Everyone I Know is Brokenhearted

A Collapse Cafe Video Interview with Josh Ellis

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on August 10, 2014

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Josh Ellis is a Web Designer and Author who publishes the Blog Zenarchery.com.Recently, Josh published an Essay titled “Everyone I Know is Brokenhearted“, which has Gone Viral on the net.Above, you will find the Interview we did with Josh discussing this blog, as well as the numerous underlying causes for the Heartbreak so evident now in many people.Below, an excerpt from the Blog.

For the full article, visit Zenarchery.com

All the genuinely smart, talented, funny people I know seem to be miserable these days. You feel it on Twitter more than Facebook, because Facebook is where you go to do your performance art where you pretend to be a hip, urbane person with the most awesomest friends and the best relationships and the very best lunches ever. Facebook is surface; Twitter is subtext, and judging by what I’ve seen, the subtext is aching sadness.

I’m not immune to this. I don’t remember ever feeling this miserable and depressed in my life, this sense of futility that makes you wish you’d simply go numb and not care anymore. I think a lot about killing myself these days. Don’t worry, I’m not going to do it and this isn’t a cry for help. But I wake up and think: fuck, more of this? Really? How much more? And is it really worth it?

In my case, much of it stems from my divorce and the collapse of the next relationship I had. But that’s not really the cause. I think that those relationships were bulwarks, charms against the dark I’ve felt growing in this world for a long time now. When I was in love, the world outside didn’t matter so much. But without it, there is nothing keeping the wolf from the door.

It didn’t used to be like this when I was a kid. I’m not getting nostalgic here, or pretending that my adolescence and my twenties were some kind of soft-focused Golden Age. Life sucked when I was young. I was unhappy then too. But there was always the sense that it was just a temporary thing, that if I stuck it out eventually the world was going to get better — become awesome, in fact.

But the reality is that the three generations who ended the 20th century, the Boomers, their Generation X children, and Generation Y, have architected a Western civilization that’s kind of a shit show. Being born in 1978, I fall at either the tail end of Gen X or the beginning of Gen Y, depending on how you look at it. I became an adolescent at the time Nirvana was ushering in a decade of “slacker” ideology, as the pundits liked to put it. But the reality is that I didn’t know a whole lot of actual slackers in the 1990s. I did know a lot of people who found themselves disillusioned with the materialism of the 1980s and what we saw as the failed rhetoric of the Sixties generation, who were all about peace and love right until the time they put on suits and ties and figured out how to divide up the world. I knew a lot of people who weren’t very interested in that path…


Coming soon on Diner Podcasts, Part II of the Interview with Ron Patterson.

Also don’t miss the latest High Grossing Rants:

Bombs of Democracy: A Failure to Communicate



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August 11, 2014 7:25 am

“But there was always the sense that it was just a temporary thing, that if I stuck it out eventually the world was going to get better — become awesome, in fact”

Welcome to the world of adulthood. Now grow up a little more, and realize that the world has always been pretty much the same,except it has usually been much worse, and that it has never been an easy place to live, except in a few places for relatively few people in those brief periods where everyone shared the same delusions of unlimited “progress”.. then found out that that “progress” did not guarantee happiness or solve everyone’s personal problems.

August 11, 2014 7:54 am

Admin, I thought you might want to see this:

A Collapse Cafe Video Interview with Josh Ellis, author of “Everyone I Know is Brokenhearted“, now Viral on the net.
byu/Surly01 incollapse

Reddit, for all its shortcomings, has a large following. Apparently RE has underestimated the cognizance, breadth, and reading comprehension of its audience. This is a mistake on his part.

August 11, 2014 7:57 am

I hopped over to “zenarchery”, hoping to find some first-rate doomer shit…

What I found instead was this fap-stain called “Josh Ellis” doing nothing but bitching and moaning like a whore on nickel night about how everything is “hopeless” and how he’s thought about killing himself and blah and fucking blah, wallowing in a lake of self-pity and bemoaning his lot in life, crying into his cornflakes about shit that happened on the other side of the fucking world…

Give me a fucking break YOU FAT FUCKING PUSSY.

Nobody said life was fair, or safe, or even easy… life SUCKS. Life is PAIN and it sure as hell ain’t fair. But I’m not gonna sit and literally cry about some shit that happened so far outside of my sphere of influence it might as well be on the fucking Moon.

Life kicks your ass into the dirt, then you get up, shut the fuck up, cowboy up and fucking deal with it head on. Nobody wants to hear your fat ass whine about it.

This Josh asshole is some squishy, crunchy Beta type – who, incidentally, looks like an overweight thumb with glasses – who is disillusioned with the world around him and whose BIG REVELATION is that… wait for it… People suck!

