France Has Taken the Extremists’ Bait…

Guest Post by Bill Bonner

Dear Diary,

It took only 48 hours. And France took the bait.

Rather than declare the murder of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists a crime, which it surely was, French prime minister Manuel Valls turned an act of murder into an act of war, which it surely wasn’t.

“France Declares ‘War,’” bleated a headline in Sunday’s New York Times.

Now the killers are martyrs in a holy war against the West. Western nations can now roll out more armored vehicles, more airport security, more snooping and more spending – all in the name of protecting citizens from fanatics.

Fear and Loathing in Paris

Paris looked like a city under siege when we went through it on Saturday.

Helicopters overhead. Gendarmes everywhere. Fear and loathing down every rue.

Even with the diminutive François Hollande at its head, the French government seemed suddenly robust – its muscles flexed, its cheeks rosy and flush with energy and purpose.

“War is the health of the state,” said American writer Randolph Bourne.

“Compare what these Islamic commandos did to Charlie Hebdo and what your Navy SEAL team did to Osama bin Laden,” suggested a provocative Frenchman.

“Both were trained to kill. Both killed unarmed people in the name of their cause. Bin Laden had been accused of a serious crime. But no trial was ever held. No verdict ever rendered.

“The cartoonists had been accused of a serious crime, too… at least as the radical Islamists saw it. In both attacks the killers gunned down innocent people who hadn’t been accused of anything.”

“What’s the difference?” he asked. He did not stay for an answer.

We had one: In our Western tradition, making fun of someone is not a capital crime. Plotting the murder of thousands is.

But the man had a point. The perps – the brothers Kouachi – believed in a different tradition… a different set of rules… and a different kind of justice.

Once killing is permitted, people will reach out to others… and blow their brains out.

Bombing, Droning, Torturing, Invading

The Kouachi brothers’ beliefs may be strange, but their plan of action was familiar. It came directly from The Revolutionist’s Handbook.

Their attack aimed to do more than just avenge the mockery of the prophet Mohammed.

There are more than 5 million Muslims in France. Most of them are sensible, law-abiding people. Few take jihad seriously. Murdering high-profile targets was designed to rally these secular Muslims to the cause.

Terror would harden the majority French against them and provoke the government to overreact. The Kouachis must have been hoping that France would declare “war.”

Not only would this give the murderers the dignity of soldiers, it would help radicalize the minority… providing the jihadists with more recruits and more financial support.

The US has been a big help to radical Islam. It was US mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib that the Kouachis credited with having convinced them to become terrorists.

Bombing, droning, torturing, invading – and killing thousands of innocent people as it throws its weight around – the Pentagon has done its part: creating and arming ISIS, as well as other violent groups.

Now, the terrorists are getting the same cooperation from France.

This is where the worlds of money and geopolitics meet. The link is credit. Without the almost unlimited credit of the post-1971 world, today’s grotesqueries in politics and finance wouldn’t exist.

Excess credit – above and beyond the ratio of credit to GDP that existed up until 1980 – added about $35 trillion to America’s spending power since the 1970s.

Americans borrowed and spent. Planet GDP spun faster and faster, as people spent more and more money they didn’t have on more and more things they didn’t need.

This includes the vast “military-industrial complex” that President Eisenhower warned against… and the “foreign entanglements” that Washington, Adams and the founding fathers sought to avoid.

More to come…



Further Reading: To get the full story on America’s – and the world’s – addiction to debt, you simply must read Bill and Addison Wiggin’s book The New Empire of Debt.

It details the secret story of how and why America got itself into the worst financial crisis since 1929. And more important, how you can protect yourself – and your savings – from the final fallout.

As a Diary reader, you’re entitled to a FREE hardcover copy. All we ask is that you pay shipping. Find full details of this limited offer here.

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January 18, 2015 6:02 pm

Of course it is a war.

I disagree with his comment “There are more than 5 million Muslims in France. Most of them are sensible, law-abiding people. Few take jihad seriously.”

Take a look at crime rates, at where they live, at the laws they want enacted, at the no go zones where police fear to tread, where they can shut down sections of the cities with impunity from the law, etc. Take a look at what the Koran says and what they Hadiths say – which these 5 million take as total law. See what those books say is ok, see what they say about the treatment of infidels, about jihad, etc.

