When outrage turns to evil: rejecting violent attacks on the police

Via Police State USA

Violence against the police is morally unjustified and undermines our cause.

A Jersey City Police cruiser is seen riddled with bullet holes after an attack that killed Officer Marvin Santiago.  (Image: The Associated Press)

There is a disturbing phenomenon that unfortunately must be addressed.  Criminals and their supporters are creating chaos and undermining peaceful efforts to step back the police state.

On June 8th, Jerad Miller and his wife Amanda walked into a Las Vegas restaurant and murdered two police officers while they ate lunch.  On July 13th, Lawrence Campbell staged an ambush at a Jersey City pharmacy and murdered a police officer who responded to the call. On September 12th, Eric Frein used a rifle to ambush and murder a Pennsylvania State Trooper as he walked to his car. On December 20th, Ismaaiyl Brinsley walked up to a police cruiser and murdered the two officers sitting inside it.

In each case, the perpetrator(s) sought out police officers at random with the express purpose of murdering them because of their profession. Each perpetrator initiated the confrontation. Each committed a deliberate, cowardly attack on people who had done nothing and had no chance to defend themselves.

The most disturbing bit of commonality between these cases is that a certain subset of people have shown sympathy for killing police officers, or even openly celebrated the murders. To see some examples, check out this revolting collection of social media posts released after the most recent murder. Comments ranged from “I’m glad” to “Salute the shooter.”

The praise of murder extends further than classless internet posters. Earlier this month, a group of protesters in New York City openly chanted: “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”

A masked individual displays his immorality and corrupt ideology on a cardboard sign.

How can we explain these open calls for violence? What might be the effects of such protests? This article will attempt to explore the ugly side of opposing the government.


Injustices are not hard to find in America. Among the many issues that people are concerned with is the number of officer-involved shootings that occur in the USA each year. While many of these are truly justified cases of self-defense, many are completely avoidable and egregious. A growing number of people are approaching police with more caution — or animosity.

Before Ismaaiyl Brinsley committed his attack, he wrote on the internet: “I’m Putting Wings On Pigs Today. They Take 1 Of Ours….. Let’s Take 2 of Theirs #ShootThePolice.” The same post mentioned the names of Eric Garner and Michael Brown — two men that received nationwide attention following their deaths during interactions with police.

It is apparent that the murderer’s motivation was some sort of twisted revenge, aiming to punish the innocent for certain perceived injustices. This corrupt rationale unfortunately rings true with some people. What might otherwise be considered a horrific crime can evidently be justified by some as collective payback against “the police” for the behavior of certain officers — even if the controversies arose in another state.

The anger toward government abuse is understandable, but America’s collective response must be based on liberty, justice, and morality — something of which these murderers knew nothing.


This author wishes to be distinguished from those who might rationalize murder. For a variety of reasons, such behavior — and sympathy for it — violates every principle of logic and morality and is bound to result in political failure.

First, is an adherence to the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP). This libertarian axiom is the basis for our opposition to many government intrusions. It holds that the party which initiates force in a situation is illegitimate. This ethical standard is a reliable means of distinguishing between the aggressor and victim. It is by this standard that we defend Eric Garner, the NYC man who was assaulted by police because he allegedly sold his own cigarettes. The same principle leads a rational person to conclude that cowardly ambush attacks are also unjust and illegitimate. (Read more: The Principle of Non-Aggression | Mises.org)

Second, is an appeal to justice. A just system offers a defendant due process and the chance to defend his actions during a fair trial. Justice requires the upholding of the natural rights of all individuals, including the right to life. The commission of murder is the ultimate denial of due process and the ultimate denial of the victim’s rights. It also denies the public the ability to treat the defendant by a common standard and with public oversight. Vigilante murder is incompatible with justice.

Third, is an appeal to morality. No rational system of ethics permits random acts of violence. Embracing murder, vengeance, and depravity is a rejection of the Golden Rule as articulated by Jesus Christ: “Do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12). Suicidal cowards filled with hate are surely taking the low road and are incapable of producing righteousness. They share the same moral corruption as mass shooters and suicide bombers.


