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February 1, 2014 1:01 pm

Nice. Another HUGE FUCKING IMAGE surprise gift.

Here is the source;

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 1, 2014 1:06 pm

And people want me to vote for the Donk-Derm problem.


February 1, 2014 1:10 pm

Regarding the chart above ………. which already got one thumbs down within two fucking seconds …haha …. the article summarizes the data as such;

1) Not all EOs are created equal. Some are quite forceful, making dramatic changes to policy. Others are more routine, housekeeping issues. To say that one president issued more executive orders than another, tells us little about the scope of those orders or the impact they have on policy.

2)) EOs are just one type of executive power and do not necessarily reflect the true might of the president. Presidents can issue signing statements, presidential memoranda, presidential proclamations, engage in rulemaking (regulatory) authority, reassign appointees, influence budgeting decisions, and use a host of other means of influencing outcomes.


To which I say — which the article omits … that Oreo’s threat in the SOTU address is that he is willing TO MAKE LAWS. He does NOT have that authority, will use it anyway, and CONgress won’t do a fucking thing about it.

THAT is what makes Oreo different than most other Presidents …. THAT is what makes Oreo a cockfuk Dictator ……. and THAT’S one (of several hundred) reasons I hate him ……. and THAT’S why I think Mr. Skittles should be impeached pronto, if not tried for Treason and summarily dispatched to The Final Walkabout.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 1, 2014 1:12 pm

O, and not just executive orders are used so are Signing Statements.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 1, 2014 1:17 pm

At the Cold War’s end, the GOP reached a fork in the road. The determination of Middle Americans to preserve the country they grew up in, suddenly collided with the profit motive of Corporate America. The Fortune 500 wanted to close factories in the USA and ship production abroad—where unions did not exist, regulations were light, taxes were low, and wages were a fraction of what they were here in America. Corporate America was going global and wanted to be rid of its American work force, the best paid on earth, and replace it with cheap foreign labor. While manufacturing sought to move production abroad, hotels, motels, bars, restaurants, farms, and construction companies that could not move abroad also wanted to replace their expensive American workers.

Thanks to the Republican Party, Corporate America got it all. –~Pat Buchanan


February 1, 2014 3:17 pm

As TBP’s official Jailhouse Lawyer, let me say this about that (executive orders).

In a Supreme Court case, Associate Justice Robert Jackson, a lifelong Democrat and former Attorney General of the U.S., put executive orders into three categories, from strongest (Category One, which has the backing of the U.S. Congress) to weakest (Category Three, which is, in Jackson’s words, “incompatible with a congressional command”).

In a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Mike Lee pointed out Jackson’s ruling to Attorney General Eric Holder and point-blank asked Holder to provide the Justice Dapartment’s analysis of Obama’s executive order which waived the employer health care MANDATE to begin on January 1, 2014. Holder said he knows of no such analysis of that executive order, but added that he believes Obama was within his power to issue that executive order. Lee shot back:

“it is clear the president has usurped an extraordinary amount of authority within the executive branch.”

“This is not precedented,” Lee concluded. “And I point to the unilateral delay, lawless delay in my opinion, of the employer mandate as an example of this. At a minimum, I think he owes us an explanation of what his legal analysis was.”

Read more:

So there you have it. Obama BROKE THE LAW with his unilateral employer waiver of a MANDATE in a bill passed by his own party (not one Republican voted for Obamacare, not one).

Footnote: In 1944, in Korematsu vs. United States, the Supreme Court upheld FDR’s executive order which sent over 100,000 Japanese-Americans to internment camps. UPHELD, for Christ’s sake. Jesus, one dark decision follows another. The vote was 6-3. Justice Robert Jackson was one of the three dissenting votes. I’m starting to like that guy.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 1, 2014 3:22 pm

Yeh, guess what Billy boy, I was once a member of a union back in 1983 or so. The union fucked people out of their pensions then financed the buyout of the company we worked for.

Unions are in bed with corporations. I know that goes against what you like to read.

And yes, the end of the cold war did open up countries such as smog edible rubber dog shit factories in China.