And so I do not agree with Bonner.

January 18, 2015 6:26 pm

France is correct to declare war on Islam.

From a poster on a video about the 3 stages of Jihad:

Lifted from the intertubes.
Here’s how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. (United States ).

France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris –car-burnings) . Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam – Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

via Mike_W20

Please note that the societal dysfunction caused by Islam cuts across all races and cultures.

January 18, 2015 6:37 pm

A friend of mine moved to Paris with his wife and two boys last summer, his wife works for Nestle, they signed up for a minimum five years.

He was on the other side of the city when all the shit hit the fan, he said security is pretty tight right now, they need ID’s to get into just about any building. They are scared but trying to remain positive that all will be well.

I’m not so sure this will be the end of it.

January 18, 2015 6:39 pm

Hope – I have seen those figures before, and tend to agree with the scenarios.

It is a war, and the sooner it is recognized the better.

Islam is NOT a peace loving religion. Quite the contrary. The “moderates” try to say the Koran/Hadiths do not say what in fact they do say – that it is ok to kill infidels, etc. Additionally, the Prophet is held up as a perfect example to follow – and he took slaves, took other men’s wives, took a 9 year old bride, murdered captives by the thousands, etc. Muslims believe this stuff, no matter what they say otherwise. The Koran says that it is ok to lie to and deceive infidels. And taht is EXACTLY what they are doing when they protest that they are moderates, and not extremists.

There will indeed be a war with Islam before it is said and done. The best thing that can be done is for western nations to stop letting Muslims into their countries. At all. Western countries would never allow a new “religion” to take root that professes that which Islam professes. They would prosecute it as a terrorist organization.

But Islam is welcomed with open arms.


January 18, 2015 6:42 pm

In times of social mood highs, people are tolerant.

In times of social mood lows, what they once tolerated becomes intolerable.

During the past 30 years of [relative] peace people have tolerated a lot of geographic and social mixing.

During the next 10 years I suspect that all that mixing will just yield a target-rich environment.

Right or wrong, this is how the cycle works. Race and religion are among the easier ways to group together, and inter-group warfare seems likely to be the next Big Fashion.

It seems so stupid….but then again, when have large populations of humans exhibited wisdom?

January 18, 2015 7:38 pm

Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many planned parenthood franchises there are in those countries with the high muslim count. Probably none. With them out breeding us, there will be no war. Might be a few street fights but no war.

January 18, 2015 8:00 pm

@ cantbaretowatch,

One of the symptoms of the Decline of the West (as in Western Civilization) is the categorization of babies as “problems to be eliminated.”

I see children and grandchildren as “what life is all about.” This is the attitude of a life-affirming values system.

Planned Parenthood’s devotion to abortion-as-birth-control is death-affirming. It is a values system that does not value life as a good unto itself.

I do not wish to “outlaw” abortion. I’m an anarchist, so I seek no laws other than Nature’s. A society that celebrates the ability to end life before it begins is a society in vertical decline, however. Values are shared across a society, and some are constructive; this one is not.

Natural Selection does not select for “better,” only “more fit for a particular niche.” If stupid and fertile is “more fit,” it will replace “smug and fashionable.”

All is not lost, however. Trends are made to be reversed. Short of a life-destroying nuclear or biological war instigated by the Scorpions who Rule Us, Western Civilization may yet reverse its decline. It won’t be via democracy or globalization or multiculturalism or (frankly) peaceful tolerance. A rebirth of the West will come amidst crushing difficulty, warfare and horror. The phoenix rises from fire, not a bowl of chicken soup.

That’s my view, worth every penny paid for it.

January 19, 2015 12:35 pm

“CHOP OFF AN INFIDEL HEAD”, said the cleric in a Fatwa.

The radical mooslim said, “OK, I’ll do it!”

The moderate mooslim said, “OK, use my sword!”

And that, folks, is why there is no difference between a radical vs moderate mooslim. They both have identical aims.

I have no problem with SECULAR muslims. I have known several. They don’t take their religion literally, or even seriously.