It is already apparent that some will reject arguments for liberty, justice, and morality. Besides the fact that wanton violence is repugnant and creates brand new innocent victims, it is strategically a failure to meet a political goal of less government.

Why? Chaos is beneficial to the state.

Those who wish for a less intrusive, abusive government need to win public support. The people must be convinced of the problems that stem from being over-policed, and the virtues of being left alone. Their perceptions of current events will play a large role in determining how much government they tolerate.

The media plays a significant — if not complete — role in shaping this public perception. Psychologically, most people are apt to side with the side which they perceive to be the victim; against the bully.

When random malcontents take shots at the police, they are creating the ideal circumstance for the government to express its victimhood at the hands of “anti-government” protesters. The media heavily carries this sentiment and quickly turns the public toward the side of the police and the government.

Consequently, these events give the government a sufficient excuse to uphold aggressive police tactics and the procurement of more militarized equipment. Such chaos reinforces a climate of danger and fear that the government readily uses to maintain its power.

The same can be said of rioters, like the ones that set dozens of buildings ablaze in Ferguson, Missouri. Such wanton destruction only caused the people to demand more security from the police.

While not only undermining credible reform efforts, chaos puts people into a state of submission when the government takes steps to restore/advance its control over a situation. This fact is well known to those in power, who have even been known to use agent provocateurs to instigate criminal behavior in order to create a pretext for suppressing certain freedoms. As White House operative Rahm Emanuel famously said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

This author is committed to peaceful reform and will have no association with murder apologists and violent instigators. For the credibility of our movement toward freedom, it is strongly recommended that readers reject calls to violence and reject sympathy for these criminals.

Cop killers, rioters, and their supporters are an obstruction to repealing the police state. Leave the violence to the oppressors so that the public does not mistake who the victims are.



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December 23, 2014 8:54 am

The best observation is that “people are angry’.

The government (not our government any more ) has intruded into almost all aspects of our lives. And to boot – they’re incompetent.

It’s a huge faceless, unaccountable, mess. Trillions of dollars lost, too big to fail / too big to jail banks get the bail out and a bonus, while millions lose their homes to foreclosure.

Add to this: 13,000,000 millennials are unemployed, many under employed, and have $50k worth of college debt.

The frustration is that we have created a consumerists society, where these people will never get the prize. The government adds to the frustration by issuing lies about unemployment, etc.

john coster
john coster
December 23, 2014 9:42 am

The police state is all about a lawless accumulation of power and wealth. To some degree it is an equal opportunity employer, not so much concerned with race as with oppressing and denigrating the people it has impoverished. These unprovoked attacks on police, like the recent unprovoked police violence against citizens are just what we can expect as long as we allow the highest government officials to operate with legal impunity no matter what they do. The culture of violence is disseminated from the top down I think, but this kind of violence against cops does nothing but feed the worst kinds of evil, like the evil that justifies the drone wars and makes the US the world’s leading promoter of terrorism. The psychopath who shoots a cop just because he is a cop is denying the most basic principle of a free nation, that each individual must be judged individually and afforded equal rights and responsibilities. It is extremely disturbing to see any positive reaction to the murder of police officers. At some point soon, this country must recognize for who they are the high level criminals who have shredded the Constitution, justified torture, provoked wars and decimated the economy. No society can survive moral chaos for long.
14 mins · Like

December 23, 2014 10:15 am

So much of the frustration comes from people who have unrealistic expectations or an ENTITLEMENT mentality. Many people have never learned to control their base desires. Covetousness is a sinful desire to obtain the possessions of others.Many in government , the mainstream media and academia have created a hate for achievers in the form of class envy /Covetousness. When these people can’t get what they want they blame others which is reinforced by the media. The ONLY thing stopping these people right now are the police. So that is where their hate and anger is directed for now.As we slowly slide into a third world status the hate will be directed towards society at large. I see a time when every one will be fighting everyone. We’ll all be targets.

December 23, 2014 10:24 am

john: the copfuks need only look in the mirror to see where the problem lies. The psychopaths in blue that terrorize our families, shoot our pets, and generally make our lives miserable are the real problem. Along with the “criminal justice system” that lets true criminals back out on the street, while arresting and imprisoning American for victimless crime. Was Turbotax Timmy imprisoned? Or Jon Corzine? Or the domestic enemy Obama impeached? Of course not! The cops, along with the rest of the law enforcement industry has been pushing the American people relentlessly for years. Eventually people will snap and that’s what we’re seeing now.

