Last week the government reported personal income and spending for April. After months of blaming non-existent consumer spending on cold weather, shockingly occurring during the Winter, the captured mainstream media pundits, Ivy League educated Wall Street economist lackeys, and Keynesian loving money printers at the Fed have run out of propaganda to explain why Americans are not spending money they don’t have. The corporate mainstream media is now visibly angry with the American people for not doing what the Ivy League propagated Keynesian academic models say they should be doing.

The ultimate mouthpiece for the banking cabal, Jon Hilsenrath, who does the bidding of the Federal Reserve at the Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal, wrote an arrogant, condescending, putrid diatribe, directed at the middle class victims of Wall Street banker criminality and Federal Reserve acquiescence to the vested corporate interests that run this country. Here are the more disgusting portions of his denunciation of the formerly middle class working people of America.

We know you experienced a terrible shock when Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008 and your employer responded by firing you. 

We also know you shouldn’t have taken out that large second mortgage during the housing boom to fix up your kitchen with granite counter-tops. 

You should feel lucky you’re not a Greek consumer.

Fed officials want to start raising the cost of your borrowing because they worry they’ve been giving you a free ride for too long with zero interest rates.

We listen to Fed officials all of the time here at The Wall Street Journal, and they just can’t figure you out.

Please let us know the problem.

The Wall Street Journal was swamped with thousands of angry responses from irate real people living in the real world, not the elite, QE enriched, oligarchs living in Manhattan penthouses, mansions on the Hamptons, or luxury condos in Washington, D.C. Hilsenrath presumes to know how the average American has been impacted by the criminal actions of sycophantic Ivy League educated central bankers and their avaricious Wall Street owners.

He thinks millions of Americans losing their jobs and their homes due to the largest control fraud in financial history is fodder for a tongue in cheek harangue, blaming the victims for the crime. Hilsenrath reveals he is nothing but a Fed flunky who is fed whatever message they want the plebs to hear. His job is to obscure, obfuscate, spread disinformation, and launch Fed trial balloons to see whether the ignorant masses are still asleep. The Fed and their owners can’t understand why their propaganda hasn’t convinced the peasantry to follow orders.

A system built upon an exponential increase in debt, cannot be sustained if the masses stop buying Range Rovers, McMansions, stainless steel appliances, 72 inch HDTVs, iGadgets, bling, and boob jobs on credit. His letter to America reeks of desperation. The Fed and their minions have used every play in their Keynesian monetary playbook, and are losing the game in a blowout. With a deflationary depression beginning to accelerate, they have no game.

Despairing mothers, unemployed fathers, impoverished grandmothers, and indebted young people are supposed to feel lucky because they aren’t starving to death like the wretched Greeks. We do have one thing in common with the Greeks. We’ve both been screwed over by bankers and corrupt politicians. Did you know you’ve been given a free ride by your friends at the Federal Reserve? Did you know that zero interest rates and $3.5 trillion of Quantitative Easing (aka money printing) were implemented to benefit you? According to Hilsenrath, the Fed lending money at 0.25% to their Wall Street bank owners, who then allow you to borrow from them at 15% on your credit card, represents a free ride for you. Are the subprime auto loan borrowers, who account for 30% of all auto sales, paying 13% interest getting a free ride?

Hilsenrath is purposefully lying. Bernanke and Yellen have been saying they want to start raising interest rates for the last four years. Remember the 6.5% unemployment rate bogey set by Bernanke in January 2013? Unemployment dropped below 6.5% in early 2014 on its way to 5.5% today. Did they raise rates? In 2013 we had two consecutive quarters of 4% GDP growth, with no Fed rate increase. In 2014 we had two consecutive quarters of 4.8% GDP growth, with no Fed rate increase. We have added ten million jobs and the stock market has tripled since 2009, with no Fed rate increase.

We are supposedly in the sixth year of an economic recovery and the Fed is still keeping the discount rate at a Lehman “world is ending” emergency level of .25%. Six years after the last recession the discount rate was 5.25%. The last time the unemployment rate was this low the discount rate was 4%. The only ones getting a free ride from the Fed’s zero interest rate policy and QE to infinity have been Wall Street banks, the .1% who live off the carcasses of the dying middle class, zombie corporations who should have gone bankrupt, and politicians who keep running up the national debt with no consequences – YET. The Federal Reserve is a blood sucking leech on the ass of America. Their cure has been far worse than the original illness – Wall Street criminality. In fact, their cure has been to reward the Wall Street criminals while spreading cancer to the working class and euthanizing senior citizens.

