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February 28, 2015 8:53 am

“Tell them they are being attacked.” ——— quote from picture

Fast forward to 2015. Russia!! ISIS!! Ebola! Homegrown Terrorists!! It’s almost as if Goering had a crystal ball and saw Amurrika’s future.

Case in point …. CuNNt is having a field day with that Putin opponent who was murdered a day or so ago. Russia … BAD! Russia … descending into DICTATORSHIP! Russia …… EEEEVIL!!!! (Don’t worry if you missed it … CuNNt will no doubt run with that story for the next week.)

Yeah, we MUST HAVE A FUCKING ENEMY …. to make the sheeple forget their fucking misery. Not to mention today’s Russia bashing will serve to soften up Amerikun dumfuks into supporting the shipment of lethal weapons to the Nazi Ukies. “Well, shit, Maybel, we gots to do it, dem Russians are gonna take away our freedums!”

February 28, 2015 9:03 am

There’s LOTS of footage out there regarding the Nuremberg trials.

I’m gonna throw this out there … see what kind of reaction it gets …. cuz maybe a thread dedicated to the subject might be interesting to do at some point.

Here it goes —— THE NUREMBERG TRIALS WERE A TOTAL FARCE. Agree, or disagree? (Don’t misunderstand me. I am NOT excusing what the Nazis did.) How about some quotes?

“You people should sit right here next to me.”
—– Goering referring to Soviet officers

“.. [this trial is] a libel on the military profession.”
—– Vice Admiral Hewlett Thebaud, USN

“Make sure we win the next war as well.”
—– Churchill, regarding lessons learned from Nuremberg

I’ll close with this; if the Nuremberg laws were applied TODAY, then Obama should be hanged (as well as a few other Presidents)!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 28, 2015 9:46 am

Stucky- Having the ever present enemy is all about TPTB protecting you from and saving you from said enemy. Fact is they are always behind the enemy actions and the fear mongering. This is what keeps them lording over you and me (with a lot of help from their over funded armies). Sad but true that the sheeple actually volunteer for this bullshit and buy into it.

Totally agree that the Nuremberg trial were complete sham.

Simon Jester
Simon Jester
February 28, 2015 10:52 am

I agree; the trials were a farce even though most of those sitting as defendants were truly evil men… It isn’t a war crime if you win the war, and there were many on the Allied side who truly deserved to be tried as war criminals. Former marshal of the Royal Air Force, Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris, was responsible for the indiscriminate firebombing of numerous German cities including the famous destruction of Dresden 12 weeks before the end of the war; the number of dead is unknown and will never be known; estimates range from 18,000 to as high as half a million… Or the American equivalent, Curtis LeMay, who ordered the firebombing of Tokyo which killed an estimated 100,000+ (mostly) women and children; the men being off at the front at the time… Their political leaders, Churchill and Roosevelt, ultimately were responsible for the atrocities but since the Allies won, no one would face war crimes trials for their deliberate targeting of civilians. The firebombing of Dresden made British politicians uncomfortable though; “Bomber” Harris was conspicuously not recognized for his contributions to victory at the war’s conclusion. His own men referred to him in private as “Butcher” Harris…

February 28, 2015 12:01 pm

The Nuremberg Trials wer what has always happened after wars. The victors kill the vanquished. Churchill definitely had it right, make sure you win your next war.

February 28, 2015 12:04 pm

Legal precedent is established with a sword not a gavel.