“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

Every time the BLS puts out their monthly propaganda report on the wonderful state of the U.S. jobs market and states with a straight face the unemployment rate is a measly 5.5%, their corporate mouthpieces in the mainstream cheerleader media regurgitate the fake numbers and urge you to buy stocks. The millionaire talking heads on CNBC and the corrupt bought off politicians in D.C. make broad sweeping declarations about economic recovery, strong job growth, GDP advancement, record highs in the stock market, and soaring consumer confidence.

The people living in the real world know otherwise, but they want to believe the “experts” and “leaders”. This dichotomy between reality and what they are being told is causing a tremendous amount of mental stress. This cognitive dissonance of attempting to reconcile what they are experiencing in their every day existence and the propaganda being peddled at them on a daily basis from big media, big bankers, corporate titans, and captured politicians pulling the strings and running the show, is causing psychological discomfort. Most people want their lives to get better, so to reduce their cognitive dissonance they choose to believe the government and media reports about economic improvement.

It is only a small minority who want to know the unvarnished truth. They are drawn to alternative media websites, which the the captured corporate media refers to as doom sites. These critical thinking individuals understand the facts. The Deep State propaganda has no impact on these people because they have no cognitive dissonance. They know things are far worse than what is reported by the government and their media whores. Knowing the truth and seeing how the majority remain willfully ignorant results in rising anger among truth seekers. Huxley was right.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.” Aldous Huxley

When the BLS reports their monthly unemployment BS showing a 5.5% unemployment rate and Obama holds a press conference to pat himself on the back for the 10 million jobs he has created since 2009, the critical thinking truth seekers focus on the big lies in the numbers. The 10 million jobs added has been surpassed by the 13 million people who supposedly willingly left the workforce. The 148 million employed Americans is only 2 million more than were employed in 2008, but the government wants you to believe the unemployment rate is the same as it was in 2008 despite the fact the working age population has grown by 16 million people.

The truth is the labor participation rate has fallen dramatically since 2008 and now sits at a 38 year low of 62.7%. The rate consistently remained between 66% and 67% from 1988 through 2008. There are 250 million working age Americans and only 148 million Americans working and the powers that be expect you to believe only 8.5 million of the 102 million non-working Americans are actually unemployed. When the critical thinking doom websites point out the record low participation rate, the immediate response from the Wall Street propaganda machine is Baby Boomers retiring. Their co-conspirators in misdirection and misinformation in the media unquestioningly perpetuate this lie without an iota of journalistic credibility.

The Boomer retirement meme is obliterated by the data in the chart below. The labor force participation rate of those over 65 is at an all-time high and has grown by over 50% since 2000. Those in their prime working years between 25 and 64 have seen their labor force participation rate decline since 2000. The labor force participation rate decline has absolutely nothing to do with Boomers retiring. It is solely driven by younger workers unable or unwilling to work. The truthful labor participation rate should be 66%. That would force the BLS to admit at least another 9 million Americans are unemployed, pushing the unemployment rate to at least 10.7%.

The blatant perpetuation of the big lie began in earnest after the 2008 Wall Street created financial crisis. The number of jobs for those 54 years old and younger is still 1.2 million below 2007, while the number of jobs for those 55 and older is up by 6 million. Those over 55 working today stands at 33.1 million, an all-time high. This figure has doubled since 2000. The Boomer dream of a long luxurious retirement, living off their interest income, lying on a beach and drinking pina coladas has devolved into being forced to work as Wal-Mart greeters and McDonalds counter help until they die. Retirement isn’t an option after two Federal Reserve created bubbles burst, six years of zero interest rates, and three simultaneous bubbles on the verge of bursting.

The falsity of the jobs recovery meme is unequivocally proven by the fact real median household income is still 4.5% lower than it was at the 2001 and 2008 peaks. And this is using the ridiculously understated CPI figure. Using a true inflation rate would show real median household income to be 20% below 2000 levels. The last time I checked, workers live in households. How could the unemployment rate plunge from 10% in 2009 to 5.5% today with real median household income falling? Maybe the 21% decrease in manufacturing jobs since 2000 and the proliferation of low paying part-time service jobs, along with Federal Reserve created inflation, have resulted in the death of the middle class. Real people living in the real world have seen their standard of living steadily decline for the last 25 years. And they know it, deep inside, despite the propaganda echoing from their boob tubes.

