The Golden Calf

israel is the golden calf

The Adoration of the Golden Calf by Nicolas Poussin (Image: Wikipedia)

for Tisha B’av August 4, 2014 

This is thy god, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
Exodus 32 verse 4

Tisha B’av commemorates the false report
jews accepted wandering in the desert
when we got to worshiping idols.

Abraham broke the idols
in his fathers corner store
cuz he was certain
G-d is one.

the biggest atrocity that has befallen jewish people today
and in the last 100 plus years is the acceptance of these false reports
and the worship of the state of Israel.

israel the idol.
israel the false G-d.
israel the golden calf.

Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern zionism
a german speaking assimilated hungarian secular
jew, in his diary in 1895 regarding the indigenous

population in Palestine, meaning there were people there
already called Palestinians, wrote:
We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…
denying it employment in our country.

and so it begins or continues
the claiming of a land is not ours.
the assimilated colonized mind
of jews living comfortable in european
empires learning from the imperial powers
they wave flags in.

we covet those flags
and want to wave one
of our own.

the posh snobbery of western european
assimilated jewish men became the fathers
of israel. they are the racist grandfathers
at the heads our dinner tables
at the heads of our states
and 2 state solutions.
they have told the same
lies and false histories
since 1897 at the first zionist congress
in Basel, Switzerland.

Herzel wrote that israel would be
a colony part of a wall of defense
for Europe in Asia, an outpost of civilization
against barbarism, he said.

i give you israel’s father
and the father’s he fathered
and the father’s after him.

israel the dumb brute.

you’ve built an empire
just like europe, just like america
and have 1.8 million Palestinians
in a corner of Gaza and bomb
them in hospitals and bomb them
in schools

now you make your own genocide
your own ethnic cleaning
your own holocaust

this is what you are doing.

you are ridding a people from a land

you goliath

israel the golden calf
the false g-d

we worship
we war/ship

this is what happens
when you build a state
when you erect borders
when you define yourself
in opposition to another.
when you other

israel I do not want a seat at your table.
i will eat with the goyium you so despise
or i will eat alone

i do not want aliyah.
the audacity of ascending
to a higher place
a place where there is life
already and love
and generations
we now murder.

your city of peace
is a city of death.

i renounce my citizenship.

we are a Diaspora people
meant to wander, to make
all the world a home
for us and for all
to call everywhere
not one plot of land
it’s a metaphor!
you literalists!
you racists!
you european / american genocidal mimics!
you maniacs!

our gift has been making every/where funky

not one land but all land
not one people but all people
we were chosen to wander
Zion is ahead, is a future
we work toward, the messiah
not a person, but a time

israel you are an empire.
you have warheads and weaponry
used to dismantle homes and families
and persons from breath. your water is blood
Gaza a gas chamber you round
Palestinians in.

israel you are the golden calf
but i am still a jew.
i see you prostrating in front of idols

kill your idols!
fuck your idols!

every young person
every young jew
every person not named netanyahu
not a israeli prime minister war criminal

we have been lied to
we have been manipulated
we have been coerced

your jewishness is not dependent
upon an undying loyalty to a state
that murders in your name.

israel is not a religion.
israel is the golden calf
and G-d is
a child in Gaza

and this is holocaust
this is genocide
this is ethnic cleansing
this is what it is
and can no longer be.

israel i abhor you.

today on Tisha B’av
i mourn for Palestine
for Gaza.

zionism is racism.
ask america what happens
when you found an idea of a country
on the supremacy of some
over the humanity of all.

where are the indigenous
all the natives in this country
in this city
in israel

i mourn the morality of a people
of a world, of a country here
and a country there. i mourn
the lives withering in prisons
built for Black and Brown people
in american and i mourn the lives
lost in the open air prisons in Gaza

the same war is being fought against
poor and working and indigenous people
around the world everyday and right now
in Palestine.

i mourn tonight

but in the morning
i will resist
with those
not on the side of might
nor on the side of white

G-d, israel, is a child
in Gaza, in Palestine
waking up
this mourning
to shake you
to the ground.

