They need stronger pepper spray.

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 3, 2015 1:38 pm

Fake, Fake, Fake

That was as bad a acting job as the guy dressed in his black junior commando outfit that was “disappeared” in the humvee. This lone wolf nigga (also dressed in the all too perfect for tv black outfit) is sprayed with fake pepper spray and then notice 20 Press run out to snap the photo of the take down. Staging area look staged to you? Yeah, fake.

They need to twitter and instagram their niglet army to come out for a real show.

May 3, 2015 2:11 pm

Too many actors involved, Bea. Doesn’t look fake to me.

So, copfuks and their commanders and their organizations are butt hurt calling the indictment of their 6 killer brethren an INJUSTICE … a rush to judgement … they didn’t do anything wrong …. MOB RULE, they cry out. The 6 evil fukers are ………… INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then you read the comments and it seems that a huge majority agree. All the usual brainless thinking. Freddie was a nigger with a long rap sheet so it’s a good thing for society that he’s dead. Cops have a difficult job and risk their lives every day in Baltimore, so we should be thankful. If people just behaved themselves, they wouldn’t have to be afraid of cops. That kind of thing. Stuff that Sensetti could have written.

And then you have articles that state that indictment is one thing, conviction is another … written by authors whom I respect. The odds are that these 6 copfuks will get away with murder (since homicide was ruled the cause of death). The odds? Consider that in the past decade thousands of citizens have been killed by copfuks … while ONLY 54 have been brought to trial, and only a handful of those 54 were convicted and sent to prison. Thousands dead. 5 in prison. Do the maf.

What will happen if they are set free? Will Baltimore burn, again? Will it spread across ‘Murika? I kinda hope so. My position is clear; only a violent revolution will change anything at this point. Just wait until you see the next dick or cunt running this country. Yeah … they’ll change shit!! Ha!! Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck what causes the revolution. If it happens to be a buncha angry Neegrows, so be it. We can ALL play.

May 3, 2015 2:20 pm

The Cult of Cop Worship
By Barry Sussman

The tragic and yet unexplained death of Freddie Gray while in custody of the Baltimore Police has once again brought the issue of police violence and misconduct to the forefront of the news cycle. The Freddie Gray matter followed a pattern that has become all too familiar in the U.S. A young man from a minority community is arrested for trivial, or in the case of Gray non-existent offenses, has a brief interaction with the police and inexplicably suffers a resulting death. Anger in the community, largely resulting from generations of poverty, despair and violence at the hands of police acting as an occupying force, boils over into civil unrest that by and large displaces the original police misconduct as the focal point of the media’s attention.

The Baltimore protesters were quickly labeled as “thugs” and “criminals” by various media sources. President Obama took a similar tact when he said, “My understanding is you’ve got some of the same organizers now going back into these communities to try to clean up in the aftermath of a handful of protesters, a handful of criminals and thugs who tore up the place.”

Regardless of how one wishes to characterize the protesters, many of those commenting on the events in Baltimore attempted to create a false dichotomy in which legitimate criticism of the murder of a suspect while in police custody was somehow akin to supporting rioters and looters. Under this Manichean view, you either support the police who are the purported representatives of order, or you favor the protesters who have been characterized as anarchists, thugs and criminals.

Media personalities attempting to offer a more nuanced view have been roundly criticized. CNN’s Brooke Baldwin cited in her reporting the fact that many police officers are veterans of U.S. conflicts abroad who view those in the communities they serve as hostile insurgents.

While speaking with Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland, Baldwin recalled a conversation with a Baltimore City councilman about police officers not living in the communities they purportedly represent when she said that, “I love our nation’s veterans, but some of them are coming back from war, they don’t know the communities, and they’re ready to do battle.”

Baldwin’s observation was immediately met with outrage and she quickly backtracked with an on-air apology. “I absolutely misspoke,” Baldwin said on CNN the following morning. “I inartfully chose my words, 100%. And I wholeheartedly retract what I said. I have the utmost respect for the men and women in uniform. To all of you, I owe you a tremendous apology.”
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Writer David Masciotra claims that Americans “worship” military members and police officers. He goes on to say that the kneejerk use of the term “hero” to describe such persons “betrays a frightening cultural streak of nationalism, chauvinism, authoritarianism and totalitarianism.”

Masciotra further explains,”Put a man in uniform, preferably a white man, give him a gun, and Americans will worship him. It is a particularly childish trait, of a childlike culture, that insists on anointing all active military members and police officers as ‘heroes.'”

