Guest Post from Mike Krieger


Illinois Church Told by City Officials It Can No Longer Provide Homeless People Shelter

Throughout what has been one of the most brutal winters in recent memory, a small church in Rockford, Illinois decided to do the right thing and offer a warm, safe place to sleep for local homeless people. The church provided shelter to 30-50 people a night during the winter months, and probably even saved several lives as a result. For this horrific offense, city officials have zeroed in and told them they must stop this act of charity due to “zoning issues” and “safety hazards.”

This story is just another tale in a recent disturbing crackdown by local municipalities against private citizens and institutions trying to make life a little less painful for homeless people. Recall my very popular post from a month ago titled: South Carolina City Implements Law that Requires a $120 Permit to Feed Homeless People.

Now from WIFR 23News:

ROCKFORD (WIFR) — Leaders at a Rockford church say they have been told by the city that they can no longer act as a warming center and temporary homeless shelter because of zoning issues and apparent safety hazards.

Apostolic Pentecostals of Rockford church tells 23 News they were told Wednesday by the city that their facility doesn’t have adequate fire safety equipment and also isn’t zoned to serve the community as a warming center or shelter.

You got people out in the cold,” says church owner David Frederick, “and I think the city should allow us to stay open all night.”

Frederick says he has been warned by the city if his church takes people in he would be doing so illegally.

I’m really glad local “authorities” across America have got their priorities straight.

Full article from WIFR and video here.

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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March 25, 2014 10:53 am


Free Shit distribution? No!!! The government hates competition.

March 25, 2014 12:45 pm

Zoning laws, code violations, certificates & certifications, degrees, permits…

It has gotten where you cannot do anything productive without needing permission from the state to do everything. It is very much like the Soviet Union, which is really why they collapsed. When your population cannot do anything without so much hassle it doesn’t seem worth it, people just stop. Then, the economy collapses.

Hilariously, the worse things get, the more idiots in America think we need to up the qualifications to get a job, even a shit job. The worse education gets, the more money the govt spends & the more qualified they want the teachers to be, until now it costs more to acquire the certs than the job is worth.

Jobs you used to be able to walk in off the street & get, now you need some stupid piece of paper saying you’re qualified. Or, the forms & nonsense costs so much & takes so long, you just get some poor schlub to do the work of multiple people or threaten to fire him. Hiring should be at the whim of the business owner without approval from some bureaucrat. The worse the economy gets, the easier it should be to hire someone. Nop, not in the USA. Let’s add on some stupid forced insurance now, OSHA, the RSDM, the SMLLP, fuck it just throw some letters together & here’s a new requirement! The government has now taken over damn near everything.

So, like the Soviet Union, the economy is collapsing just like Dmitry Orlov predicted. The USA is the USSR.

March 25, 2014 1:17 pm

The hatred of government people for the very poor they helped impoverish, is terrible to contemplate.

Rockford, IL is one of dozens of blighted Rust Belt cities, that flourished until 1980, but was wrecked by offshore competition, over-regulation, and over-taxation. It is now one of the poorest cities in the country, and is in the top ten most violent.

One would think that a cash-strapped local government in a blighted, impoverished town would be only too glad for the assistance of charities. But once your government has wrecked you- destroyed your livelihood and taxed you out of every last dime, you’re supposed to just crawl into a ditch somewhere and die.

March 25, 2014 1:21 pm

An 8-year-old girl in Tennessee has been told that she can not return to her Christian school because she defied “biblical standards” by looking like a boy.

Doris Thompson told WSET that her granddaughter, Sunnie Kahle, was forced to enroll in public school and has been refused admission for the next school year until she can express the proper gender identity.


Gaia Madness

March 25, 2014 1:34 pm

What, exactly, constitutes “looking like a boy”? Short hair and slacks?

Too bad that the “Christian” schools are, in many locations, the only reasonably-priced alternatives to the public schools. Some choice. Good private schools are far beyond the means of most parents, and many parents simply don’t have the aptitude to home school their kids and have sense enough to know it. Mom should try to locate a nice Catholic or Lutheran school in her area, but many areas don’t have such schools.

March 25, 2014 2:18 pm

I’ll bet that church will abide and do as their told. If there were ever a place on this earth that should not comply with the law of man on a law/rule such as this bullshit, that would be it. I hope they don’t listen and just tell the city to fuck off, er, decline adherence then or whatever.

March 25, 2014 3:06 pm

The church should not comply with the cities order. Let the city put them in jail and explain themselves. This kind of stuff is happening everywhere. St Louis has a running battle with The New Life Evangelistic Center homeless shelter and their feeding programs. If you don`t want to help the homeless, so be it. But don`t force others to withhold aid at the point of a gun. Oh what the heck let them starve and freeze to death. Problem solved.

March 25, 2014 10:50 pm

I’m familiar with New Life Evangelistic. Reverend Larry Rice always did very good work in St Louis and it is sad that that extremely blighted and violent city in which 50% of the population is on welfare and never graduated high school, would make life and work so difficult for someone who has done so much to help take the burden of helping the most challenged people in the population off the backs of the public.

March 26, 2014 11:48 am

Isn’t it strange how at a time when homelessness and despair is expanding, the crack down on helping those that need it explodes.

Just like Bush signed the laws that made charities administration more difficult was right before the economy finally imploded.

This country sucks. Sucks hard.

And yes, once you make it so difficult that it requires more energy to comply than to do, it is over.

What idiot would continue doing that?

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