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August 5, 2014 9:16 am


“It is said that the mooslims want to exterminate all of Israel. In the interest of peace, I wish Da Joos would meet the mooslims in the middle”
———- Stucky

Israel, the tail that wags the American dog …..

“We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel… Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.”
———- Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces –

“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
———- Israel Koenig, “The Koenig Memorandum”

“We must expel Arabs and take their places.”
———- David Ben Gurion

“We’ll make a pastrami sandwich of them, … we’ll insert a strip of Jewish settlements in between the Palestinians, and then another strip of Jewish settlements right across the West Bank, so that in 25 years’ time, neither the United Nations nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear it apart.”
———- Ariel Sharon

The Palestinians should be crushed like grasshoppers, heads smashed against the boulders and walls.”
———- Ehud Barak, Isreali Prime Minister

“The United States has an absolute, uncompromising commitment to Israel’s security and an absolute conviction that Israel alone must decide the steps necessary to ensure that security. That is Israel’s prerogative. We accept that. We endorse that. Whatever Israel decides cannot, will not, will never, not ever, alter our fundamental commitment to her security.”
———- Al Gore

August 5, 2014 12:32 pm

Showing that the meme — “Hamas uses civilians as human shields” — is a Big Lie. I hope Llpoh reads this.


Why Israel Lies

Posted on Aug 3, 2014

By Chris Hedges

All governments lie, as I.F. Stone pointed out, including Israel and Hamas.

But Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories—required under the rules of American journalism—although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire.

I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory.

I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists.

I have stood in the remains of schools—Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalities at one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday—as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”

There is a perverted logic to Israel’s repeated use of the Big Lie—Große Lüge—the lie favored by tyrants from Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin to Saddam Hussein. The Big Lie feeds the two reactions Israel seeks to elicit—racism among its supporters and terror among its victims.

By painting a picture of an army that never attacks civilians, that indeed goes out of its way to protect them, the Big Lie says Israelis are civilized and humane, and their Palestinian opponents are inhuman monsters.

The Big Lie serves the idea that the slaughter in Gaza is a clash of civilizations, a war between democracy, decency and honor on one side and Islamic barbarism on the other. And in the uncommon cases when news of atrocities penetrates to the wider public, Israel blames the destruction and casualties on Hamas.

George Orwell in his novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” called this form of propaganda doublethink. Doublethink uses “logic against logic” and “repudiate[s] morality while laying claim to it.” The Big Lie does not allow for the nuances and contradictions that can plague conscience. It is a state-orchestrated response to the dilemma of cognitive dissonance. The Big Lie permits no gray zones. The world is black and white, good and evil, righteous and unrighteous. The Big Lie allows believers to take comfort—a comfort they are desperately seeking—in their own moral superiority at the very moment they have abrogated all morality.

The Big Lie, as the father of American public relations, Edward Bernays, wrote, is limited only by the propagandist’s capacity to fathom and harness the undercurrents of individual and mass psychology.

And since most supporters of Israel do not have a desire to know the truth, a truth that would force them to examine their own racism and self-delusions about Zionist and Western moral superiority, like packs of famished dogs they lap up the lies fed to them by the Israeli government. The Big Lie always finds fertile soil in what Bernays called the “logic-proof compartment of dogmatic adherence.” All effective propaganda, Bernays wrote, targets and builds upon these irrational “psychological habits.”

This is the world Franz Kafka envisioned, a world where the irrational becomes rational. It is one where, as Gustave Le Bon noted in “The Crowd: A Study of the Public Mind,” those who supply the masses with the illusions they crave become their master, and “whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”

This irrationality explains why the reaction of Israeli supporters to those who have the courage to speak the truth—Uri Avnery, Max Blumenthal, Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Cook, Norman Finkelstein, Amira Hass, Gideon Levy, Ilan Pappé, Henry Siegman and Philip Weiss—is so rabid. That so many of these voices are Jewish, and therefore have more credibility than non-Jews who are among Israel’s cheerleaders, only ratchets up the level of hate.