Like it or not the Donk-Derms very much helped to decimate the middle class. Once again that goes against what you believe. So be it.

Corporations + government = Fascism.

Pork Barrel Spending,pet projects is Kleptocracy.

Deal with it.

February 1, 2014 3:28 pm

Thus far, over 1,200 businesses, unions, and political entities have applied for, and received HHS approval, to delay the employer mandate. All based on Obama’s illegal executive order. The range is from McDonald’s to, get this, “The City of New York.” Yep, the entire fucking city.

February 1, 2014 6:03 pm


February 1, 2014 6:06 pm

Damn so hit or miss. I am a idiot.

Last try

Anyhow, worth clicking the link. North Korea may not be the greatest, but they sure as hell have Amerika figured out.

February 1, 2014 6:28 pm

Congressman: We can defeat amnesty, executive orders

Culberson explains power to stop ‘most illegal, unlawful president’ ever

The Democrat plan to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in the U.S. can be thwarted, despite apparent wavering by House Republican leadership, contends a Texas congressman.

In an interview with Michael Savage on his “Savage Nation” nationally syndicated show Friday, Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, insisted, furthermore, that if President Obama tries to advance amnesty or any other initiative through illegal executive orders, he can be stopped, because the House holds the purse strings and can cut off funding for actions that can’t be justified legally.

“The power of the purse is the secret to this guy – the most illegal, unlawful president in American history,” said Culberson, who had just returned from a GOP retreat in Cambridge, Md., where House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, distributed a two-page list of broad principles on immigration.

February 1, 2014 6:29 pm

I know a lot of you like Ron Paul but he never had a chance at the white house.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 1, 2014 7:02 pm

Fucking USA.

February 1, 2014 7:25 pm


“Yeh, guess what Billy boy, I was once a member of a union back in 1983 or so. The union fucked people out of their pensions then financed the buyout of the company we worked for.”

Actually, I was going to go into a screed about how unions were mobbed up… no honor amongst thieves, I suppose.

“Unions are in bed with corporations. I know that goes against what you like to read.”

I’ve been sour on unions for years. Mostly because of the support coming from the socialists and also their support of socialists (somewhere in there is also a communist connection, but I have to go hunt down proof and frankly I’ve got a new magazine to read sitting here, so I’ll do that later…). THEN there was the whole “Death of the Twinkie” episode from last year. Fucking union tried to kill the Twinkie. Sorry, but that’s unforgivable… I went and bought my boy a Twinkie when that happened, just so he would know what one tasted like before they faded away, like all good things seem to do… yeah, we got lucky and the Twinkie came back (not without the union trying to weasel their slimy asses back in), but we didn’t know that. Just another reason to hate unions…

“And yes, the end of the cold war did open up countries such as smog edible rubber dog shit factories in China.”

That’s Nixon-era shit… before my time, bro.

“Like it or not the Donk-Derms very much helped to decimate the middle class. Once again that goes against what you believe. So be it.”

Erm…. how do you figure what I believe in because I hate unions? Fact is, I detest both Repukes and Demofucks – hardly a lick of difference between the two anymore. You seem to be assuming an awful lot about me… so be it.

“Corporations + government = Fascism.”

You know the definition of fascism. Good for you. I fail to understand how corporations being driven out of the US equates to fascism, but hey, you’re on a roll. Don’t let me stop you.

“Pork Barrel Spending,pet projects is Kleptocracy.”

Again, true. But what porkulus projects have to do with predatory taxation and over-regulation is a mystery to me… I would be happy if you explained the link between stuff like “bridges to nowhere” and using the EPA to regulate our last lead smelter out of existance…

“Deal with it.”

I’ll ‘deal with it’ when you point out where my original 4 point comment is in error. Because you haven’t done that. All’s I’ve seen you do is bitch that you were in a union that sold you out, tell me what I already knew, repeat some definitions and crab about pork barrel spending… none of which has anything to do with my original post.

So… you deal with it.

February 1, 2014 10:35 pm

“I am a idiot. …… Anyhow, worth clicking the link. North Korea may not be the greatest, but they sure as hell have Amerika figured out.”

