EFFORTS to refine Obamacare dross into gold are turning into self-parodies of liberal spin.

At a recent hearing conducted by the Virginia legislature, federal Health and Human Services official Joanne Grossie told lawmakers that people shouldn’t view the cancellation of insurance policies due to Obamacare as losing insurance. It’s really an “invitation” to get another policy, Grossie said.

“If you got one of the notices that your policy was going to be discontinued because it didn’t adhere to the law, it meant that now you could go into the health insurance marketplace,” she said. “So, I just want to remind you that you weren’t losing insurance; you were just losing that insurance plan and were now being invited to go into the health insurance marketplace.”

Gosh, that puts things in a whole new perspective! No doubt, the administration’s new logic can be applied to a wide range of situations in both politics and daily life.

Your wages haven’t been stagnant thanks to President Obama’s economic policies. You’ve merely been “invited” to live an increasingly frugal lifestyle. You weren’t fired from your job. You were “invited” to look for other employment opportunities. Your spouse didn’t divorce you. You were merely “invited” to return to the single life.

You didn’t … well, you get the idea. That federal officials offer farcical answers in response to serious questions shows this administration’s disdain for, or cluelessness about, the general public. Remember, Obama promised that we could keep our coverage if we liked it. That invitation got lost in the maelstrom that characterizes the Obamacare fiasco.

Via The Oklahoman

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November 3, 2014 1:43 pm

Where’s the freakin’ onion?

What passes for governing is nothing but strip-mining.

I was invited too. It is now costing my company $8400 extra a year. Nearly a part-time employee that we can’t hire.

When the government comes to help, grab the lube.

I sometimes pray there is a hell, even if I go there too.

November 3, 2014 2:06 pm

My not voting is merely an invitation for politicians to lick the shit out of my asshole.

harry p.
harry p.
November 3, 2014 2:42 pm

Why would you dirty your asshole like that?

November 3, 2014 2:45 pm

Every time a government official opens their mouth, a fairy loses it’s wings.

They must really think we are imbeciles.

November 3, 2014 3:01 pm

You weren’t killed by government, you were merely invited into the afterlife!

November 3, 2014 3:02 pm

You weren’t sickened by pollution, you were invited to try out alternate states of health!

November 3, 2014 3:03 pm

You didn’t have your assets levied for taxes, you were simply invited to experience involuntary mandatory voluntary contributions!

November 3, 2014 3:05 pm

Old folks, you weren’t drafted to go fight in ‘Nam, you were invited to go experience patriotism first hand in your prime of life!

November 3, 2014 3:06 pm

America wasn’t attacked on 9/11 – we were just invited to experience a Palestinian-Iraqi point of view!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 3, 2014 6:01 pm

I’m confused. My health insurance agent told me that come Dec. 31,2014 I would lose my plan that has been extended to that date. Just today, I get an offer from Blue Cross Blue shield to continue for $15.00 more than I am paying per month. WTF….Did they change tier minds and why ?

November 3, 2014 6:22 pm

I just can’t get over how health care was expensive enough. Now it’s going to cost more. Where is the outrage? Maybe this next year as the Obama boning commences. It will help get the Republicans in power.

November 3, 2014 6:55 pm

If your pissed now wait till the rationing starts happening. You will have insurance but no treatment. Dumbass people think insurance is the gate way to a Doctor and a treatment plan. Many Docs are going to go private pay and will not take Obamacare. The populace will stand in line and wonder what the hell has happened.
But oh the sorry Dimocrats want to do away with employer based healthcare and push everyone to the exchanges. So the working individual will be standing in line beside Tyrone who’s never had a job waiting to see the Doctor. Quality of care will fall drastically, elections matter people.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 3, 2014 7:10 pm


How will people get around the single payor system to get a doctors care and pay out of their own pocket. Single payor will make it against the law for anyone other than the government pay a doctor or hospital bill. Personal identity cards will be required for said payment.

November 3, 2014 8:14 pm

“harry p. says:

Why would you dirty your asshole like that?”

When my doctor was recently checking my prostate he said,” you have one of the dirtiest assholes I’ve ever seen.”

I replied, “well,I should have, I’ve been shitting through it for almost 74 years.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
November 3, 2014 8:17 pm

“Many Docs are going to go private pay and will not take Obamacare.”-SST

Many Docs who do this are going to have an exceedingly small number of patients who can pay $500 walk in costs BEFORE any tests. That’s what my internist asks for from a new patient just to SEE him. For the required Blood tests he wants you to have every year, chalk up another $1000. This is before they find anything wrong with you. The trip to the imaging center, chalk up another $2-4000 for a scan.

Hospitals will find exceedingly few patients who can pay $100K out of pocket for a Bypass operation, which means numerous Heart Surgery teams will find themselves on the UE line. Similar for numerous other high cost, low volume specialties.

The medical industry is a Ponzi which doesn’t exist without the Insurance industry. Doctors are as addicted to it as the Patients are. They’ll be lucky to be paid in Chickens when the Ponzi collapses.


November 3, 2014 8:37 pm

DaveL ———- shitting for 74 years …….. fuckin hilarious

RE —- people should learn to do their own blood tests and even bypass surgeries. It ain’t that hard. Get off your lazy fat ass and just get one of those “….. For Dummies” books.

November 3, 2014 8:40 pm

Bea Lever what you say is correct in Canada. Private pay has to travel outside of Canada which many do. In the UK you can pay out of pocket. It will depend on how the law unfolds. I believe Republicans will take back the Senate in large part because of Obamacare. Changes may take place should that happen. Who knows.

If it does go to hell in a Canadian like healthcare system I predict a booming fee for service in Mexico and US Doctors fleeing In Mass.

November 3, 2014 9:45 pm

Dave L – That’s some funny shit right there!

Stucky's Boob
Stucky's Boob
November 3, 2014 9:55 pm


You need to check me and yer other big ol tittie for cancer. That’s serious.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
November 3, 2014 10:35 pm

“RE —- people should learn to do their own blood tests and even bypass surgeries. It ain’t that hard. ” Stuck

Peter does his own Dentistry in Ocean Falls. I don’t think he has tried bypass surgery though.


November 3, 2014 10:38 pm

My doctor likes to use 2 fingers when he gives me a prostrate exam. That way he can get a second opinion.

November 3, 2014 11:58 pm

“They’ll be lucky to be paid in Chickens when the Ponzi collapses.

And this won’t matter in the least to sheeple suburbanites who are already invalid, or can’t fix something easy on their RV to get themselves to the doctor anyway (we call them upside don turtle syndrome out in the sticks) , or are busy dreaming up the next grocery store purchased cholesterol delight because…hey…it is more important to have internet and be an invalid!! then much else. Our friends in the apartment next door will save us!!

Naivete doesn’t begin to describe it.