Wow! Really Josh? I wasted 15 minutes of my life reading your weepy, sorry-assed bullshit to find out that was your main point.

Then there’s this overly-dramatic shit: “Yesterday morning, when I woke up, I clicked on a video in my Twitter feed that showed mutilated children being dragged from the streets of Gaza. And I started sobbing — just sobbing, sitting there in my bed with the covers around my waist, saying “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” over and over to the empty room. Dead children, torn to bits. And then it was time for…what? Get up, eat my cereal, go about my day? Every day?”

Yes, Josh. Every fucking day. Remember, life sucks. Life is pain. And it ain’t fair. But that shit happened like 11,000 miles away on the other side of the fucking EARTH and is so far outside your sphere of influence it might as well be the Moon. You can’t do anything about it. Nothing. But, hey – if you want to sit and cry into your cornflakes about some shit that happened on the other side of the earth, throw up your hands at the hopelessness of it all and off yourself, then don’t let me stop you. Those folks in Gaza will really be impressed that you took 5 minutes out of your life and boo-hooed for them…

Or this: “And when you speak up about that — when you write to your Congressperson to say that you believe in, say, stricter control on the purchase of assault weapons, or limiting the rights of corporations to do astonishing environmental damage…”

Wow… there’s so much leftist, politically correct bullshit in this one sentence fragment I actually threw up in my mouth a little bit…

It’s gotta be “CongressPERSON”, not “Congressman” that’s been used for over 200 years…. and taking potshots at the Constitution, tossing around words you don’t really understand – like “Assault weapons” because they sound scary – and then throw in an environmental bone… why don’t you just get it over with Josh? Admit your some tree-hugging Beta faggot who’d rather sit around in a drum circle, crying about shit you can’t do anything about, bemoaning the fact that yes, life is unfair and harsh and yes, people suck and they’re big old meanies…

What a fucking pussy… the world is better off without eunuchs like you.

I want my 15 minutes back…

August 11, 2014 8:03 am

I think the over-fed kid needs to turn off his computer and go outside and play…and maybe visit a doctor for some testosterone therapy….he seems about a quart low.

August 11, 2014 8:10 am

Billy, I think someone needs a big ole’ group hug…and a sing along..


August 11, 2014 8:16 am

“Josh” as a kid…

Okay, not as a kid… actually about 15 minutes ago…

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August 11, 2014 8:26 am

Something else for blubber-boy to hate himself over…all those tears he shed over the mistreatment of Kunta Kinte , great ancestor of Alex Haley during the viewing of roots, were totally unnecessary because none of it happened….it was all pure fiction and plagiarized fiction at that ….sorry Josh , now let those tears of prog-tard white privilege shame flow..

Fabled “Roots”
I’d heard that a fair amount of Alex Haley’s Pulitzer-prize winning “Roots” was fictitious, but I didn’t know that a considerable amount of the book was plagiarized, or that the entire thing is about as historically legitimate as “Star Wars”.

Unfortunately, the general public is largely unaware of how Haley’s monumental family autobiography, stretching back to 18th-century Africa, has been discredited. Indeed, a 1997 BBC documentary expose of Haley’s work has been banned by U.S. television networks – especially PBS, which would normally welcome such a program.

Coincidentally, the “Roots” anniversary comes amid the growing scandal over disclosures of historian Stephen Ambrose’s multiple incidents of plagiarism. Because as Haley himself was forced to acknowledge, a large section of his book – including the plot, main character and scores of whole passages – was lifted from “The African,” a 1967 novel by white author Hal Courlander.

But plagiarism is the least of the problems in “Roots.” And they would likely have remained largely unknown, had journalist Philip Nobile not undertaken a remarkable study of Haley’s private papers shortly before they were auctioned off.

The result was featured in a devastating 1993 cover piece in the Village Voice. It confirmed – from Haley’s own notes – earlier claims that the alleged history of the book was a near-total invention…. Historical experts who checked Haley’s genealogical research discovered that, as one put it, “Haley got everything wrong in his pre-Civil War lineage and none of his plantation ancestors existed; 182 pages have no basis in fact.”

Given this damning evidence, you’d think Haley’s halo would long ago have vanished. But – given this week’s TV tribute – he remains a literary icon. Publicly, at least. The judge who presided over Haley’s plagiarism case admitted that “I did not want to destroy him” and so allowed him to settle quietly – even though, he acknowledged, Haley had repeatedly perjured himself in court.

