Raising A Man

The site ROK tends to turn a lot of people off but there is some great info and ideas in their articles; this one is pure gold.

How To Raise A Red Pill Revolutionary


I recently received the fantastic news that my first child, to be born this September, is going to be a boy.

While I would have loved the child no matter it’s gender, the knowledge that it is a boy got me thinking a lot more about what kind of an example I should be to my boy and what I should teach him in life. You see, I want to raise a red pill son, strong and true, so that he can go out into the world and take it on prepared.

I’ve boiled it down to these essential lessons. I believe if I can instill these values in him, he’ll be equipped to deal with life as a successful, strong and decent man. It won’t all be within my control, but I have the responsibility to at least try to mold him into the kind of man society desperately needs more of.

Life Is Hard, Nobody Owes You Shit

I want my boy to know that life is no walk in the park. He’ll learn it eventually, so I might as well give him a head start by teaching him early on. He won’t be lifted and laid, he’ll learn to do things for himself, and he’ll learn that his actions have irreversible consequences.

He’ll be taught that when you screw up you fix it, and when you want something you work to get it, no exceptions.

That being said, I’ll also let him know that when he hits the hard times in life his family will be there for him. No matter what, he should never give up and when going through hell, all he has to do is keep walking. As a man, he will have the responsibility to be a strong leader in tough times.

The Importance Of Physical Strength


Life is physical, pure and simple.

The next time you get ridiculous notions that you might be living in a hologram or that the physical world is some sort of physical manifestation of your spiritual vibration, I suggest you rack up 300lbs on the squat bar and do a set of ten. This will return the objectivity to your life, fast.

Life is physical. A physically strong, well built, and athletic man will have both self respect and the respect of others. I plan to have my boy doing 10 reps of handstand pushups before he enters high school and working the heavy bag from a young age.

This will keep the bullies, predators, and big mouths at bay. It will also teach him the discipline needed to succeed in life.

What Is His, Is His, And He Has The Right To Take It

lake windermere

I’m sick and tired of listening to socialist morons and SJWs talk about the redistribution of wealth and entitlements and social reparations. As if they have the right to re-distribute anything that belongs to someone else.

As far as I’m concerned the world doesn’t owe me, you or anyone else a dime. You get paid when you deliver a useful product or service to other people, and those who deliver the most value get paid the most. If your people or your ancestors failed to secure themselves financially, build a decent society or a lineage of wealth for their descendants, tough titty son. Get to work and make something better for the future instead of whining like a bitch.

I’ve met a lot of people over the years here in Asia who have told me that because I’m white, male, and from Europe I have an unfair advantage in life and that I should give back to those less fortunate.

I’ll be teaching my boy from day one not to feel white guilt, not to feel ashamed of having more than others if he has earned it, not to feel guilty about the shots he has in life because someone cared about him enough to give them to him.

To Get A Practical Education

Be somebody by knowing something useful

While we’re on the topic of delivering value and getting paid, I’ll be teaching him to get himself a practical education.

That means becoming a doctor, lawyer, engineer, mechanic, sparky or entrepreneur. I won’t be encouraging nor bankrolling him to study sociology, gender studies, or philosophy. When it’s time to go to school, it’s time to learn something that’s going to get you paid, son.

He’ll also be learning practical survival skills and how to live in nature in case he ever needs to. This hunting, fishing, camping, and other practical skills is something this generation badly needs. What if the system was to go down? Half the men on this earth would be unable and ill-equipped to feed their own families.

Women Are Not The Same As Men, And He Doesn’t Have To Pretend Otherwise


Let’s tell the truth – women are no the same as men in any way, shape or form.

True, there are lots of reasonably intelligent women out there, but physically and in practically every other way, men rule the roost, plain and simple. If you want to expose this much told lie very quickly, put us all back in the jungle and take away the safety of the society men built, and we will soon see who is relying on who and which gender is taking the lead.

I’ll be teaching him that women are to be treated with decency and not harmed or abused, but that at no time of his life should he give control to, explain himself to, take crucial life advice from, or place a woman above himself.

His Word And His Guts Are All He Has

Man with hand out

A man comes into the world with nothing and leaves it the same way, but what he does have in between no matter what are his word and his courage.

A man’s honesty and word is worth its weight in gold. If you say you are going to do something and you do it every single time, you will always be trusted in life and have the respect of those around you.

