My Right Arm

Off the keyboard & microphone of RE

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Published on the Doomstead Diner on July 12, 2013

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Unlike Christy Brown, I was fortunate enough not to be crippled from BIRTH.  I had to wait more than 50 years to become a CRIPPLE.  Doesn’t make it a whole lot easier to deal with though once you get crippled.

Hopefully, I am not a permanent cripple, but the last few weeks have been quite the adventure into loss of motor ability for me.

Somehow here, I have managed to evolve into Dr. Strangelove as Industrial Civilization winds to a close.

Mein Fuehrer!  I can WALK!  LOL.


…For today, I am going to leave the world of Global Doom once again to talk about personal Doom. This goes along the lines of it’s a Recession when your neighbor loses his job, it’s a Depression when you lose yours.

I remain amongst the fortunate folks in the world of Collapse for the most part, no debts, money in the Bank, still employed, live in a nice still uncollapsed neighborhood etc. However, I have health problems, most of which are my own fucking fault for taking lousy care of my corporeal package for the last 50+ years. Well, actually I took pretty good care of myself for the first 35 or so, but slacked on this stuff for the last score or so of years.

I mentioned in a prior rant my issues with PAD, peripheral artery disease which has made my legs less than world class for running the marathon, or even walking to the dumpster to dispose of some of the waste from my life. This has been an annoyance for a while, but overall hasn’t made life that difficult for me.

A couple of weeks ago though a NEW problem cropped up, which appears to be neurological in nature, though I am not 100% sure of this or what exactly is causing it, though I have some pretty good ideas on it at this point, after dealing with it for the last few weeks…

Typical current RE Sleeping Position

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!


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