The Pulitzer Prize board has refused to reconsider Haley’s prize, awarded in 1977 – in what former Columbia President William McGill, then a board member, has acknowledged was an example of “inverse racism” by a bunch of white liberals “embarrassed by our makeup.”

To paraphrase Rush Limbaugh, the left-wing literary establishment is desirous of the perceived success of black authors. The science fiction community is literally decades behind in handing out affirmative action awards to inept and derivative authors of diversity.

August 11, 2014 8:29 am


No shit bro… this guy’s a complete girly man. I’ve eaten things that didn’t complain as much as this guy… and I’m using the word “guy” in the loosest sense of the word…. “guy” is easier to write than “overweight thumb with glasses”…

He reminds me of a douche who got picked on in school so much, he withdrew from life. Camped out in his room in front of the computer, probably a big D&D fanboi back in the day… on his computer, he can talk like a tough guy and therefore, people might think of him as one… but, not really. You see the obvious pride when he said “I was writing HTML back in 94!”

WOW!! REALLY JOSH?!? Whooptie shit… I was hurling myself out of C-130’s and 141’s at Benning back in 1988…. that’s called REAL LIFE – not that phony baloney shit on the computer, Josh… learn to tell the difference..

That someone actually married him – if he is to be believed – is astounding. That they took his tiny testicles and kept them in a jar on top of the fridge isn’t so astounding… also, that someone divorced him is pretty ho-hum… probably buyer’s remorse.

By the way, nice one. “A quart low”… BAHH-HAHAHAH! Had me laughing… 🙂

August 11, 2014 8:43 am

Billy, from the physical appearance of Josh,I think it safe to assume that he’s spent more of his life sitting on his fat ass than standing on his two feet… maybe if he just switched shampoo , he’d get a better grip on the handle of reality.

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August 11, 2014 8:48 am

RE , even bad press is better than no press.I’ll admit the guy has in flare with writing that makes for an interesting read , but the incessant whine ,sans the cheese was a little nauseating.

August 11, 2014 9:01 am


Josh is not all that different from you, or me, or others here.

You see, what we do here (and I’m all for it) is complain also; fuck this government agency, fuck that government agency, fuck Oreo, fuck copfuks, fuck Free Shitters, fuck Dems, fuck Repubs, fuck the MSM, fuck Big Corp and Big Pharm and Big Everything …. fuck fuck fuck FUCK ‘EM ALL!!!

Josh is also disgusted with all of that also. But he adds one additional element; his own human emotion. His happens to be sadness and depression mixed in with a healthy dose of empathy. He breaks down and sobs upon seeing more dead children in Gaza … and politics aside, I admire that for I believe he has a good heart.

Your response — and I am not criticizing it, really — about this shit generally is “Fuck it and them!!”, and about Josh specifically, “Fucking pussy!”. In other words, anger. And all that means is that you are actually both in the same stage … you just express it differently.

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August 11, 2014 9:07 am

While I agree with the whiny tone assessment I thought his reference to Bill Hicks, advertising and consumerism to be germane.

Perhaps the propaganda and materialism has reached critical mass and the citizens-turned-consumers are feeling uninspired – the 24/7 cacophony of fear, dread and shop is now falling on increasingly deaf ears – which I guess means things will have to ratchet-up some for the sheeple to begin to “feel” something – anything – because we all know TPTB control us by our FEELINGS and when the feelings wane god forbid – critical thinking might step into the vacuum.

They have milked 9/11 for about all that they could … it’s time for another jolt.

August 11, 2014 9:08 am

” … from the physical appearance of Josh,I think it safe to assume that he’s spent more of his life sitting on his fat ass …” ———- flash

That’s so brilliant and helpful. No, really.

Why don’t you regale us with a photo of yourself? I’ll bet you look like a triathlete.

Stop being so petty. You’re better than that.

August 11, 2014 9:26 am

Everyone I know is delusional, in denial, distracted by iGadgets, or brain dead.

My message to anyone upset about our current situation is – TOUGH SHIT.

It doesn’t matter what you feel, believe or cry about.

Shit is fucked up and bullshit. No one is going to care about feelings when this unsustainable Ponzi scheme collapses in a heap. You can either stick your head in the sand and die when the storm hits, or you can man up, prepare and try to make the world a better place after the collapse.

No one gives a shit about your feelings, desires, or needs.

TBP and the future isn’t for pusssies or whiners.

August 11, 2014 9:52 am

“No one gives a shit about your feelings, desires, or needs.” ——— Admin

That would eliminate a lot of posts, including yours. What are we? Robots?

August 11, 2014 10:37 am


You should just accept and love life. Pick some flowers and enjoy life. But beware of Muslim terrorists. They’re everywhere.

