
Packing 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag. That’s what America does.


Thanks for showing us exactly where the doom hole is. Very helpful….Wait a minute. Haven’t I seen that hand “O” somewhere before that ended up stinking it up just as bad?…That’s right. I saw that stinker Monday night from Oregon!


What the hell? What kind of asshole actually spreads wide to show me their actual asshole? I don’t need that deep of a look up into your soul sweetie. Keep that poop cutter to yourself.


Kinda looks like Waldo just decided to say f it and get all lazy on us.


If you wanted to have a whole bunch of messy weird ass hair on your head, would you go with the nappy look or the unraveled ball of yarn?


Whatchu gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk?


Honestly, the only theory I have here is that she knows there is some sort of private detective from the court system following her around to determine if she really is crazy.


Damn, Willy is the coolest pimp ever. That’s a fact. Always good to get a nice update that his pimp hand is still going strong. Keep doing you youngblood.


Looking like you got a damn poodle humping your head girl. C’mon now, stop that.


Toilet humor…I can’t talk “shit” on it because we do our fair share of it around here, but we keep it to the friendly confines of the internet, not on walking display in Walmart. But if we were to pick one of the two here, I think we’d go stick figure. Thoughts?


I’m actually pretty jealous. I can’t say I’ve ever had a fart this epic…


If you’re bleeding that much you don’t need pads, you need stitches.


In this gross disgusting edition of “Who Wears It Better?” we have some thick ol’ beaver swamp looking hair going up against the lady being eaten by a giant Yorkie.


This dude looks totally insane right now. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he is a….cereal killer? Huh? Get it? Yaaaa you got it.


I gotta say, I’m kinda impressed you’ve managed to get your ass out in those Smurf jammie pants. I mean, with jeans, sometimes plumber’s crack just can’t be helped when you’re down in the catchers stance, but some comfy lounge wear? That’s impressive bud.


For those of you who don’t spend your time popping molly and listening to music that sounds like two robots having sex in a dryer, IDGAFOS is short for “I don’t give a fuck or shit.” Exciting generation we’ve got coming up. Like we needed a damn sign to realize you basically mail it in everyday.

See more freaks at People of Wal-Mart

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