Australia First to Introduce a Compulsory Tax on Money Itself


The reason I moved the Solution Conference forward was due to the fact that all my sources behind the curtain were screaming from the four corners of the world that the new age of Economic Totalitarianism is upon us all. Australia will be the first to introduce a compulsory tax on savings. This is the ultimate Marxist state for now anyone with spare cash is the enemy of the Conservative Tony Abbott government. What I laid out at the Solution Conference is the ONLY way out of this nightmare. It is time for people to start spreading the word and get behind changing the game plan while we still have a game in play. We have to stop this confiscation of all wealth and the continual borrowing and taxation. This will lead to the total destruction of Western culture for we are plagued by power hungry insane politicians who cannot see past their nose.

The new compulsory control is already provided for in the 2015 Australian budget. So that everyone who has any savings must pay taxes on on their savings. The measure is expected to serve as a global test balloon for Europe and North America will watch the outcome in Australia. If there will be no massive resistance of Australian savers, the rest of the world should expect this outright confiscation very rapidly.

Tony Abbot has proven to be a real Marxist. He is taking the Australian people into the economic abyss from which only war and bloodshed can emerge. This is really Atlas Shrugged in high gear. The Abbot Government will introduce its draft budget for 2015 tax on savings and it will to announce this measure before the formal decision on the budget.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that it was now all about to relieve families and small businesses. For this, the new tax is to be used. The problem is clear. There will be no reduction in taxes for these people, it will only be more money in the pocket of corrupt and seriously deranged politicians who are destroying the western civilization in the blink of an eye.

Abbott also said there would be some hard decisions in the new budget because this was inevitable. For the banks, the government’s plans are anything but good news. Abbott’s anti-capitalism view will put him up there with Lenin no doubt when history is allowed to be written honestly perhaps in a hundred years or some. This decision of a tax on savings would seriously harm the government and if there are any smart Australians, it should now be a race to get the hell out of the banks. The banks should see a massive withdraw. Take you money and buy tangible assets even gold, but you just cannot store it in a bank. Movable assets will be the key and buying equities in the USA may be the only real game in town to protect money.

It is hard to fathom how Australian banks will attract or hold on to deposits in this new Abbott-style of Economic Totalitarianism. The opposition is of course outraged by the decision of the Abbott Conservative government. This is not a labour government demonstrating what I have said – economically there is no difference between left and right – just hand them the money.

IMF Debt

The introduction of this tax on money in Australia led by Tony Abbott is the trial balloon for the global economy. The IMF’s Christine Lagarde has led the battle to impose French socialism/communism upon the entire world. I have warned that she is the most dangerous woman on the planet. Do not forget that it was the French elite who sold the idea of communism to Marx – not the other way around. Now the French elite have control of the IMF and they have persuaded all other global financial institutions to also require such a compulsory levy for several years because they see it as the only way to resolve the debt crisis – just confiscate the people’s money. In the wake of the G20 discussions such measures are usually prepared and coordinated. The public knows about it only when there are hardly any ways to prevent the action and mainstream press sell the people down the river cheering it all the way.

You better wake up before the coffin is nailed shut.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 3, 2015 10:19 am

This is a real thing? Llpoh – will Australians put up with this? Why?

May 3, 2015 10:31 am

Where’s the motherfuckin’ onion??

Looks like Llpoh jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

May 3, 2015 10:51 am

Two years ago, a friend of mine (yes, I actually have friends) who worked as an investment banker in NYC wrote me an email…

Basically, it said: “Billy, you need to pull all the liquid cash you have on hand out of the banks. Clean out everything you have, except for bare minimum operating funds, and invest in gold and silver. Take half your cash and buy physical gold and silver. Keep the rest of the cash on hand for when shit blows up and the banks close – that way, you’ll still have cash to operate and buy food, etc. The prices will suck, due to hyperinflation, but it’s better than the alternative…”

After he sent me this email, he went silent for about a month. When he contacted me again, he had resigned his position, sold his house, packed his shit and moved him and his family 2000 miles across the country to the mountains of Colorado. Bought a small house way up in the mountains and now works as a loan officer in some little, locally owned podunk Derpy bank… said it’s the best move he ever made in his life.

That was two years ago. He never let me know why I should yank all our liquid funds out of the bank – except for basic operating shit – but it has been becoming more and more clear as time goes by.

Negative interest rates for savings in Europe – charging you a fee just to keep your cash in the bank.