Hisenrath and his puppet masters at the Fed can’t figure you out. For decades you have followed their orders and bought Chinese produced shit with one of your 13 credit cards. The Bernays’ propaganda playbook has produced wins for the ruling class since the early 1980’s. Their record is 864 – 0 versus the working class. Our entire warped economic system since the 1980’s has been dependent upon an exponential increase in debt peddled by Wall Street to citizens, government and corporations to give the appearance of a growing, healthy economy.

An economy built upon the consumption of iGadgets, Cheetos, meat lovers stuffed crust pizza, and slave labor produced Chinese baubles, along with the production of enough arms to blow up the world ten times over, and the doling out of trillions to the non-productive class, is doomed to fail. Maybe I can explain the situation in such a way that even an Ivy League educated central banker or a Wall Street Journal faux journalist will understand.

Maybe Jon and his Fed cronies could be enlightened by a look at the American consumer before the bubble boys (Greenspan, Bernanke) and gals (Yellen) at the Fed, along with the corporate fascist takeover of our political system, and the propaganda spewing corporate media monopolies, combined to deform our financial and economic system for their sole enrichment. The lack of spending by consumers might just be due to some of the following factors:

  • Back in 1980 income meant money earned through working, investing, and saving. The amount of personal income made up of wages totaled 60% in 1980. Today it totals 51%. Interest earned on savings accounted for 14% in 1980. Today it accounts for 8%, as the Fed has punished seniors and savers with negative real interest rates. Since 2009 the Fed has robbed over $1 trillion in interest income from seniors and savers with their zero interest rate policy and handed it to the Wall Street banking cabal. Bernanke didn’t just throw seniors under the bus, he ran them over, backed up over them, and ran them over again.
  • In a shocking development, government welfare transfers accounted for 11% of total personal income in 1980 and have risen to 17% today. Only the government could classify money which has been absconded at gunpoint from working Americans in the form of taxes and redistributed back to other Americans as welfare payments, as personal income. If you take money from your left pocket and put it in your right pocket, is that income? The replacement of wages and interest by welfare redistribution payments has not benefited society whatsoever.
  • In 1980 consumer credit outstanding as a percentage of personal income totaled 15%. Today it totals 22%, an all-time high. It is higher than the bubble peak in 2007-2008. Real per capita disposable income has only risen by 88% over the last 35 years. Meanwhile, real per capita consumer debt has risen by 288%. Wages and earnings from saving have been replaced by debt. The propagandists for consumerism have convinced the ignorant masses to spend money they don’t have, while pretending to be wealthier and successful. Consumer debt currently stands at a towering all-time high of $3.4 trillion, almost ten times the $350 billion level in 1980. Hilsenrath and the Fed are upset with you because credit card debt still lingers $122 billion, or 12% below 2008 levels. It has forced them to dole out $900 billion of government controlled subprime debt to University of Phoenix wannabes and any deadbeat that can scratch an X on an auto loan application. The U.S. economic system is like a Great White Shark that must keep swimming or it will die. The Federal Reserve run U.S. economic system must keep generating debt or it will die. They are growing desperate and you are not following orders.

  • Before the grand debt delusion overtook the populace, they were saving 11% of their disposable personal income. In 1980, Depression era adults still believed in saving for large purchases such as a house, car, appliance or home improvement. The young adult Boomers didn’t have the same experiential deterrent. They were convinced by the Wall Street debt peddlers, Madison Avenue maggots, and corrupt politicians that saving was for suckers. Live for today, for tomorrow may never come. Well tomorrow did come. Boomers are entering their retirement years with $12,000 in retirement savings, while still in debt up to their eyeballs. There have been 10,000 Boomers turning 65 every day since 2010. This will continue unabated through 2029. This demographic certainty was already depressing consumer spending, as this age demographic spends far less than 25 to 54 year olds. Factor in the pitiful amount of savings and you have an ongoing spending implosion.