August 11, 2014 10:41 am

The delaying tactics in this long delayed collapse are becoming more and more obvious and that in itself might shake a few sheeple from their delusions, denial and distractions.

Not sure about the brain dead.

August 11, 2014 10:47 am

I bought some flowers at a mooslim florist just last week.

This is what they did to themselves when I brought them to our Infidel Home.
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August 11, 2014 11:20 am

Sorry Stuck, I’m with Admin on this one…

Very soon, there will be NO PLACE for sentimentality or fragile little emotions. What’s coming will be the mother of all shitstorms. You will have to be one hard motherfucker, or you will be dead. Whiny little pussy iDouches need not apply…

And I disagree with your assessment of me – it’s odd that you mention the 5 stages of grief. Or at least some semblance of them… I haven’t been around because my daddy passed away last week. We put him to rest in the National Cemetery one week ago today. He was transported on a caisson, riderless horse with boots reversed, 21 gun salute, taps, folded flag, the whole 9 yards…

About grief – some folks burn through all 5 stages in 15 minutes. Some never get past Stage 2. I’m one of those 15 minute people. It’s just the way I am.

You attribute my anger to me being stuck somewhere in Stage 2. Erm, no… sorry. I can still gin up enough outrage for a rant or two on occasion – especially when I run into a whiny little prog bitch – but that doesn’t mean I’m stuck there. Most days, I just accept things for what they are, that they are outside my sphere of influence and I concentrate on saving who and what I can, while I can.

This Josh pussy? I called him a pussy because that’s what he sounds like – a whiny little bitch. You mistake what I say – It’s not anger. It’s sneering derision. He bitches and complains and bemoans his station, but offers fuck-all as a solution. He deserves to be held up for ridicule.

I might crab, but at least I GOT a solution, even if it’s small scale. And it will work. It was especially hilarious to read his buyers remorse about Obongo… I called out that flim-flam nigger for who and what he was YEARS ago – and idiots like this Josh pussy got played for a chump- TWICE! Now he’s boo-hooing about it and I’m just laughing my ass off. 🙂 He would have been one of those prog faggots who hollered “RAAAYCISS!” the loudest. Now look who’s laughing, bitch! I got no sympathy or empathy for this little simp… none whatsoever.

He needs to squish his way back to his tree-huggin’ drum circle… pretend Ragnarök isn’t coming and shelter his widdle feewings from the big bad world…

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August 11, 2014 11:34 am

Stuck….a’hem…this is TBP….and FWIW, I weigh about 172 , stand 6ft and have the physique of a Greek god…or at least one of an older more leisure oriented Greek god .

That said, instead of whining about why the state doesn’t kiss all the worlds boo boos and make them better why doesn’t Mr.Sniffles start educating himself on individual responsibility and personal liberty coupled with an understanding of the economics of free market capitalism and start trying to do something constructive along with real “genuinely smart, talented, funny people ” the likes of Ron Paul , Vox Day, James Quinn , Lew Rockwell , Laurence Vance, Justin Raimondo et al in disseminating knowledge explaining the system of free trade governed ,and true freedom as governed by the principles of non-aggression that is so foreign to these born and bred statists.

If this kid thinks that Oreo Obango and the Po Po state by banning assault weapons while loading up the EPA and other assorted alphabet bureaucracies with more police power and military grade weaponry is somehow going to improve his life and the life of his bed wetting friends , he might as well go suck on a .44 now , because that fantasy has zero chance of ever becoming a reality.


just trying to help.

August 11, 2014 11:39 am

Billy, my sincerest condolences for your loss.

August 11, 2014 12:09 pm

At age 80, I’ve been aware of this Ponzi crap a lot longer than a lot of folks have been upright and breathing. My wife has Alzheimer’s.

So what?

I’m going to keep on telling jokes, enjoying drinks with friends and keeping in touch with buddies via emails.

Not my fault if folks want to sit around and whine instead of getting off their butts and going out to D-O do something beneficial. Wuz I a young thing of only sixty I just might go out and build another house myself–like I did back then. And still have tons of fun.

Looks to me like the national spine has osteoporosis.

August 11, 2014 12:25 pm

Good one, flash..

Thing is, the way Sniffles sounds, he’s actually part of the problem. Obongo voter. Statist.

How do you expect Mr. Hopey-Changey-Squishy-Drum-Circle to abandon his whole belief system and suddenly become a libertarian? Or at least a free market advocate? Dude won’t go from Occutard to being Thomas Jefferson overnight…

I betcha dude has never even held a rifle, much less fired one. Betcha he thinks they’re “icky” or something like that… or that anyone who owns one is a mouth breathing troglodyte who wants to shoot up the nearest 7-Eleven….