Now we have these egregious steps coming out of Australia. I suppose they – “they” being the banksters – are trying this in Australia because it’s so remote and if you don’t live there or have relations there, then most folks don’t care what happens there. Float a trial balloon and if it takes off, then the communist assholes running the IMF, etc, will be free to ass-rape anyone…

Nice how they almost totally disarmed the Aussies several years ago…. now they’re shoving outright, in-your-face Communism on them… and really, what can the Aussies do? Their teeth have been pulled… I guess they could always gum the banksters to death or use harsh language…

America might go down the same road, but we will not go quietly into that good night. The bitch running the IMF – and her counterparts – might want to think about that before trying to force that shit on us… any animal, no matter how small, will fight teeth and claws – to the last breath – when cornered.

And, like that hypothetical animal, you cannot beat down a proud and resourceful people, humiliate them, steal their shit and then back them into a corner, giving them no way out and expect good things to happen. Not when the animal still has teeth… very, very sharp, long teeth. And lots of them.

May 3, 2015 10:56 am


These motherfuckers need to have a care what they do. People who have nothing left to lose… have nothing left to lose.

A proud, armed people with a righteous cause, their souls on fire and with nothing left to lose?

Heh… there would be no place on the Earth where these bankster motherfuckers could hide. No hole deep enough. No island too remote.

May 3, 2015 12:17 pm

An insurgent army does not need parity with the opposing military. They just need enough weaponry to take out people who work for the government. Only after the military and police have been discouraged to the point of desertion can they be successfully confronted. The best insurgency is one the government doesn’t know exists.

May 3, 2015 12:18 pm

Billy your afterthought is dead on. Those motherfuckers need to care what they do.

May 3, 2015 12:40 pm

Billy- well played sir, well played.

May 3, 2015 1:00 pm

They will try a wealth tax on the rich first. What’s not to like?

This just takes private ownership out of private citizens and puts it into the government account. How this restores confidence and employment is of no consideration as far as the government and dumb bell public is concerned.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 3, 2015 1:09 pm

Two words, “Mason jar”. Put your savings in said jar and bury it out back next to the barbee, no worries mate.

May 3, 2015 1:42 pm

The majority of Americans have no savings. The majority of Americans receive some kind of govt subsidy every month. Since the majority of Americans have nothing to tax in the way of savings, this kind of thing will not encounter enough opposition to stop it. The too big to fail banks are already in favor of it but I think it will go down a bit different here in the USSA. Chase bank is testing a set up rules in Cleveland that prohibits the paying of credit cards and mortgages with cash. The TBTF banks would also like to see an outright tax on the use of cash…….this way it does not have to be in an account to be taxed.

The govt and the banks are in bed with each other and both are of the opinion that only criminals use cash to hide their nefarious and “terroristic” activities. It will be done for our own good and for the chirren of course.

May 3, 2015 2:39 pm

Nothing to do about Australia, just knew something like this was going to happen sooner or later, some new tax on wealth be it IRA, Mutual funds, property, whatever.
This is more in line with what Billy is talking about.

Last night I went to the local NRA fundraising dinner, we had three extra chairs at our table so a father and son sat with us.

Turns out the son is a vet, two tours in Iraq as infantry and one in Afghanistan as a Sargent working in supply, he has a job here but is also part of the Michigan National Guard.

I asked him about this summers exercise in Mich called Northern Exposure that will assist local law enforcers in times of national disasters and terrorist attacks.
No terrorist attacks so far but I did feel and hear the earthquake we had Saturday, that was pretty cool. The son was pretty geeked about this summers training as he felt this is the Guards main function while at home, helping locals in time of need.

So I then asked him about Jade Helm 15, ah, his smile faded and he said he and most of the guys in his unit are not so pleased with the tone of this operation.
He felt this was a step in the direction of federal control over a states rights.
He went on to say he felt people move to a particular state based on the majority view the citizens have, they also move out of a state for the same reason and he felt that the federals have no business attempting to dictate or control a state or region.
I didn’t want to push it with this guy as I had just met him, but I got the feeling that he and others in the Guard are willing to go only so far.
Help locals in time of need is fine, take over a region because TPTB say so, not so much.

May 3, 2015 3:48 pm

RE: Bea Lever says:

Two words, “Mason jar”.

Rather than hiding a constantly devaluing paper currency, perhaps filling the jar with a commodity with enduring value might be a better idea?

May 3, 2015 4:54 pm

If this flies, it means the 0.1% has avoided it already and the 99.9% doesn’t have anything to tax already.

Oh, boy, if that’s already true…….

Ironically, this is all driving people’s wealth out of the above-ground economy (or overseas, into Roach Motels like Wall St where “foreigners” will flood in, only to discover they can’t get back out.)

May 3, 2015 4:57 pm

This is all about putting everyone on the “government dependence” Titanic.

Private wealth is an affront to political power.

