

Everything about America these days points to a dying country bleeding wealth, employment, stature, and even purpose. The federal government is at the core of this plague, and Barack Hussein Obama is at the center of the disease.. Americans are totally divided as to the correct course the country should take. It appears Americans are evenly divided between producers and moochers. Spoon fed on socialist dogma in schools and culture for generations, liberal Americans seek and support policies are surely destroying us.

By every measurement, Barack Obama is a total failure for Americans who support freedom and prosperity. By every single measurement, Obama has weakened the USA, emboldened our enemies and reneged on his oath to uphold our laws and protect the Constitution. His NSA and spying has alienated the world, destroying allies and foreign relations that took decades to cultivate. Worse, Obama fully supports our sworn enemy, Al Qaeda and ISIS, committing treason. Obama is not alone, George W Bush also dramatically increased the size and cost of government, but Obama has done more wholesale damage to this country than any president in history (and was recently polled as the worst president since WW2).

I found this video the other day from 1986 when America had a President who was a patriot and defended the values and morals of what made America the strongest, wealthiest country in history.

America now has a President who promised to and has greatly succeeded in “fundamentally transforming America.” He has transformed America into an economic disaster zone where we witness more concern for millions of illegal alien invaders streaming across our borders than taxpayers. Obama has saddled us with so much debt the American dollar is rapidly losing its enviable position as the world standard as China and other countries rise. He has tremendously grown the federal government in cost, scope, and power. The initial disastrous results of the unpopular ObamaCare only hint of the full destruction of health care in America awaiting us. His political party has marched in lockstep with his disastrous policies and actions.

Where is the ‘loyal opposition?’ The Republican Party has also marched lockstep with Democrats and Obama in increasing the insurmountable national debt of nearly $18 trillion and growing the federal government. They have worked backroom deals trying to pass Amnesty for illegal aliens not here seeking freedom as legal aliens once did but come here for seeking welfare handouts.

With 100% of black support, the Democrats need new voters they can lavish with social programs in return for lifelong support at the ballot box. While Republicans, owned by the Chamber of Commerce and their Big Business cronies, seek a new class of cheap labor. And the doors of America’s border states have swung wide open! Who pays for all this? The American middle class tax payer and worker who sees the American Dream rapidly becoming the American Nightmare.

Republicans put on political theater feigning outrage for the numerous scandals and unconstitutional usurpations of Obama and his minions. But nothing happens. No one goes to jail. No one even loses their jobs. Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner sadly promises to sue Obama in court knowing that Obama will be long gone when any decisions are rendered, despite the fact that Obama needs to be tried for treason and impeached. Yet, the country continues bleeding to death.

Where are the statesmen who will step forward and boldly proclaim that nothing will be funded or passed until the violations perpetuated by the federal government on American citizens are made right and the responsible punished? Who in Washington demands that Obama uphold the very laws he swore to uphold? Who proclaims that Obama will no longer circumvent Congress with de facto Amnesty and violations of his presidential authority? What is the answer?

America had Ronald Reagan to restore our faith in government after four years of the disastrous Jimmy Carter. Who do current day Ruling Class Republicans want us to elect to replace Obama? El Jeb Bush or Chris Christie. I will pass on either of those.

We find ourselves one Supreme Court heartbeat away from the socialists placed on the bench outlawing the Second Amendment
! How much can and will patriotic Americans suffer before something is done?

The question is not “what is the answer” but “what is the solution?” The Republicans nor Democrats offer no solutions. The are the problem. America’s elected officials at the national level have installed themselves as the Ruling Class virtually immune from being voted from office. Lifelong politicians are enriched by corrupt lobbyists and special interests while completely ignoring their constituents. What the Republicans did by paying black liberal Democrats to vote for Thad Cochran in the Mississippi Republican primary shows the despicable levels Republicans have fallen in protecting one of their fellow ruling class corruptocrats.

What hope does the American patriot taxpayer have when his federal government actively works towards his demise? Americans have faced this decision before. You will recognize the words:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

By the words of Thomas Jefferson, all signs point to American States who still hold those truths to be self-evident, that the United States of America cannot stand in its current direction. The rights of The People must be protected. Not the rights of the collective as sought by the ever-powerful and tyrannical federal government, but the individual! You! Me! The leaders of the Tea Party movement who were deliberately targeted by the IRS and members of Congress!