December 23, 2014 10:30 am

The protesters were taught by the ptb for it is the same way nations are led to war. Soldiers don’t know each other either yet they go and kill each other because they are led to believe the other side (all of them) are bad and must be killed.

Live by the sword…

Keep your head down folks.

December 23, 2014 11:10 am

I strongly disagree, FUCK THE POLICE

I will never convict anyone of any acts (I mean any no matter how out there) against police, teachers, politicians, government workers of any other stipe or any of their family members (no matter the age). FUCK THEM, FUCK THEM ALL they deserve everything they are about to get, they made their choice now its time to live or die with it. FUCK THE POLICE, these got off too easy, oh an FUCK you for defending them seriously that’s one less place you can go after the collapse now admin you chose and you chose poorly

December 23, 2014 11:24 am

Fantastic article.

There was a time when I liked cops. In fact, and this is the damn truth — so help me God — when I left the Air Force I immediately started college literally the next day. In my first semester I wasn’t terribly excited with my computer science classes. Sooooo, I went and took an exam to become a NJ State Trooper. I did well. My mom fucking freaked out …. didn’t want to wonder every day if I got shot and begged me to stay in college. So, I did. Otherwise, … well, I don’t wanna think about it.

Today I can’t stand cops. Hate them, for the most part. I don’t need to get into the reasons … they are well known.

But, killing cops or even supporting those who do IS JUST FUCKING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a sign that you have gone over to The Dark Side. You are either not thinking clearly, or you have lost your mind. What good can come from such violence?? None!

First, look at countries where there is no respect for police. Somalia. Afghanistan. Even Iraq. People killing other people who are shopping their fruits and vegetables. An ever constant dreaded fear of wondering whether or not your life will be taken that day. Is THAT what we want??

Second, and more importantly, what the fuck do you think that will accomplish? You think the police and TPTB will say “Oh, look, they killed a few of us. We better start behaving nicely.” Really? Quite the exact opposite will happen. MORE clampdowns. MORE laws. MORE loss of freedom. MORE of everything you don’t want.

Don’t get me wrong. I can’t stand them. They’ve become militarized thugs who serve TPTB. They kill far more civilians than vice-versa, and they get away with it. But, declaring war on them is just fucking nuts.

I’m going to change some of my reading habits this New Year. I’m going to STOP reading and commenting on rogue copfuk threads. Period. ALL it does is just piss me off, sours my mood for the day, discourages me, makes me angry, and so on. I capitalized “ALL” because there isn’t a fucking thing I can do about it. To do something that continually pisses me off and doesn’t have a solution …. isn’t that the definition of stupidity, insanity, fucked-upness? Stick a fork in me and turn me over — I’m done with cop threads.

Politics and economics …. those two will continue to provide plenty of opportunities to go insane. I’ll stick with them. And some posts about cars, trains, food, and eventually churches.

December 23, 2014 11:35 am


Do you mean literally? You want to stick your weenie in their buns?

Are you a regular here hiding behind the name “FUCK THE POLIC”? If so, why? Why hide? How can you fuck ’em if you’re hiding? There’s no such game as “hide and fuck”. I’ve fucked a few times in my life, and I know that fucking is done in the open. So, who are you?

OK, I’ll assume you don’t mean literally. So, “fuck the police” means what?? It’s literally a sentence that makes no sense. Explain your position more clearly.

December 23, 2014 11:51 am

Latest from NYPD union: copfuks should only respond to the most serious calls, and their action must result in an arrest. So WTF have they been doing previously? Harassing the citizens simply because they can? This is actually good news. Leave us the fuck alone, arrest the real criminals, put ’em in jail and throw away the fucking key.

December 23, 2014 11:53 am


To clarify it means I don’t care what anyone does to them, as far as I am concerned they no longer qualify as people, just giant sacks of shit, as earlier stated same goes for all other gov workers and their families. Personally no I don’t want to stick anything of mine in them, I like the duck fuck guy like pussy and human pussy at that, seeing as how I have already stated I don’t consider cops people we have an impasse… If you want to stick your wiener in them go for it (I don’t even care if they consent to it). Did that clarify?