There is a reason retail sales continue to stagnate. There is a reason credit card debt continues to decline. There is a reason you don’t hear your friends, family or neighbors talk about the improving economy. If you don’t hob nob with the ruling elite at Manhattan cocktail parties or summer at the Hamptons, you know the truth. Your real wages are lower than they were in 1989. The expenses you incur to live your everyday life like food, rent, transportation, health insurance, and tuition are rising at 5% to 10%, not the 1.7% reported by your government keepers. You own little or no financial stocks, so the record stock market highs have no impact on your financial well being. You may have money in a savings account, money market or CDs. Eight years ago you could earn 5%. Today you earn .15%, thanks to Bernanke, Yellen and their Federal Reserve cohorts. But at least you still get to pay the Wall Street banks 15% on your credit card balance.

The only way to relieve the tremendous mental stress caused by the conflict between what you know you are experiencing in your everyday life and what you are being told by bankers, politicians, government apparatchiks, and the corporate media, is to accept the truth and free yourself from the tyranny of the Deep State. Propaganda is a powerful tool in the hands of rich powerful psychopathic men bent on accumulating wealth, power and control over the bourgeois. Secrecy, censorship, data manipulation, and media messaging to mislead have worked for decades. Very little in the way of coercive techniques have been required, as the Bernays method  of conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses has worked wonderfully to hoodwink and bamboozle the average person.

The mood of society in general continues to darken. War drums are beating around the globe. The imperial American Empire is fraying at the edges and using military force, intrigue, surveillance, and secrecy in an attempt to retain its power domestically and internationally. The truth is being suppressed, but the internet and proliferation of websites revealing the lies of those in power is slowly opening the eyes of more and more people whose cognitive dissonance has caused them too much discomfort. The Deep State is worried. Their wealth, power and control are in danger. The attempts to control the internet, the un-Constitutional surveillance of citizens, and the militarization of police forces across the land are a futile attempt to control us. But the truth will set us free. As Robert Heinlein describes, no amount of force can control a man who mind is free.

“Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy and censorship. When any government or church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man who has been hoodwinked in this fashion; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, whose mind is free. No, not the rack nor the atomic bomb, not anything. You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.” – Robert A. Heinlein

It won’t take a majority to prevail. If we continue to set brush fires of truth, freedom and reason among the increasingly disillusioned masses, a tipping point will be reached and a revolution of truth will sweep across the land. So, if you have the opportunity to speak the truth to someone today….

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April 12, 2015 12:26 pm

The truth may set you free,

But it’s the lies that make you happy,

Or at least get you laid.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 12, 2015 2:03 pm

Super excellent article Admin, that all needs to be said to wake the sheep. Now, the big question is how can you get this on Fux News so the morons will see it?

The deep state knows they have millions of viewers to your one, sadly they are very secure in their lying. The ONLY thing that will wake the sheep is when their food is so expensive they can no longer afford to eat.

u doran
u doran
April 12, 2015 3:17 pm

I related the Shadowstats unemployment numbers to a pal and was blown off as the government numbers have to be correct. Goebbels and Bernays had the propaganda machine called right for sure.
Debt fueled consumerism reviewed.

Consumers Still In The Bunker

April 12, 2015 4:08 pm

Propaganda is a powerful tool but just because we know the truth doesn’t mean we will prevail in this struggle. In the 60s nothing was on the table. Who really cared if blacks eat in a restaurant or women go into the workforce. There was no transfer of wealth or power. This time everything we be on the table. The ruling elites will do anything to keep their positions.They will probably try to kill anyone who tries to fight.Going to get real dangerous.

April 12, 2015 4:32 pm

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”

Wages or Compensation = My time/hr * $/hr

My time is my property, it is my substance of which I have a limited supply that is depreciating every second.