  • The propaganda machine was so well oiled, the savings rate actually reached 1.9% in 2005, as the masses all believed they would live luxurious retirements off their home equity windfall. How’d that delusion work out? The current level of 5.6% is seen as troublesome by the powers that be. They cannot accept the crazy concept of saving and investment when their entire warped paradigm is built upon borrowing and consumption. Banks don’t make money when you save and they despise when you use cash. They can’t sustain their opulent lifestyles without their 3% VIG on every electronic transaction, 15% compounded interest on the $5,000 average credit card balance, billions in late fees for being one day late with your payment, $4 on every ATM transaction, and the myriad of other fees and surcharges designed to bilk you and keep you from saving. The saving rate will continue to climb as people have no choice to make up for years of living beyond their means.
  • Hilsenrath is willfully ignorant as he pretends to not understand why the American people will not or cannot accelerate their spending. It is really quite simple. Even a PhD should be able to understand. Real median household income was $52,300 in 1989. Real median household income today is $51,939. The median household has made no economic advancement in the last quarter of a century. And this is using the manipulated lower CPI figure. Using a true inflation rate would show a dramatic decline over the last 25 years. There has been virtually no wage growth during this supposed six year recovery. The industrial base of the country has been gutted, except for the production of arms to blow up brown people in the Middle East. Young people have $1.3 trillion of student loan debt weighing them like an anchor, and those Ruby Tuesday waitress jobs and Home Depot cashier jobs aren’t going to cut it.

  • So we have the demographic dilemma of aging, under-saved, over-indebted Boomers who are being forced to spend less. We have an over-indebted, under-employed youth who don’t have anything to spend. And lastly we have the 25 to 54 year old age bracket who should be in their prime earning and spending years who are still 4 million jobs short of where they were in 2007 before the Fed induced financial collapse. The only age bracket to gain jobs since the crisis has been 55 to 69, as they have been forced to work to make up for their lost interest income. The only people making job gains are those least likely to spend.

  • The spending crescendo in 2004 through 2007 was fueled by the Greenspan housing bubble and the $3 trillion of mortgage equity withdrawal used to buy BMWs, in-ground Olympic size pools, Jacuzzis, vacations to Tahiti, home theaters, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and boob jobs, by delusional, apparently brain dead Americans who fell for the Bernaysian propaganda spewed by the Wall Street criminal class, hook line and sinker. The majority of shell shocked underwater home owners have been unable to sell since the housing crash. A 35% price decline will do that. The Fed has created $3.5 trillion out of thin air, more than quadrupled their balance sheet with toxic mortgages from Wall Street, artificially suppressed interest rates to bring mortgage rates to record lows, and was a co-conspirator along with Fannie, Freddie, FHA, and Wall Street hedge funds (Blackrock) to delay foreclosure sales and pump home prices with their buy and rent scheme. The result has been unaffordably high prices, mortgage applications at 1997 levels (60% below 2005 levels), first time buyers at a record low, and a non-existent housing recovery – despite the MSM propaganda saying otherwise.

  • The last data point which might help the math challenged Hilsenrath understand why you aren’t spending is total U.S. vehicle miles driven. The chart below shows a relentless climb from 1982 through to the 2008 collapse. It coincides with the debt fueled consumption orgy over this same time frame. The unrelenting expansion of retail outlets and importing of cheap Chinese crap required a lot of trucks to haul the crap. It required a lot of trips to the mall in the minivans and SUVs by soccer moms living in our suburban sprawl paradise. In case you hadn’t noticed, the fastest growing retailer in the U.S. since 2008 has been Space Available. The well run retailers like Home Depot and Wal-Mart saw the writing on the wall and stopped expanding. The badly run retailers like Sears and JC Penney have been closing hundreds of stores. And the really badly run retailers like Radio Shack have gone bankrupt. Vehicle miles have essentially flat-lined for the last six years as retailers are closing more stores than they are opening, job growth has been non-existent and commerce within the U.S. is stagnant. If we were experiencing a real economic recovery, vehicle miles would be surging.

So this concludes my little tutorial for the Ivy League educated central bankers at the Fed and the Wall Street Journal Fed mouthpiece – Jon “I don’t understand” Hilsenrath. I know it is difficult for people to understand something when their paycheck depends upon them not understanding it, but this is pretty simple stuff. Pompous, arrogant, egocentric assholes who write for the Wall Street Journal, run JP Morgan, or control monetary policy for the world, know exactly what they have done, what they are doing, and who is benefiting. We all know the benefits of ZIRP and QE have gone only to the .1% who run the show. We know income inequality is at all-time highs. We know TPP will be passed, because the corporate fascists control the purse strings of our political class. We know the status quo will be maintained at all costs by the Deep State.

