“I’m opposed to the notion of official ideology — not just fascism, Communism and Baathism, but the fluffier ones, too, like ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘climate change’ and ‘marriage equality’. Because the more topics you rule out of discussion — immigration, Islam, ‘gender fluidity’ — the more you delegitimise the political system… where we’re headed: a world where real, primal, universal rights — like freedom of expression — come a distant second to the new tribalism of identity-group rights.

Oh, don’t worry. There’ll still be plenty of ‘offending, insulting or humiliating’ in such a world, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali and the Mozilla CEO and Zionists and climate deniers and feminist ‘cis-women’ not quite au courant with transphobia can all tell you. And then comes the final, eerie silence. Young Erin Ching at Swarthmore College has grasped the essential idea: it is not merely that, as the Big Climate enforcers say, ‘the science is settled’, but so is everything else, from abortion to gay marriage. So what’s to talk about? Universities are no longer institutions of inquiry but ‘safe spaces’ where delicate flowers of diversity of race, sex, orientation, ‘gender fluidity’ and everything else except diversity of thought have to be protected from exposure to any unsafe ideas.

As it happens, the biggest ‘safe space’ on the planet is the Muslim world. For a millennium, Islamic scholars have insisted, as firmly as a climate scientist or an American sophomore, that there’s nothing to debate. And what happened? As the United Nations Human Development Programme’s famous 2002 report blandly noted, more books are translated in Spain in a single year than have been translated into Arabic in the last 1,000 years. Free speech and a dynamic, innovative society are intimately connected: a culture that can’t bear a dissenting word on race or religion or gender fluidity or carbon offsets is a society that will cease to innovate, and then stagnate, and then decline, very fast.”

Mark Steyn

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April 16, 2014 7:47 am

So, liberal progressives will be the death of us all.

I knew it, I just fucking knew it.

harry p.
harry p.
April 16, 2014 8:17 am

i think liberal progressives is nitpicking too much, it is also the ultra religious puritan-esque nazis.
the neoconservative pigs who won’t even question going to war everywhere for any reason as just as bad.
i think a more accurate and broader culprit is “statists”

April 16, 2014 8:51 am

In other words, if Natural Selection is 100% consistent with the so called Progressives there wouldn’t be anything left to debate.

As they say “leftist like just enough science to buttress their point but not too much science.

April 16, 2014 9:06 am

From The First Letter of Saul to the BO-rinthians

In this trying week of religiosity and intolerance, let us pause for a moment, comrades, and reflect on the words of the Organizer Saul, in his letter to the BO-rinthians ..

“And cravenly seek the baser things. For I show you an even more corrupted way”

“Though I shriek with the tongues of demons and harpies but hath not envy, I am become unsounded brass and padded gongs. And though I have the gift of doublespeak and distorteth all truth and all wisdom and though I have hypocrisy and cynicism to divide whole civilizations into paralyzing rancor and despair but stirreth up no envy … I am nothing.”

“And though I tax all earned wealth to give to the idle and ungrateful and though I give up the careers and reputations of friends and underlings to be tosseth under the bus … but increaseth not envy, it profits me nothing.”

“Envy tolerates nothing and is cruel. Envy does not love. Envy seeks but to provoke, thinks naught but evil, rejoices in iniquity, recoils from the truth … corrupts all things, finds all things unbearable, finds all things hopeless, makes all things unendurable.”

“Envy never fails. But whether there are resentments, they will fail. Whether there is degeneracy, it will cease. Whether there are falsehoods, it will pass away. For now we lie in part and we dissemble in part, but when He who is The One has come, then measures that were partial will be done away with.”

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, thought as a child, reasoned as a child, but when I failed to become a man, I redoubled my focus on childish things. But now abide Malice, Deceit and Envy — but the greatest of these is Envy.”

All comrades respond: Praise to you, Obama

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April 16, 2014 9:09 am

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April 16, 2014 9:47 am

Steyn, again, hits it out of the park.

Part of the stagnation and backwardness of the Islamic World is not because these people are Arabs, it is because they are Muslims. Islam is not a religion: It is a totalitarian political system, as well as a suicidal war cult, that has trapped its adherents for centuries in a stagnant, violent and dysfunctional cesspool. There I said it.