My paycheck is defrauded before I am even able to realize it and use it to generate economic activity. They are stealing my life.

Rough numbers:
1.45% for medicare
6.2% for SoSo Security
10% federal income tax
10% state income tax

Or nearly 30% of my substance is taken every year. FOR WHAT? For some people that amount is more or less. Whatever. This is why we have no fucking money. Why the country is deteriorating into a giant shithole. Does it make sense to take money from people’s paychecks and then turn around and give it back to them as an EBT payment or whatever? NO! We have to stop taxing wages and compensation. This came about in large part in the 1940’s and 50’s. Inflation has pushed what was considered poor into the higher brackets…..Raising minimum wage is a de facto tax hike and does not benefit the person getting the raise. It benefits the government and banks as prices will all rise to compensate for the increased cost structure. This madness has to end. Stop the direct taxation of my time!! End the Fed and end this stupidity.

April 12, 2015 4:43 pm

“Can you handle the truth” the short answer for the US is No. As in “the stone” that smote the feet of part clay and part iron…. a perfect metaphor of today’s America.

The lies are getting more and more entrenched, thus the fall is going to be more complete as time goes on.

April 12, 2015 5:06 pm

The turning point was the Kennedy assassination followed by his bro RFK and MLK. All 3 were CIA connected, which means the U.S. experienced a coup. Our keepers (illuminati or whatever you want to call them) decided they needed to hollow out some of the wealth, so another coup in 2000 followed shortly by 911 and the invasion of the M.E. And the beat goes on.
Virtually everything reported by the MSM since 1963 and especially since 2000 is bullshit and can be challenged. Most people can’t deal with this reality, and U doran I feel your pain; I’ve given up on trying to convert the “Fox faithful” as they just don’t want to KNOW the TRUTH.
Thanks for all you do, Admin. I know it’s pissin’ in a pond, but at least we still have the pond to piss in!

April 12, 2015 6:40 pm

Brain ,it might be in your benefit to incorporate. I did and it got my taxes down to 22% from around 35 %.That is my tax rate after my deductions and per diem allowance. It costs me 300 a year but it is well worth it.

April 12, 2015 6:59 pm

Good news, everyone: According to CNN, the chocolate ration has been increased to 25g.

April 12, 2015 7:32 pm

Truth does not cure cognitive dissonance and that is the truth

April 12, 2015 9:22 pm

..Obama holds a press conference to pat himself on the back for the 10 million jobs he has created since 2009…

The government doesn’t create jobs.
Jobs are created thru use of capital (excess $/savings), not taxes stolen from the population.

The 2nd thing is we have a government & banking system that wants U to spend all your $, not save any/punish savers, go into debt. This is not capitalism. U can’t have capitalism if no regular people can generate capital.

April 12, 2015 10:22 pm

bb, incorporating is just digging deeper into the web. My point is they are taking my time, MY TIME! It is de’facto form of slavery for all of us. We supposedly ended slavery for the black Americans and just made everyone a slave. Super deal! Thanks Wilson and FDR you assholes.

Stephan F
Stephan F
April 12, 2015 11:58 pm

@ Econman

“The government doesn’t create jobs. Jobs are created thru use of capital (excess $/savings)…”

Not quite Econman…but close enough to earn you the winning cigar for observing the false narrative of so-called “job creations”. Here’s the reality…jobs, in fact, ARE – NOT – CREATED. Neither govt nor the private sector creates jobs. The demand for new jobs is simply the result of Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand”, aka: economic activity. Jobs come about as a result of an employer’s need and the market’s demand for more labor. Entrepreneurs and business people are business creators and wealth producers, not job creators. We need to stop this absolute nonsense of thanking businessmen for creating jobs. But if it’ll make you feel any better, go ahead and thank them for producing the wealth of products and services that we humans desire so much.

I wish to god that people would stop using these damn twisted terms that were “created” by the propagandists in the freaking mainsteam media.

April 13, 2015 1:36 am

Jobs, taxes and lotsa stuff explained in simple terms for people like me 😉

April 13, 2015 3:34 am

Am on the road with the laptop… excellent article, Admin. Am so glad we did what we did…

April 13, 2015 9:17 am

And the alternative to illusion is…………..?