The States that still hold fast to the vision of The Founders are the current Red States. Socialist Blue States long ago made their decisions to pursue socialist and crony capitalist policies that are resulting in the collapsing of their economies and the encroachments of the rights of their citizens. Red States are seeing refugees from these Blue State hellholes arriving in droves. In Dallas, homes for sale remain on the market less than a week before purchase, usually being purchased by a Blue Stater fleeing high taxes, high unemployment, and lack of individual freedoms. I heard a friend say the other day that the construction crane should become the new Texas State Bird. Cranes are everywhere.

I have stated numerous times I have no desire to have corrupt socialist politicians from Massachusetts, California, New York, Michigan, Vermont, Delaware, Illinois etc holding power over my earnings and freedoms. In 2009, I had hope that we could return America to a prosperous path where new Congressmen and Senators would be elected to replace the Ruling Class ilk hellbent on destroying us. But I have come to accept that the Tea Party was 30 years too late. The Tea Party worked tirelessly to return the Republicans to power in the House only to watch them renege on every promise they made and go on to elect John Boehner as Speaker. For those who have read Atlas Shrugged, I have turned into John Galt after years of holding out hope as a Dagny Taggart. My beliefs in a prosperous America with a positive future were further eroded when Barack Obama was reelected.

I have great faith in Texas where sufficient numbers of patriots are able to neutralize the millions of dollars from the national Republicans and their Chamber of Commerce cronies with fiscally conservative voters who are motivated to vote in primaries.

Is America doomed to separate into two countries where only one follows the tried and true limits on government set up by the Founding Fathers while the other follows socialist European models of high taxation and limited freedoms? Will the separation be a requirement to protect Americans from the tyranny of corrupt big government?

In the wise words of Benjamin Franklin, “you have a Republic if you can keep it.”

It appears the warnings of Alexis de Tocqueville have been realized: “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”

As for me, I will quote the great Texas songwriter Ray Wylie Hubbard: “I like the other States, they’re OK. But Texas is where I want to be and I don’t care if I ever go to Delaware anyway!”

What are your thoughts on the question of the continued viability of the United States of America as a republic?


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July 7, 2014 9:29 am

I can’t find anything that I disagree with in this article. I don’t know WTF we are in 2014 but it certainly is NOT a republic. Obama still has 21/2 years to continue the ruination of our country and there seems to be little we can do to stop him. We elected the Pubbies to oppose him and stop him but they do not. Gimmiecrats will straight-up tell you that they will steal your money and liberty while the Pubbies tell us that they are on our side. Bullshit!

July 7, 2014 9:38 am

I’m not gonna bad-mouth Texas. But, they gave us Lydon Johnson, two Bushes, Barbara Jordon, and Rick Perry. That doesn’t give me confidence. (Yes, I know they’ve given us good politicians also.)

But, the copfuks are just out of control there as anywhere else, maybe more so. They don’t seem to be as Libertarian as some other states. I’m sure our Texas residents will straighten me out.

Not that it matters. The USA will break up into at least three nations …. Gringo Nation, Burrito Nation, and Neegrow Nation.

July 7, 2014 10:30 am

I’ll read this later, but on my initial glance I stopped when the claim was made that Reagan made us a wealthy country. That is silly, unless you subscribe to the absurd notion that he who owes the most debt is wealthy.

July 7, 2014 10:31 am

Stucky, there are pockets of crap in Texas just like everywhere else. The border situation encourages us to stock up on ammo even more than we had planned. John

July 7, 2014 11:22 am


You forgot George Strait.

July 7, 2014 12:29 pm

Not all the news is bad ,The US just surpassed Saudi Arabia in oil production per day according to DRUDGE REPORT yesterday and they discovered another big oil supply in Russia. If the US can keep oil below 4 dollars the economic machine will keep turning. I think Stucky is right about the nation coming apart but that’s still a ways into the future.Be grateful for today.

July 7, 2014 2:48 pm


The US consumes 19 million barrels per day, while producing less than 12 million barrels per day. Even a moron like yourself can subtract. Where do we get the other 7 million barrels per day you fucking retard? You continue to make your case as the TBP Village Idiot extraordinaire.