When you stifle debate because it contradicts or questions the politically correct and sanctioned orthodoxy, you stifle creativity, innovation and ultimately knowledge that could benefit all people.

(For bonus points, compare and contrast the scientific and technological advances of Western Europe and America of the last 500 years with that of the (former) Ottoman Empire or any country ruled by Sharia Law.)

(For extra bonus points, compare and contrast the rights and opportunities for WOMEN over the last 500 years in Western Europe/American with same in the Muslim world since the 7th century.)

When you prosecute someone in the court of public opinion (oops, I mean the Court of the Howling Mob) for freely expressing their First Amendment guaranteed rights of political speech as a PRIVATE CITIZEN, you get LESS participation in the political process, more isolation and marginalization of the individual and, end up creating the same “extreme” radicalism that the “court” was trying to silence in the first place.

In short, NOTHING in the universe is “settled” except the guaranteed heat death of the Universe, or closer to home, death & taxes, which, is, coincidentally, the same place that all this liberal progressive policies seem to lead.

I didn’t include “childbirth” in my List of Universal Inevitability as liberal progressives are really just the modern descendants of the worshipers of Bal, who thought nothing about sacrificing their newborn babies by tossing them into the holy fire. But modern progressives are even more “modern” as they have managed to rip the babies from the mother’s womb even before birth.

Think Progress indeed.

April 16, 2014 10:53 am

HKZ – You have an ally in Rebecca Bynum in claiming Islam is not a religion.

I those links don’t post the article was from the Jan. issue of

Current Issue

April 16, 2014 11:12 am

Hope@ZeroKelvin says:

. Islam is not a religion: It is a totalitarian political system

What is the difference between Islam and Orthodox Judaism? Both are totalitarian and behavioristic in that they both place adherence to arbitrary laws and tradition-based customs above faith.

PS, glad you’re back!

April 16, 2014 11:20 am

Arab = Sand Nigger

April 16, 2014 11:30 am

The liberal progressives, destroyers of our nation, with a perpetual majority thanks to handing out free goodies, free healthcare, and requiring no work to “earn” one’s “pay”. Socialism and communism are the most evil and degenerate of political philosophies, robbing men of their dignity and instincts in lieu of a government handout and government dependency.

Our country, like Rome, is being overrun with barbarians (unregistered democrats) and minority welfare moms squeezing out spawn faster than working families can. The demographics of dependency will result in parasites killing the host. It’s already happening, as several liberal progressive socialist states have more people on welfare than people that work for a living.

The liberal progressive only have to tell the voters who to vote for, because they aren’t voting for a person, they are voting themselves more free food, free cash, free healthcare, free phones, free housing. The liberal progressive devils will continue to spend other people’s money until they run out, and can’t borrow or print another dime, and they will then order their army of darkness to roam the land, murdering, looting, raping and pillaging from people that work, are actually married, believe in God, and pursue what’s left of their freedom. The anti-christ is running this country, the gates of hell have been opened, and the damned are walking the earth, serving their master Obama, and his father, Lucifer. Only God can save us now.


Party Faithful Perplexed By D.C. Anointment / Election

As a resident of a Worker’s Settlement outside the Kapital District Of Kolumbia, I wonder who my brothers and sisters will be manipulated to anoint elect to oversee them. The Party choice is Comrade Muriel Bowser, a black woman, downtrodden by the system. Which ironically is run by people who look and think like her. A colleague, a LGBTFQAPBCU© ( lesbian gay bisexual transgendered fag queer anal power bottom confused undecided) David A. Catania is running against her as a so called independent. I do not recall the token Rethugglikkkan straw man’s candidate’s name. Who should the party people choose? Mz. Bowser is a member of 2 party approved victim groups for a score of +2, while Mr. Catania is both a privileged white male and LGBTFQAPBCU© for a neutral score of 0.

But as the party does not seem to care as much about black people right now, I mean half of all black babies are killed before they are born by party supported abortion mills Choice Centers®. And Dear Leader’s economic destructiontransformation plan has led to sub par levels of employment among his half brothers and half sisters…..We must wait and see what the party people will decide.