As for his guts, what I mean by that is his courage. The guts to try new things, take risks and go on adventures will lead him to many opportunities in life. That can never be taken away from him and will lead him to the top, eventually.

The Value Of Family


In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a war against family raging throughout the world.

You see, governments dislike families because they are a threat to their power and control over the population. The further left you go, the deeper the dislike of family becomes.

I’ll be teaching my boy from day one that family comes first and everybody else comes second. His blood is the most important thing and it is in fact the only thing on this earth that actually matters. When everyone else abandons him, betrays him, shuns him and turns on him, his blood will be there for him, and he should be there for his blood.

I’ll teach him that it’s OK to distance himself from some family members if they are trying to use him or have gone rogue, but that when they come back to the fold and show that they have changed, he should always give them another chance.

Money Is The Key To Almost Everything, But Money Is Not God

Money is damned important, but don’t sell your soul for it

It’s no secret that money makes the world go round.

Money is extremely important and can buy you pretty much anything you want on this earth. A house, clothes, a car, influence, and many other things can be bought with money. It’s extremely important to have your cash right and to be a free man, you need to get money.

However, I will also let him know that the pursuit of money is no excuse for selling his soul and being an immoral, evil bastard. There are lines that a man must never cross in pursuit of cash – killing, con artistry, doing things which prey on the weak and innocent – these are out of bounds in pursuit of profit.

It is possible to make lots of money in legal, respectable ways which benefit both oneself and the society he lives in. Knowing this, and deciding to draw a line in the sand and say “here and no further” in pursuit of wealth is one of the keys to keeping your integrity in life.

Death Is An Illusion And Is Not To Be Feared

Too many hardcore materialists dismiss good evidence of the afterlife out of hand

If you look around you every day you will see that death holds immense power over all creatures. They scream, cry, kick, resist and fear death with all their might.

The only creature powerful enough to meet death with equanimity is a human being. I want to teach my boy early on that he has nothing to fear when the grim reaper comes knocking, and that as long as he has lived a decent life according to his principles he can go in peace when the time comes.

This is something I wish I had been taught as a kid. I was taught heaps of nonsense about hell, the devil, demons and ghosts, and as such I had a deep fear of death for most of my young life.

Later on I was able to overcome that mental fear by reflecting on the writings of some great philosophers like Plato who said:

“Death is either a dreamless sleep or transition to a better world, either way it is nothing to fear.”

and Marcus Aurelius who said:

“Death smiles at all men, all a man can do is smile back.”

We have lost something in Western Culture – the ability to meet death with equanimity and a Stoic calm. We need to get that back, and I’ll be doing my best to teach my boy that while life is for the living and he should respect the gift he has been given, he doesn’t have to be afraid of anything when it’s over.

The Art Of Critical Thinking

You’ve probably already noticed, but most people simply consume content without giving it a second thought.

The news, magazines, even history books are all produced, written and distributed by people with a perspective and an agenda. It is crucial to ask both who the people are and what they want you to believe while reading a text or listening to an argument.

It is also essential to know how to think about what they are saying in a logical, precise way and criticize it. Thinking of any counter examples is a great start, but there’s more to it than that.

We need to teach our boys how to read a newspaper and understand that it was likely written by a communist sympathizer or edited by an ultra-feminist and therefore he is not hearing the true and total story of what happened.

This skill alone can shield a growing boy from the brainwashing that destroyed this generation of men. It is crucial that we both learn it and pass it on.

A Closing Word


An entire generation of men has been laid to waste due to fathers, brothers, and leaders that failed them. I was one of the lucky ones who had a father who I’d say was 80% red pill, so I got a glimpse of what a real man looks like (he didn’t exercise or know much about women, but he was a badass winner wolf and took zero shit).

I for one am not allowing this to stand any longer. I can’t influence every single boy to be born in this generation, but I can influence my own, who will in turn influence his own, and so on.

I hope there are other men out there like me in their late twenties, thirties, and even older who have woken up to the bullshit we were peddled in our youths and who have decided that while we can’t go back, we can make sure our own boys are not fed the same line of lies and false wisdom.

This is the true revolution. This is how we truly turn the tide. We as fathers have the ultimate responsibility to make sure that the travesty that is the millennial generation never takes place again, and that we can, and will, make sure of it.

There is no need for riots, picketing, demonstrations and armed overthrow. All that is required is to be there, at home, raising men.

Original Post Here.

Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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harry p.
harry p.
June 28, 2015 4:35 pm
harry p.
harry p.
June 28, 2015 4:36 pm
June 28, 2015 4:40 pm

Study people who are happy as adults (not just “look at me, envy me, I’m happy” but the Real McCoy) and who are raising happy kids. They must be doing something right.

Few doctors or corporate managers raise happy, well-adjusted kids. Most people whose occupations are all-engrossing make good parents. It’s a time and focus thing.

Here we are, at a time when so many people are on anti-depressants or are visibly unhappy. I say, cultivate a plan to find Happiness Path.

We can’t know if anything follows this life. Live it as best you can, right?

PS: Life is a gift. Children are gifts. Raise them to be happy, and to be good neighbors and good partners. Ask your daughters to be as sweet as they can be. Ask them to value themselves. Ask both your sons and daughters to recognize the weight of intimacy and treat it with respect. Suggest that a life on Happiness Plateau is usually lived in a trusted partnership, so their goal should be twofold: be the best prospective partner they can be, and be CHOOSY among members of the opposite sex. Value what you bring to the table without being arrogant about it.

June 28, 2015 4:41 pm

Oops. I meant to say, “Few people whose occupations are all-engrossing make good parents.”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 28, 2015 4:44 pm

You fags ought to be listening to El Doggy but you don’t capiche Spanish. He basically is trying to inculcate folks with the above: “I’ll be teaching him that women are to be treated with decency and not harmed or abused, but that at no time of his life should he give control to, explain himself to, take crucial life advice from, or place a woman above himself.”

He calls men who violate the rules as mandilones, guys who wear a figurative apron, who take orders from women and rely on the woman’s opinion before their own.

Of course Doggy’s lessons are timely, there are women now who control men and demand ‘equality’ which is really the privilege of doing man-like things, going out drinking, casual sex, managing the money, keeping the man at home doing laundry and sending him on errands while denying him the companionship of his friends and family. Imagine if a bitch told you you couldn’t even log in to TBP because she didn’t approve of BiIlly?

June 28, 2015 4:53 pm

Hmm, the scary part is that you suggest there are good looking guys. – El

Okay, here’s two pictures…

First is this… what the fuck ever this fat tub o’ shit is…

[imgcomment image[/img]

Then there’s this guy…

[imgcomment image[/img]

You tell me… or let’s have Clams weigh in so NoHomo

June 28, 2015 4:56 pm

To raise Red Pill Revolutionaries, you must teach them truths that are counter to the fairy tales presently foisted upon their innocent and trusting young minds in the public education system. I would have been better prepared to be a useful citizen if someone, ANYONE had explained that all governments, including ours, by their nature are compelled to increase their own power, and that they will lie, obfuscate, manipulate, and propagandize to do so in the normal course of affairs unless attentive citizens stop them; that all wars are basically money-making enterprises for a select few at the expense of the heartbroken many; and that the USA has accomplished many great things but is far from perfect. Our national hubris, based in ignorance and fantasy, will eventually cause our demise, as all on this site would agree. A good parent will make truth-telling about our history and political/economic system part of his or her sacred duty.

June 28, 2015 5:06 pm

Gayle, so true. But no lessons are learned as well as those you discover yourself (complete with the scars to prove it.)

The tricky part is balance. We have the world we have because our fellow men are largely born to slavery. If freedom broke out tomorrow, your neighbors and mine would vote to end it in favor of a new kind of political slavery.

Explaining this to proto-adults without making them cynical is tricky. My sons understand that this is a big game, and that he who lives life to its fullest, and happiest, wins (not the guy with the hot blonde eye candy wife or the clown with two sports cars.)

Enjoy the ride, don’t let the stupid stuff get you down (and most of it is stupid stuff.)

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 28, 2015 5:12 pm

Billy- I don’t date overweight men. Not even the spare tire club. By your early and mid-twenties you should have a handle on your food intake and your body. That is well past the age to get rid of bad habits you were raised with and take control of your own health. Most people become overweight and obese 5-10lbs at a time. Gaining 5lbs a year every year in your twenties means you will be 50lbs over weight by the time you are 30 years old and you hit that first wall of your metabolism slowing down.

June 28, 2015 5:12 pm

I hope this dude is flexible in his beliefs. If not, he’s going to be pretty disappointed.

I agree with maybe half of what this guy says. There’s a lot of wiggle room in the other half.

By my observations most parents fail because they are not able to establish and consistently apply rules. They try to be flexible and maintain friendships with their children.

