’s comments and don’t believe he is a racist. If he was a racist, we would hear shit that would make an Arab blush.

I enjoy Stucky’s and Nonan’s discussions, I don’t care what balzytch azztink says.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 30, 2014 9:19 pm

Billy says:

“You just hanged yourself by your own petard..” —- Me

I have a federal license to mix metaphors like that.”

Yes, but do you have a license to quote yourself? This totally violates Matslinger’s ‘circle jerk’ description.

January 30, 2014 9:45 pm

“Yes, but do you have a license to quote yourself?” — El Macho

There’s a little box you can check on the back of the license for that.

January 30, 2014 9:57 pm


That crater does NOT look like a vagina!! What in All That Is Holy are you boinking? I would post a picture of a vagina for you, but the new rules forbid me.

However, that house with the little road snaking …… that DOES look like a sperm with a tail swimming.

Nice reply to Nickelthrower. Of course, once again, he posts and runs. It’s really not worth the effort taking him on.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 30, 2014 10:03 pm

It [meteor crater] also sort of looks like a vagina…-Billy

I really never want to be billy’s wingman in bars he frequents.

January 30, 2014 10:08 pm

“Phht …” ——- Billy

It’s spelled “Pfft”, you idiot.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 30, 2014 10:16 pm

I know, you cant see the image (Google Rule) but you can view it be hovering the cursor above the image text ‘sumo’ and then right click and then click view image

SSS approves!

January 30, 2014 10:22 pm

My eleven mile member did that crater.

January 30, 2014 10:39 pm

Stuck, etc..

“That crater does NOT look like a vagina!! What in All That Is Holy are you boinking? I would post a picture of a vagina for you, but the new rules forbid me.”

Oh fine… fuck all y’all… I tried to tie a vag joke in with Nickel being a fucking cunt and all YOU assholes can do is criticize… everyone’s a fucking critic.

And the only thing I’m boinking is my wife… and for the record, she’s very…. photogenic…

I’m just gonna leave that right there… like it’s radioactive…. because if I say anything else, she’s gonna shoot me.

January 30, 2014 10:45 pm

Billy ,…as the joker said…why so serious ? Sometimes its almost like you’re boxing the wind.

January 30, 2014 10:50 pm

bb? Dude, just go away… my remark was said totally tongue in cheek. That you misinterpret it ain’t my problem…

January 30, 2014 11:19 pm

“Union? What union? I got laid off in 2009 and I didn’t hear him say anything about the UAW. That’s MY union…”

January 30, 2014 11:26 pm

Damn, Stucky! That’s one hell of a video, seeing blacks talking about the Dems sucking! What was it, Opposite Day?
When a black guys says they need the TEA party, it’s gotta be a comedy, or something.

Better cut off the welfare checks-they’re living TOO good. Get em’ hungry and they’ll fall back into line.
Sincerely, Rahm Emmanuel

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 30, 2014 11:55 pm

Oh fine… fuck all y’all… I tried to tie a vag joke in with Nickel being a fucking cunt and all YOU assholes can do is criticize… everyone’s a fucking critic. -Billy

Yeh, the next round is on me…


January 30, 2014 11:57 pm

Frankly, the list of leaders worse than the current CIO is rather short and features names like Hitler, Truman, Pol Pot, Castro, Mao and Stalin.

Truman? As in Harry? How on earth did he get on that list? Hopefully, you were referring to Capote. Heh.

January 31, 2014 12:14 am

Billy ,eat shit ,you ignorant hillbilly.You always fucking mad at world and anyone in it that disagrees with you.No wonder you are eat up with disease.
I was here before you and will be here when your pushing up weeds.Got that…..oh I was just being tongue and cheek.

January 31, 2014 12:22 am

bb, repeating the 3rd grade must suck.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 31, 2014 12:35 am

bb is going bb in an all out effort to retain his village idiot title. id like to see him go toe to toe with matty.

January 31, 2014 12:40 am

Non, this is none of your damn business.I am having a talk with billy and I am not angry .

January 31, 2014 12:42 am

El ,go play another one of your worthless videos.