The other entitlement class

Via The Lonely Libertarian

Someone asked me why I said I wrote my “Gratitude” post with “mixed feelings”, and the simple reason is that I didn’t want the message to be highjacked by a bunch of racist bitchings. I think we all know the welfare entitlement class is pretty much equal opportunity. We know examples of white welfare mooches with bad attitudes. It was just at that particular Walmart on that particular Saturday, the majority was black and Hispanic. Go to one of the other Walmarts in that town, and you’ll get the African, Middle East and Indian welfare contingents. By far, the rudest and most abusive of the entitlement classes come from the northern African and Middle East countries.

I could start a whole new firestorm by identifying the majority of these folks as Muslim (and I wouldn’t be wrong). But the focus of the post wasn’t race, it was the pervasive culture of entitlement that has grown in this country. When you don’t see the source of the income, when you aren’t personally involved in the work that goes into earning the money, you have no appreciation for the sacrifice. You cease to see the source of the benefits as the hardworking, taxpaying men and women of this country, and you substitute the government as the source. The money comes directly to you from the government, a non-entity who doesn’t sacrifice hours away from family in order to earn the money that covers your EBT purchases. You don’t have any sympathy for “the government”; you don’t care about anything but getting your free stuff, forgetting that it isn’t really free.

But now I want to talk about the other end of the entitlement spectrum, the privileged entitlement. As aggravating and enraging as the welfare entitlement class is, it’s the privileged entitlement class that scares the bejeesus out of me. The first are The Takers, the second are The Plunderers. The welfare class votes, but who gets their votes? You got it, The Plunderers. Barack Obama is their King. He set the Gold Standard of Privilege Entitlement without Production. The man literally did nothing his entire life but show up, and now he’s the leader of the Free World. That’s a serious Oh Shit moment. These people started with the Gen Y’s and Millenials; the spoiled, entitled kids of the upper middle to upper class who grew up with little real discipline, earning Participation Trophies, and being told they were exceptional for just breathing.

Their parents provided the best of everything, requiring nothing in return. Best clothes, cars, schools, vacations. And all for being born to the right family. No wonder they feel a bloated sense of entitlement. No one ever held them responsible for anything. They showed up en masse a few years ago in OWS protests, sporting designer clothes, drinking Starbucks and blogging about Evil Capitalism on their MacBooks while claiming to be the 99%. Please. They are embodied by entitlement queen Sandra Fluke (rhymes with ….. duck), who truly believes the world owes her free birth control because…. well just because. So understand that while the welfare class takes, it’s the privileged entitlement whores who rise to power and plunder the working class in order to pay for it all. These are the ones to watch.

So what got me started thinking about this? I spent a few hours in the presence of a Prince of Privilege yesterday. I got to listen to him whine and complain about how selfish and unfair his parents were for pulling their financial support from him. The beasts. They had paid the outrageous tuition and fees for their little Prince to attend University of Texas last year, and he showed his gratitude by partying and flunking out. He also got into trouble for MIP (minor in possession) and DUI. They hauled his happy ass home to the Panhandle and laid down the law for the first time in his over privileged life. He had to get a job this summer, first of his life, and being the unskilled idiot he is, all he could land was a spot on he county road crew (pardon me while I snicker here). It was “humiliating, beneath him and his talents”, he launched into a 30 minute rant of THIS was why illegals need to receive amnesty so they can do this kind of menial labor that is so far beneath him.

I kept popping Tums and suppressing the urge to smack him. They also told their Little Prince that he was not getting another dime from them for his education, they also weren’t going to co-sign a government loan for him. He was on his own. How horribly unfair! How outrageously shortsighted! Didn’t they see his greatness?! Um, yeah, they saw his greatness flunk out in spectacular fashion. So his options came down to trying to find a better job with no skills or attend a community college to get his GPA up to snuff for scholarships. He acted like they were condemning him to a life of mediocrity, and that his future lack of success would land squarely on their shoulders. He had no concept that his future was placed in his hands, and all the results were his and his alone. Mercifully, I had to quit his presence in order to pick up the Cute Chicks from school.

