Bad Medicine: Obamacare “Doctors Should Warn Global Warming Could Make Patients’ Health Worse”

Guest Post by Mac Slavo


If having your doctor quiz you about owning a gun isn’t enough to raise your blood pressure, then this new Obamacare policy surely will.

Obama’s White House is once again politicizing health care, even as the net/noose tightens, now asking medical professionals to advise patients on the effects that global warming/climate change will supposedly have on their health.

The Daily Caller reported:

Americans trust their doctors, so the White House wants these medical professionals to be a mouthpiece for President Obama’s global warming agenda.


The Obama administration has been hard at work trying to draw a link between global warming and public health issues. The summit included the U.S. Surgeon General, top administration officials, and public health experts from around the country telling doctors, nurses and other conference goers how to talk about global warming with their patients.

The central message: doctors should warn their patients that global warming could make their health worse.

It’s not clear what the details of that politically correct advice will be, but here’s a prediction – for increased stress from economic fines and penalties for using resources, meeting new codes, as well as symptoms of indigestion from swallowing or being force fed repeated propaganda.

It is not unlikely that poor health profiles – such as being overweight, obese, a smoker, having preexisting condition – could someday add penalties to individuals for failing to comply with climate change remedies or disqualify them from inclusion in the same way that insurance weighs these factors for coverage.

After all, the assumption of AGW is that people are what’s making the planet worse, and people like Al Gore have advocated making laws to “punish” climate change deniers.

Critics are concerned that these politically-loaded doctor’s visit questions could be a means of classifying patients and flagging them in databases for their extremist views. President Obama’s barrage of 23 gun control executive orders, issued in the wake of Sandy Hook, included a “clarification” (read: nudge) that “the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.” Many commenters have noted their experiences with doctors popping the question.

Guns, like political attitudes about climate change and other issues, are legal and constitutionally-guaranteed rights now, but may be increasingly challenged by bureaucracy and eroded by legal interpretations, database threat scores and quasi-private corporate policies.

Whatever you do, don’t suggest that global warming could just be a placebo for greater government control.

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 27, 2015 8:10 pm

It’s the sun’s energy output stupid and it is due to decrease for about 30 years.

June 27, 2015 9:10 pm

If a Doctor asks me if I own a gun, I will tell him that being able to defend oneself/family is the basic tenet of freedom.

If a Doctor gives me any GloBull Warming BS, I will ask him a few questions; after he answers the questions, he will be humiliated that he brought up the subject.

June 27, 2015 10:05 pm

How much greenhouse gasses are created by exploding bombs and guns?

June 27, 2015 10:12 pm

ya the whole global warning thing is fucked up stupid !! the bought off scientists NEVER mention the solar minimum ,maunder minimum etc … also never mention volcanoes . near as I can tell we are in a maunder minimum cycle and are tipping into the natural ice age events . look up the little ice age in , fuck it ,I don’t remember 1700s? coincided with a volcanoe eruption and was 2 YEARS before weather returned to a normal pattern for growing crops . also the un documents that state the carbon tax is strictly about transferring wealth .
Question I have about docs asking me about anything personel about, that is going to go into an unsecured database is what about doctor patient privacy ? you willing to get sued for that doc?
Guns? give me a friggen break ! smoking ? none of your damn business etc etc etc . if im paying them for a service then the fucking records are MINE! If you go along to get along guess what ? its what brought us to this point we are at now . who the fuck is john galt .

June 27, 2015 10:15 pm

another thing ,if im not mistaken is trees and growing plants EAT co2 , and produce oxygen and better harvests . look up co2 generators for farms ! without co2 ,trees die and vegetable yields are lower co2 is absolutely required

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
June 28, 2015 12:19 am

“The Obama administration has been hard at work trying to draw a link between global warming and public health issues”

Next Up: “Obama Administration Blames U.S. Economic Woes On Global Warming”

Yes He Can!

June 28, 2015 12:36 am

gm–That’s right, I’m paying them for a service not a lecture. I accede to their knowledge about medicine, but they’re just as dumb as everybody else about anything not medical.

The problem about CO2 in the atmosphere is that the oceans are being acidified. Coral Reefs are being destroyed. The plankton which is the source of much of the oxygen are dying. The trash and radioactive fallout from Fukushima is killing the Pacific Ocean. Bigger organisms thrive on lesser organism. We are shitting in a big food source. Instead of doing something meaningful for the environment, POTUS wants to increase you’re taxes through Carbon Credits. What the FUCK!!! That’s leadership today.

The consensus is that Fukushima can’t be fixed. This is a disaster of Epic proportions.

June 28, 2015 1:28 am

The oceans are NOT being acidified.
Coral Reefs are NOT being destroyed.
Plankton are not dying – they are Increasing.
Agree that Fukushima is a big problem – they built a reactor on an earthquake fault and near the ocean along the Ring of Fire (Tsunami’s are a regular occurrence and vary in strength just like all of natural events).
Try not to get your info from MSM, which parrots the gov’t wishes.

June 28, 2015 6:20 am

Speaking as a primary care grunt – what the Mangled Care suits call a “gatekeeper physician” – I’d like to know just how much time out of each patient encounter I’m supposed to spend talking with patients about this “man-made climate change” bullshit, anyway?

I’m perfectly delighted to recount the sound science on the subject, most of which in recent years points to the sun’s activity (not the combustion of petrochemical fuels) as the cause of ALL climate change, and the fact that the current and subsequent solar cycles look to be down-trending in activity, meaning that it’s gonna be a helluva lot COLDER (not warmer) over the next 26 to 30 years.

And the cold (not heat) is what kills. Plainest kinda common-sense environmental medicine there is.

Obozo is in this regard (as in all others) lying his half-Negro all-Indonesian ass off, and therefore to hell with him


June 28, 2015 11:47 am

The Sun drives the world’s climate.

With the sun heading toward a minimum not seen in centuries (Maunder Minimum), there is real danger of a new “mini ice age” developing again over a good part of the world.

This is the real danger we face since this would result in a massive food shortage with less productive land available (the opposite of global warming that would make more available and with longer growing seasons in currently colder climates).

Something the Pope will refuse to consider, I’m sure.

June 28, 2015 3:58 pm

I’m a doctor and the only time I’ve ever asked a patient about owning a gun is to start a conversation about shooting and to bring up some of my own guns, a small collection of which I am proud.

June 28, 2015 5:18 pm

Make it easy on your doctor and the government. If asked about guns answer in an honest and straight forward way. You do not want to be labeled dangerous or crazy. Say no guns at your house they are dangerous and only crazy people want guns. If he warns about globull warming, agree. You do not want to draw attention to yourself as a crazy person. They will be coming soon to round up the crazies for their own protection, of course

June 28, 2015 7:05 pm

June 28th, and the high today was 57 degrees. Tell me about this global warming thing and when I might expect it.