We know mega-corporations continue to ship jobs overseas and replace us with cheap foreign labor. We know the current administration actively encourages illegals to pour over our borders, swamp our social safety net, increase crime, and take jobs from Americans. We know the government has us under mass surveillance and will not hesitate to use all of that military equipment in the hands of local police against us. The will of the people is nothing but an irritant to those in power. They might not have us figured out, but a growing number of critical thinking, increasingly pissed off people, have them figured out. The debt expansion days are numbered. A deflationary depression is in the offing. The coming civil strife, financial panic, war, and overthrow of the existing social order will rival the three previous tumultuous upheavals in U.S. history – American Revolution, Civil War, Great Depression/World War II. Fourth Turnings are a bitch.

Hopefully I’ve explained the situation to the satisfaction of Jon and Janet. The mood in this country is darkening by the day. There is no going back to the good old days of yesteryear. They are long gone. No amount of debt issuance and propaganda is going to work. The system is overloaded. The people are angry. The politicians are captured. The banking elite are ransacking the nation for every last dime they can get their grubby little hands on. The military industrial complex is itching for war with Russia and China. The world hates us. If you can’t see it coming, you are either blind, dumb, or an Ivy League educated economist. So go out and spend to make your slave owners happy.

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June 16, 2015 3:33 am

It’s always those damn consumers. Either they get crazy and buy all manner of shit they don’t need and can’t afford that will end up in the garbage or stacked in an already over flowing garage where the car was supposed to go. Well fuck the consumers they’re morons.

They are the army of the clones. And the FSA consumes off the taxes they pay and the debt the gubberment packs their ass with. They are the dumb asses that vote for the assholes that have been blatantly, obviously and with out a shadow of doubt fucking up the nation for all their lives and all their fathers and grandfathers lives. And they still vote for the same fuckers and still think there is a need for a federal government. Fuck em……..they deserve their pain.

They’re going to get a lot more pain too. Maybe when their butt hurts so bad they will wake up. But when they do wake up they will do something stupid like kill someone who is of a different race or religion instead of killing the bankers. They can kill the politicians too if they want. That would be just fine, but first they must kill the bankers if they want to the best thing.

Consumers when riled up become the mob, the force of vengence and revenge. The problem is that through out history they often target the wrong people for the wrong reasons and end up with a even bigger mess. Regardless of what actually happens in the future you can count on your fellow American citizens to take a pile of shit and make it five or six times as large.

We are so damn doomed.

June 16, 2015 4:35 am

One of your best ever articles, Jim. Very well done, a piece to be exceptionally proud of. A keeper.

June 16, 2015 7:56 am

Thank you for sharing this, Mr. Quinn. I showed this post to the Missus and now we’re getting a new semi-automatic…we call it Janet III. Sig Sauer, no less. More ammo, too. More freaking range time! YES!

Thank you, too, Mr. Hilsenrath. Without your help this never would have come together. You may be the Fed’s tool boy, but you’re also mine…bitch.

June 16, 2015 8:03 am

I don’t think it was meant to be either controversial or humorous – I suspect it was shot across the bow to the people who do have clue as to what is actually going on.

I.e., it doesn’t matter what the consumer does or doesn’t do – “we” have the power and you, the consumer/citizen do not.

June 16, 2015 8:54 am

I’ve voted with my wallet for all of my adult life. People always say it doesn’t matter. The fact that Hilsenrath wrote this article, facetious or not, means it does matter and the oligarchs are not happy about it. It’s why they want to eliminate cash and impose negative interest rates. Pretty soon it will be a crime to have savings. They KNOW the lies cannot and will not work forever. Keep wearin’ the bastards down! Continue to disengage wherever possible! Fuck ’em!

June 16, 2015 9:21 am

I am officially disengaged from everything.

Over and out.

I/S – The grits were super good.

