The people on welfare, all 100 million of them, think you’re a sucker. If you have a job and work for a living, you’re paying for them to eat lobster, smoke week, and sit on their asses all day. And their free healthcare and meds, and their free housing. They’re living the high life on your money, that was stolen from you by the criminal socialists. This has got to end.


“While workers out there are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us?

I get to sit home… I get to go visit my friends all day… I even get to smoke weed…

Me and people that I know that are illegal immigrants that don’t contribute to society, we still gonna get paid. I get $10,000 back from the IRS every year, earned income tax credit, even though I don’t pay taxes. That’s a nice chunk of change, we takes a vacation to Disney World.

Our check’s gonna come in the mail every month… and it’s gonna be on time… and we get subsidized housing… we even get presents delivered for our kids on Christmas… Why should I work?

Ya’ll get the benefit of saying “oh, look at me, I’m a better person,” but when ya’ll sit at home behind ya’lls I’m a better person… we the ones gettin’ paid!”


29-Year-Old Welfare Parasite Would Not Accept An $80,000 A Year Job Driving A Truck
By Michael Snyder, on March 17th, 2014

What should be done with a 29-year-old welfare parasite that believes that in addition to practicing with his rock band, his main job in life is to “make sure the sun’s up and the girls are out”? Most people that receive government assistance truly need the help and do not abuse the system, but there are definitely others that do abuse the system and do not make any excuses for doing so. When 29-year-old Jason Greenslate was recently asked if he would be willing to take a job driving a truck in North Dakota for $80,000 a year, he said that he would not. He would rather keep purchasing sushi and lobster with his EBT card and hanging out with his rock band.

Greenslate seems very happy with his taxpayer-funded lifestyle, and he says that he wants “to thank the United States of America, and the situation — the way things are set up“. Is this really what we pay taxes for? The rest of us are taxed into oblivion so that we can fund the endless partying of parasites like Jason Greenslate? What in the world is happening to this country?

If you have never heard of Jason Greenslate, let me get you caught up by quoting the article that I wrote about him last year…

When he was asked if he ever had any interest in actually getting a job, his response was “not whatsoever”. Instead, he says that his job is to “make sure the sun’s up and the girls are out” and he would rather spend his days partying. Of course every American should be free to live their own lives as they see fit, but the problem is that Jason Greenslate is using food stamps to help support his lifestyle. In fact, he took Fox News into the gourmet section of a local supermarket where he purchased sushi and lobster with his EBT card. Sadly, he is just like millions of other young men in America today that seemingly have had the drive to succeed and to be independent totally sucked out of them. But what is the future of America going to look like if we continue to produce millions upon millions of young men that have absolutely no desire to make a living, get married and start a family?

Just recently, Sean Hannity had Greenslate on his program and asked him if he felt bad that his fellow Californians are being taxed at extremely high levels in order to pay for his lifestyle. Sadly, this does not appear to bother Greenslate. The following is from a recent Fox News article…

Hannity pointed out that Greenslate rides around in a Cadillac Escalade and frequents strip clubs, all while receiving government assistance and not working at a job that actually pays.

When Hannity asked Greenslate who he thinks pays for his food stamps and free health care, Greenslate said, “Government, taxes, us, the people.”

“Not you, because you’re not paying taxes,” Hannity responded.

Hannity went on to point out that nearly 60 cents out of every working Californian’s dollar goes to taxes. “You’re taking their money and you just don’t seem to care,” Hannity said.

“Who says I don’t care?” Greenslate asked, adding that he was “thankful.”

Hannity even asked Greenslate if he would take a job as a truck driver for $80,000 a year, and Greenslate refused…

Hannity went for broke: “If I could get you a job that would pay you $80,000 a year driving a truck in North Dakota, would you take it?”

Greenslate paused for a moment to think about it: “No.”

Unfortunately, there are a lot of “Jason Greenslates” out there, over 100 million, and their numbers are growing with each passing day.

And without a doubt, life is tough if you are trying to survive at the low end of the wage scale these days. It is hard enough to take care of yourself, much less an entire family, on 9 or 10 dollars an hour.

For many, it is simply easier to give up on working for a living and depend on the government instead.