On another view, Australia already has compulsory voting. Sorry, folks, but you can’t imagine a Slave Plantation more perfect than one based on the pseudo-legitimacy of compulsory voting. Australia is anything but a free country. The US has its warts, but if you’re upper middle class (and Caucasian) you’re in pretty good shape still.

May 3, 2015 5:04 pm

Well, if it happens in Canada I will take my money out of savings and buy more property….maybe some rentals. And, more ammo.

May 3, 2015 5:50 pm

The proposal is for banks to be taxed, or charged, or whatever, a small amount, to insure their deposits.

As I remember it, there is a little thing called FDIC in the US. Umm, US banks pay charges for that, you know.

So the US beat Australia to this tax, er, insurance back in 1933.

So, what are you Yanks going to do about it?

Paolo – best take your money out then, as Canada has been doing it since 1967.

May 3, 2015 5:59 pm

if I understand this tax, it’s the cost of insurance being passed on to banks for deposit insurance, which seems to me as a collectivist program, anyway. In the US, taxpayers back deposits in banks, and if a bank fails, the taxpayer is on the hook.

Deposit Insurance should be OPTIONAL, and the depositor should be expected to pay for the insurance, we should not have to. If you want to dump your money into a bank, because it’s “safe” fine, but you should PAY for the insurance that you want.

Perhaps, if this fee is passed onto US depositors, banks, who don’t deserve the capital, anyway, will learn to be more competitive and have their lawyers, who write the FED laws, to change the FED. No, I do not ever expect this to happen.

May 3, 2015 7:12 pm

If the fucking banks maintained their business in such a manner that they were not chronically insolvent requiring TRILLIONS of fucking tax dollars to bail them out, they could afford to pay an interest rate that was above ZERO fucking percent!

I’m not opposed to paying some miniscule amount for insurance but someone should be requiring these fucks to run a solvent business! Instead, they pay zero interest, refuse to accept our cash to pay loans, refuse to give us our deposits in cash, run crooked fucking books, legally define “depositors” as “investors” and now they want to charge negative rates? Fuck them!

And if you don’t think depositors and borrowers have not been footing the bill for FDIC insurance all along, you need to quit sniffing paint fumes. ALL COSTS associated with running a bank are paid for by it’s customers.

May 3, 2015 7:47 pm

Since no-one’s bothered to mention it, it’s shaping up to be (as originally proposed) a 0.05% tax on deposits (yp to $250,000), so that’s 50c per $1,000 deposited.
Not a bank breaker exactly..
Businesses will just see it as another fee, and claim it in their tax returns anyway…
Almost 20% of Aussies have less than $300 in savings, 60% less than $10,000.
Most wouldn’t last 3 months if they lost their jobs.
No different to the rest of the world really.
a 50c fee 5 months from 2015.75 ? pffftt.. so what. least of your worries.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
May 3, 2015 11:22 pm

Wow. Thanks for the heads up! I’ll be following this interesting piece of news as it develops because as the author so aptly notes, so will the Amerikan und their European bitch-state vassals. If the Australian people accept this unlubed fist up their metaphorical sphincters, it will only be a question of time before we Americant’s get ours here.


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 3, 2015 11:38 pm

Yeah, but Llpoh, depositors don’t get charged by the US government for FDIC or FSLIC insurance. Banks pay it because they still find it profitable to hold people’s money – either to lend at a profit or to whack checking customers for overdraft fees.

Zombie, it’s not the amount, it’s the principle. It’s the camel’s nose in the tent. If ever the government starts assessing a tax on assets, that will be qualitatively different. Property tax is a little like that, but it’s arguably a user fee of sorts, since you need roads to get to your property.

May 3, 2015 11:39 pm

LLPOH your problem will be China! Write it down, tattoo it on your arm, don’t forget it.

May 3, 2015 11:47 pm

Iska – the tax will be on the banks, same as the Us FDIC tax.

Sen – like China is not a problem to the US? Really?

May 4, 2015 1:03 am

China and the U.S. will be on opposite sides in the upcoming World War. Australia is dependent upon the U.S. for a military umbrella. I’m just not sure the U.S. will be able to cover all its obligations in the upcoming Fourth Turning war. I betting we can’t. The Aussies will be left to stand alone and China, well, they own a lot of real estate on that continent and I betting they send troops to protect it occupying Australia.

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May 4, 2015 1:26 am

LLPOH… Learn Mandarin, it will pay off at the end of the day. A word to the wise is sufficient!!

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May 4, 2015 5:15 pm

All tax is on the (taxpayers) money.

The corporations(govts) are always looking for new ways to take more money from the people.

As Australia has higher savings and the Crown’s corporations always want to steal more money from the people -it is another new tax.