June 16, 2015 11:28 am

“The long-term outlook for the federal budget has worsened dramatically over the past several years, in the wake of the 2007-2009 recession and slow recovery,” the Congressional Budget Office reported in its long-term budget outlook for 2015 released Tuesday.

June 16, 2015 12:30 pm

As someone right smack in the middle of my “prime spending years” I think my friends and colleagues represent a good cross sampling of the attitude of the “commoner.” One thing that I’ve noticed over the past decade or so was class envy has transferred to class HATE.

The people know their enemy and the convenient distractions like Bruce Jenner or another slew of reality TV isn’t working anymore.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
June 16, 2015 2:09 pm

If it truly was taunting, he didn’t go far enough.

One person responded to the article saying that for all the zero percent interest rates, he has credit card debt that charges 15%. So who forced him to rack up all that credit card debt?

Another said he was frightened when the stock market crash happened in 2008, so he sold out at the bottom. Bright!

If it was me, I’d lay into all the dumbasses who marry the wrong person and then breed with them. Then get divorced and suck up the resources of the family courts. Divorce will make you broke faster than any stock market crash, especially if there are left over kids.

There are plenty of stupid people out there making stupid decisions, and they would like to find someone else to blame for their problems. Take some ownership, for godssake.

Hilsenrath’s dig about the granite counter tops was appropriate. I actually know people who did that. The granite counter top rush was a lot like the gold rush, where the only people making money were the ones selling picks and shovels.

A friend of mine said he would like granite counter tops, at which I sniffed and informed him that granite counter tops are SOOOOO pre-recession, and we laughed our asses off.

June 16, 2015 2:39 pm

If it’s true that Hilsenrath speaks for the Fed than IMO the intended audience and the intended goal might be of interest.

Perhaps the over-the-top mocking/taunting tone was intentionally adopted so as to be picked-up by the alternative press just so the reaction could be observed.

Ever since they (re)legalized propaganda against the American people EVERYTHING has the potential to be a psyop and continually getting the mood of the people is vital to getting the most bang from your psyop buck.

They know the Alt news is on to them and the constant lies, they knew that particular tone would strike a chord and yet they did it anyways.


June 16, 2015 2:51 pm

I just keep trying to figure out how all this breaks. It is inevitable, by all accounts. Do we have a sudden fracture of the whole system–Go Directly to Stage 4 (Orlov’s Five Stages of Collapse), Do not pass go, who cares about $200? Possible, but unlikely unless we get massive Natural Disaster, Total Grid Collapse, or Rapid Pandemic. Do we have a slow burn where everything kind of stays normal, but gradually lose more freedoms, whilst continually paying more for the privilege of staying attached to a decaying system? Do we get a financial collapse that finally shows everyone with their head in the sand that we have been renting the Penthouse in the Tower of Babel for decades? I mean, we really are just like Wile E Coyote dangling over the cliff. So far, enough of us have yet to look down. What finally shatters all of our illusions?

June 16, 2015 4:41 pm

Yeah, US All jest, $tingy $OB$!

June 16, 2015 5:29 pm

its funny, we really don’t consume much either, and save in gold and silver. We drive two paid off cars. We save with the shiny stuff. It is annoying how cheaply everything is made now. I know everyone likes to hate on apple, and I do feel like a choad for buying it, and saying this, but they are the ONLY personal electronics, in my experience, that last more than a couple years. My last iphone made it 4 years, and my 3 year old macbook works like new, battery sill does great too. My wife had a dell and an Acer, both lasted just over 2 years and quit, not worth the money to fix, throw it out and buy a new one. Same with her motorola cell phone, lasted until the contract was up, then just quit working. Even just 10 years ago, it seemed like everything was made better. I drive a 12 year old Z71 tahoe, and the factory AC lasted the first 9 years of its life. Since it quit, I have already replaced the compressor twice, and its looking like this will be the third summer in a row Ill have to do it. Fucking things last until a couple months after the 1 year warranty is over, and then magically spring a leak. My old college roomate still has a 1995 4 runner he got in the early 2000s, fucker has over 320k on it, still runs like a champ, he flat refuses to get rid of it. Parts are cheap, engine and everything else is simple, old design, and its super easy to work on. try doing that with a new car.

June 16, 2015 8:20 pm

There is a way out, and it has worked in the past. It’s something put forward by Martin Armstrong, called a debt to equity swap. The man’s blog should be required reading for TBP readers.

