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September 14, 2014 1:14 pm

My cousin announced at my niece’s 21st birthday party last night that ISIS/ISIL just beheaded a British journalist, I replied, “It’s about time, they’ve been threatening to do this for over a week now.”

That of course fired up the conversation about how we can’t allow this to happen and we must go in there and bomb them, I countered that we have been bombing and killing them for over 10 years, what has any of this solved.

That was met with “Who is killing all the christians over there, we have to stop that.” (My family is big time Catholic)

I said, So we must kill the Muslims before they kill the Christians and all will be hunky-dory?


Uh……….waiter, I’ll have a double Jamison, neat please.

September 14, 2014 3:14 pm


Re: “Who is killing all the Christians over there, we have to stop that.” (My family is big time Catholic)
“I said, So we must kill the Muslims before they kill the Christians and all will be hunky-dory?”

Ron Paul is right. It’s not up to USA to sacrifice the lives of our citizens/military. Those being victimized are very willing to fight their own battles. Problem is, those being slaughtered, raped and tortured in Syria and Iraq are without weapons to defend themselves.

Arm them. They fight their own battles. Problem solved.

Jihad vs Crusades

September 14, 2014 5:19 pm

Ron Paul is right, as usual. And how ’bout the gov releases the 28 redacted pages from that 9/11 Commission report so we can learn who “really” attacked us?

September 14, 2014 5:42 pm

Westcoaster, All’s going pretty well in the US today. Sure there are troubles but, if our boat isn’t rocked too much, we’ll certainly get through the rough sports all right.

You folks don’t want to know who’s behind 911 or the JFK assassination or some other calamitous events. Why? Because the answers would set off a firestorm that would endanger our system, our allies, and our world dominance.

So put your thumbs in your ears and your hands over your eyes. Don’t be too curious. Remember to trust your leaders, follow along, and accept what you’re told.

Ty Z
Ty Z
September 14, 2014 8:43 pm

Good post IraK. Did your intentionally say “rough sports”?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 15, 2014 2:22 am

All of the dictators who we’ve helped depose lately were better toward religious minorities (like Christians) than the ones who followed. Arming the Kurds against ISIS might make some sense, but arming any Sunni Arabs doesn’t, since all of the Sunni Arab insurgents are Salafis who won’t tolerate any heterodoxy.