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August 11, 2014 12:26 pm

It’s interesting that to some there is only one path to awareness – and any deviation from one’s own awakening is see as “less than”.

IMO – no matter how narcissistic and whiny he may present as – there is now one more person taking the blinders off, looking around at the delusions and lies we are bathed in and actually attempting to come to terms with it.

Waking up is a process and hopefully any feedback received from *his* attempt at deconstructing *his* world will contribute to *his* journey.

August 11, 2014 12:39 pm

I’ve delivered about 30 sermons in my Young Believer On Fire days. The very best one – judging by the large number of positive comments afterwards — was taken from the OT book, Samuel, chapter 8, and titled — “The Broken Heart Of God”

Israel had a king … the only nation on earth whose king was the Creator Himself. What a privilege, and such a joy for God himself. But, the people of Israel weren’t satisfied with the arrangement. They wanted to be like other nations.

From Samuel ——- “One day the nation’s leaders came to Samuel at Ramah and said, “You are an old man. You set a good example for your sons, but they haven’t followed it. Now WE WANT A KING TO be our leader, JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER NATIONS. Choose one for us!”

God answers simply, and with a little imagination, you can hear his brokenness.

From Samuel ——- “The LORD answered: Samuel, do everything they want you to do. I am really the one they have rejected as their king.”

But, here is where it gets INTERESTING, even for nonbeliever. God responds with what the people can expect from an earthly king … or, government. The insight is truly remarkable, almost as if God is describing our own USA! piece of shit government. Listen up ..

“Samuel told the people who were asking for a king what the LORD had said: If you have a king, this is how he will treat you.

—– “He will force your sons to join his army …

—– “others will have to farm the king’s land and harvest his crops, or make weapons and parts for his chariots.

—– “Your daughters will have to make perfume or do his cooking and baking.

—– “The king will take your best fields, as well as your vineyards, and olive orchards and give them to his own officials.

—– “He will also take a tenth of your grain and grapes [TAXES!!] and give it to his officers and officials.

—– “The king will take your slaves and your best young men and your donkeys and make them do his work.

—– “He will also take a tenth of your sheep and goats.


—– “and you will finally cry out for the LORD to save you from the king you wanted.

—– [Stucky Note: Here comes the WORST part] “But the LORD won’t answer your prayers.”

In other words: I, God, was your King, but you wanted an earthly king, I granted your wish, I tried to warn you that Kings are evil …. now live with the consequences and shut the fuck up. Pretty amazing, no?

August 11, 2014 12:58 pm


My sincerest condolences for your loss. I’ll know how you feel soon enough. I’ve said it before … I really CRINGE when I see the phone call is from my parents home as I wonder “is it THAT call”?

No big deal about the Josh thingee. I simply read it differently than most here … I saw a guy pouring his guts out, including his fears and angst. I really mean this, Billy; I think a lot of folks, even here, feel the same way … but don’t want to admit it. Not you, you made that clear, but others. “Hey, I’m scared shitless” is not a well received message HERE … but apparently it went viral and others identify with it.

That being said, I reread the article in full, trying to read it with your eyes, and flash, and others ….. and, yessir, I can clearly see the whiney-assed aspect of it all.

Peace, brother. You and your family … I will share your story with Ms Freud … and you all will be in our thoughts today.

August 11, 2014 1:00 pm


Thank you. It is appreciated.

However, I want to make it crystal clear that my remarks re: my father passing was NOT an effort at fishing for sympathy. I used that merely to illustrate a point – that being some folks blaze through the 5 stages of grief very quickly. Others don’t. I don’t usually air such personal things here on TBP. Some things, yes. Other things, no.

August 11, 2014 1:34 pm

Sorry for your loss Billy. I went through it with my Dad and Father-in-Law 10yrs ago. They were great guys, WW2 vets and salt of the earth. This weak dick should be BUYING and AR or AK instead of whining about “Assault Rifles”.

August 11, 2014 1:37 pm

Billy, I know you weren’t looking for sympathy ,only relating your reaction to grief for the sake of enlargement. I am the same way..

That said, saw this on LR this morning…

The Rise and Decline of the State

By Bionic Mosquito

From Western Europe to Africa, either voluntarily or involuntarily, many existing states are either combining into larger communities or falling apart…Regardless of whether they fall apart or combine, already now many of their functions are being taken over by a variety of organizations which, whatever their precise nature, are not states.