Personally, I think when things blowup (or before), the psychos in charge will try to get us into a war with Russia or China, rather than have “we the people” chasing them through the streets. They will never admit they were wrong, prosecute and jail their friends, and try to fix things.

June 16, 2015 9:15 pm

“Perhaps the over-the-top mocking/taunting tone was intentionally adopted so as to be picked-up by the alternative press just so the reaction could be observed.”

That thought occured to me also.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
June 16, 2015 9:33 pm

“Perhaps the over-the-top mocking/taunting tone was intentionally adopted so as to be picked-up by the alternative press just so the reaction could be observed.”

And it worked!

I don’t care how many thumbs-down I get. I guess if you are determined to blame the Fed for all of your problems, you can put me in the red all you like. But the “typical American” shares some of this blame. And a lot of it starts within our own families.

If you can’t find someone good to marry, don’t get married. If you can’t support yourself with any surplus left over, don’t have kids. If you can’t afford a $600,000 house, don’t buy one. A lot of “us” went deeply into debt based on rainbow-farting-unicorn dreams of our future incomes and a completely misplaced sense of entitlement.

One of the best comments I’ve ever read anywhere on the internet came from right here at TBP – I wish I could remember who it was. But he/she said, as far as who “owes” you a job, what if there were only two people left on the planet, which one would owe the other a job.

I will never forget that! What an excellent observation.

June 17, 2015 8:22 am

Hilsenrath and the Fed don’t give two flying fucks about the alternative press

I’m not so sure I agree with that statement but I’m not in a position to offer any proof what-so-ever of its inaccuracy – so there you go – a different opinion.

I really did appreciate Jessie’s thoughts but I would think these “privileged people” could also turn on the very structures – the internet in general and Alt Media in particular – who have the audacity to point out repeatedly to an ever widening audience their increasing failures.

I have a hard time believing shutting down the internet isn’t at the top of their list when SHTF. Even your own site has required the “man with no name” to come to the rescue – who was attacking and why?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 17, 2015 9:06 am

” They always tell you that poverty drives people to crime, which is quite insulting if you think about it, because it shows that they believe money is a prerequisite for moral existence.”

That is one of the keenest observations I have come across in all my years. Based on income alone we are poverty stricken, based on how we live our lives, we are wealthy beyond our wildest dreams.

Life is not about the accumulation of fiat currency, it’s about how you spend the time you are given on this Earth. Morality is not about an ideology, but how you behave every day of your life.

June 17, 2015 9:35 am

No sign of an economic slow down in Central Arkansas, can’t figure it out. A giant new outlet mall going in next to the new Bass Pro, new car dealerships being built etc, etc. If you drive around the view out your windshield would suggest we are in the midst of an economic boom, new constitution everywhere. It blows my mind I simply can’t figure it out, wages are stagnant for sure. This can’t end well.

June 17, 2015 9:47 am

Sensetti –

Same thing happening in DFW. Construction everywhere. Residential. Commercial. Heavy/Highway. They’re building shit everywhere!

I think Texas, and maybe Dallas/Ft Worth in particular, are (possibly) better suited than a lot of other areas in the US. On the other hand, I heard a contractor giving the advice that things were going to rock and roll for the next 10 years, so grab all you can, while you can.

His statement gave me pause. That sounds like the kind of thing one says, right before the down turn.

Muck About
Muck About
June 17, 2015 9:54 am

We just had some foreign conglomerate corporation buy our one and only “Mall”, stuck up a new (bigger, brighter LED driven) sign and PRESTO: It still has as many empty storefronts as it had before.

I am very unimpressed.

Living off a dead end road with all the advantages of living in the sticks but only 5 miles from anything we need leaves us with no reason at all to go to the “Mall” for anything. This “Mall” will also end poorly, only faster.


June 17, 2015 10:10 am

Here in Raleigh they cannot build the apartment buildings fast enough – I have no idea who is supposed to live in them

OTH – this essay was very informative.


Rise Up
Rise Up
June 17, 2015 12:02 pm

Sensetti/Tim/Olga, those projects were pre-planned years in advance, most likely. The bad economy will catch up with them soon enough.