Another illusion.

Mankind has NEVER maintained more than lip-service devotion to living in Observed Reality. Throughout all known history all human societies have existed within a Narrative (or series of them) that bear only a tangential relation to underlying reality.

It is frankly far too terrifying for the vast majority of people to confront the existential elements of life (and death, and everything in between) unmodified by filters and fuzzy thinking. What is the political system but an expression of Mass Man’s need to organize the opportunity to live at his neighbor’s expense?

How else can we define a vast system where everyone is picking everyone else’s pockets (and being pocket-picked themselves) but a delusional form of social insurance?

Today’s systems of filter and fuzzy thinking are so blatant that large numbers of people can see them. Normally, the systems are better hidden, but we are so far out on the “limbs of the trees” that only the volitionally blind can’t see the sag of the branch and the cracking of the wood.

This narrative is grossly artificial, but it is an error to think that what comes next is reason and rationality. WRONG! What comes next is simply a different Narrative, one whose attributes may or may not hew closer to objective reality.

It’s a waste of time to expect reason, logic and love from a collective of human beings. Better to simply accept the folly of the neighbors, teach the kids to see past it but also teach them to live in the world as it is, not as we would like it to be.

Life = change.
Death = stasis.

Note that life does not equal reason, rationality or love. It simply means change, and this (current folly) too will change. It will not become folly-free, it will simply be different. Trying to discern how it might be different is a fascinating topic, but I currently suggest that despite a large cadre of people claiming access to crystal balls, there is in fact no one who really can say what each of us should be doing now, much less in days, weeks and years to come.

Enjoy the sunsets. They’re beautiful and they’re free.

April 13, 2015 9:25 am

Stephan F, you’re beating semantics into the ground.

If I have an idea whose implementation appears to promise profits, and I need the assistance of others (who I will pay for their time and efforts) to bring it to fruition, then exactly how am I NOT “creating” those jobs?

Your “market” in this case is my need for assistance, but to argue that I did not play the pivotal role in the process is rhetorical gymnastics.

The number of jobs grows when organizing principles combine with marketplace dynamics to yield profitable activities where people are needed. The central “first principle” is that someone who has capital to employ sees an opportunity to do so. That someone (and his or her capital) is the fulcrum on which the market’s dynamic interplay operates.

April 13, 2015 9:33 am

Truth…reality …phtttt…that’s what American universities are for…to safely educate the American student acclimating themselves to state sponsored reality , for the greater good of US all.

Even the Japanese have it figured out.

The emerging curriculum in the humanities is in fact far more censorious, in crucial matters, than the one that it strives to replace. It is no longer permitted to believe that there are real and inherent distinctions between people. All distinctions are “culturally constructed” and therefore changeable. And the business of the curriculum is to deconstruct them, to replace distinction with equality in every sphere where distinction has been part of the inherited culture. Students must believe that in crucial respects, in particular in those matters that touch on race, sex, class, role, and cultural refinement, Western civilization is just an arbitrary ideological device, and certainly not (as its self-image suggests) a repository of real moral knowledge. Moreover, they must accept that the purpose of their education is not to inherit that culture but to question it and, if possible, to replace it with a new “multicultural” approach that makes no distinctions between the many forms of life by which the students find themselves surrounded.

To doubt those doctrines is to commit deepest heresy, and to pose a threat to the community that the modern university needs. For the modern university tries to cater to students regardless of religion, sex, race, or cultural background, even regardless of ability. It is to a great extent a creation of the state and is fully signed up to the statist idea of what a society should be—namely, a society without distinction.

April 13, 2015 1:32 pm

Truth is only a cure if the person is ready to deal with it. Else it leads to undefined angst, anger, fear and depression.

Which helps to explain the size of our asses and the vast billions of doses of pills/poisons.

Years ago I was told, by hub and his siblings, to stop pointing out truth. And many years later, nothing has changed.

