A Pictorial Essay of 10 Dumbasses

Just a picture and brief narrative of the Dumb-Ass (DA) amongst us.

1) Hundreds of women in Papa New Guinea are still tortured, beaten, slashed, blindfolded, etc. for being witches.  Crazy DA Neegrows.

Law of the jungle: Accused of being a witch this woman was stripped, beaten, slashed, blindfolded and placed 'on trial' on a piece of roofing iron in this snapshot (above) captured by a villager. Days later she was tied to a stake and tortured with branding irons amid a frenzied crowd which chanted 'kolim nem' (call the name) of the so-called witch to save her own life


2) Speaking of crazy Neegros.  Oreo throws Brits under the bus, liplocks the French.  600+ comments call DA Oreo a “wanker”. Brits finally wake up.

President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande shake hands during a state arrival ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House

3) DA FLOTUS, “Let them eat cake” …. wears $12,000 dress for the Frenchie guy …. newz article says she looks “stunning” ….. proving DA MSM Brit news is more fucked up than ours.

Michelle Obama

 4) This DA woman jumped off a cliff ….. the chute did not open …. her Air Bags did not save her …… she’s dead …… Tough Shit!

Tragedy: Newly-wed Amber Marie Bellows when she fell to her death in Zion National Park, Utah, (not pictured) after her parachute failed to open following a BASE jump on Saturday

5)  Seinfeld’s “Elaine” is a DA dumfuk libtard. I knew that. Jerry probably is too.  But seeing this picture of ‘Lainey’ and Biden makes me wanna puke. I might not watch the show again.  I hope I fucked it up for you as well.

Best of friends: Julia and Joe were seated next to each other at the dinner, which was held in honour of French President Francois Hollande


 6) This may be the most surgically enhanced human in the world … 200 procedures in 35 years … including a gender change ……. now facing devastating consequences …… and yet this Major fuckin DA wants even more surgeries.

Monique says being disabled won't get her down


7) This is for SSS, a warning to be careful. The guy below is 87 years old, same as SSS. He gave $28,000 to a 25 year old because she said she loved him. Don’t be a DA, SSS.

Duped: Rogerson says he can't believe he believed Marks when she told him she loved him

 8)  Contrary to what I said in the “Winter Olympics” Open thread”, I am only going to watch the US Hockey team.  NBC has turned this into an anti-Russia campaign, sometimes overtly, mostly subtly.  But Costas is the biggest dickwad DA of all.   He spent 15 minutes highlighting Putin’s record of oppressing political dissidents, free media, homosexuals …. and that he can’t find a salve to cure his pink-eye.  FUCK YOU, Costas, and NBC too!!


 9) Upcoming film “Noah” with Russell Crowe.  Directed by a Joo. Actual quotes, my emphasis —-  “ .. intended to appeal to believers of EVERY RELIGION as well as those WITHOUT ANY FAITH   …  addresses  modern-day problems like overpopulation and environmental degradation.” – Yeah try to please everyone = pissing off everyone.  This move is D.O.A.  Ummm … ‘Heaven’s Gate” anyone?  To the fucking DUMBASSES forking over $125 fuckin’ Million to make this shit … bwaaahahahaha, FAIL!

 Answer: Nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

 10)  Time for a video.  Yeah, she said that. Cunt.



1)  Witches:  http: //www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2556469/Witch-burnings-Papua-New-Guinea.html

2) French Liplock: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2557127/Obama-snubs-Britain-cozies-French-saying-picking-best-ally-like-picking-favorite-daughter.html

3) FLOTUS: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2556862/French-President-Hollande-welcomed-White-House-solo-state-visit.html?ico=ushome^editors_choice_six_of_the_best

4) Air Bags: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2557776/Husband-woman-killed-2-000ft-BASE-jumping-incident-Zion-National-Park-cited-jump.html

5) Elaine. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2557550/Veep-star-Julia-Louis-Dreyfus-posts-selfie-Vice-President-Joe-Biden-White-House-State-Dinner.html

