While Obama takes bows for oil prices dropping from $100 per barrel to $93 per barrel due to our shale oil revolution, maybe we should be thanking those dreaded ISIS terrorists. They are evidently dumping Iraqi and Syrian oil into the market at $40 per barrel. The world oil markets adapt to supply and demand through the mechanism of pricing. If these existential threat terrorists really are dumping oil onto the market at $40 per barrel, then prices would be driven downward. Shouldn’t we be thanking them? The other possibility is that the worldwide economy is contracting and demand is slowing dramatically. That couldn’t be the case. My beloved government tells me we are growing like gangbusters.

I have a few of questions about how a few thousand ignorant terrorist ragheaded camel fuckers can somehow successfully run oil refineries, pipelines and oil wells and sell 80,000 barrels of oil per day. 

How do they manage to do this without the U.S. knowing who is buying the oil?

Who is buying this oil?

Are they getting paid in cash?

Are banks involved in these transactions?

Where are they depositing the $97 million per month?

We keep introducing sanctions against Russia, but our Empire can’t stop a bunch of terrorists from selling 80,000 barrels of oil per day?

So, these terrible terrorists are using our military equipment that we gave them to fight our enemies Assad and Iran, and they are lowering our gas prices by selling oil really cheap to our allies (maybe even ourselves), but we need to eliminate them. Now I understand. It’s as logical as Bush telling us to take a 7 year loan and buy a $50,000 GM to defeat the terrorists. Or we have to scrap free market capitalism to save free market capitalism. I’m beginning to understand.




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September 12, 2014 2:37 pm

“I have a few of questions about how a few thousand ignorant terrorist ragheaded …” –Admin

The latest CIA report (as of yesterday, I believe) says there are 30,000 fucking ISIS douchebags.

It’s called the Formidable Enemy propaganda tactic ….. by next week it will be 1 million.

September 12, 2014 3:11 pm

Stucky’s right, as usual, before Obama’s speech gov’t intelligence estimated 10K ISIS troops. Two day’s later that total has tripled 30k followed by MSM stories stating that ISIS enrollment from European countries and the US is feared to be higher than previous expectations.

Be careful ‘they are living amongst us’ is bound to be next.

It is time to put spreading the fear, into high gear.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 12, 2014 3:31 pm

All we have to do is get some Ebola-ridden goat fucker from Senegal to go join ISIS.

September 12, 2014 3:48 pm

Funny, I always thought it was democrats that hated war, the draft etc. Just goes to show you, two party’s, one in the same.

“It’s time to get off the couch, America, and collectively sacrifice for national security, both through taxes to fund the next conflict and a draft, like previous generations in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. ISIS wants to bankrupt this country and drag us into another quagmire, so if you believe these maniacs need to be destroyed by bullets fired from American guns, it’s time for you too to start firing these bullets and paying for the next war. Once we defeat ISIS, we can then begin to destroy the next terrorist group that pops up (like Al-Qaeda Iraq morphed into ISIS) with money from higher taxes and from the additional troop levels from a national draft.”

September 12, 2014 3:52 pm
September 12, 2014 5:31 pm

Deflation Watchlist:

* Dollar in strong uptrend
* Oil prices declining
* Gold and Silver prices declining
* One quarter of negative GDP reported (as a revision)
* Scotland separatist vote too close to call — Catalonia next? Kurdistan?
* European markets appear to have topped
* US market appears to be rolling over toward a final top

Stay tuned…

Jeph Bennett
Jeph Bennett
November 17, 2014 5:24 pm

Our oil addiction has created a monster…and it’s killing us.
The top 1% richest businessmen and companies in this country are bleeding you DRY. And like a leech, they’re doing it so slowly, you can barely feel it until you’re almost dead.

Let’s play a game. Pretend we, you and I, are rich capitalists (as a group, over the course of the last 30 years in America), and our goal is to only get richer. How do we do that?
If we invest and own America’s major industries, and maximize profit above all over concerns, while buying politicians and creating an environment of fear and desperation, we can have cheaper labor and less regulation of our growing monopoly.

How? Well, we have to invest in (and control):
Wall Street- so we can charge huge interest on loans, foreclose on homes,and bankrupt companies while cashing in on the employee’s pension funds.
Energy- but only Oil, Coal, and gas, so we can take advantage of the poor laborers that live near these resources and then manipulate the energy markets to drive up profits. Since it costs a few percent of profits to do things safely and ecologically, we’ll do it dirty and dangerous, fuck those workers and their environment. 😉
Military complex- War is big money, so if we build tanks, jets, missiles, bombs, and all their other gear, we can make a killing (pun intended) off every war, plus huge contracts even in “peace time”.
Health Care- Since we’ve bought up most medical insurance companies, we might as well buy the hospitals and pharmacy companies too…then all the people needing treatment due to our wars, mining, and pollution will just become more profit as they become sicker. 😉
Prisons- America has 2.4 MILLION people locked up, and if we run those prisons, we can make BILLIONS by cutting costs on food, staff, and heating/cooling. Sure, those prisoners are eating gruel, freezing/broiling, and likely to riot, but we’re raking it in!

But there’s a few things reducing our huge profits:
Education- We make more when we have dumb cheap laborers, so let’s push the politicians we bought to defund education. Less taxes from our coffers, and more simple minds to work at slave wages. Those who can’t afford college are also more likely to join the military, so we have more soldiers for our wars and more wounded means more money from our medical investments. If they aren’t cheap labor or soldiers for our war machine, they’ll end up in prison thanks to the extreme poverty we’ve created, along with our “war on drugs” sweeping up more prison profit from kids caught with pot. SCORE!

Women’s rights- When abortion became legal, the reduction in unwanted children created less poverty and crime in subsequent decades, which decreases our cheap labor and prison profits. Gotta axe that shit fast! Don’t worry, our republican puppets will handle this battle…

Media- If the public finds out we’re screwing them like this, they might revolt! So let’s buy up as many media outlets as possible. Our biggest one, Fox News, will spread our propaganda, convincing America to fear blacks and muslims, so we can imprison/bomb them for profit. They will also continue the lies that make the public less likely to cause trouble:
~ like blaming unions and China for the job market when it’s our offshoring and trade policies fucking the middle class.
~ like the homeless/sick/poor don’t deserve our help because they’re lazy
~ that mindlessly serving your country by killing Arabs is about “freedom” instead of our oil and military profits.
~ and most importantly, that everything wrong is the fault of that black president and his liberal party, which is HILARIOUS since every major crisis, global warming, American poverty, the recession, inflation, pollution, prison overpopulation, failing education, record foreclosures, unaffordable medicine…ALL directly due to our never-ending hunger for ever-greater profits.

The top 1% has turned your country into a nation of constant war, a nation of the sick, the poor, and the imprisoned, all so they can turn their record billions of profits into record TRILLIONS. And the uneducated masses are buying into their media propaganda, so there’s fewer people to figure this out.

What can we do to stop this? Well, you can’t fix what you don’t know is broken, so the first step is making sure you spread info like this to as many people as possible.
Educate yourself.
Spread awareness.
Stand up to ignorance.
Demand change.