As Masciotra points out, it has somehow been decided that we are going to label all police officers as “heroes” and meet with open derision anyone who dares to suggest otherwise. Never mind the inconvenient fact that it is statistically more dangerous to be logger or a fisherman than it is to be police officer. If someone dons a badge, we make them into a god in uniform.

Much of the knee-jerk worship of the police comes from allegedly conservative sources who routinely criticize a variety of public servants ranging from teachers to public health officials.. Yet criticism of the police results in the inevitable name calling and labeling of critics as “libs,” “cop haters” and “criminals.” The conservative ideals of limited government, freedom from government oppression and guarantees of liberty and due process suffer immediate defenestration when they come in conflict with what has become reflexive police worship.

Contrary to what most conservative profess to believe, they are vociferously supporting a group of government employees with a very strong union who enjoy incredible job security while earning extremely comfortable salaries and rather cushy retirement pensions, all funded by taxpayers. This same group of public servants is rarely held accountable for actions that would result in a lengthy term of imprisonment for an ordinary citizen.

Somehow, even legitimate oversight and accountability of law enforcement is recast as “hatred of the police.” New York City Patrolman’s Benevolent Association President Pat Lynch is among the most vociferous of those demanding blind worship of law enforcement. In Lynch’s worldview, police are never wrong, critics are haters and even the most outrageous police misconduct must be unquestioningly defended. One of his favorite retorts to allegations of police wrongdoing is “Police officers have civil rights, too.”

Despite the blind support given police from most conservative circles, there are those who have begun to question the propriety of this position. John Whitehead of the staunchly conservative Rutherford Institute has written extensively on the dangers of militarized police that place themselves above the law. Whitehead, author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People, writes that “‘We the people'” have now come full circle, from being held captive by the British police state to being held captive by the American police state.” The overarching theme of Whitehead’s writings is that the State, through the police, are seeking complete obedience and compliance.

Indeed, many reflexive police worshipers subscribe to the theory of “comply or die.” This line of reasoning holds that those who suffer at the hands of the police caused their injuries by failing to fully submit. Proponents of this canard claim that the victims of police violence and misconduct are they themselves to blame for in some way “angering” the police.

Manifestations of this were seen after the tragic murder of Eric Garner at the hands of New York City police in various “I can breathe” shirts and signs. The message that “I can breathe because I obey the law” is anecdotal and absurd on many levels. The idea that being allowed to breath is contingent on one’s obedience is not only insulting, but distinctly un-American.

Aside from being patently offensive, it supposes that everyone victimized by police violence was in some way breaking the law. The fact that Freddie Gray committed no crime and was at worst only running (arguably away from Baltimore police who have a long and sordid history of committing violence against area residents) does not seem to impact those whose blind worship of law enforcement acts as an impenetrable barrier to logic and reason.

But perhaps most offensive is the notion that in order to avoid injury and extra-judicial killing, one must obey the State through its police agents. Adherents to this belief may claim to be conservatives, but in reality can be better identified as statist. Their unyielding worship of the State and those in its employ reveal a totalitarian bent that threatens those in society who still place a value on individual freedom.

Copfuks eat shit.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 3, 2015 3:07 pm

Um Stucky…….Did you watch the above video???? If you believe that was real I am truly worried about you. Your hatred for cops is clouding your ability to see.

May 3, 2015 3:27 pm


No need for 4 question marks. Of course I watched it. Otherwise, I would not have commented.

I watched it again, twice. Still looks real to me. Rather than worry about me, perhaps you can state some reasons for your belief. You’ve stated none so far, but I am willing to listen.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 3, 2015 4:52 pm

Stucky- Pull up the Joseph Kent kidnapped youtube from CuNNt News. Same middle of the night staging area, same lone nig against the popos….then reread my post. How can you not see this?

Keep hanging wit Al Sharpton who today said Oreo should let DOJ take over ALL police departments in the US and have a NATIONAL police force because these popos are just too bad. Can you say brown shirts….I knew you could.

May 3, 2015 6:14 pm

Keep hanging with Al Sharpton????? You’re out of your fucking mind. Brown shirts???? Are you fucked in the head?

If you want me to watch a vid …. post it. I’m not going to hunt for it.

Reread your post? Why? It states only opinion. Where are your facts? Are there any other web sites /folks who think that vid is a fake?

May 3, 2015 6:50 pm

Bea Lever says:

Um Stucky…….Did you watch the above video???? If you believe that was real I am truly worried about you. Your hatred for cops is clouding your ability to see.