6) Fake. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2556817/Silicone-injected-buttocks-leaked-legs-Dancer-200-operations-left-crippled-addiction-cosmetic-surgery.html

7) Old fucker. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2557719/World-War-II-veteran-86-says-swindled-25-000-25-year-old-temptress-told-love-him.html

8) Costas. http://www.sportspickle.com/2014/02/bob-costas-essay-rips-vladimir-putin-for-human-rights-abuses-failure-to-fund-pink-eye-research

9) Noah. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/rough-seas-noah-darren-aronofsky-679315



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 12, 2014 8:40 pm

Stucky, what’s up with the flag worship? To paraphrase Dubya, it’s just a goddamn piece of cloth! I am not being flippant either. Flags are an an antiquated relic of ancient warfare…a means of communication within the ranks. Fuck flags.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 9:19 pm


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 9:26 pm

I can only respond to this thread…WTF?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 9:29 pm


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 9:49 pm

fuck, stucky, its tough, I know, to realize most everything is a lie…

your not alone.

February 12, 2014 9:56 pm

Tell the truth,she is better looking then most black women and cleaner too.I hope that doesn’t get you in trouble Stucky.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 9:58 pm

bb, you would poke an boiled egg with a pin sized opening.

February 12, 2014 10:03 pm

Stucky, I have grown to hate the US flag. If I had the balls, I would hang the fucker upside down on my car and outside my house. That bitch has long outserved it’s usefulness. The American flag can just kiss my ass; it stands for every lie that I despise.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 10:13 pm

If I had the balls, -Z

Hanging the flag upside down does not mean you despise it means I am in distress.

Flying an American flag upside down is not necessarily meant as political protest. The practice has its origin in a distress signal; displaying a flag in this manner is “a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property”;[80] it has been used by extension to make a statement about distress in civic, political, or other areas.

Fly it as you deem, Z

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 10:16 pm

Yet, many would confuse that symbolism, not knowing the details behind it, and probably not take it well, Z

February 12, 2014 10:38 pm

KB, sometimes you need to rub their noses in the truth. There are no positive symbolism in the US flag but rather it is a symbol of evil.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 10:44 pm

KB, sometimes you need to rub their noses in the truth. There are no positive symbolism in the US flag but rather it is a symbol of evil. -Z

The flag is just a flag, it has no soul and it cannot be good or evil.

Symbolism is what one attributes to it., be it a brick or a flag.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 10:49 pm

I was born in North America, Z, Am I evil?

Are you, Persian, evil?

Do you pretend that this flag over my land, makes me evil, as the flag over yours, makes you evil?

Stucky makes a point which you have not yet perceived. Your are being a dumbass by following the dogma.

February 12, 2014 10:57 pm

hold the fuck on
Heavens Gate was a great fukkin movie. Yeah, a bit over budget, but it was a historical epic and had EVERYBODY in it. Better be talkin about a different movie, or i’ll punch this article in the face.

February 12, 2014 11:00 pm

Kill Bill says:

If I had the balls, -Z

Hanging the flag upside down does not mean you despise it means I am in distress.

Flying an American flag upside down is not necessarily meant as political protest. The practice has its origin in a distress signal; displaying a flag in this manner is “a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property”;[80] it has been used by extension to make a statement about distress in civic, political, or other areas
OK Bill, remember when Bushie jr was reading that book about the goat? What was on the cover? American flag. Remember the flap, he had it upside down. Interesting.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 11:04 pm

OK Bill, remember when Bushie jr was reading that book about the goat? What was on the cover? American flag. Remember the flap, he had it upside down. -tg

photoshopped, but it was inconsequential,up or down, unless one was ignorant of the meaning and took it to mean something else,national and international.