December 23, 2014 12:02 pm

Ragman , you said you were retiring to the mountains in western NC .You want have to worry about cops unless your cooking meth or moon shine.

December 23, 2014 12:05 pm

@Stucky: I agree, countries that have no respect for the police lapse into lawlessness. Take a look at Ferguson – the mistake that was made was to allow any violence.

There are injustices – always will be. Out of the millions of contacts that the police have with citizens, it’s just handful that wind up on YouTube.

I do think the police depts. / judges who sign warrants / etc should be held liable for bodily harm and property damage. What kind of idiots want to do a no-knock warrant at 2:00 am – for a guy with some weed – and then get the wrong address. The police need to stop this kind of behavior.

December 23, 2014 12:23 pm

“If you want to stick your wiener in them go for it …” —— FUCK THE POLIC



December 23, 2014 12:45 pm

Fuckin a, you would touch that with those man legs… Im not sure that’s really a woman regardless of its human status due to the uniform…

December 23, 2014 1:42 pm

Ther are those who are undermining our attempts to reform King George III’s goverment by chanting “kill the Redcoats”. This is not nice. We need to support our boys in Red, not wish them dead.

December 23, 2014 1:45 pm

I like ’em thick, as a brick.

December 23, 2014 1:58 pm

bb: no meth or moonshine. Beautiful days, cool nights, friendly folks and relatively cheap living. Big downside is no high paying jobs, so a big lifestyle adjustment is coming. Not to worry, I’ve been fighting the battles(work, commuting, traffic, &tc) for over 50yrs, so I’m ready for a change.

December 23, 2014 2:03 pm

I agree with much of the anger expressed here and elsewhere. Admins focus on Militarization is spot on, we need to direct our anger at the top, the Bureaucrats. It is they, that Legislate, Administer, and Adjudicate the actions of OUR Law Enforcement, that deserve our condemnation.
Directing our anger and dissatisfaction to the lowest elements, the men on the streets, is futile for effecting the policy changes desired by most.
Granted there are Bad Apples on the ground, and there always will be, but we will not solve any problems, one cop at a time.
Every effort should be made to maintain integration of Law Enforcement with the people, staving off all efforts of The Ruling Class to segregate and commandeer this vital force.
Rather than FUCK the POLICE, we would all be much better off with FUCK the BANKERS, FUCK the POLITICIANS, the real purveyors of despair.

December 23, 2014 2:32 pm

Well, this post won’t earn me any friends…

First, is an adherence to the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP). This libertarian axiom is the basis for our opposition to many government intrusions. It holds that the party which initiates force in a situation is illegitimate. This ethical standard is a reliable means of distinguishing between the aggressor and victim.

Which is why you will always fail. Power – the only kind that matters – grows from the barrel of a rifle. And if those in power ain’t YOU, you think those who abuse their power and target citizens are suddenly going to say “Gosh darn it! You’re right, we’re wrong. Here’s our guns and badges.”

You’re a fool if you think those who have power are going to give up one shred of it because you talk a good game… argue ethics all you want, because those you’re going against are ethically bankrupt – which means they don’t give a shit about your arguments!

Second, is an appeal to justice. A just system offers a defendant due process and the chance to defend his actions during a fair trial. Justice requires the upholding of the natural rights of all individuals, including the right to life. The commission of murder is the ultimate denial of due process and the ultimate denial of the victim’s rights. It also denies the public the ability to treat the defendant by a common standard and with public oversight.

This is laughable. The “justice” system is populated by, and run by, the very individuals whom we fight against – it is corrupt to the core and will always be stacked against the little guy. To think that you’re going to get “justice” from a system that is corrupt and unjust by definition is willful ignorance and delusion bordering on mental illness.

Vigilante murder is incompatible with justice.