The Truth Blinders are impenetrable until a sheep decides to throw the mind-shackles and recognize most of what you think you “know” was nothing but government supported/mandated thanks to being bought and pushed, not actually good for us mere ‘murkin voting serfs.

Easy way to know if you are dealing with a willingly blind statist sheep: “Who you leaning towards for Pres?” or “Did you get your flu shot?”

Doesn’t matter whom they vote for, they are still awash in the idolization of the state as our benefactor and protector. They keep proving they are neither, but it still isn’t enough for 99% of us. Hope is a dangerously apathetic thing.

Stephan F
Stephan F
April 13, 2015 2:37 pm

dc.sunsets, you’re trying to argue the existence of a mirage.

The statements you use (which are true & correct btw) to argue that you, as an entrepreneur, somehow “create jobs,” describe some of the actual mechanics & interactions of the marketplace, but completely fail to support this idiotic false notion of “job creation.” And naturally, they must fail due to the fact that they cannot support something that does not exist. There is no such thing as job creators or job creation. You talk as if a job creator is someone who sits down at his desk somewhere and tries to figure out how best to hire people, as if that was his top priority in lieu of seeking profits. This is an absurd notion. The fact is, jobs readily come into existence if there is demand for them by those who need them, and that demand originates in the marketplace. You also imply that somehow employers deserve credit and respect for simply doing something (hiring labor) that is, in fact, serving their own self interest! That’s akin to you asking me to thank you for buying the lottery ticket that you just won. Employers don’t sacrifice a damn thing by hiring people. Business owners certainly provide the atmosphere that allows the employment process to occur; so yes they deserve some credit. But employers hire people for the same reasons that drive most human endeavors — they benefit from it. As a business owner you are a buyer of labor, and job seekers are sellers of labor; and there’s nothing holy about either party. They both voluntarily enter into a relationship that consists of an exchange of “value for value”. The process that brings these two individuals together, I believe, is part of Von Mises’ “Human Action.” But no, apparently you believe you deserve to be credited for simply being a part of the economic process. Sorry, it don’t work that way.

Btw, implying that businessmen create jobs is as ridiculous as saying that businessmen destroy jobs. And if that’s not true, then I guess I can say the next time you lay off a worker I can declare, “oh look, he’s a job destroyer!”

April 13, 2015 2:52 pm

If I understand the above post by Stephan F …. this is where jobs come from

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 13, 2015 5:17 pm

So many have become financially dependent on government and also obsessed and addicted to so many things, they will remain loyal to our current system no matter what – even when it goes down. Many citizens in colonial times were afraid to fight the British but enough decided to take the risk.

Today, for most economic slavery is preferable to risking one’s life but the end result (economic decline and destruction) is their ultimate destination – and it will be deserved.

April 13, 2015 8:19 pm

Figure that I will just die at my desk and would love to haunt the facility. Agency top dogs all thanked us today as with the improving economy they claim we can all make more in the private sector. Come to think of it, I recall seeing several six figure jobs with the age requirement of 60 plus. Guess we just serve for the passion…(don’t recall meeting her)

April 14, 2015 6:51 am

Here’s an exercise for the old cog asked of 14 year old Singapore students.It made my eyes glaze over

The test asked:

Albert and Bernard just became friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her birthday is. Cheryl gives them a list of 10 possible dates.

May 15, May 16, May 19

June 17, June 18

July 14, July 16

August 14, August 15, August 17

Cheryl then tells Albert and Bernard separately the month and the day of her birthday respectively.

Albert: I don’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but I know that Bernard does not know too.

Bernard: At first I don’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but I know now.

Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl’s birthday is.

So when is Cheryl’s birthday?

answer here:

Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
April 14, 2015 8:39 am


Brian could incorporate but I doubt his employer will pay him as anything other than a W-2 employee. I work as a contract progammer, and usually even when approaching a client directly, they want me go thru a “shop” as a W-2 employee, in other words a useless parasitic middleman who will take 30% of my pay for nothing and then I still have to pay the shitty gubmint taxes too. Not always though. Sometimes I can be a true consultant and get paid thru my own S-corp which is nice.

