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November 22, 2014 12:18 pm

Well there still is plenty of people who are asleep. I tell people about getting prepared for tough times in the future. How the economy will eventually collapse. They just say i’m nuts.
The way we use our military sure isn’t what the founders had in mind.

November 22, 2014 1:05 pm

I direct this comment to retirees but it apples to everyone else.

I agree that many younger workers are not only lazy and many love the idea of having others subsidize them from the cradle to the grave. I can’t tolerate this. I also can’t tolerate socialism OR corrupt crony capitalism.

However, the main problem isn’t only debt but the fact that we aren’t growing anywhere near enough GOOD jobs for most citizens to prosper. WE ALL KNOW THIS. Flooding our country with cheap or illegal workers increases profits for the big Wall Street players and investors but it only destroys the middle class and those who desperately need to find decent jobs to support themselves plus our economy.

If younger citizens don’t prosper then we rely ever more on dollar-devaluating Fed money creation to prop up our economy (social security, healthcare, etc.) which leads to economic catastrophe. QE isn’t ending -it’s morphing as some suggest.

Yes, there are too many younger citizens (plus those on welfare, unemployment, etc.) who have been CONDITIONED to accept a monthly government check (bribe) INSTEAD OF GETTING MAD and taking whatever action (however drastic) to overhaul our political system to make it work for them. Unfortunately, their lack of self-respect enables their subservience.

But because big money interests control both democrats and republicans, we will never get out of bad trade deals like NAFTA, Transpacific Partnership, KORUS, and others that have sent millions of good jobs to other countries and contributed to the ongoing destruction of the middle class and our economy. So a minority profit while everyone else gets worse.

Any retiree (or anyone else) who believes the middle class should disintegrate and vanish because it;s a “aberration” anyway, only sets themselves up for catastrophe too unless one is so wealthy, he’s prepared for this and can survive economic collapse indefinitely.

Retirees vehemently support our corrupt political status quo because they rightly demand their benefits. But by blindly supporting the corrupt status quo to get their benefits, they only undermine themselves, their children, and future.

This certainly isn’t “Patriotism”.

November 22, 2014 7:17 pm

ss – nice rant. But I think you made a lot of mistakes.

Illegals help farmers and consumers more than big corps. Your vegetable prices would skyrocket.

It is not just the very rich that will make it through the coming crisis. The top ten or twenty percent will do just fine.

Trade barriers will not work. There are bad agreements in place but economic trade barriers will make things worse not better.

The middle class will vanish, by and large. The reason is simple – a US middle class worker cannot value add enough to justify a $50k salary when the global going rate for that work, done by better skilled and harder working employees, is more like $10k. If you try to artificially protect US workers from that reality, the Chinese and Indians will run you over soon enough.

There is plenty of blame to go around. But opportunity will keep knocking for those willing to do what is necessary to be able to value add in a global competitive market. I expect that number will be around 20% of Americans. The remainder will struggle. Their main competitive advantage will be US infrastructure and relative non- corruption of govt., but they will lose tremendous ground from where they have been the last few decades.

November 23, 2014 8:19 am

The principles for which it is supposed to stand. A more gender, transgender, multi ethnic and racial society.

I’m afraid your not getting out of this one the easy way.