Ignoring Tsipras Plea For Calm, Greeks Storm ATMs, Stores, Gas Stations


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Just a few hours ago Greek PM Tsipras addressed his nation imploring then to “remain calm” and reassuring them that their “deposits were safe.” It appears the Greeks did not believe him. Many were wondering where the Greek bank lines were for the past several months. Turns out the local depositors were merely waiting until just after the last minute to withdraw their funds… horde gas… and stack food. Greece, it appears is Venezuela – the new socialist paradise.

Tsipras implored: “Keep Calm….”


They did not listen…

Call that an ATM line…


Now THIS is an ATM line…

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Even at the airports…

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And gas stations are overwhelmed…


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As grocery stores and general appliance stores come under seige…

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We have seen this before – in Russia recently as the Ruble collapsed and citizens spent any and every piece of currency they had on ‘assets’.

The great news for Greece is that GDP for Q2 will be sent soaring.

Simply put – it’s all about inflation expectations. And unlike The Fed or The BoJ, who keep trying to jawbone higher expectations into their citizens’ minds, the Greek government may have achieved it implicitly through devaluation expectations and with it – a spending spree before things get more expensive and implicitly a surge in GDP. Of course, however, the spending surge can only be short-term and will stop as soon as there are no more euros to spend.

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June 28, 2015 10:33 pm

“stay calm” – from the gov’t, this is a signal.
Reminds me of Fannie and Freddie in early July 2008

June 28, 2015 11:22 pm

This is what they voted for.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 28, 2015 11:24 pm

When you see this in Portugal, Spain, Italy and France, the end is upon US in about two weeks. It’s too bad that as the NYC banksters print the usual trillions of dollars to steal for themselves that they can’t also hand out a few dollars to people without their Chauffeurs being killed and their limousines destroyed.

June 29, 2015 12:09 am

Notice the orderly lines of patient people? What if the Greeks had black population like the US…….. there would be mayhem, broken windows, looting etc, etc. This is nothing new to the Greeks, they just don’t go feral when commerce/ banking shuts down.

They’re doing it wrong.

June 29, 2015 12:47 am

Bea ,that was the first thing I noticed .Long lines but no violence and no blacks.

June 29, 2015 12:49 am

BEA, I don’t recall anyone going apeshit over the gas lines in ’74.

June 29, 2015 5:06 am


If this goes South then all bets are off. I suspect the the dollar may be a temporary safe have for at least several weeks. I’m not sure if it is time to panic just yet though. I’ve seen these guys kick the can down the road in ways I never thought possible. I’m ready for whatever.

June 29, 2015 6:35 am

Looks like the Greeks are going to take it up the ass………….. again.

Thank goodness I live ‘Murika. Here I am free of all their kind of troubles. The Greeks are ruled by psychopathic banksters, their southern border is overwhelmed by useless brown people looking for a handout, they are hopelessly in debt, and they are still suffering from the terrible legacy of Nazism.


June 29, 2015 8:02 am

We’ll never see scenes like that in the US.

Gwen Easter
Gwen Easter
June 29, 2015 8:08 am

For those who are surprised how calm the lines of people are who seemed to imply that one reason may be there are no Black people, coincidentally, in line. I would request some understanding about the African American experience and experiences of other people of color in the U.S. The people you
see rioting are usually from inner city and urban areas where discrimination and racism are at its worst, and experienced on a daily basis. Also, an event has usually happened , that provokes that reaction. There is a European American man who decided to see if his African American friends (they were college students) were exaggerating when they spoke of day to day life as a Black person. He took a medication that turned his skin dark and he shaved his head. The first 20 minutes as a Black man, he was stopped by police wanting to know why he was in the area. The experiment was to have lasted for a month but he was only able to stand “being Black”, for a week! That’s how traumatic the experience was. Please try not to stereotype an entire race of people from what you see on TV and please try to analyze why they are committing violent acts. See Article: “Skin Deep; Reliving ‘Black Like Me’: My Own Journey Into the Heart of Race-Conscious America” – Joshua Solomon – Washington Post or Google “Joshua Solomon + Black Like Me”

June 29, 2015 8:23 am

Gwen – you have convinced me to free all my slaves.

June 29, 2015 8:25 am

Gwen – you are in for a rough ride. Deservedly so, you dumb bimbo.

June 29, 2015 9:07 am

Zara- Gas lines in 74 was not because of a lack of cash money at the bank. Public transportation for blacks ran as usual.

June 29, 2015 9:21 am

How much longer until humanity grows up and ends this madness once and for all?

June 29, 2015 9:49 am

@Gwen: Read The Bell Curve. Unfortunately many blacks have only an 85 IQ.

June 29, 2015 10:55 am

“He took a medication that turned his skin dark and he shaved his head. The first 20 minutes as a Black man ….” ———— Gwen

Yeah. In the first 20 minutes;

— he quit his job
— got a SNAP card
— got a free Obama-phone
— recalled his difficult years as a slave
— knocked out 5 white people
— said “motherfucker” 86 times
— and got two skank ho’s knocked up

June 29, 2015 8:09 pm


Maybe no stereotyping from TV shows, but what about from an examination of every Black run country and Black dominated area of the world?

That is not stereotyping anyone, that is simple reality.

June 30, 2015 5:40 pm

Stucky, that is some funny shit right there, Bra. That reminds me of the one about the types of stores you won’t find in the hood. Like a book store, marriage consoler, income tax preparer, etc.