April 14, 2015 9:32 am

330 Million Citizens and Only One Democrat Interested in being President

I was watching Meet the Press Sunday and found it fairly comical when they got around to discussing Hillary Clinton. In fact, they replayed a SNL skit from Saturday night that made fun of Hillary and the fact that she is the only viable candidate for the Democrats because of the Clinton dynasty.

The host of Meet the Press, Chuck Todd and his panel guests all had a good laugh “ha ha ha… yes that’s funny because it’s true ha ha ha”. And once they had a good if not awkward chuckle, one can only presume at the expense of the American people, they simply moved on and stepped over that giant elephant in the room.

April 14, 2015 10:36 pm

Stephan F, sorry you flunked your IQ test. Your best bet would be to stop typing and start trying to develop a little bit of a bullshit detector. Start with your own posts. They are crammed full of childish nonsense. Employers don’t sacrifice a damn thing by hiring people? You are stupid. Let me ‘splain it to you. I’ll try to use small words.

April 14, 2015 10:41 pm

Every time I hire a minimum wage idiot such as yourself, do you realize I could buy a quarter million dollar house with that money. It’s called maff. No sacrifice there, gotta listen to a retard prattle on, at my own business, instead of laying by the pool at my new house. One day, if you’re man enough, you’ll have to sign the front of a check on friday, and all the girlish gibberish would stop. Where’s fucking llpoh?

April 15, 2015 3:21 pm

“change you can count on”

The National Geographic Channel has a show called the “Brain Games”. One episode had elementary school kids delaying gratification for 15 min.

The setup was–a desert was put in front of them and they were told that if they didn’t eat the desert and waited for 15 min., they would get twice as much desert. It was all filmed, of course.

One delayed for the full 15 min. Some tasted the desert and then when asked if they had eaten the desert, lied about doing so. Some just ate the desert. The conclusion was that a present good is chosen over a future good and when caught, lying is the best strategy.

This is a microcosm of the public in America. This is why a present perceived good is chosen over a future good, even when that present choice will result in a calamity.

Now you know why a politicians, a news anchors, Presidents, or Presidential candidates engage in a course of action which is detrimental in the long haul. Poor choices leads to ever more crises, which lead to ever more poor choices.

The 1% wish to thank the 99% for their sacrifices in sustaining the status quo. Of course, the Baby Boomers are getting exactly what they deserve for being so self-serving, narcissistic, and selfish. Exemplified by your next President, non other than Hillery Clinton. Lies come out of her mouth as smooth as silk.

April 15, 2015 6:16 pm

It’s time to talk about the “Compound Interest Myth”, notice that I didn’t say the “Myth of Compound Interest” because Compound Interest is not a myth. It is mathematically sound. “It’s been proved”, as Benny Hill would say.

Take $5,000 a year compounded at 8% and you would do pretty well in 30 yrs. Hell, you could retire and receive $65,000+ a year and never touch the principal. WOW! What a deal. Just delay gratification. So what’s the scam, you ask??? I know what you’re thinking–interest rates, today, are 25 basis points or 1/4 of a %, soon to go negative, brought to you by your friendly FED as a courtesy to the financial 1%. You’d be wrong.

There was a time when money had value. It was called ‘intrinsic value’. You lent your money, which is your ‘demand’ for ‘goods’ and received ‘interest’ for the delayed gratification and risk involved. You forfeited your right to ‘goods’, now, so another could partake of those ‘goods’ in present time. “Value Money’ represented your time and resources you put into making ‘goods’. ‘Value Money was limited and had a close relationship to the amount of ‘goods’ in the marketplace.

As ‘Value Money’ was scarce, when you lent your money, one expected that it would be put to productive use, directly or indirectly. Direct use would be raw materials and labor turned into the production of ‘goods’. Indirect would be the infrastructure that would facilitate trade and the procurement of raw materials, etc. In other words, the economic pie would grow larger by your loan. ‘Goods ‘ would become more plentiful through innovation and capital investment. Prices would decrease in competition for money. But that’s not what happened.