February 12, 2014 11:25 pm

Kill Bill, Persians today love to wave flags too, but I think they only do it to leave out the flags of the US and Israel. Perhaps they are to be admired for that, or denigrated for their love of cloth. I’ll admit that I do love some of the flags of imperial persia, but only because they displayed zoroastrian symbols, which meant that the just powers of the king only derive from his following of the teachings of zarathustra, Did the ancient Persian kings always follow the love of god (who only granted free will, liberty and love with no expectation of outcome?). Of course not. All empires rise and fall. It is the nature of things. One can only hope that the accumulation of wisdom supercedes them. Mankind is frail, easy to temptation and few are those who are virtuous in the face of adversity, but we do have the power to rise above what we have been, and to pass it on to others, if only by example. I believe there is hope for mankind and if my God does too, then I have chosen the right one. Of course God’s patience must be infinite while mine is defined by my lifespan.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 11:29 pm

Kill Bill, Persians today love to wave flags too, but I think they only do it to leave out the flags of the US and Israel. -Z

Forget the flags for a moment, do you think I am evil?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 11:33 pm

One can only hope that the accumulation of wisdom supercedes them -Z

You think wisdom comes from past scribes. Nay. It comes from the space between us, as we talk,and seek. you need not a king or the past.

February 12, 2014 11:46 pm

KB, no I don’t think you’re evil, why would you even entertain such a thought? I can’t think of a single person who posts here that I dislike viscerally. My vitriol is devoted to institutions and people who have proven by words and deeds that they at least entertain and embrace evil, but even at that, I am not their judge and I don’t believe in any such a thing. There is only good and evil and it is for us to choose.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 11:51 pm

KB, no I don’t think you’re evil, why would you even entertain such a thought? I can’t think of a single person who posts here that I dislike viscerally. My vitriol is devoted to institutions and people who have proven by words and deeds that they at least entertain and embrace evil, but even at that, I am not their judge and I don’t believe in any such a thing. There is only good and evil and it is for us to choose. -Z

Good to hear Z but there lies a third thing. Weapons for profit.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 12, 2014 11:59 pm

And those who cause conflict to make this thing that no civilian can afford, wanted.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 13, 2014 12:04 am

We are a good people, you and me and most Americans Z, this site,TBP, is about talking out our points, butting heads, incurring wisdom, as we do so, preserving our democratic republic and as you hope for yours.

I, for one, will take no slight personally and hope you do the same.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 13, 2014 12:12 am
El Coyote
El Coyote
February 13, 2014 12:19 am
El Coyote
El Coyote
February 13, 2014 12:36 am

more drums, yes!

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 13, 2014 12:50 am

now I need to come down off that flashback

February 13, 2014 1:12 am

How come the stuff about dumb black people has “neegrows” & points out they’re black, yet the dumb stuff about white people doesn’t have anything derogatory in tone, nobidiitic cidecword?

We can see who’s what in the pictures you racist moron.

February 13, 2014 1:13 am

…no idiotic code words…

These types of articles are beneath the site.

February 13, 2014 2:05 am

Stucky-How can you front the stuff you front ’round here, then tell us you like the olympics? It seems like a massive disconnect.
Me-I fucking hate the olympics. I’ve been over them for so long, I can’t remember when I got tired of them. I always just wish the stupid thing would speed by so I don’t have to hear about it. I don’t have cable and I still can’t avoid the stupid games.

I’m so damn tired of the hype and the BS and the fawning coverage of a bunch of useful idiot athletes who get trotted out every couple years to make us feel better about ourselves and sell us coke and subway sandwiches and roll-on deodorants and aluminum siding and shit. Fuck the olympics. I wish it was the hunger games-at least we could hope some of the sponsors might get killed, too.
It’s nice and all these kids can be the best at what they do-but look what they do. If your an olympic athlete, your career is pretty much written in stone: train, compete, maybe win at the olympics or else fade into immediate obscurity forever, then possibly sell stuff for a while, then get trotted out like Haymitch Abernathy every few years to comment for the TV on other athletes. Otherwise…Sell cars? This year’s failed high jump or luge or whatever asshole may be the next John Madden, doing ACE hardware bits for the next 40-50 years. Woopty-freaking-do.