Sooo, we’ll just trust “the system” to dish out “justice” when a copfuk guns down some hapless citizen goober… HAAAHAAA! HAA-HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Yeah, like that’s worked out well so far…

Third, is an appeal to morality. No rational system of ethics permits random acts of violence. Embracing murder, vengeance, and depravity is a rejection of the Golden Rule as articulated by Jesus Christ: “Do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12). Suicidal cowards filled with hate are surely taking the low road and are incapable of producing righteousness. They share the same moral corruption as mass shooters and suicide bombers.

Soooo, you’re appealing to the morality of people who you admit are amoral?

Yeah… good luck with that…

Besides the fact that wanton violence is repugnant and creates brand new innocent victims, it is strategically a failure to meet a political goal of less government.

Why? Chaos is beneficial to the state.

No kidding. And a political goal of “less government” is fine and all, but nothing we – or any Libertarian – have done so far has accomplished anything worth mentioning…

Leave the violence to the oppressors so that the public does not mistake who the victims are.

The “public” ARE ‘the victims”… we already know that…

And yet somehow, I am not filled with optimism that doing nothing except perhaps making signs, and “protesting” where we’re told to protest – the “free speech zones” – will amount to anything other than jack shit…

December 23, 2014 3:05 pm

“Rather than FUCK the POLICE, we would all be much better off with FUCK the BANKERS, FUCK the POLITICIANS, the real purveyors of despair.” ———- ottomatik

Nice thought. Only problem is that the cops work FOR the pols and bankers. Always have, always will.

December 23, 2014 3:10 pm

Like I said the other day right after the two cops in NY were killed, I’m not in favor of it but the cops and the corrupt system they support are bringing this shit on themselves. People know they will get no recourse through the law. That usually ends up with people feeling they have nothing to lose. That rarely ends well.

December 23, 2014 3:19 pm

The Cops should arrest the sign holders for terroristic threatening. Let them do about 24 months in the State Pen and the reassess their attitudes.

December 23, 2014 3:38 pm

and then

December 23, 2014 4:25 pm

I think a-holes eventually get what they have coming. Known pricks,cops or Bankers/Wall street. I have little sympathy for. I get the feeling that when the economy finally collapses a lot of blood well be shed. Killing people at random doesn’t fly with me, Psychopathic dick heads who have hurt people and gotten nothing but a slap on the hand?
The cops are bringing this stuff on themselves right now. People see the uniform and lump everyone together. That black guy with the mental problem getting gunned down on video .It was just wrong in many ways. People are experiencing cops as people who make their lives harder.

December 23, 2014 5:12 pm

Stucky- Agreed, but I know many whom are just as disgusted with the current state of affairs as we are. It would be tragic if those most responsible were able to shield themselves from justice behind a wall of Blue.
By no means am I excusing irresponcible Pig actions, now or when it really heats up.
I see lines being drawn.
There needs to be differentiation between those that serve America and those that take or have pushed her to the precipice she now stands, irrespective of title/job description, which after all are just words, not actions.

December 23, 2014 5:20 pm


It’s not necessarily the current crop of copfuks I fear … bad as they are. It’s the NEXT batch.

There were plenty of German police, military, and civilians who objected during Hitler’s rise to power. They were silenced. Their replacements were worse. There is never a shortage of sick-fuks willing to kill fellow countrymen for a cot and a loaf of bread.

December 23, 2014 5:34 pm

Stucky- I think that is a fair assesment, with all that is going on, the new and future crop will be initiated, possibly even indoctrinated into an Us and Them mind set, entrenching the issue irreparably.

Simon Jester
Simon Jester
December 23, 2014 6:27 pm

I have followed your site for well over a year and I agree mostly with you. This is my first comment on any of your posts…

I consider myself to be a libertarian and I agree with following the non aggression principle but I and many like me feel that the abuses being committed by those who presume to rule us who hide behind their willing accomplices, the police, have already declared their intention to use violence first against us and this war has been going on for some time now; the ambush and killing of the two policemen might have been poor tactics on the part of the attacker but in the larger context it is the response by the victimized to those who have already used force against us. The attacker acted to avenge two who have forever lost the means to do so themselves. It would have been better to have targeted the two cops who had killed the two men, but the point has been made to every cop across the nation by his random ambush. The war is undeclared but it is still a war. Personalizing the pain of the widow and attempting to humanize the dead cops obscures the fact that they took up arms either willingly or as unwitting pawns against their fellow citizens. All enforcers of laws implicitly rely on violence to give teeth to their enforcement, and to pass laws and then enforce them is an explicit display of that power and threat of violence to those who do not wish to comply.