We have millions of these privileged entitlement folks. They are the ones populating the Ivy League schools preparing for their rise to power over the nation. They have never worked a real job, never produced anything, never been allowed to fall on their faces, never been allowed to fail and deal with the fallout. They have no concept of reality, and sadly, most of us know them personally. How did you raise your kids? How are your kids raising your grandkids? How many of you see these little Princes and Princesses in your local schools and communities? Last year, a drunk driving homicide case involving a Prince of Dallas spawned the term “affluenza” to describe the phenomenon of privilege entitlement. It’s sadly fitting, and it’s an epidemic. So, while you curse the welfare entitlement class, it’s the privilege entitlement class you should fear. They’re the ones who are going to frame and sign the laws that will bring America to her knees.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 29, 2014 10:36 am

Right on the money.

The upper classes get bailed out, the lower classes get a hand out and the middle class gets left out – more like screwed actually.


August 29, 2014 10:49 am

We have a society of “I’m gonna get me some.”

Few have any clue from where prosperity (individual or collective) arises.

Truly has Orwell’s “Ignorance is Strength” seen full adoption.

August 29, 2014 11:25 am

We Americans are in the process of being humbled. The entitlement classes will be slapped back down to reality soon enough. I think a lot of Americans will face REAL POVERTY for the first time .That’s why I don’t think America will survive as one nation. Many states will realize they are better off going it alone.

August 29, 2014 12:11 pm

My son is 20 and in his junior year of Electrical Engineering at Rolla, Missouri. He went to the local junior college the first two years, taking advantage of the “free” tuition there. Since he turned 16, he’s been saving money to pay for college.

I’m very proud of him.

He worked for a woman who owned five horses and needed someone to lead them to pasture and clean their stalls every morning before school. I told him that if he would shovel horse shit for college money, he might not have to do it in the future. He also bagged groceries at the Commissary, where at least half of the military wives do not give tips, but the ones that do make it worthwhile to do the menial and sometimes, demeaning, job.

However, the two work experiences taught him a great deal. Even though he’s clever with math, he knows he’s not too good to shovel shit or load groceries into people’s cars. And if he gets sidetracked at the bigger school and parties too much, flunking out? He has two very marketable skills.

August 29, 2014 12:18 pm

Its people like me, and many here at TBP I suspect, that are caught between the two jaws of the closing vise – with the FSA on one side and these on the other – but I’d add the social security/medi-caid/medi-care crowd to the mix as well. The last vestige of middle class is under attach, and we need reinforcements but none are coming because the leaders either didn’t foresee this or just don’t fucking care. Personally, I’m going with don’t fucking care.

August 29, 2014 1:36 pm

Is it so difficult to teach a child the value of hard work? The parents described in the post are simply reaping the results of asking nothing difficult of the son the whole time he was growing up. Now shocked and dismayed by the loser he has become, they have changed the rules of the game. No wonder he is angry.

Ask nothing difficult of a child and he or she is cheated out of learning to persist on a hard or dull task. This persistence increases a sense of self-esteem and self-mastery and empathy for others who have to work hard, and this results in a healthy work ethic.

I attribute part of my son’s success as a member of Army special forces to delivering newspapers on his bike, and his cruel parents wouldn’t drive him even if it was 15 degrees and snowing. All my kids did many household chores, stacked countless cords of chopped wood, and took full care of 4-H livestock. None has stopped working since high school and all have enjoyed being invited to promotions in their chosen careers.

I recall vividly being handed a pick ax when I was a scrawny 12 year old and being instructed (along with stepbrother same age) to start digging the septic tank at family cabin at the lake. Digging that big hole was important to my self-concept as a hard worker and a capable girl. Wasn’t I lucky?

August 30, 2014 12:04 am

“Affluenza” is actually a fairly old term.. I’ve used since 1980 at least, to describe the vast sense of entitlement and financial decadence of so many upper-middle and upper-income Americans.

Multiple homes with 5% down payments, $10,000 prom nights, expensive clothes tossed after one season of wear, absurdly wasteful 5,000 sq ft houses…. and an ongoing and expensive relationship with a therapist to ease the “angst” suffered by people who have had it ridiculously easy and wonder why they feel increasing unease and discontent. Could it be that their real problem is that, in some dim, wordless recess of their minds, that their wasteful lifestyles are unsustainable, and that they really do not deserve the excess and luxury they have grown accustomed to and expect to continue forever regardless of the effort they expend and the value (or lack thereof) that they produce?

August 30, 2014 9:45 pm

” I think we all know the welfare entitlement class is pretty much equal opportunity.”

I think not, no as a matter of fact I think we all know not. Time to revisit some articles on the infamous 30 Blocks of Sqawler.