10 GIFs Reminding You of How Hard Working Out Can Be

Serious? Because I Don't Want to Make Terrible Decisions Like That!

There is No SPF High Enough for Skin Like This

Because the 8-Track Would be a Little too Advanced

You Totally Brought That One on Yourself

The Lesson Here is Never Help Anyone

They're Working on Flambé Right Away, I See

Swimming is Made Safer With the Buddy System

You Have to Jiggle the Handle to Get in and Out, but it Works!

Objects in Sight May be Closer Than They Appear

50 Cent Finally Admits What Happened During That Terrible Pitch

Idiots DO in Fact Have a Single Common Ancestor

You Don't Need a Reason to Act a Fool When You're This Drunk

The Bshoe Withb the Thbree Stribes

Somebody is Getting Evicted From the Trailer Park

Contractors Will Do Exactly the Work You Give Them

When You Wish Upon a Car

The Location of This Story is Really What Makes it Perfect

Bring Your Own Pool Toy for Fun!

Lifting Plates, Lifting Weights!

Well, There's Your Problem Right There

Way to Make Every Fill-Up a Creepy Experience

That's How a Hitch Works, Right?

Somebody Wasn't Fooled by the Ink Pack

Put the Parking Break on, We're Good

Free Parking Seems Like a Terrible Idea Now

Impressive Flip, but Needs to Work on Making Less of a Splash

If Only it Could Keep Your Whole Head Dry...

Helmet Required, but the Front Wheel is Totally Optional

Maybe This One Should Just Stay Out of the Gene Pool

Should Have Taken the Outside Lane

Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out

See more at the Fail Blog

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June 6, 2014 3:20 pm

I guess that black kid wasn’t smart enough to steal a bike with a front tire (or steal a front tire after he stole the bike). Nice face-plant.

June 6, 2014 3:56 pm

I cringe when I see some of these. I have to wonder if the guy doing the hand stand into the pool broke something, and even though I always like to watch a good face plant they still make me cringe. I have never seen a sunburn close to that bad, if it is real.

June 6, 2014 4:39 pm

@BostonBob: are you really in Boston? Aren’t there a couple of Irish people hanging around there? That sunburn doesn’t look too uncommon in my experience. Let me just say I was thrilled when I found some SPF 100 sunscreen recently. It’s no fun getting burned despite having SPF 30 or higher on. (And yeah, I have taken to wearing pants, long sleeves, hats and all that even when I’d rather be close to naked.)

June 6, 2014 4:56 pm

Definitely having my birthday party in those bathrooms!!!

June 6, 2014 5:20 pm

Actually I am from the greater Boston area, born in Somerville. I am very Irish with a healthy dose of Scottish. My daughter’s name is Erin Kelly with the red hair and freckles to prove it. My son is affectionately known as the ghost because he is so white. My mom used to take me and my three brothers to Nantasket beach for sport to see who would burn the most. I learned early on to wear a shirt and cap. Most summers I would walk around with a farmers tan, from the mid bicep down to the hands and on the back of the neck. the luck of the Irish and the skin to prove it.

June 6, 2014 5:32 pm

@Bob: just wondering. Sounds like we could easily be cousins.

June 6, 2014 5:50 pm

I wish we had things like the HeroCam when I was younger… so many wonderful disasters I could have filmed…

Waiting for our flight at the airport, there were a bunch of black kids playing grab-ass and running around… pretty much the entire concourse was watching them. I was secretly hoping for disaster.

One went sprinting down the handicapped ramp, which just happened to be covered in carpeting. He tripped, face-planted, and then skidded down the ramp a good 10 feet on his face…

The entire concourse went “OOOOHHHHhhhhh!”. Then burst out laughing.

NIck A
NIck A
June 6, 2014 6:22 pm

A decade or two ago (whilst I was working for the MOD (UK), we had an interesting case of unilateral (severe) sunburn similar to the above photo.

Our “customer” had driven from Le Havre down to Marseilles on what was an overcast late April day, with his right arm resting on the drivers’ side door, all the way. Ended up with a mix of partial thickness (2nd degree) and full thickness (3rd degree) burns, and spent a number of weeks having split-skin grafts at the Burns Unit at Roehampton.

Very Scottish (Islay resident), with almost zero “tanning capacity”. I gather he decided not to go anywhere sunny ever again!!

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
June 6, 2014 6:26 pm

Swarm of bees attack family in… Beeville!

That actually brought tears to my eyes. Irony is way funnier than stupid.

June 6, 2014 11:40 pm