But the Big Lie is also consciously designed to send a chilling message to Gaza’s Palestinians, who have lost large numbers of their dwellings, clinics, mosques, and power, water and sewage facilities, along with schools and hospitals, who have suffered some 1,650 deaths since this assault began—most of the victims women and children—and who have seen 400,000 people displaced from their homes.

The Big Lie makes it clear to the Palestinians that Israel will continue to wage a campaign of STATE TERROR and will never admit its atrocities or its intentions. The vast disparity between what Israel says and what Israel does tells the Palestinians that there is no hope. Israel will do and say whatever it wants.

International law, like the truth, will always be irrelevant. There will never, the Palestinians understand from the Big Lie, be an acknowledgement of reality by the Israeli leadership.

The Israel Defense Forces website is replete with this black propaganda. “Hamas exploits the IDF’s sensitivity towards protecting civilian structures, particularly holy sites, by hiding command centers, weapons caches and tunnel entrances in mosques,” the IDF site reads. “In Hamas’ world, hospitals are command centers, ambulances are transport vehicles, and medics are human shields,” the site insists.

“… [Israeli] officers are tasked with an enormous responsibility: to protect Palestinian civilians on the ground, no matter how difficult that may be,” the site assures its viewers. And the IDF site provides this quote from a drone operator identified as Lt. Or. —– “I have personally seen rockets fired at Israel from hospitals and schools, but we couldn’t strike back because of civilians nearby. In one instance, we acquired a target but we saw that there were children in the area. We waited around, and when they didn’t leave we were forced to abort a strike on an important target.”

Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, in a Big Lie of his own, said last month at a conference of Christians United for Israel that the Israeli army should be given the “Nobel Peace Prize … a Nobel Peace Prize for fighting with unimaginable restraint.”

The Big Lie destroys any possibility of history and therefore any hope for a dialogue between antagonistic parties that can be grounded in truth and reality. While, as Hannah Arendt pointed out, the ancient and modern sophists sought to win an argument at the expense of the truth, those who wield the Big Lie “want a more lasting victory at the expense of reality.” The old sophists, she said, “destroyed the dignity of human thought.” Those who resort to the Big Lie “destroy the dignity of human action.” The result, Arendt warned, is that “history itself is destroyed, and its comprehensibility.”

And when facts no longer matter, when there is no shared history grounded in the truth, when people foolishly believe their own lies, there can be no useful exchange of information.

The Big Lie, used like a bludgeon by Israel, as perhaps it is designed to be, ultimately reduces all problems in the world to the brutish language of violence. And when oppressed people are addressed only through violence they will answer only through violence.

August 5, 2014 1:39 pm

Z and StuckFuck agree, now there’s a shameless wonder.

I don’t know why these two clowns care one wit about Israel or the arabs, except that they hate God.

I think everyone has probably heard the comparison of the Arab’s plight to apartheid. Except, Israeli’s are Arab, too. The Israeli’s are Ashkenazi Jews anyway, and aren’t even descendants of the jews of Israel, who were all pretty much killed or fled the Roman’s in 78 AD, in the great diaspora.

Either way, they were given a land by the British at the end of WWII and they’re a sovereign state, with an obligation to it’s citizens to protect and defend it’s borders, as well as protect it’s national interest.

Pound sand if you don’t like it. As Israel goes, so goes the West.

August 5, 2014 2:01 pm

Stucky , are you going let NA continue to kick your ass over and over ?Don’t set there with your finger up your ass .Say something .

August 5, 2014 2:27 pm

“Stucky , are you going let NA continue to kick your ass over and over ?” —— Anonymous

I won’t answer him because;

—– NA is a non-thinking Bible thumper.

—– NA is a non-thinking Bible thumper who CONSISTENTLY misquotes and misunderstands the most basic of Christian principles.

—– NA is a “Christian” who tells people to go fuck themselves.

—– NA is a “Christian” who REJOICES in dead mooslim babies … his own words in another thread.

—– NA sucks Joo dick and masturbates while tucked under his Israeli bedsheets.

—– NA is THE true village idiot here … and his canned responses are worse than a Fux/CuNNt news “reporter”. No one here has ever learned anything from his posts.

