Should The State Take Yo’ Baby If You Calls Him a “Ni&&## Ho”?

I was reading a nice article (link at end) titled, “Apathy Toward Tyranny”. The premise being, as the title suggests, that despite the ENORMOUS amount of evidence available that the USA is marching towards Tyranny, the American populace simply doesn’t care.

The article gives several examples of tyranny, some well known, others not as much. One of the examples concerns the video below. Apparently it has gone viral …. I’ve never seen it.

The child swears. The parents and/or relatives swear even more. Some relative posted the video. Cops saw it … and eventually CPS took the child away from the parents …. I think, forever.

Is it funny? No. Are the parents utterly despicable? Yes. Were any laws broken? No!

I’ve read many comments and commentaries. The overwhelming majority – at least from white folk – is that The State did the Right Thing.

What say you?

Skip to the :35 mark to see the rant. The narrator’s intro endorses The State’s action.

original article;

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 20, 2014 1:01 pm

The Civil Rights Act should have never passed. It makes it harder for people to segregate themselves. The key idea is that people WANT to segregate themselves, always have and always will. Who wants to have to associate with people like this?

However, the state has no right to take this baby.

February 20, 2014 1:16 pm

plenty of decent people out there trying to adopt who could raise this child correctly
but the state has no right
neuter the parents
then neuter the state

February 20, 2014 2:40 pm

The problem with the people giving the state the power to do anything always backfires later.

Don’t want the races to marry?
Vote for us and we can create a law that requires a license to marry and we will promise that blacks will not be able to marry whites because of our law.
Now the fight is over same sex marriage and rather than the voter comprehending that the state has no power to deny you your right to marry whom you desire, we fight over which party will “grant” us the right to marry. Brainwashed and dumbed down.

Today the majority seems fine with the state deciding it is within their power to remove this child, what will the reason be tomorrow?

February 20, 2014 3:43 pm

The one big divide I’ve seen between most of the people I know is African-Americans tend not to trust the government at all, even the ones on “public assistance”. More affluent ones do, but not overwhelmingly. Those that are wealthy work for the same industries that wealthy Caucasians work for.

Among Caucasians, the wealthy overwhelmingly think government is great. They prefer the government keeping them separate from the lower classes & “those people” AKA “minorities”. Most tend to believe they’ve achieved success with no government help (same as wealthy blacks), even though they are beneficiaries of working for parasitic monopolies & cartels (mostly doctors, educators, financiers, & those working in defense industries) that have bled the country dry.

Among those whites on the lower economic rung, they also distrust government, but tend to think government helps “those people” even though a lot on the lower run are on “public assistance” also. The disconnect between reality & fantasy is reinforced by the “news” that groups favor.

The government has done a nice divide & conquer on the middle class (the 228 people still left) & the poor. When, after hearing I’ve taught economics, I explain these things, I get stares from both the left & right who love government, as long as it’s enforcing their bankrupting ideology.

I guess the country’s just plain fucked.

February 20, 2014 4:44 pm

Don’t really give a shit but these niglets learn early what hate is. We shouldn’t be surprised that they start assaulting, raping, murdering and causing general mayhem at an early age. Someday they will be dealt with accordingly.

February 20, 2014 7:30 pm


A child snatched from his parents to be sent to some abusive foster home because the parents called the kid “nigger”?

I mean, my mother called my sis and I a LOT of things from time to time, when we were wee things. Terms like “lamebrain” , “moron” and “idiot” come to mind.

Is there a parent in the world who has not called his or her kid a derogatory name?

How fucking DARE the government snatch a child for any other reason but physical abuse and/or extreme neglect?

And by “extreme neglect”, I don’t mean shabby clothes or a sink full of dirty dishes. I mean NEGLECT, like the kid being left alone for 3 days at the age of 10. Or living in an unheated house so piled with filth you can smell the place outside the door, and the kid has fleas.

Here in IL alone, we have at least 25,000 kids in the foster care system because their parents either can’t or won’t take care of them. These kids have grim lives of being passed from one shithole foster home to another. How the authorities figure these foster homes are better than anywhere, I can’t figure.

And people want to add to the problem by taking kids away for trivial reasons?

