Global Nausea

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Any American influence left in Iraq should focus on rebuilding the credibility of national institutions.

– Editorial, The New York Times

Gosh, isn’t that what we spent eight years, 4,500 lives, and $1.7 trillion doing? And how did that work out? The Iraq war is just like the US financial system. The people in charge can’t imagine writing off their losses. Which, from the policy standpoint, leaves the USA pounding sand down so many rat holes that there may be no ground left to stand on anywhere. We’ll be lucky if our national life doesn’t soon resemble The Revenge of the Mole People.

The arc of this story points to at least one likely conclusion: the dreadful day that ISIS (shorthand for whatever they call themselves) overruns the US Green Zone in Baghdad. Won’t that be a nauseating spectacle? Perhaps just in time for the 2014 US elections. And what do you suppose the policy meeting will be like in the White House war room the day after?

Will anyone argue that the USA just take a break from further operations in the entire Middle East / North Africa region? My recommendation would be to stand back, do nothing, and see what happens — since everything we’ve done so far just leaves things and lives shattered. Let’s even say that ISIS ends up consolidating power in Iraq, Syria, and some other places. The whole region will get a very colorful demonstration of what it is like to live under an 11th century style psychopathic despotism, and then the people left after the orgy of beheading and crucifixion can decide if they like it. The experience might be clarifying.

In any case, what we’re witnessing in the Middle East — apparently unbeknownst to the newspapers and the cable news orgs — is what happens in extreme population overshoot: chaos, murder, economic collapse. The human population in this desolate corner of the world has expanded on the artificial nutriment of oil profits, which have allowed governments to keep feeding their people, and maintaining an artificial middle class to work in meaningless bureaucratic offices where, at best, they do nothing and, at worst, hassle their fellow citizens for bribes and payoffs.

There is not a nation on earth that is preparing intelligently for the end of oil — and by that I mean 1) the end of cheap, affordable oil, and 2) the permanent destabilization of existing oil supply lines. Both of these conditions should be visible now in the evolving geopolitical dynamic, but nobody is paying attention, for instance, in the hubbub over Ukraine. That feckless, unfortunate, and tragic would-be nation, prompted by EU and US puppeteers, just replied to the latest trade sanction salvo from Russia by declaring it would block the delivery of Russian gas to Europe through pipelines on its territory. I hope everybody west of Dnepropetrovsk is getting ready to burn the furniture come November. But that just shows how completely irrational the situation has become… and I stray from my point.

Which is that in the worst case that ISIS succeeds in establishing a sprawling caliphate, they will never be able to govern it successfully, only preside over an awesome episode of bloodletting and social collapse. This is especially true in what is now called Saudi Arabia, with its sclerotic ruling elite clinging to power. If and when the ISIS maniacs come rolling in on a cavalcade of You-Tube beheading videos, what are the chances that the technicians running the oil infrastructure there will stick around on the job? And could ISIS run all that machinery themselves? I wouldn’t count on it. And I wouldn’t count on global oil supply lines continuing to function in the way the world requires them to. If you’re looking for the near-future spark of World War Three, start there.

By the way, the US is no less idiotic than Ukraine. We’ve sold ourselves the story that shale oil will insulate us from all the woes and conflicts breaking out elsewhere in the world over the dissolving oil economy paradigm. The shale oil story is false. By my reckoning we have about a year left of the drive-to-Walmart-economy before the public broadly gets what trouble we’re in. The amazing thing is that the public might get to that realization even before its political leadership does. That dynamic leads straight to the previously unthinkable (not for 150 years, anyway) breakup of the United States.


Read About the Breakup of the USA Here:

The new World Made By Hand novel
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Kunstler skewers everything from kitsch to greed, prejudice, bloodshed, and brainwashing in this wily, funny, rip-roaring, and profoundly provocative page- turner, leaving no doubt that the prescriptive yet devilishly satiric A World Made by Hand series will continue.” — Booklist


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Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
August 11, 2014 10:53 am

I checked this guy out about a year or two back and he supported the war. I don’t read that anywhere. He’s like Thomas Friedman who jumped on the environmental bandwagon at the appropriate juncture but lives in a multi-thousand sq. you can see from space.

‘My recommendation would be to stand back, do nothing, and see what happens’. Hey Jim, you’re about twelve years late on that one. But the rest of that paragraph is about as frightening as anything I’ve ever read. We, with his early support, have destroyed and then destroyed some more and the folks who are wondering around in this man made chaos don’t seem to bother Jim at all. They can be dismissed to videos and serve as a warning.

I’m sure the Neo-Cons who run our once great country would agree. And then there’s the oil, yes, the oil….the near-future spark for World War III Thanks for the warning Jim. And as you recommend, ‘let’s see what happens’.

August 11, 2014 10:57 am

“Global Nausea” —– sounds like a fine title for a Kunstler biography.

August 11, 2014 12:11 pm

He’s a liberal Obama supporter and they are blind to their own hypocrisy.He could flip flop 15 times and that’s ok for a liberal. He is just another liberal scum POS.(lying POS )

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 11, 2014 4:18 pm

Ultimately, the longer we stay as occupiers, the more Iraq becomes not an example for other Arabs to emulate, but one that helps Islamic fundamentalists make their case that America is just an old-fashioned imperium bent on conquering Arab lands. ~Joshua Micah Marshall, April 2003

August 11, 2014 7:04 pm

Perhaps Kunstler didn’t hear the news….thanks to fracking the U.S. is now the world’s #1 oil producer! Hell, we’ll be exporting oil to Saudi Arabia before you know it! /sarc

August 11, 2014 8:21 pm

“…Gosh, isn’t that what we spent eight years, 4,500 lives, and $1.7 trillion doing?…”

So, being the good liberal Jew that is he is, he counts the ones from our side, but the murder of hundreds of thousands, gets nary a mention.

God must be so proud.

Yes indeed, let them sort it out. Let oil go to, well, wherever the actual cost is supposed to be. Let the reckoning start a little early.

Or, continue to keep the price of oil unnaturally constrained while the effects of this show up everywhere else, including the trillions spent on murders and mayhem.