Any more questions?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 5, 2014 4:35 pm

I can’t believe that there are intelligent people in MSM who think this latest incursion as they call it will solve anything. Bombing Gaza is like using pain-killers to cure hemorrhoids. It works but your still going to wake up tomorrow with a pain in the ass. I think that country should be cut adrift and left to fend for themselves and anyone who supports the main actors in this tragedy are in league with war criminals.

August 5, 2014 5:48 pm

Hamas might have had enough. If Hamas does not fire another rocket it’s over.

Gaza conflict: Truce holding after Israel withdraws
A 72-hour humanitarian truce is holding in Gaza, halting a four-week conflict that has claimed more than 1,900 lives.

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People in Gaza have been returning to see what is left of their homes, as Jon Donnison reports

A 72-hour humanitarian truce is holding in Gaza, halting a four-week conflict that has claimed more than 1,900 lives.

Israel and Gaza militants maintained fire up until the truce started at 08:00 local time (05:00 GMT).

Israel says it has withdrawn all forces to positions outside Gaza, and some residents there are now returning to discover the fate of their homes.

The truce has drawn an international welcome, and the focus for a longer deal will now fall on talks in Cairo.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement commending the armed forces.

“This was a complex operation that made heroes of soldiers under difficult combat conditions,” he said.

Martin Patience in Gaza and Bethany Bell in Jerusalem say there have been no reports of rockets since the ceasefire began

“There is no 100% guarantee for success but we did all we could to achieve our goal.”

The EU and US have welcomed the ceasefire.

The EU called on all parties to respect the truce, and paid tribute to Egypt, which helped broker the deal.

It said: “We hope that this can be extended into a lasting ceasefire. We call on the parties not to miss this opportunity.”

8 July

Israeli offensive began

4,760+ air strikes on Gaza

3,370+ rockets fired at Israel

1,867 people killed in Gaza

UN estimates 68% of deaths are civilians

4 civilians killed in Israel

63 Israeli soldiers killed

Analysis: Survivors but no winners

US state department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the US would continue to help the sides achieve a “durable, sustainable solution for the long term”.

Hamas, which controls Gaza, has been counting the cost to the territory of the Israeli offensive.

Deputy Economy Minister Taysir Amro said that it could be up to $6bn (£3.55bn).

The BBC’s Martin Patience in Gaza City says it is now quiet there, with Palestinian fishermen heading out to sea, as other residents stock up on supplies and try to make sense of four weeks of destruction.

Some have been returning to homes they were forced to evacuate during the offensive.

In the northern town of Beit Lahiya, Zuhair Hjaila, told Reuters he had lost his home and his supermarket.

“This is complete destruction. I never thought I would come back to find an earthquake zone.”

In the southern town of Rafah, resident Tawfiq Barbakh told Associated Press: “I never saw anything like this in my life. I don’t know how many shells landed every minute but it felt like 20 or 30.”

Maram and David share their Gaza audio diaries with 5 live (Recorded between 28 July and 3 August)

On the Israeli side of the border, Israela Yoed, who has lived on the Kfar Aza kibbutz for 50 years, told Agence France-Presse she did not trust Hamas but was confident the truce would hold.

“I believe that we can make things better through negotiations. I won’t leave; I’m not afraid,” she said.

Another kibbutz resident, Orly Doron, was more sceptical: “We had three or four ceasefires during this war; we all saw they weren’t kept.”

The BBC’s Bethany Bell in Jerusalem says that while the troops have withdrawn, it is likely the army will go on searching for militant tunnels along the border – always a cause of great concern in Israel.

The latest ceasefire was brokered by Egypt in talks between Palestinian delegates in Cairo on Monday.

Israel did not take part but has now sent a team for indirect negotiations.

28 days of airstrikes

19 days of Israeli ground operations

32 border tunnels collapsed

3,000 missiles destroyed


people displaced in Gaza

Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi told the BBC a long-term truce would be hard to achieve.

“What Israel has done now is make peace all that much more difficult, because it has produced a sense of animosity, of anger, of distrust, of revenge,” she said.

Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev told the BBC that Israel had accepted a similar ceasefire deal three weeks ago and it was rejected by Hamas.