February 20, 2014 8:14 pm

It appears the propaganda is alive & well in the small mind of ragman.

February 20, 2014 9:02 pm

Its a harsh reality. I cant list all of the historical recollections lamenting “first they came for…..and then they came for…..and then after all the others…. me/mine. Race should be irrelevant and its being noted much everywhere about this video. Their parental methodology is reprehensible imo, but the freedom to raise your kids is so fundamentally understood by all for all times that it didnt even make the constitution, deemed too obvious I am sure. They have my full support for their right to raise their child exactly like they do in the video. I fully support their first amendment right to fuckin talk nigga shit every mutha fuckin day. Wherever it may lead them and their children. Now if they were neglecting the child physically, or abusing them mentally or physically…… I didnt see any of that in the video, as bad as it was. I dont want them taking your kids either. Evidently it spawned a more in-depth investigation, I heard some where awhile back they were returned.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
February 20, 2014 11:29 pm

If they could get the kid to say “nigga” about every 10th word, he could have a great career as a rap singer.

February 20, 2014 11:51 pm

back in the day, mrs peay told my buddy to leave something alone saying, don’t fuck with it. my little buddies would say to each other nigger nigger, suck my digger, suck my pickle for a nickel, wipe your ass with a crocus sack. we were in second and third grade. I knew that’s the way black kids talked.
this incident is mere proof of white paternalism in extremis and is an extension of the idea that blacks do not know how to raise their own children and that task would be better left to white people as in the days of the slave owners.

February 21, 2014 12:31 am

I could care less about shit like this. Not my problem. Not your problem. Not the state’s problem.

I stay focused on the really important issues of the day, like nuclear power and the frickin’ “Check Engine” light that just came on in my car. Well, isn’t that special? Check the WHOLE fucking engine. So I get out of the car, lift the hood, and check the engine. Sure enough, it’s still there. Get back in the car, crank it up, but the light’s still on!!!! “Check Engine.” Damnit, I just did that.

Don’t you hate it when that happens?

February 21, 2014 3:57 am

Regarding this particular and disgusting example of “progressive” accomplishment; Ronald Reagan wasn’t an economist but got it right when he declared, “If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.”

While I get the “subsidizing is bad” point, What I don’t get is how to tax welfare lifestyle out of existence. No doubt, removing the financial incentive/reward for irresponsible procreation would prevent a significant number of pregnancies. Don’t see how any tax after the fact would do any good.

Why not get federal government out of subsidizing irresponsible behavior and leave charity to local communities? Once upon a time, it worked. Were outcomes perfect? No. But had a better success rate than progressive “make a baby, win the lottery” solution.

February 21, 2014 9:03 am

It can only get better….rock that vote.

Female Trouble

From its start, feminism was nothing more than an extended rant against biology. It was not always obvious. The “first wave” of feminism, conveniently called first-wave feminism, was publicly about women getting the vote. It seems crazy now, but there used to be a time when your typical male knew it was a dumb idea to give women the vote. For most of human history, we knew Aristophanes was right. A century ago when women were looking for changes in the law, feminism did not look like an assault on nature. It was just portly broads making a nuisance of themselves in public.

Second-wave feminism is where the nuttiness bobbed above the water line. That’s where we get words like “gender” worming their way into our vocabulary. That is, sex is an arbitrary construct created by a race of pale penis people in the olden thymes to oppress women. The remedy was to smash up family life, give women a handful of rubbers and money for cab fare as dating aids and demand that men stop thinking about sex. Third-wave feminism takes this to another level of crazy where reality is infinitely negotiable. There we get a variety of new sexes, claims about women being witches from another planet and the sun revolves around the earth. I’m sort of joking, but it is hard to satire this level of crazy.

Crazy rants against nature in the abstract are one thing. Sitting in your college office ranting about the pale penis people has a different result than throwing yourself off the roof claiming you can fly. But, the crazy rants eventually lead to someone testing the theory. The insanity of feminism is now showing up in the emergency rooms of America as women and girls test the theory that there is no biological difference between men and women…
Women are, and have always been, intrinsically fascist at heart. With a small minority of exceptions, they hate freedom and will always trade it for the promise of security, physical and emotional. The Fascists understood this. The medieval philosophers understood this. The Founding Fathers understood this. The West rejected the idea in favor of sexual equality and the myth of progress, and now the university has abandoned its centuries-old tradition of academic freedom.