Needless to say, these developments affect each and every individuals now living on this planet. In some places they will proceed peacefully, but in others they are likely to result in – indeed are already leading to – upheavals as profound, and possibly as bloody, as those that propelled humanity out of the Middle Ages and into the modern world. Whether the direction of change is desirable as some hope, or undesirable, as others fear, remains to be seen.Violence erupts after black teen shot by police in Missouri…


Another clear suggestion to young men like Mr, Sniffles that the time for whingeing for the state to save your is over…it’s put up or shut up time.

We’ve already tried the empty bullshit rhetoric of stop da’ violence

Nonviolence rally marred by multiple fights


The Kansas City Star
07/29/2014 10:37 PM

A circus parade and rally for nonviolence that drew hundreds of people to the Linwood Shopping Center on Tuesday evening had to be cut short when multiple fights broke out.

Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forté said the organizers stopped the event. He tweeted that the crowds dispersed and there were no reported injuries.

But the fighting marred an event, called “Your Life Counts,” that was intended to celebrate survival in a city plagued by crime.


via Drudge …St Louis Missouri riots flash
Men stand guard outside their liquor store…
‘Anonymous’ hacks city website…
Trayvon Martin attorney to represent slain teen…
Police investigation could take up to six weeks…
FBI ‘Reviewing’…
School District cancels first day of class…
FLASHBACK ’08: A New, ‘Post-Racial’ America…

When the empty slogans fail, best be covering your own ass…

Sheriff: Pack heat to stop bloody crime wave
‘You better be able to take care of business before we get there’

Harnett County Sheriff Larry Rollins didn’t hesitate to give a straight answer. When called upon at a prayer vigil Monday night, he urged them to get armed and get serious about defending their homes.

“Even though I’m a cop, I don’t go anywhere without a gun,” he told about 130 residents who gathered at a local church to discuss and pray about a string of shootings that have left several people dead or injured over the past two weeks. “I want my deputies to get there just as fast as they possibly can if you’ve got a problem. But you better be able to take care of business before we get there if you need to protect your family.”

His comments follow similar statements in recent months from the police chief in Detroit and the sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

And in October 2011 Sheriff Chuck Wright of Spartanburg County, South Carolina, urged residents, and especially women, to arm themselves after a woman was attacked in a park and forced to take her clothes off by a man who then tried to rape her.

“Carry a concealed weapon, that’ll fix it,” Wright said at a news conference.

Many gun-rights advocates see Detroit Police Chief James Craig an anomaly, being the top cop in a major urban area where Democratic politics normally rule the day – and stifle any pro-gun talk by hired city employees. Yet, Craig, a former advocate of gun control when he worked in Los Angeles and Cincinnati, appears to have “seen the light,” said Jerry Henry, president and founder of GeorgiaCarry.org.

“Most of the sheriffs in the country believe in the Second Amendment. It’s an elected office so they don’t have much choice,” Henry said, noting that rural and semi-rural sheriffs particularly must support the Second Amendment if they want to keep getting elected.


Sheriff: Pack heat to stop bloody crime wave


Sheriff: Pack heat to stop bloody crime wave

August 11, 2014 1:37 pm


Thank you. It is appreciated. Seriously..

He was a good man. Those who were in the military realize what “a good man” means… a guy who would get your back, no questions. A guy who you could trust your kids with.

I get that this Josh character is afraid. Lots of folks are. Our country is hurtling into the abyss and there is Jack Shit they can do about it… and Jack left town. That lack of control is unnerving to a lot of folks – having zero control over their destiny.

But mewling and pissing about it – especially if you have no viable solutions, even SMALL ones – does nothing except bring everyone down. Misery loves company. I choose not to be miserable, to not be afraid. I will do what I can with the resources I have available to me through sheer force of will. I am my father’s son – yes, the country is out of control and will likely crash and burn soon – but by the Eternal God I REFUSE to sit around and do fucking nothing and spectate while we go down. Even if all we have – all I can save – is this little farm, then I am going to make the best of it and save who and what I can.

I will let you in on a secret. I compartmentalize. I take whatever it is that’s bothering me and I stick it in a corner of my mind and ignore it. It allows me to focus on what needs to be done.

Something else too… I call it the “10 minute prayer”. I don’t usually get all preachy and shit here, because what is between me and the Almighty is just that – between me and Him and ain’t nobody needs to know that shit.

But when things look about as dark as they’re gonna get, when things get downright shitty and it’s lookin like you ain’t gonna make it, all’s I ask for is that He let me live the next 10 minutes well. After that 10 minutes is over with, then I work on the next 10 minutes, and so on… anything past that, is gravy.

