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May 14, 2014 5:20 pm

The problem with experts not knowing what they’re talking about is they were never experts, but mere speculators in a mass media confidence game and by the time the desperate clingers get a clue, the cliff is over.suckers.

May 14, 2014 7:52 pm

No, it’s different this time. Money printing works great. Grandma Yellen knows what she’s doing. The squids on Wall Street deserve their parasitic fortunes. The criminals in Washington need to spend $1 trillion a year they don’t have. It’s cool that 112 million people didn’t have to go to work today, and can buy and eat whatever they want for free. All this doom and gloom serves no purpose. We just have to have faith in our leaders, the banksters, the 0.01%, they have our best interests in mind. They’ve given us so much, we should be grateful. Another financial crash will never happen, there won’t be bank runs, or money confiscated from your accounts by the government. People on welfare, disability, 99 weeks of paid unemployment vacation, and 50 million on food stamps will always and forever more get their free shit. We need 30 million union government drone employees. We need the DHS, CIA, FBI, TSA, IRS, DEA, and all the government agencies; they make our life safer. Obama is the best president ever, he really does know what he’s doing. Kerry and Hillary really know what they’re doing. People in the world want to be like us: a free democratic country. The $17.5 trillion debt is no big deal. The $200 trillion promised to people is no big deal. The $58 trillion public/private debt in the U.S. is no big deal. Fascism and socialism are cool.

Oh wait, that’s all wrong, I was being sarcastic. It’s a horrendous mess, and it’s all going to collapse soon.

May 14, 2014 10:25 pm

One of the things I attribute to my not following the herd was having read books by people like Harry Browne and also books such as Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the madness of Crowds and many others. I would read everything I could get my hands on about economics. I’ve had this fascination of studying economics for 5 decades now. I’ve always known that was an oddball thing to do. But that knowledge gave me an advantage over most people. I was never swayed by any of the hype and bull shit everyone else was mesmerized by.

I remember in the 90’s my wife mentioned to me that the husband of one of her friends was doing so well in the stock market (you know the “HE’s REALLY A SMART GUY” type of comment) and that maybe we needed to get involved also. I told her “well God bless him I wish him well” but that the stock market was a bubble and not sustainable and that many people were going to get hurt. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been just about told what an idiot I was for ignoring the conventional wisdom and in many cases doing the exact opposite. We know how all that ended but the point is it was no surprise to me at all
Where we’re headed is clear to me and has been for a long time. The details or specific events of course no one knows. Whether we have inflation or deflation has been hotly debated but in reality it doesn’t really matter. It only matters in which group gets hurt the most and which the least. What really matters is what condition will we all end up living in.

What I’m convinced of is that this country is headed for a standard of living substantially lower than anything most people can presently imagine. We have been living for decades a standard of living that was borrowed/stolen from the future. Welcome to the future, it’s here.

Let me repeat that.—— A standard of living substantially lower than anything most people can presently imagine. —–That is our future.

May 15, 2014 1:47 pm

And once again, AWD offers no solutions except vile rants.

May 15, 2014 1:52 pm

My solution for non-synapse is “your dad should have pulled out”, or your mom should have gone with her gut instinct, and used the coat hanger.