Not that it is easy to find any kind of work these days. The percentage of low wage jobs in our economy has steadily risen, and the competition for those jobs can be very intense. Large numbers of college-educated workers are now finding themselves forced to apply for low wage jobs, and this is forcing many less educated workers out of the labor force entirely. The following comes from a recent CNBC article…

Today’s low-wage workers are also more educated, with 41 percent having at least some college, up from 29 percent in 2000. “Minimum-wage and low-wage workers are older and more educated than 10 or 20 years ago, yet they’re making wages below where they were 10 or 20 years ago after inflation,” said Mr. Schmitt, senior economist at the research center. “If you look back several decades, workers near the minimum wage were more likely to be teenagers—that’s the stereotype people had. It’s definitely not accurate anymore.”

But when many college-educated professionals start working these sorts of jobs, they find that they require extremely hard work.

For example, posted below is an excerpt from an article entitled “My Life as a Retail Worker: Nasty, Brutish, and Poor” by reporter Joseph Williams. Let’s just say that he didn’t really care for his time working in retail after he unexpectedly lost his job…

It didn’t matter if it was at the beginning of my shift, if the store was empty, or if my knees, back, and feet ached from hours of standing. Park your behind while on the clock, went the unspoken rule, and you might find it on a park bench scanning the want-ads for a new job.

Another quick observation: Working in retail takes more skill than just selling stuff. Besides the mindless tasks one expects—folding, stacking, sorting, fetching things for customers—I frequently had to tackle a series of housekeeping chores that Stretch never mentioned in our welcome-aboard chat. Performed during the late shift, those chores usually meant I’d have to stay well past the scheduled 9 p.m. quitting time.

Mop the floors in the bathroom, replace the toilet paper and scrub the toilets if necessary. Vacuum. Empty the garbage. Wipe down the glass front doors, every night, even if they don’t really need it.

Yes, working in retail can be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting.

I know this from personal experience. In my younger years, I worked a number of retail jobs.

But nobody should be afraid of a little hard work.

That is what built America.

If you do have a job, you should be thankful. The truth is that there are millions of Americans out there that would do just about anything for a decent job at this point.

Of course the U.S. economy should be doing better that it is right now. I truly wish that it was like the good old days when any hard working person could easily find a decent job. Thanks to decades of incredibly foolish decisions by our leaders, those days are permanently gone.

And if you think that things are bad now, just wait. The U.S. economy is already heading toward another recession, and the next great financial crisis is rapidly approaching.

Chart showing you’d have to make $69,000 pre-tax to equal what a welfare parasite gets:


States with more people on welfare than people working jobs:



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March 20, 2014 8:18 am

This is one of the ways that mob rule (“democracy” hahaha) reliably kills the host. And frankly I’m not sure why any one individual given the option to choose between a crappy $8/hr job or making multiples of that in effective income for doing nothing, would choose the crappy minimum-wage job, or should be expected to do so as some sort of economic martyr. Take away that choice! Get rid of the Obama-socialism benefits, and get rid of the political choices that fuck over the unskilled worker – I’m thinking primarily of illegal immigration and “free trade” provisions like NAFTA and WTO membership.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
March 20, 2014 8:49 am

Naw, this isn’t making your taxes go up. The government just BORROWS the money.

March 20, 2014 9:23 am

Maybe it’s time to start asking for real just why ‘millions upon millions of young men have absolutely no desire to make a living, get married and start a family?’

Maybe we should ask the feminazi cunt bureaucrats who rule us?

Personally, I’m on the young men’s side. MGTOW is the least they can do – actively parasitizing, and dragging this sucker down faster, is a bonus.

March 20, 2014 9:26 am

I often thought that way. I would tell my kids that their tax money went for the good things and the spending on welfare, whether corporate or individual was paid for with the deficit. I finally have to face the fact that by borrowing to pay for this we, the tax payer are actually paying for it twice. Increased taxes to pay the debt and their welfare dollar is worth the same as my hard work dollar. It chases the same housing, food, and medical expenses, thus artificially driving up the price of these goods. The governments attempts at social engineering have been a disaster for a strong and stable middle class family.

For example, next year I will have two kids in college, the same college that my brother and I went to at the same time in the early 1980’s. For my brother and I it cost less than $10,000/year combined, tuition, room and board. Next year it will cost over $50,000 combined for my son and daughter and this is a state school. My children are not stupid, they are under no illusion that college is cheap and meant to be a 4 year party. My son is in his junior year studying Chemical Engineering and he’s on the deans list. My daughter will study Mandarin Chinese, of which she has had 4 years of in high school. Do you think that there would be any aid from the school, of course not. We are white middle class. It is the same for the Asian and Russian students. What would my cost for college be if I chose not to work and showed little or no income. I can tell you what it is for some of the other students who are in this situation, $0. I could go on and on with EBT and medical services, but I have to get back to work.