Old Josh needs to cowboy up, suck it up and get motivated. Knock off the “we’re all gonna DIE!” gloom and become competent with a rifle. Then he needs to ask himself where he wants to be in 5 years – to hell with the Government and everything else beyond his control. He needs to wrest and keep control of a small part of his life. Everything else can go to hell in an ice bucket, but so long as that small center holds, then there is hope…

August 11, 2014 1:57 pm


I really truly like “the 10 minute prayer”.

My mom did something similar in the camps. “I CAN make it through THIS day” is what she told me kept her going.

I’m done for the day. Admin said I’m a retarded monkey who can’t even be trained to not eat shit. My feelings are hurt. I don’t know how I will get through the rest of the day.

C Ya.

August 11, 2014 2:33 pm

Billy sorry to hear about your dad, that’s a tough one.
I lost my dad in 1993 he died of brain cancer. One is the hardest things I’ve ever done was not shed a tear at his funeral. As a young boy when his father died, my grandfather, my father never shed a tear in public he stood like a giant oak that grief could move. I did the same thing when he died. If he was looking down I know he was proud.

August 11, 2014 2:37 pm

Stucky I know that’s bullshit you could be trained to not eat shit in a day or two.

August 11, 2014 2:54 pm


Sorry about your Pa… tough row to hoe there. Parkinson’s took down my daddy… still, the toughest man I ever met.

Your situation was sort of what happened here. Everyone looked to me to be the rock that everyone was leaning on. Dad was stoic most of the time, and so I was expected to be as well.

Hardest thing was to maintain composure when they started playing Taps. Came pretty close to cracking, but it would have been… unseemly… for me to break down right there.

August 11, 2014 2:55 pm

I am not broken hearted .I am disgusted with God ,Jesus Christ , Satan , this World , You and Myself . Two things I love .My mom and my cat .GOD how pathetic . Maybe I am broken hearted.

August 11, 2014 3:04 pm

Bb eat a bottle Xanax you’ll be ok

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 11, 2014 3:17 pm

I think we are totally screwed, but after a while I got used to the idea and now I just don’t care.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
August 11, 2014 4:27 pm

Intrigued by the warring factions on this article, I’ve decided to figure out who is right. After wasting about 30 minutes, I have concluded that, unfortunately, this guy is not on the cusp of “waking up,” nor is he particularly insightful or helpful to anyone who might be. He is, in essence, what may be called a cul-de-sac in front of a gold mine. His article has enough nuggets of truth to dupe many of the pseudo-intellectuals and even enough to pique the interest of the veteran connoisseurs of doomosphere fare. But a little bit of research reveals his left field existence for what it is.

Despite trying to portray himself as just a normal guy breaking under the strain of an insane amount of society bullshit, he is in fact a man who has chosen to suffocate himself within an incredibly bland and hollow section of society. Sequestered from balance in every way, he now demands that the universe be molded to fit his desires and not the other way around. From his own website, some selected “Likes and Dislikes”…

Likes: Tom Waits, Brian Eno, Vincent Van Gogh, The Wire, Macintosh Computers, All of Berlin, Physics (especially the quantum stuff), Istanbul, Doctor Who, Fog, Overcast Weather in General, the smell of old bookstores, British Culture, African music (pretty much all of it, from anywhere), Bacon-wrapped dates at a tapas restaurant, Mocha lattés

Dislikes: mainstream hip-hop, George W. Bush and Fox News

This guy seems to be nothing but a milquetoast firmly planted within a Netflix and Itunes dominated existence. He was in the software field so was probably surrounded by plenty of Ultimate Frisbee champions swinging their NPR tote bags about on the way to the wine tasting or the art museum. He has not a clue about why the systems are breaking down, and he probably will not spend any time researching real history, real human psychology, or the effects of mass propaganda on our society. He delves into generational theory without a real understanding of it, falsely assuming that “they” were responsible for the taming of his generation (as opposed to simply acknowledging that all wild generations eventually enter mature adulthood.) The entire article is an emotional tampon, an excuse for the extreme imbalances in his life, instead of being a spotlight on evil. The latter is productive; that is what you find here. The former is not.

August 11, 2014 5:30 pm

@ tumbleweed,

“emotional tampon”…


Oh man, that’s going in my lexicon of good shit… I will credit you, of course…

August 11, 2014 7:23 pm

Speaking of depressing news, Robin Williams is dead of an apparent suicide:


August 11, 2014 7:41 pm

I’m sad that my weiner stopped working.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 11, 2014 8:26 pm

I had a great day today. I woke up early, had my coffee- my wife always leaves the french press and a bag of nice coffee beans on the counter next to the grinder, the one my great-great grandmother allegedly bought for herself while her husband, my great-great grandfather, was laying siege to Fredricksburg. So every morning I think about my wife while she sleeps, knowing that she was thinking about me while I slept. And I get to use a tool someone in my family has used continuously for 150 years.