June 17, 2015 1:06 pm

Olga, why do you think all the urgency to open the immigration floodgates? That apartment construction is sponsored by HUD, and nationwide. Those apartments are the death of your way of life

June 17, 2015 1:12 pm

Ask yourself, where are the jobs to support those people? They don’t exist. Never will exist. Low skill immigration is just recruitment for the FSA. Minorities can’t breed fast enough for walmarts tastes.

June 17, 2015 1:28 pm

They’re pretty high-end units in the better parts of town – 1150$ / Studio – 1350$ / 1 bedroom

I don’t know how younger people can afford that kind of rent.

June 17, 2015 2:59 pm

hardscrabble farmer–says, “Morality is not about an ideology…”, true. Homer says, “Morality is about the Ideals that you hold”. What are you’re Ideals and are you living up to them? Oh! you’all probably never thought of what you stand for. What you’re willing to give your sacred honor, life, liberty, and property to uphold?

Administrator says,–“And the masters will do this, almost piously, in the name of saving a system which in fact has become an extension of themselves, and which finally serves no one but them. ” Homer says, “Even the most egregious human behavior can be rationalized away. And many apologists will ooze from the woodwork.” A person without principles leads a life without reflection.

Sensetti and Tim–The world is on the Titanic and the Titanic is sinking. What’s the Titanic? It’s fiat money. And what are the life boats? The life boats are real things, wealth. Fiat money is not wealth, but a coupon for getting wealth. The monied people are turning in their coupons. You had better be doing the same while you can. The elite in and out of CONgress want to prevent you from doing that, after all, some one has to be stuck with the ‘old maid’. It ain’t gonna be them.

If you would have put your money in toilet paper at Costco 13 years ago at $6.95 for 40 roll pack, which sells for about $22.99 for a 30 roll pack, today, you would have gotten a bigger return on your money than any other in investment. A 22% return on your investment without the risk. You should be spending your fiat dollars for thing that you are going to need because, despite the pitiful claims of the FED about fearing ‘deflation’, the price of things that you need are going up.

The trite Keynesian montage that “If people see that the future price is going to be less than today’s price, they will defer purchases, waiting for a lower price, tomorrow.” This deflation spirals down into a inverted consumerism, slowed production, less taxes collected and fewer jobs. Which means for CONgress, were goina throw the bums out and hire someone new. But, what I see is that there isn’t any ‘deflation’ which is a contraction of the money supply and credit. Hell, the FED increased their balance sheet by trillions in the last few years. Some markets have deflated as money is shifted to other avenues, but that is a normal part of any business cycle. Although, nothing is normal because of the PPT (Plunge Protection Team).

What I am saying is that there will be greater pressure to keep you in depreciating paper dollars and anything denominated in them. “If you don’t know who the sucker is in the poker game, you’re the sucker.” What if the gov comes out with a 100 to 1 devaluation of the dollar? Can’t happen you say.
I have a bridge in Brooklyn, I would like to sell you.

June 17, 2015 3:30 pm

The Chinese built all these ‘ghost cities’ which are unoccupied and we were laughing at them for their stupidity. You think they paid for all the material to build those cities with Yuan? The paid for them with the US dollars that they got from you for all the crap they sold you over the years. They are getting out of dollars into real things. Those cities are real things and will be useful as China grows. It will be seen as a great investment. The Chinese are getting out of dollars while the US is trying to keep everyone in dollars. The Chinese aren’t a stupid people, what do they see that you don’t?

SO, FOLLOW ORDERS start consuming. But, don’t consume frivolously. Be like the Chinese, look for future value for yourselves, after all, despite the deflationist spiel, prices are going up for the things that you need.

June 17, 2015 3:40 pm

Every Sunday as I peruse through the funnies, sports and travel sections I am always amazed at the amount of advertising inserts they stuff in the local Sunday rag. All the big box stores along with some of the local purveyors of useless goods, all having some mind blowing sales event of some kind. Pages and pages of glossy photographs with promises of low prices. Occasionally I will glance through a few of them for shits and giggles and the thing I always discover is that there isn’t one single thing that I want or need in any of the ads. Nothing. How can that be? Then I think to myself, “well somebody must be buying this crap”, so who is it that is running out to Target or the Home Dump and etc. to buy all this worthless crap?

I for sure am not following orders.