March 20, 2014 10:20 am


You do a TERRIFIC job putting these things together …. a very nice mix of verbiage and pictures, your own comments, and good articles. Just wanted to give you a big “Atta Boy!!”, cuz you don’t get enough of them.

That being said, I cannot comment on the articles. I couldn’t even hardly get by some of the headlines. THIS SHIT INFURIATES ME!!! Seriously, I just wanna smack these motherfuckers upside the head with a 2×4 and crush their craniums.

Last Friday Ms Freud got a call from the Court, and the lady asked if Ms Freud could accept this new client …. NOW (as in the next hour or so) … as it was an “emergency” …. some black lady who beat her kid and the Court needed some kind of quickie evaluation. Anyway, to make a long story short (“Please do!”) a well-dressed woman shows up later that afternoon and is with Ms Freud for about 90 minutes. When it comes time for payment the woman has no insurance. “What can you pay?”, asks Ms. Freud. “I don’t have any money on me.” Not even five bucks. Well, at least the Court will pay. Or, she’ll write it off as a business loss. Either way, taxpayers get fucked. So, I went to the front window to take a look at this fucking freeloader, and she’s driving what appears to be a very late model Lexus SUV. Fuckme. Only in America. And this is NOT an isolated incident.

March 20, 2014 10:33 am

The bums that are peasants suck up millions & billions, the white collar criminals now steal trillions.

Wall Street bankers (who get record bonuses while laying off 10s of thousands of workers).

DC politicians (who get free socialized healthcare paid for by taxpayers, but don’t want us to have it, & fat pensions).

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
March 20, 2014 10:47 am

“Maybe it’s time to start asking for real just why ‘millions upon millions of young men have absolutely no desire to make a living, get married and start a family?’ ”

Probably because it’s no longer worth doing, and there are already too many people.

If you put two bacteria into a jar and they reproduce so that they double their population every minute, such that the jar is full after one hour, at what point is the jar only half full? That happens at 59 minutes.

If you are a bacterium in that jar, at what point would you be concerned about running out of available resources? At the 55-minute point, when the jar is only 1/32nd full, and 97 percent of the space is just begging to be “developed?” Yet you are only 5 minutes from capacity.

Suppose with a minute to spare, the bacteria discover three new jars to inhabit. They sigh with relief: They now have three more bottles than had ever been known, quadrupling their space resource. Surely they have enough room now! Except that they don’t. In two more minutes, all four bottles will be full.

People being born now are added to a world that is already overcrowded. Their only hope is to try and make do and not add to the problem.

Don’t have kids.

March 20, 2014 11:17 am

It’s pretty clear how this is going to play out. The working class, ever more aware, will be saying screw it in increasing numbers. This is a BIG part of the perfect storm gathering to rake this country.

I agree with Stuck, another right on article and comments by AWD.

March 20, 2014 11:29 am

Stuck seems to spend an inordinate amount of time hanging around the house dependent on some woman. Perhaps he is an undercover officer in the FSA.

March 20, 2014 11:54 am

Btw, welfare is theft. But it wouldn’t happen if citizens didn’t allow the un-Constitutional theft that comes before it, called taxes.

No taxes extracted, no welfare is possible. Also, if people kept their earnings, we could have real charity, like in the old days. We have to get rid of all the forced extraction – ACA/insurance, taxes, fees, 1st.

March 20, 2014 12:32 pm

I am always mystified when I drive to a meeting and pass a mall in the middle of a work day and the entire parking lot is full. I mean absolutely full. I think who are all these people that have time to spend at the mall in the middle of a work day? Are there that many people that work in the evenings? Are they all stay at home moms? Retired folk? People on the government tit? A combination of all the above I’m sure, it just seems like it is more prevalent in the past 4-5 years than before. Regardless, it just pisses me off every time I think about how we have entitled people in this country to the point where it benefits people more not to work, than to work. It doesn’t get any more fucked up and bullshit than that.

March 20, 2014 2:02 pm

I generally like to point out when someone complains about federal spending that it isn’t the taxpayers footing the bill, that train left the station.

Tax and spend liberals became borrow and spend fascists.

Quite the topsy turvy world, and thankfully there is a standard for truth, God’s Word.

March 20, 2014 2:41 pm

AWD, see my previous post about dogs in cages.