I did chores with my daughter this morning. She was going to a friends house on the lake to swim for the day and she knew she would probably camp out in the yard later so she spent some time following me around for an hour. She says “I love you daddy” apropos of nothing and I reply “I love you more”. She is getting to the age where such outbursts of paternal affection will likely become less frequent so I savor them when they occur. I watch her ride down the hill on her bicycle and just like that, she is gone.

After breakfast- fresh sweet corn pancakes with our maple syrup- we headed back out, this time our youngest son and I, to rebuild a back stoop to the milk house. We took the boards and the tools in a two-wheeled wood barrow and I let him push it so he could get the feel for it loaded up. We measured and cut using a folding rule, a cross cut saw and a framing square. We screwed the boards in rather than nail them- at seven nailing more than a dozen nails leads to fatigue- and he set every one by himself. It took longer than if I had done it myself, but we both had such a great time doing it I wouldn’t have cared if it had taken all day.

The neighbor kid came up and started put up sap wood for the sugaring season. After a while he got tired of that so he cut some hay in the orchard with a scythe, stopping every so often to sharpen it with a whetstone like I showed him. He comes and goes without asking, always works hard when he’s here and on occasion will ask me if he can ride the dirt bike, pick blackberries, have a chicken for the family dinner, etc and I always make sure he is thanked for his efforts. I never give him advice, but I did today when I showed him how to do something more efficiently.

“Time is the only thing you’ve got. You should spend it like gold.”

He nodded at me and went back to cutting grass the way I showed him. He didn’t say anything when he left, but he finished the orchard completely.

We completed the stoop, put things away and had lunch- there was some leftover chicken and sweet corn, sun tea and blackberries with quartered cukes and sea salt. We talked about things, I couldn’t say what exactly, just light happy stuff and we enjoyed a few minutes in the cool of the house doing nothing.

After lunch we headed out to a friends place to finish staining his deck and replacing some railing. It was myself and my sons, every one pitching in and doing their share. That lasted about 4 hours and then we came back home and did firewood for another hour. I took the 7 year old on the tractor and had him steer the whole time as we brought a couple half ton sugar maple butts to the landing where we cut and split as the Sun edged west through the tops of the big trees.

After that we did evening chores, topped off the chickens towers, checked on the goat with the bum leg ( a dog got after him, but he’s healing up fine) and mowed some grass until my wife called us in for supper about a half hour ago. Grilled London broil, fresh made sweet pickles, sweet corn (it never gets old), five kinds of tomatoes and basil mixed with olive oil and a nice glass of a Chianti I made about six years ago. It may have been the last bottle, but we opened it on date night (Saturday, no kids, full moon) and I wasn’t going to let the last glass go bad.

I read stories about how bad things are and I get it in an intellectual way. They are. In the big world, macro cosmic, multicultural ether that permeates the densely populated cities of late Western Civilization, things are falling apart. Economies, families, human bodies, and the beliefs of a thousand years. It must be painful to live so close to the core, rotten as it is, fed on a diet of heavily processed slop, isolated, alone. The eternal absence of love and the never ending sound of anger and snark are fatal in lesser organisms, they are soul crushing in ours.

Get out of the city. Do not eat another bite unless you know where it came from and how it was raised. Stop worrying about the rest of the world when you’re not even living in your own. Help a kid learn a new skill. Love somebody more than they love you and chances are they’ll love you more than you love them. Then double down.

I’m all alone right now finishing my glass of wine at the table in the dark. I got a few things done today, touched base with an old friend, did something for someone, let someone do something for me. Kissed my wife, told each kid I loved them at least a few times. Didn’t do anything that required a band-aid or a visit to the ER. Ate like it was my last meal three times. Upstairs you can here the sound of people winding down, water running, laughter. My heart is full to the point of breaking, but not in a bad way.

Outside the sky is the clearest shade of pearl with a smattering of cumulus clouds just far away enough to still be visible. There are so many things that were on my list to do today that I didn’t get around to, but soon its going to get really dark and I will lay my body down on a very comfortable mattress and with my head on a pillow and I will fall into sleep like I’ve earned it.

Like the man said, tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther…

August 11, 2014 8:44 pm

RE I enjoyed the interview. I like being able to listen while I work. But ……..the background noise was somewhat distracting at that cafe you were sitting in. Anyway keep up the work and thank you.

August 11, 2014 10:21 pm

It’s all good RE, gotta work with what you have. It’s worth putting up with a little background distraction.