I watched that live on CNN last night. The video ends before the ambulance arrived and they strapped the guy on a stretcher and put him in the back of it.

May 3, 2015 9:49 pm

Game. Set. Match.

Two Videos of the Same Arrest in Baltimore Shows How MSM Does Not Give You the Whole Truth

by Matt Agorist
May 3rd, 2015

Just minutes after the police state curfew went into effect in Baltimore Saturday night, the brutality began. However, the actual coverage of that brutality varies depending on who is telling this story.

The first video of the arrest is put out by CNN. It begins with a semi-conscious man laying on the ground with a reporter speculating on the possibility of the man faking his unconsciousness.

The reporter then describes how bottles were being thrown at police and that this arrest could be related.

The second video of this arrest comes from Russia Today. Despite lacking any commentary, it depicts the actual story magnitudes more accurately.

RT has a camera rolling as an apparently angry but non-violent and unarmed protester begins yelling at police. He is then met with a pepper spray blast at near point blank range, directly in his face.

Amazingly enough, he takes this blast of spray seemingly without reaction. The lack of reaction by this man seems to anger the officers as one of them runs behind him grabbing his dreadlocks and slamming him to the ground. When the man goes down, it becomes apparent that the pepper spray is indeed, taking its toll.

After the crowd sees this unnecessary escalation of force by police, they become angry, and many of them were then sprayed as well. At this point, the bottles begin to fly at officers – after the police, not protesters – initiated conflict.

There is no such thing as “unbiased reporting.” No matter the outlet, bias is an unavoidable facet to journalism. Here at the Free Thought Project, we are completely open about our bias in being anti-war, anti-corruption, and against the war on drugs.

Knowing that all journalism advocates an agenda, we can see that the MSM’s agenda happens to be one diametrically opposed to the principles of a free society as they perpetually cheer-lead for the status quo. War, brutality, and corporatism are all but ignored by the mainstream as covering these things could be damaging to the establishment.

As MSM is part of the establishment, their agenda advocates for the preservation of that establishment. They would not want to shoot themselves in the foot by helping people to break free from their dependency upon the two-party corporatocracy that pretends to keep order in society.

“All journalism is a form of activism. Every journalistic choice necessarily embraces highly subjective assumptions — cultural, political or nationalistic — and serves the interests of one faction or another. But ultimately, the only real metric of journalism that should matter is accuracy and reliability. I personally think honestly disclosing rather than hiding one’s subjective values makes for more honest and trustworthy journalism. But no journalism — from the most stylistically “objective” to the most brazenly opinionated — has any real value unless it is grounded in facts, evidence, and verifiable data.” ——– -Glenn Greenwald

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 4, 2015 1:21 pm

Stucky- Just trust me on this one. This guy Joseph Kent is referred to as a activist organizer and get ready, the new Martin Luther the King. He is one of the colorful activist (rioters) from Ferguson and the Michael Brown scam. You may have seen him laying in the road covered with the American flag at Ferguson. Trust me he is a spook actor.

Watch the video of Joseph Kent, the same street corner just press and national guard on hand, total theater. Notice Kent’s ninja junior commando outfit and the whole staged look. Then watch the video again of the guy sprayed with the pepper spray wearing the ever so new black “FUCK THE POLICE” tee shirt. Same scene different neegrow.

Now, the conversation has changed on a dime with Obama, Sharpton, and DOJ with the nationalized popo meme. Two links below but easily found everywhere.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 4, 2015 2:20 pm

And Stucky- If someone sprayed you at close range directly in the face with enforcement grade pepper spray, you would be gasping for breath and crying like a little bitch and calling your mom. That was not pepper spray, even Admin said tongue in cheek, they need stronger pepper spray.

May 4, 2015 3:31 pm

“That was not pepper spray, even Admin said tongue in cheek, they need stronger pepper spray.” —-Bea

The reason Admin said that could be because the guy wasn’t all that fazed by the pepper spray … and not because it was fake pepper spray.

Remember these kids? They just sat there and took it also.

Anyway, you started out by indicating that the whole video is fake, fake, fake. It’s not. I win.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 4, 2015 3:57 pm

How do you get you win? Did you read both posts? Did you watch the Joseph Kent video?

May 4, 2015 4:01 pm


YES I read both posts. You’re really pissing me off with your condescending questions.

YOU said — “fake, fake, fake”.

I said — “no. no. no”.

You wrong. Me right. You lose. Me win. Give it a fuckin’ rest.