American made missiles do a really good job. A real feather in the cap for American ingenuity. The CEO’s of our arms dealers deserve a big fat bonus.

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Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
August 23, 2014 11:54 am

Just a few weeks back all 100 Senators voted in support of Israel including Ted and Rand. No qualifications were submitted just the usual stampeed to support foreign leaders who clearly never learned right from wrong. Cruz in particular just adores Israel no matter what war crimes they commit. No hope and change there.

James B
James B
August 26, 2014 12:20 am

Between 2005 and 2014, over 8000 missiles were launched from Gaza into Israel, where was burning platform there???? No mention.

The US was built on the extermination of the natives; Anglos may have killed milllions and millllions. We may never know.

It is sad that Israel takes US fiat from a country who exterminated its natives ( > 98%).

I sincerely hope that Gaza is turned to dust. Israel should do it the Anglo/Muslim way. Not to draw parallels because Jews are indigenous to Israel, despite the Kharzai stuff.