It’s not that people out here don’t care. It’s that we’re so sick of being shocked, we’re lying flattened at the bottom of our cages, bracing ourselves for the next shock.

Too many battles to fight, everywhere. Where do I start? How about local spending and local property taxes. Well, I can do battle with one TIF district, or one alderman, but I can’t do that and still have time to get out on the streets and circulate petitions for my pet Libertarian candidate, while writing letters to my alderman, to my state representative and senators, to my Congresswoman and U.S. senators, that go unread, and also have time to fight for every other issue.

And still make a living, manage my finances, get to the dentist and pay the bills and, oh, SLEEP once in a while, and maybe even enjoy my life.

After a while, people just give up and focus on their own survival. Most people have enough to do just funding their retirement, staying employed, getting better jobs, raising their kids, hanging onto their houses, and prepping for harder times. And that’s what most of them are doing.

March 20, 2014 3:12 pm

AWD, I think that “average” is skewed by the people who watch it ALL DAY. Fewer and fewer people I know watch any at all.

March 20, 2014 3:27 pm

It is hard to get to worked up about hoping for change in how we treat and the entitlements we provide this nations FSA when what has become the status quo in this country has been taken for granted by the masses. Like all organizations the direction and attitude start at the top. So when you have a complete tool like Obama running the country with the attitude that he is going to do what he wants when he wants by executive order, or otherwise, it is easy to understand that there is no structure or teeth behind the rules that govern the country. The reality of this country’s current situation is not the hope and change he was preachin’ and sellin’.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
March 20, 2014 3:33 pm

I’m not that worried about the FSA. Most of them are very young (kids), very old, in terrible health, obese, and/or can barely get around on their scooters. I suppose there are a few hardcases in the inner cities, but they would have a long way to go before they could get to where I live. Most members of the FSA are truly the weakest members of society and pose no threat to me.

IraK with a solution to your complaints and our problems,
IraK with a solution to your complaints and our problems,
March 20, 2014 3:51 pm

IraK, with a solution to your complaints and our problems, says:

According to some of my Deep State friends there’s a plan afoot too reduce the cost to the country of the free shit army. The plan will make use of DHS camps, reduce gov’t debt, and slowly eliminate the drones.

Later this Spring we will see a gradual and then a greater removal of free shitters to DHS “American Freedom and Joyous Lifestyle Camps.”

Housing, food, and mindless entertainment like you won’t believe will be provided. But all will cost much less that entitlement programs pay out to the free shitters. Their bennies will reduced by inflated charges for room, board, and sports/sex entertainment. The bottom line is that gov’t free shit expenses should be reduced by 2/3rds. Also, food for the welfare parasites will contain contraceptives so prole breeding will drop to zero.

You who’ve been braying about Obama, deficits, higher taxes, worthless welfare folks, and other problems, have been heard. The Democrats, outflanking the Stupid Party again, have listened and have an answer to your complaints. You’ll soon see that government is responsive and does work for you workers.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
March 20, 2014 4:58 pm

“Impotent, scared, getting half your money stolen by criminal socialists that redistribute it to 100 million people that get paid to vote. It’s no way to live.”

I don’t disagree with you. But what do you suggest? We’re outgunned by the government, outnumbered by the FSA, and there are no remaining free countries to emigrate to. The USA was the last one, before people ruined it just like they ruin everything.

Defeatism is defined as “the attitude, policy, or conduct of a person who admits, expects, or no longer resists defeat, as because of a conviction that further struggle or effort is futile; pessimistic resignation.”

This is viewed negatively by some people – I’ve even seen it hurled about like an insult on this very site, as in, “You’re being defeatist!” or “That’s a defeatist way of thinking!”

However, it’s an entirely appropriate approach to a battle that has already been fought and lost. The final score has already been posted. It’s in the rearview mirror. Past tense. What good does it do to get mad about it now? That makes about as much sense as drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

So go home and watch your favorite TV show, be glad you at least live in the First World, and don’t have kids.

March 20, 2014 5:33 pm

AWD’s right about the situation for the middle-class guy – see his comment a couple of posts above. Slowly we’re getting squeezed by higher taxes, mandatory Obamacare, more fees here and there, and an always increasing cost of living. For most workers, wages haven’t kept up.

Government and its programs seems to be behind all. College tuition, something I’m paying now for two sons, is higher because the gov’t is loaning money to students. That increases demand and costs. Welfare subsidies are given in return for supporting the party in power. Both parties angle for votes by offering drones, immigrants, and deviants more.