The ambushed cops (I will not call it murder because they were soldiers in a war whether they recognized it or not) were doing the bidding of their masters (who presume to be our masters as well) when they were killed. It is tragic that neither of them realized their role as aggressors and thugs of an army of occupation against their fellow humans and chose to leave their occupation before it was too late. Such is the tragedy of war; that those who bear the least culpability disproportionately pay the highest price for the actions of those who are most responsible. And the greater tragedy is that these are only the first drops in a sea of blood that will be spilled before this imbalance is settled.

December 23, 2014 7:48 pm

Simon- Welcome to TBP. Your fuckin nuts. I mean your in the Orchard, politically, anarchist freaky, and you think your a Libertarian.
” in the larger context it is the response by the victimized to those who have already used force against us. The attacker acted to avenge two who have forever lost the means to do so themselves.”
Are you trying to convey that we should now accept lone suicidal gunman as judge,jury and executioners as our new ultra-libertarian legal system? Did the two Officers in New York have prior record of shooting or otherwise? To reduce all “cops” to murderous tools of a tyranical racist state is gibberish. Go fuckin Thank one. Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, and Paramedics, clean the streets, right now this minute, and make this a decent place to live. Vital to society.
Maybe the Mad Max style war against cops is on its way, but I am with Max, not Humungos Ruler of the Waste Land, if that is what you are selling.

December 23, 2014 8:10 pm

At the moment, the cops are aligning themselves with Big Brother against the people. Cops always do that.

Eventually, there will be a reckoning. It is inevitable. The cops are on the wrong side at the moment.

In a civilized society, cops are vital. We are near the end game of civilization in the US, I fear. Tyranny is slowly replacing the ideals of this nation. Eventually, it will not be tolerated.

So, I believe there will continue to be escalating violence against both the people and the government. Hopefully it can be managed and minimized.

I do not advocate violence at all, and I will not be a party to any such, in any way, unless it seeks me out directly and personally. Which I am doing everything in my power to prevent. We have govt elected by the people, however incompetent and destructive that it is. That is the will of the people, best I can tell, and so be it. It will continue to be thus until the people wake the fuck up. I think that will not happen until there is an economic collapse.

But I believe the awakening will not be without issue, especially when free shit is cut off from the free shit army. That will be a difficult time.

December 23, 2014 8:12 pm

“Welcome to TBP. Your fuckin nuts.” ——— ottomatik to Simon

Simon, that’s one of the more civil welcomes I’ve seen ’round these parts.

Hope you stick around. You articulate your opinions well,

December 23, 2014 8:30 pm

No one reaches the father, but through the son.

No one reaches the politicians and bankers, but through the enforcers.

The police, in whatever means, are the enforcer class. If you ever hope to reach the control centers of this empire you must go through them.

The question is how? Reason? Violence? My answer would be this;

They reject cops routinely when IQ scores are to high. The police have a open recruitment path from the military. I am sure there were people in the 1700s, that tried to reason with the redcoats, as they kicked in their doors and helped themselves to the spoils of tyranny.

We all want to think the cop of today, is like the cop of 50 years ago. Hell, even 20 years ago. They are not the same animal. Those being recruited today, are ex military (non commissioned) of a lower IQ, do well at obeying ANY AND ALL orders given to him and most importantly, puts there own lives above all others.

Is the answer killing cops? I don’t know. I sure as hell know reasoning with them is not the answer. I avoid cops like the plague, but the videos I have seen with people trying to reason with them rarely work out well. I feel truly bad for the inner city blacks. They don’t get it. Could have just as easily been a white guy, or any color. Copuks don’t care. We are all enemies of TPTB.

My bottom line is this. I left the city and have chosen to hide. I do not want to make hard choices. People who remain will. When you do, remember the police do not serve as peace officers any longer. They are simply crime documentation and revenue generation units. When it serves the political class, they will be the muscle as well.