He said Israel’s main focus for a longer-term deal would be on demilitarising Gaza to achieve a “sustained period of quiet”.

The main Palestinian demands include the end of Israel’s blockade of the territory and the opening of border crossings. They will also want internationally funded reconstruction.

Israel launched Operation Protective Edge on 8 July with the stated aim of ending rocket attacks and destroying tunnels used by Palestinian militants.

The latest figures from Gaza’s health ministry list 1,867 deaths. Some 63 Israeli soldiers and four civilians in Israel have died.


August 5, 2014 7:04 pm

Stuck, again accusing others of what you do, to wit, projecting.

Why do you hate God?

August 5, 2014 7:47 pm

Stuck posts an article in support of his claim that Hamas does not use huamn shields.

For fuck sake, Stuck, you should pull your head out of your ass. The fumes are making you post dumb shit. Seriously, to suggest that Hamas does not use human shields is ridiculous.

Does Israel commit atrocities of their own? I suspect so – it is the nature of war. War is an atrocity.

Chris Hedges – his source, is a NYT socialist hack. Wow, I was surprised. Stunned I tell you.

For each of Stuck’s “Hamas does not use human shields” articles, I could find ten that says they do.

Hamas is known to be a supreme humanitarian organization. They would never do ANYTHING uncivilized, now would they?

BTW – perhaps as many as 200,000 people have been killed in Syria, around 1 million children have been displaced, thousands of children killed, tens of thousands of civilians killed, etc. Where is the outrage for that abomination? Where is the outrage over ISIS? For the 150,000 civilians killed in Iraq? The 20,000 civilians killed in Afghanistan?

I guess Muslim on Muslim does not count. It only matters if it involves Israelis.

The thousands of rockets fired at Israel each year are of no importance. All that matters is that Israel “proportionally respond”. Or not respond at all.

Hamas wants Israel destroyed. They will continue to attack Israel until either 1) Hamas itself is destroyed, or 2) Israel is destroyed. There will be no peace, and there is no middle ground.

War is hell. Israel is winning the war on the ground, but not the propaganda war.

I wonder what would be the outcome if Hamas was winning? Gee, I wonder.

August 5, 2014 7:58 pm

“For each of Stuck’s “Hamas does not use human shields” articles, I could find ten that says they do.” ————– llpoh

You could. But, you don’t. Because, you can’t.

Chris Hedges isn’t the only one saying the same thing. Many others do also. But, yeah, have fun with Ad-hominem attacks. It’s all you got.

You would rather believe Joo propaganda. Not that there’s anything wrong with that,

Make sure you check out the “Faces in Paradise” thread. You’ll just love all the despair, sadness, and homeless folks … especially since the terrorist motherfuckers deserve it.

August 5, 2014 8:18 pm

Stuck – I googled Hamas human shield, just out of curiosity. Dozens of hits. I am not going to bother to post them. Your mind is set. As is everyone eases herein – one way or the other. They believe what they want to believe, and nothing will change it.

You can post whatever you want re it not happening. It will not change my mind. I am following the “if it walks like a duck” methodology for determining truth.

Radical Muslims are virtually the only folks committing atrocities world-wide, and Hamas fits the bill. No way I will believe they are the innocent victims here. They are firing thousands of rockets, and have been doing so. Every opportunity they get, they bring in rockets, arms, ad concrete to make tunnels. They are the elected government.

Israel is not innocent in this. But they did not start it. Perhaps there was nothing they could have done. But they could have tried harder. But now the wheels are in motion. Either Israel must destroy Hamas, or Hamas will destroy Israel.

In my opinion.

August 5, 2014 9:04 pm

“G-d is a child in Gaza.”…… Rotfl. Get a grip . that’s the funniest line of that whole awful deluded diatribe. Too bad the joos won’t finish the job 100%….. Now THAT would be the G word.

August 7, 2014 3:35 pm

Thanks, LL, at least we agree.

Unfortunately, Stukfuk hates God and that’s why he hates the Israeli’s.

ISIS is doing far worse in Iraq than Israel ever dreamed of doing. Where is his outrage, except they are both supported by the US?

Stukfuk, the original hypocrite.