June 17, 2015 4:28 pm

“Here in Raleigh they cannot build the apartment buildings fast enough – I have no idea who is supposed to live in them”

And rents are going up across the nation. This I know because I own, and manage a few rental properties. I think what we are seeing is that after 2008, so many people had their credit wiped out, and even though house prices have come down, houses are not yet affordable to many even with these low interest rates, jmho.

I have learned one thing though, and very late in life I’m sorry to say. And that is everything runs in cycles. If you are going to buy a big ticket item like a house or car, don’t buy at the peak of the business cycle. Buy at the bottom of the cycle. That is where the real money is made. Now if I can just get my wife to hold off on that new car for just one more year……

June 17, 2015 4:29 pm

Costco has a 9500 watt generator for $600+ dollars with the $150 discount. Probably made in China? I didn’t look. The best thing is it is dual fuel. Gas and Propane. The THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) is less than 5%. I would like 2%, tho. Course, I would like tri fuel, diesel, gas and propane. I’m seriously thinking of buying this. In my area we do have power outages, but none lasting over 12 hrs, but what if things get really bad and power is sporadic? Food in the freezer isn’t going to last much longer than a few days even tho I keep the temp at -15 deg. Damn, I got to get my cold boxes built this summer. I’m thinking about putting a new 50 yr. roof on the house as it might not be affordable in a few years.

Greg Hunter of was talking about a friend of his that is spending money on everything he thinks he will need. New tires on the car, new batteries, new windows, etc. The things needed and buying them while they are still cheap and available. He’s getting out of dollars into wealth.

I think hardscrable farmer has been doing that. It is better to be 5 yrs early than 1 day to late.

If you’re on the Titanic and you believe everything is going to work out, go down to the restaurant and have another slice of apple pie.

June 17, 2015 5:02 pm

Olga says:
“Here in Raleigh they cannot build the apartment buildings fast enough – I have no idea who is supposed to live in them”

Probably Somali and other muslim “refugees”. How nice they are matters not. It’s gonna be govt subsidized (so you get to pay their rent) and if it’s in the white part of town it will be forced integration to enrich your life.

June 17, 2015 6:50 pm


Op-ed: Hatch should fix H1-B visa program instead of expand it
By Daniel Costa

Corporate lobbyists have convinced legislators of both parties that America needs more guest workers in high-tech jobs. Leading the charge in Congress to do their bidding is Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, who has introduced legislation to double or triple the number of non-immigrant tech workers who can be hired annually on H-1B visas. But his proposal won’t fix the H-1B program’s flaws, which allow American and foreign workers alike to be exploited and underpaid.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 17, 2015 7:07 pm

And Marco Rubio is changing his H1B position after Oracle Campaign Donation

“The firm donated $2,500 to Rubio (and others in the so-called “Gang of Eight” legislators who backed immigration changes) shortly before his immigration bill passed the Senate. That legislation included provisions for more H1B visas, the kind Silicon Valley prizes for high skilled engineers and programmers. Oracle Corp. in 2013 pushed hard for on its own for an expansion of the H1B visa cap.”

Meanwhile, there are many IT people out of work because of this.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 17, 2015 7:08 pm

“Meanwhile, there are many IT people out of work because of this.”

American IT workers, that is…

June 17, 2015 8:11 pm

IS, home run

June 18, 2015 11:35 am

Rise Up–Marco Rubio is a dumb smuck. I came to that conclusion after he went on national television saying that we need to ‘grow the economy’ to solve our problems. Only a person with brain freeze would buy that crap. I notice that he hasn’t said that since, or any other politician for that matter, because it’s so obvious that it can’t be done. Despite all the QE the economy is in implosion mode.

I was talking to a real estate agent, yesterday, and he was lamenting to me how bad the real estate market is. I laughed to myself. You can never re-inflate a popped bubble, no matter how hard the FED tries.

In the words of the great and handsome ‘Mogambo Guru’ “were doomed”.

mortimer sned
mortimer sned
June 18, 2015 7:50 pm

Buy damn it! It’s our duty! It’s in our blood!

A Discussion with Jack Abramoff: Ten Years on

Jack Abramoff: Of course we are all salesmen at some level. A kid convincing her parents to let her use their car; a spouse convincing her mate that her parents need to feel welcome over the weekend; an employee seeking a raise from a boss. We are all constantly selling and selling is lobbying