Well, you got the first sentence right and then proved it by 3 attempts to post a link to a North Korean propaganda film that runs for 1 1/2 hours. The first one works, but no, worthless Winnie had to post two more just to make sure we can stop our lives to listen to 90 minutes of drivel from Dear Leader Kim Jong Il.

Fuck you, Winston, and your “North Korea may not be the greatest.” MAY NOT BE, as in the subjunctive tense which leaves the door open for MAY BE?

Damn, I wish I had the wherewithal to kidnap your sorry ass and airdrop you into North Korea, taking extra care that you would survive. Without even telling you where you were going beforehand, I’d show you a note and pin it to you, “Enjoy the rest of your life. Don’t even TRY to leave.”

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2014 1:41 am

I’ve been sour on unions for years. Mostly because of the support coming from the socialists and also their support of socialists (somewhere in there is also a communist connection, but I have to go hunt down proof and frankly I’ve got a new magazine to read sitting here, so I’ll do that later…) -Billy

read for comprehension, MOST unions are not for better wages, it has nothing to do with higher wages, it has everything to do with bottom lines.

But go ahead and believe the low wage is better hype.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2014 1:44 am

Let me state this one last time, Billy, unions do not create higher wages.

I made more working for a private freight hauler.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2014 1:48 am

llpoh needs to make less, SSS needs to have his retirement lowered, Walmart is decrying BT cuts,…AWD needs to make less as premiums rise. Admin should by a Leaf.

The shit is out of whack.

Globalization is a huge failure.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2014 1:51 am

All’s I’ve seen you do is bitch that you were in a union that sold you out, tell me what I already knew, repeat some definitions and crab about pork barrel spending… none of which has anything to do with my original post. -Billy

Dear dumbass, It was not me, a once union member, that killed your business, it was what you voted for.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2014 1:55 am

So there you have it. Obama BROKE THE LAW with his unilateral employer waiver of a MANDATE in a bill passed by his own party (not one Republican voted for Obamacare, not one). -SSS

Okay, lets make a wager, if the republicans regain the senate, do you think [lobbyist dollars applied] that they will repeal aca?

February 2, 2014 2:04 am

All’s I’ve seen you do is bitch that you were in a union that sold you out, tell me what I already knew, repeat some definitions and crab about pork barrel spending… none of which has anything to do with my original post. -Billy

Dear fool, do you think this is an one off instance?

After the demise of unions, which I care not for, who is the next target?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2014 2:05 am

Whose wage is next?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2014 2:11 am

Admin, time to post about the Hangman. =)

February 2, 2014 2:13 am

Into our town the Hangman came, smelling of gold and blood and flame. And he paced our bricks with a diffident air. And built his frame on the courthouse square. The scaffold stood by the courthouse side, only as wide as the door was wide; a frame as tall, or little more, than the capping sill of the courthouse door. And we wondered, whenever we had the time, who the criminal, what the crime, that Hangman judged with the yellow twist of knotted hemp in his busy fist. And innocent though we were, with dread we passed those eyes of buckshot lead; till one cried: “Hangman, who is he for whom you raise the gallows-tree.” Then a twinkle grew in the buckshot eye, and he gave us a riddle instead of reply: “He who serves me best,” said he, “Shall earn the rope on the gallows-tree.”

February 2, 2014 2:59 am

I don’t like the hangman.

February 2, 2014 12:26 pm

“Okay, lets make a wager, if the republicans regain the senate, do you think [lobbyist dollars applied] that they will repeal aca?”
—-KB @ SSS

Tough call, but I’ll go with yes. I think by this time next year, enough employers and employees will be so frustrated with the negative impact of Obamacare on both their wallets (“if you like your medical plan, you can keep your medical plan”) and degraded levels of medical care (“if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”), then a Republican House and Senate will pass a bill to repeal the Unafforable Care Act.

It may be all symbolic though, as Obama will veto the bill. Nonetheless, IF (and it’s a huge if) the situation is so bad and the Republicans think there’s a chance to override the veto, then they’ll try to do that, too. The ACA appears to be a unique law that unifies Republicans of all stripes, and I genuinely believe they want to get rid of it.