July 7, 2014 12:38 pm

I love how Reagan is held up as the bastion of conservative government. He GREW the government and OBLITERATED our rights in our homes, persons and personal property. All because his rich little darlings were drug addicts.

The reason the copfuks are so armed and out of control is thanks in large part to Mr. Reagan. The reason you can have your property stripped from your hands long before you are convicted of ANY crime is Mr. Reagan.

Just like Mr. Clinton (nor Newt freaking Gingrich) is not the reason the economy in the late 90s took off.

People are so committed to their own historical story line they refuse to accept the reality.

As for truly dark days, I doubt we have seen anything yet.

July 7, 2014 1:25 pm

“As for truly dark days, I doubt we have seen anything yet.” – TE


It’s going to get much, much worse before it gets better… I think Stucky is partially right. Not three. Four.

Burrito Nation, Neegrow Nation, The People’s Socialist Republic of (fill in the blank) and then whatever free men are left will form their own Republic.. hopefully true to the Framer’s vision…

July 7, 2014 3:39 pm

As I recall Reagan wasn’t so great, rather, he was a stooge…a “stand-in” president while HW Bush pulled the strings. And as for all you guys who want to bash people who voted for Obummer, rewind the calender and look back at what our choices were…Obama/Biden vs McCain/Palin? Good God, if McCain had been elected, the world would be a cinder by now and Palin would be President.
And therein lies the problem. We the Sheeple don’t elect anybody, we make “choices” that aren’t really choices.

July 7, 2014 4:04 pm

The FSA is fat, ignorant,stupid and to lazy to steal for themselves. When we give up on democracy there will be an awful retribution for what is happening in our society. The fat will start to get skinny. I recently saw it happen with one in my family. He was to dumb to work the system. He lost 40 0f his 305 lbs. and every worldly possession before he went back to live with his parents. The Dumbass didn`t learn a thing. When we cut them off they will go away, one way or another.

July 7, 2014 4:48 pm

The only good thing that we can look forward to is that the blacks and the hispanics will inter-breed and have kids too lazy to steal .

July 7, 2014 10:01 pm

TE…Reagan grew the government? Reagan had only two congress’s which were not completely controlled by fucking democrat porch liberals…and he NEVER claimed to have a pen and a phone, and Westcoaster…Reagan being a bitch of GHWB? Doubtful…since he waxed his ass…GHWB is a complete slave to the system and always has been…he couldn’t even control his own fighter plane! The fucking porch liberals then and now are responsible for the massive growth of the federal government.

July 7, 2014 11:42 pm

Any and all people that believe government in any form is the answer to humans living peacefully and voluntarily amongst themselves are themselves failing to look at that institution for what it truly is; a violent, coercive monopoly on force. To paraphrase Doug Casey, it would be better if there were 7 billion “nation states” instead of the 200 odd psychopathic, jingoistic ones we have now, the US included. After 500 years of nation states and governments of any type I’d say the verdict is safely in that they are emphatically NOT the answer. The Founding Fathers had it some what right up until the Constitution was ratified. That piece of paper paved the way for this government.

The piece of dirt you happen to call home on this ball was an accident of birth. Every single one of us came from the same real home and we’re all going back there when our short stint here is over. Might wanna start considering that we’re spiritual beings temporarily inhabiting physical bodies and not get too hung up on who did what to whom and why. Live your own life with humility, dignity and respect for others no matter how despicable and repulsive you may find them. I know I often fail to live up to these standards more times I can remember but I gotta keep on trying.

July 8, 2014 1:27 pm

Stucky said

“Yes, I know they’ve given us good politicians also.”

I’m sure you must be right, but after Sam Houston and Davy Crockett are counted, I’m damned if I can name any.

July 8, 2014 2:02 pm

Neither the beaners nor the neegros will set out in their own country. They wouldn`t have any white to loot. I do believe America is dead but that the United States will remain a nation as long as they have enough guns to glue it together.

Hollow man
Hollow man
July 8, 2014 2:11 pm

It is to late.

Hollow man
Hollow man
July 8, 2014 2:15 pm

If Obama wants to piss people off cut the speed limit to 55 again. In the name of global warming.

July 9, 2014 6:27 am

OTC, how right you are, and that is why the line in the sand is the 2A, as our founders intended.