Yes, there are exceptions. Yes, not all women are the same. Yes, there are brilliant and sensible women. But the salient point is that the price of female involvement is reliably too high across the board. How much more destruction can Western Civilization be expected to survive before women of sense are willing to admit that the price of female participation in matters of governance is too great? Do we really need to undergo the Great Collapse before the ancient truths can be accepted once more?

“The lesson, as always, is this: women ruin everything.”
– Bill Simmons

February 21, 2014 9:37 am

Flash, WTF does “feminism” have to do with this thread?

There’s a reason this type of meddling is called “paternalism”. This sort of interference in families becomes more common the further you go back in history.

In the days before women’s lib and the end of slavery, in old patriarchal European societies, you were penalized for not taking your kids to church, raising them as Protestants (in France until 1786), and as Catholic in England.

Most societies have never shirked at interfering in the everyday lives of their populations. It is only in modern, Western, liberated societies that the idea that you own your own life and body, and have a right to conduct your private affairs, including the upbringing of your children, without interference no matter what race OR sex you belong to.

In fact, my mother, as a divorced single mother, had to put up with a lot more interference and criticism as a single mom, than she would have had to deal with if she’d had a husband. Our nice little family was subject to granular scrutiny by neighbors and school authorities that would better have been focused on some of the “intact” families in our area. While my mother was sharply criticized for letting my sis and I do things like wear lipstick or high heels at age 13, the guy around the corner with 8 kids in the filthiest, most unkempt house I’d ever seen, was never offered any criticism for supplying his delinquent 17 year old son and his buddies with liquor, in spite of the fact that the kid had stolen and wrecked 3 cars belonging to Daddie’s buds. Nor was his piggie wife criticized for the deplorable personal hygiene of her 6 daughters. If you were an “intact” family and went to church, you were somehow above criticism, no matter how many times your kids got caught shoplifting, committing acts of vandalism, or heisting cars.

February 21, 2014 10:57 am

Chicago, the lack of discipline in society today is certainly a by-product of feminism and get over yourself snowflake,you are the exception , not the rule.

February 21, 2014 1:23 pm

I would attribute the lack of discipline in our society to 50 years of extreme affluence, and I suspect the discipline will return when people realize that the Post WW2 Cheap Oil party over. forever. Every society that moves as quickly as we did from being an agrarian frontier society to being a rich empire with bountiful riches for nearly everyone in the space of a couple of hundred years tends to catch a bad case of Affluenza. In such a society, people come to see causeless riches as some sort of entitlement, and easily forget what made their bounty possible to begin with.

As for my case being “exceptional”, I beg to differ. My modest-income, female-led home was by no means exceptional. Half the kids I knew lived in homes where the parents were divorced, or separated, or about to be. These kids by and large had no more “problems” than the kids in the “intact”, more traditional homes in our area. We lived in a large apartment complex, and half the residents were women very much like my mother, recently divorced with two or three kids. I made a nice little income babysitting there. These women also ran orderly households, held down jobs as secretaries, bookkeepers, teachers, and flight attendants, and with one notorious exception, had no problems raising their kids to be law-abiding, productive citizens. There was very little drug use and no illegitimate births in our apartment complex, while two girls in my senior class who became pregnant, were from “model” families, were cheerleaders, and one was the daughter of one of my male teachers. They were the only girls in my class to have children out of wedlock.

As for the intact families, I saw one happy family in five, if even. And when my mother came into a better job and an inheritance, and we moved to an affluent suburb, I was struck by the number of extremely dysfunctional homes, and by the permissiveness of parents who gave their kids allowances big enough to support them in their own apartments, and absolutely no supervision. Drug use was out of control when we arrived there in the early 70s, and the first girlfriend of a boy I dated was found dead of a heroin overdose at age 17. Her wealthy parents never noticed that she had reduced to 95 lbs and wasn’t taking baths until they found her dead. And she was not the only one.