April 16, 2014 11:50 am

I want to ensure we’re discussing the same Saul, here. This is Saul Alinsky: the man who was blinded by envy on the road to Academic™ idolization and, as result of his ‘moment of epiphany’, decided to dedicate his life to anti-Christ and his new testament, “Rules for Radicals”, to the first Revolutionary. A hero of the movement! He inspires movement in me every time I think about him. –

Maybe the four blood moons are encouraging collective soul searching of late. I noticed Comrade Bloomberg is proud of purchasing a heavenly residence in the great hereafter. To quote: “I have earned my place in heaven”. Has communism added a touch of deism to its atheism as a sort of insurance policy?

Mr. Bloomberg is Jewish I assume so this must be Old Testament. I think the New Testament application is “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, unless he donates heavily to gun control.” Dispelling at last the outdated belief that you can’t buy your way into heaven. In other words, from a Christian perspective, Jesus died for sinners who don’t have enough money to purchase heaven on their own.

Comrade Bloomberg, I dub thee the Apostle of Affluence. Now, go spread this gospel to the one percent.

April 16, 2014 11:50 am

“Islam is not a religion:” ———– HZK

Agree with your post 100%. Islam, imho, is amongst the most fucked up belief system ever devised by mankind.

But, to say it is not a religion …. even with your qualifiers …. simply isn’t accurate. At least not according to any standard definition of ‘religion’.

“When you stifle debate because it contradicts or questions the politically correct and sanctioned orthodoxy ….” ———– HZK

That’s standard operating procedure for all religion, Christianity included. Just ask Copernicus.

April 16, 2014 12:53 pm


Jews are the chosen people, just ask one, they’ll tell you. It’s why they have no problem running this country, from the banks to Hollywood, the media, Wall Street. Hey own the politicians, and their one desire is to wipe out the goy.

Muslims are God’s whipping boy. They will, forever and ever, kill each other off, and kill anybody else they see as a threat. They are equivalent to Africans, and many live in Africa. They are barely able to build mud huts (like Africans).

The Africans still believe in Animism, and have been committing genocide on themselves (and whites) for centuries. God created them? I have my doubts.

Asians are the only race that makes sense. They believe in family, and are deeply spiritually based. They also didn’t import black slaves to pick cotton, they don’t have welfare, and they honor their ancestors. Which is why Asians are taking over the world.

April 16, 2014 3:47 pm

I’m thinkin this is applicable… you all can answer the question at the end for yourselves…

(gonna try to “bold” it so it stands out.. hope this works… )

“These people are playing with matches… I don’t think they understand the scope and scale of the wildfire they are flirting with. They are fucking around with a civil war that could last a decade and cause millions of deaths… and the sad truth is that 95% of the problems we have in this country could be solved tomorrow, by noon… simply by dragging 100 people out in the street and shooting them in the fucking head.”

And lemme tell ya, he had the list… he rattled off 25 or 30 names of well-known, prominent politicians, mostly Democrats, but a few Republicans, several members of the current Cabinet, a couple of Obama’s “czars”, a couple of figures from the Bush administration and the Republican establishment, several media company executives and on-camera newscasters, reporters, and pundits, a couple of people who are active in leftist politics but not in elected office… he had obviously thought about this to some degree already.

I was struck by his cold, detached, matter-of-fact tone. I said, “Dude… that’s more French Revolution than American Revolution. Do you really think that is the way to go?”

Wheeler said, “I believe in efficiency and economy of action. You wouldn’t trade one hundred of those criminal bastards for ten million of your fellow Americans?”

The Pig Trap

April 16, 2014 6:30 pm

“the sad truth is that 95% of the problems we have in this country could be solved tomorrow, by noon… simply by dragging 100 people out in the street and shooting them in the fucking head”

I don’t see this as a sad truth, but the number is more like 1000, and the 95% of ’em are in Washington and New York. I’m hoping Putin puts Washington’s lights out permanently. Nobody would notice, except the terrorist and fascist Federal government would be out of commission. We could celebrate for years to come.

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
April 16, 2014 10:25 pm

I am wondering if there are any topics Mr Steyn/Stein/Stone does not like to talk about.