This idea of ‘Compound Interest’ was sold to John Q. Public by the Banksters. The Banksters never had any intention of ever paying you back for your loan to them. Like all Ponzi schemes a few of the early ones in and out did profit, but the bulk of the lenders (suckers) will not and by that I mean the Baby Boomers.

From 1913 to August 15, 1971, ‘Value Money’ was gradually replaced with valueless fiat money. The only value of a Federal Reserve Note is what someone is willing to give you for it in terms of ‘goods’. The issuer promises you nothing. The issuer also has printed unlimited amounts of fiat paper. By this process of unlimited printing the Banksters will not pay you back by paying you back with vaporous, valueless currency created out of thin air. But that’s not all, it’s a double whammy. Not only are they going to steal the value from your money, they are going to enact ‘financial repression’ to steal more of your money. Negative interest rates, capital controls, and bail-ins are coming to a nation near you lightening your purse in the process. This is why I say that there was never any intention to pay you back for the money you lent them.

The scam of ‘Compound Interest’ pushed by the Bankster’s fiat money scheme is that unless there is an increase in ‘goods’ to balance out the increase in money, it will fail leaving those who hold Federal Reserve Notes or instruments denominated in FRNs with a depreciating ability to demand ‘goods’ in the marketplace. You get poorer. A side light is that ‘Financial Repression’ destroys capital. The effect of this destruction is that there is less ‘goods’ produced, a further shrinking the ‘economic pie’.

Al this is why the Boomers are not retiring and opening up job opportunities for younger people. The Boomers don’t have the bucks to retire and what money they have is buying less and less. So much for ‘Compound Interest’. You were never meant to get a bigger slice of the economic pie.

It is the value of money not the amount of money that’s important. The destruction of money is equivalent to ‘eating your seed corn’.

April 15, 2015 8:19 pm

Admin says–“The only way to relieve the tremendous mental stress caused by the conflict between what you know you are experiencing in your everyday life and what you are being told…”

People are very good at compartmentalization and can live quite well with diametrically opposed thoughts. Rationalization is a process of mediating between opposing ideas.

I knew several women who were very adept in holding mutually exclusive ideas and when pressed, defended themselves with rationalizations and when press further responded angrily. No offense to womanhood, Steph, my millennial babe, just stating facts.

Conflicting beliefs between the subconscious and conscious is usually resolved in psychological analysis through a synthesis resulting in a new belief.

Eric Berne, a psychiatrist, creator of ‘Transactional Analysis’ talked of Ego states, These were Parent, Adult and Child states within each of us and when we interacted with each other, we did so from one of these ego states. It is quite possible that these ego states could hold opposing beliefs, not recognized by another ego state within us.

When the incongruities between these states becomes too great to rationalize, paralysis occurs with an inability to act. This happened to me when I was 8 yrs old. I shall never forget it. It instilled in me how powerful belief structures are and how they are the basis of all our actions.

Admin say further that to free yourself “…is to accept the truth and free yourself from the tyranny of the Deep State”. Not quite! The synthesis is not a rational decision, but one between ego states on an unconscious emotional level.

This integration of beliefs is most often painful emotionally. So don’t expect change in people until they are dragged screaming and hollering to a new paradigm. For the ‘Unwashed Many’, not likely soon.

April 15, 2015 11:58 pm

Star – fucking llpoh is on vacation. Back soon.

April 16, 2015 12:59 am

Interrupting my drinking to support Star’s attack on Stephen Fuckwit, here is the deal.

If I had not built my business, and created products, would the jobs of my employees now exist? Hell no.

So who created those jobs? I, fucking llpoh, did.

Perhaps there would have been an alternative. But very likely not.

So I second Star’s position.

Back to my Scotch. Carry on, y’all. Good work one and all.

By the way, very pleased to see bb back at work.

George Gallagher
George Gallagher
June 4, 2015 12:23 pm

The Tavistock Institute is effectively weaponizing modern society to shift the Overton Window farther and farther in order to create violent cognitive dissociation…the NWO Banksters are strategically wrecking the American psyche by design…Have a Gruber Day!