And the blatant attempt to manipulate us via the games into being ultra-patriotic, you know, over a fucking game or two, makes me sick. I love the ideal of my country, but not enough for some TV hijinks to convince me to ignore the reality of my country is falling apart, my culture is falling apart, and the powers behind the olympics are all pretty much responsible for all of it. Hooray! We won some stupid fake gold medal for some stupid fake sport that we didn’t care about last week and we won’t care about next week. Boy, if we could have the olympics every year, maybe we could extend our stupid fake economy for even longer!!! I even heard the local BMW dealership running a commercial this evening saying if you buy now, they’ll donate a whopping FIVE BUCKS to team USA. wow! Just fucking shameless. Also, it was retarded to think Russia could host a dogshow, let alone the most high-profile propaganda event in the world.

Fuck the olympics with a broken glass dildo.

February 13, 2014 2:12 am

BTW-everyone, I thought you might be mildly interested in a brief comment about an interesting fellow I met today. He’s a cameraman who films a lot of the documentaries and TV shows you’ve seen on NatGeo, Discovery, MTV, History, etc. One thing to take away (we all know this, but the avg American doesn’t seem to) reality shows suck balls. He hates them. He explained there’s absolutely nothing real or candid or random in those shows-it’s all staged. I guess just the camera angles are sufficient to give it away to someone who knows what to look for.

I asked him if his gut feelings get in the way of doing his job when he hates the subject matter and he said it’s hard. He had a lot of stories and I asked him to think about writing down his comments-it would make a great blog. He said he’s got an idea to write a book. I would be more fascinated to know what happens behind the camera than in front of it.
I told him about my friend I used to have who wrote the NBC evening news and how everyone there considered it entertainment, not news.

One cool part-we were comparing notes about survival shows. Bear Grylls-fake. Dual Survival-fake. (I call it the Odd Couple.) Coolest survival show- Survivor Man. Les Stroud is the least fake, least scripted or set up of all the survival folks, plus he doesn’t seem to have any ego or interest in hyping himself in the show. You can’t say the same for his later forays, though-the TV people must have gotten their claws into him to get those later series’ out of him.

Just thought I would share.

February 13, 2014 2:22 am

Hey-Econman, don’t worry-white people suck, too.
There’s no real reason to worry about racism when pretty much everyone sucks.
If anyone actually believes whites are the master race, just have them explain Pee Wee Herman, half of Obama, Harry Reid, Stalin, Hitler, Tiny Tim, Reverand Swaggert, Jim&Tammy Fay, Charles Manson, Ed Gein, and many, many more. Oh, add in that blond beauty queen who couldn’t answer the map question in the SC beauty contest, Kim Cardassian, Octo-mom, the folks who put that kid in the floating UFO balloon thing, Chucky Schumer, yankee drivers, southern drivers, the cat lady with all the plastic surgery, Paris Hilton, Sandra Fluke, Ted Kennedy, George Bush, Bernie Madoff, John Corsine…
I treat pretty much everyone equally: I hate nearly everyone.

February 13, 2014 6:06 am

Who is the “lady” in # 6 with the great hair, Stuck? Her cosmetic surgeries make her unrecognizable to me and I would really like to know. Many thanks for the “Dumbass” humor.

February 13, 2014 7:36 am

Geez Gilberts! Don’t hold back, tell us what you really think. If you have hate in your heart let it out!

February 13, 2014 9:09 am

All of the talk on NBC about human rights violations drives me a bit nuts. We are the country who randomly assassinates people all around the globe with illegal drone strikes. We are the country who has a leader with a kill list that includes US citizens and has a leader who has proclaimed that he has the legal right to murder any one on the planet as he sees fit.

Fuck the propaganda. I think the worst part about it is that even though it easily verified false with only a little bit of thought, it seems to work on the vast majority of the country.

February 13, 2014 5:29 pm

BTW-is it me, or does that pic above make Moochelle look more like Oprah than her usual angry staring-daggers Why-did-I-marry-such-a-fruity-loser look?