December 23, 2014 8:56 pm

An Englishman, a Frenchman, and an American get stranded on an island. They are taken captive by the natives there, bound, and dragged into a tent. After about an hour, the chief of the tribe comes in. “I have good news, and I have bad news,” he tells them. “The bad news is we are going to kill you, eat you, and make your skins into canoes. The good news is you get to choose how you die.”

The Englishman asks for a gun. “Long live the Queen!” he says, and shoots himself in the head, and dies.

The Frenchman asks for poison. He lifts the glass, says “Viva la France!”, drinks, and dies.

The American asks for a fork. The natives are confused, but they hand over a fork. He starts stabbing himself all over … his arms, legs, torso, everywhere. “What are you doing?!”, the chief asks finally, perplexed. The American grins at them. “So much for your canoe, you fuckin’ assholes!”

December 23, 2014 9:32 pm

Winston- “Those being recruited today, are ex military (non commissioned) ” I have always worried our exercises in the sand box would be a warm up for future domestic duty.

December 23, 2014 9:42 pm

Simon, nice post. Almost prescient, could have been written in 2015. Llpoh, (you nitwit) your first 3 paragraphs spell it out with remarkable clarity. Winston, stucky, otto, yeah, it’s a real good time to start thinking soberly about these type of things. A little miscalculation on either side could blow this up.

December 23, 2014 9:51 pm

Stucky- Thanks for that, its that rugged spirit Americans have drawn on repeatedly to provide us with all the gifts we enjoy today.

December 23, 2014 10:11 pm

I laugh my ass off at the people protesting the cops who don’t have the were with all too take care of themselves. The first thing they would do, if they heard someone breaking into their house, would be to call 911and wait on a cop. The stupid blonde bitch holding the sign, I’ll take her and drop her off in crime infested black neighborhood in Memphis and tell her she has to walk out. I”ll leave her with her cell phone, she would call for a cop before she walked two blocks.

I wonder how many posting here could make it in a lawless environment? Anyone that lives in a high population center would be toast unless their one bad motherfucker cause the bad motherfuckers are coming after your shit.

Conclusion. If one is too weak or too old to engage in hand – to – hand combat, or the thought of having a shoot out with a gang of drug crazed thugs coming after your wife and children gives you pause, then protesting the police is just fucking stupid.

Simon Jester
Simon Jester
December 23, 2014 10:14 pm

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

ottomatik – At what point is violence permissible? In the purest interpretation of the NAP, one would have to be getting the s**t beaten out of them by a LEO before it would be permissible to use violence back. And irony of ironies, such an attempt to defend oneself from such an attack besides being against the law, would most likely get one shot and killed, all completely sanctioned by the law of course… In a pure libertarian utopia, there would be no need for police as men would act rationally in their own self interest at all times… However, we do not live in such a utopia, and our society has long since crossed the Rubicon into dystopia. So again I pose the question: At what point is violence permissible? It is one thing to think about violence in the abstract and take issue with the manner in which the cops were ambushed and how they were selected to be made an object lesson of. If anything, the lesson to any other LEOs should be that if you or your fellow soldiers do evil to innocents then there is the distinct possibility that evil might be visited upon you or your loved ones by those whom you have aggrieved.

Right now it is relatively easy to be dispassionate or make a show of outrage over random cops being ambushed if one is not a person of color. Up to very recently the heavy hand of law enforcement fell the hardest on poor minority neighborhoods because “everyone knows that is where all the crime is”. And since we are not of the race that is being targeted we look the other way until the same tactics and abuses are visited upon our neighborhoods and we are scrutinized with the same suspicions. Since we do not speak out about abuses visited upon others, we most certainly deserve what is coming to us next. As Benjamin Franklin said “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

December 23, 2014 11:16 pm

Simon- Thanks for the response and dialog, I did’nt mean to pounce to hard, it’s kind of a TBP tradition, if I wouldn’t have Lloph surely would have.
I agree with the sentiment of many of your points, especially that last bit from Franklin. I don’t believe we have Crossed the Rubicon, well, I don’t believe most Law Enforcement has. Perhaps some dirty,sneaking, lying state elements have and kept it quiet. It seems there are still measures we can implement to preserve the Republic, although its getting dark.
If action is called for, certainly it is not this type of madness. The call to action should come from someone with a popular mandate. It will take another event to awaken the distracted. Let us hope the Military and Law enforcement hear the call as well, they swore an oath to the Constitution.
When that event occurs I hope we can assign the blame properly, to the Bankers and their paid for political Shills, who have potentially sacrificed the Republic for personal gain.
If not, its going to be a very bumpy ride.
Couple our domestic shit sandwich with our schizophrenic foreign policy and one can clearly see the climax of this American Fourth Turning is going to be epic.