The gov’t, as AWD says, uses the heavy hand to keep all in line.

“It’s no way to live,” says AWD and I agree.

I keep saying that if you vote R or D you’re voting against your interests, that of your family and friends, and that of your country. Maybe I’m nuts. Maybe “that’s no way to live,” the way the Rs and Ds have given us, is the way to live. Most people, by their votes, seem to think so.

March 20, 2014 5:49 pm

our fiscal policy is stupid. our monetary policy is stupid. our foreign policy is stupid. our immigration policy is stupid. our energy policy is stupid. if you go right on down the line to include other items like affirmative action, multiculturalism, k-12 education, the tax code, and so on, you’d be forgiven if you thought a satanic force was behind it all. i mean, a drunken dart-throwing baboon, blind in one eye, could hit the target just by chance once in a while. the psychos in charge choose the absolute worst, self-destructive policies conceivable.

i think it was nickelthrower (i could be wrong) who opined a while ago that the ruling class, the oligarchy, hate us, their subjects. i used to think they were just self-indulgent, incompetent dolts. but i am coming round to nickelthrower’s view.

March 20, 2014 6:14 pm

AWD says “The 1% don’t care, they’re not paying much in taxes.”

The first part of that is true, the second part about not paying much in taxes is total horse shit, and perhaps the stupidest thing AWD has ever posted.

The top 1% pay around 35% of all US federal income taxes.

Got that AWD? 1% of the population is paying almost THIRTY FIVE percent of US federal income taxes. Their federal income tax is over half a million dollars per year. The top 10% pay something like 70% of all federal taxes.

I guess he thinks they should pay it all.

Damn, AWD, seriously, what the fuck? How in any reality or universe is it fair that 1% of the population pays 35 percent of the taxes? How is it reasonable that the bottom half of earners pay NOTHING at all?

March 20, 2014 6:19 pm

It is NOT the middle class that is funding the bottom 50%. That is a damn lie, and AWD knows it. It is the top 10%. The middle class – from 10% down to the 50% earning folks – or 40% of the population – pays only 30% of the federal tax.

So that 40% of the population pays only 30% of the tax. So EVEN THE MIDDLE CLASS IS PARASITING OFF THE TOP 10%.

Those are the FACTS. What he said is BULLSHIT. The bottom 50% is, of course, full parasite re taxes, while the middle class is just partially parasite. They do scrounge a bit for themselves, but they do get heavily subsidized from the top 1% and 10%. Make no mistake about it.

Fact is, the entire system is one big parasite.

Now, that should stir up some shit.

March 20, 2014 6:24 pm

Actually, the top 1% is probably paying closer to 40% of fed taxes at the moment.

That is not enough. They should pay more. They are not paying their fair share.

March 20, 2014 6:42 pm

I agree with AWD/Jackson/et al with respect to saying the govt policy has caused the problem. They did not cause all of the problem, but much of it.

The middle class is getting hammered by the govt, but the reality is that the US middle class is unsustainable given global pressure. Better skilled, better-educated, harder-working folks world-wide are sucking jobs and money from the middle class. No government policy is going to change that simple fact. There are many things that can or could be done to improve the situation, but the days of the middle class living affluent lifestyles is rapidly coming to an end. 2 billion Asians will see to it. Low or middling skills simply will not be well paid.

The real answer is to abandon the welfare state, which will allow the middle class to keep much more of what they have. It will force the lower class to work, which will make the economy more competitive. I am happy enough for the richer to pay fairly high taxes – not to support welfare, but to support infrastructure, education, etc.

The idea that the rich need to pay their fair share because they have benefitted the most is flawed in that their fair share is not going back into the economy in order to offer opportunity to others. It is going back into the economy to allow people not to work. It is bullshit.

Keep the taxes on the rich the same. Kill the welfare state. Take the taxes and use it to produce real opportunity and to actually improve the economy. Do not piss the money away, as is being done.

There are more than enough taxes being taken.

March 20, 2014 10:53 pm

AWD gets stupider and stupider. The top 0.1 percent pay 16.4 percent of fed taxes.

Or each one pays for 164 others. Which is outrageous no matter how youlook at it.

Come on AWD, you are getting slaughtered.

March 21, 2014 5:51 pm

How are we supposed to start huge shitfights when the articles drop into the valley of doom so fast?