December 24, 2014 12:44 am

“I don’t believe we have Crossed the Rubicon” ——– ottomatik

Maybe. But we’re getting pretty damn close.

Ms Freud was stopped a couple months ago for “improper use of a turn signal”. That’s right … she turned it on, but the copfuk said she turned it on too close to the intersection … mumbled something about 100 feet before turning, or some bullshit. jeezus fuckin Krist. That’s not the point.

It’s how he treated her … like she was a criminal. Gruff. Threatening. Told her to “stop talking back to me!!”. Grilled her with a bunch of questions; where you going, where you coming from, where do you live, where do you work (!!!) …. un-fucking-believable. (She did tell him that where she worked was none of his business. Really. She’s FEISTY!! lol) Unfortunately, or probably fortunately, I was not there. This is a very white middle to upper-middle class neighborhood, no crime to speak of … and he treated little Ms Freud like a piece of shit, scaring her half to death in the process.

My sister has similar stories. Ms Freud’s daughter in Chicago has similar stories. Pure coincidence? Anecdotal? Or, at what point does one conclude that most cops think of as shitheads-who-need-to-be-punished?

That’s why I hate copfuks, even if they are a necessary evil.

December 24, 2014 3:37 am

Back in the day I would get lippy with cops. I would not do it some much today. The way they are getting away with assault/murder it is emboldening them to become even more hyper aggressive.

Couple this, with shit like this execution and getting mouthy could get you suicided. I regularly check my families taillights. headlights and all the stupid bullshit like that. Better to avoid them all together, by not giving them their normal bullshit excuses for pulling you over.

Just because we need cops, does not give them the right, or privilege to be abusive to the people they serve. I need plumbers to fix my sink, mechanics to fix my car, we all need many people to function as a society. Last time I went to see my accountant, he did not taze me for having a disagreement with him and if he did he would go to jail.

Copfuks more and more, do not have the fear of criminal. let alone civil responsibility for damn near anything they do. Without the Copfuks, the elite would be laid bear before the masses. Hence why the corrupt judicial system always sides with copfuks, no matter how heinous the act. You would not see the same pig judges siding with my accountant, if he tazed me.

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 24, 2014 3:46 pm

Stucky: “This is a very white middle to upper-middle class neighborhood, no crime to speak of … and he treated little Ms Freud like a piece of shit, scaring her half to death in the process.”

That’s despicable, and should not happen but too often does. My experience recently was quite the opposite. My wife and I were going out for coffee early as we regularly do–not even light out yet doing about 52 mph in a 40 zone on a divided road just out of our neighborhood. An unmarked cop was facing us in a left-hand turn lane with his radar on but I didn’t see him and he quickly made a U-turn and pulled me over. He practically apologized for giving me a ticket and reduced the speeding charge to a “failure to pay full time and attention” (he said I wasn’t paying attention to my speedometer), and made sure to say the ticket would not go into a database that would raise my insurance rates. I was happily surprised by this treatment. A week later my wife got pulled by the same county policeman and he recognized our last name and said since he gave me a break he’d do the same for her–and she had run a red light! We’ve seen this guy frequently pulling over folks and he must be just plain tired of giving out tickets or has some sort of guilt complex. Still cost us $97 for each ticket. Cops here in Fairfax County, Virginia, seem rational…for now.

December 24, 2014 8:31 pm

This is what happens when you make idiots into cultural leaders

June 10, 2016 11:27 am

So we’re supposed to let them murder us in the name of “the law” and all we’re allowed to do is “get angry”? You can’t possibly understand why someone would want to kill a MURDER?! A state sponsored one, no less? I can.