The guy is straight up wrong about women. If you can’t take crucial advise from a woman then you picked the wrong one.

June 28, 2015 5:25 pm

wip says:
“He never said mistreat women. Plus, he size never put a woman above yourself.”

A wife and mother of your children should always be on equal footing with the father. Not above. Not below. Chances are junior is going to spend far more of his life with mommy than daddy so you better pick a good one if you have lofty ideals like this guy.

June 28, 2015 5:35 pm

Anonymous says:
“Curious as to what people think are the most important manly qualities?”


Integrity fully encompasses all other qualities.

June 28, 2015 5:38 pm

The wise words of Sgt. Finlay come through loud and clear…

So this was the glorious cause for which the feminists had fought. They’d struggled for, and won, a world where men were seen as the problem and women as the solution. Women were deemed inherently “right” and needed a man “like a fish needs a bicycle.” Men, however, were pigs, and were perceived as semi-functional retarded pariahs without a woman. A woman’s sexuality was good and healthy; a man’s, toxic and perverse. A woman could commit a wrong and the chattering classes would come out of the woodwork spouting Marxist bullshit to frame her as the victim rather than the perpetrator. A man, though, was guilty until proven innocent.

Oceans of ink and thousands of hours of television had made it abundantly clear that a man was expected to make his woman’s happiness his top priority because she deserved it (or he wasn’t a real man). If someone demanded that a woman reciprocate such devotion by putting her man first, however, legions of man-hating shrews would have screamed, “Misogyny!” and argued that whoever believed such politically incorrect heresy was trying to “set back the women’s rights movement,” and was guilty of trying to return The West to the Fifties or “the Dark Ages,” or whenever it was that they deemed the height of barbarity.

As the gender solely responsible for the birth of future humans they could abort at will, zealously exclaiming slogans about their bodies and their rights. (Most American girls didn’t like anything to come between them and their potential to buy stuff, have fun, and acquire status. For them, this passed for heroism. Being the heart and soul of a family they’d helped create, or simply giving a damn about something that didn’t revolve around them or “Women’s Issues,” not so much.)

Men had no such luxury. They were deemed the disposable sex. When men turned eighteen they were required by law to register for the draft. If sent downrange to kill, get maimed, and perhaps die on behalf of what was left of the nation-state, talk about rights or the sovereignty of one’s own body went out the fucking window. (Walton had once read the phrase, “surplus male population.” No one wrote things like that about women. The underlying assumption being that the souls of men, if they had any at all in the eyes of cultural elites, were of far lesser value than those of women.)

Even medicine had been weaponized. People donated proudly for the cure of breast or ovarian cancer, but few gave a damn about men with tumors in their testicles or prostates. The same was true of parenthood. A girl wanting to “have it all” by being a single mom could seek to adopt, get knocked up, or go the spermcicle route and be considered a champion of progress. (Because she “didn’t need a man.” The Celebrity-Industrial Complex had told her so! Except of course, for her Uncle Sam. She also needed someone watch her child while she was busy focusing on her career. That, and it was nice to have a man around to lift heavy objects. And to perform household maintenance. And to deal with burglars and potential rapists. And to understand that in the event of an emergency, he was to forfeit his life for her and her offspring, because chivalry had died for some reason.)

However, if a single man dared to step foot into an adoption agency in the hopes of providing a home for a child and raising it as his own, he’d be suspected of being a pedophile. (Men weren’t recognized as possessing any life-affirming instincts whatsoever. The very word paternal, which was once used to denote the strong qualities of a father, was now used as a slur. Fathers were now deemed unnecessary for civilization, save for their ability to hand over money and resources to women. The West had been conducting a scorched-earth war against its men, and husbands and fathers had been primary targets of longstanding. As for its single young men, it just ignored or vilified them. Unless of course they were entertainers or athletes.)

Women were authorized to make a man’s life a living hell. A woman could hit a man, verbally abuse a man, and if she was feeling really empowered, go full-on Bobbit on a man, and it was acceptable. The second a man so much as raised his voice to a woman, though, he stood a chance of pulling the entire American legal system down on his Y-chromosomed ass.

Hell, women didn’t even have to recognize the social convention of being nice to the people around them. They could go from rude to outright cuntishness and swear it was them projecting strength and independence. They could let themselves go, behave badly, and if they were unwanted it was the fault of men and the “unfair expectations” put upon women by The Evil Male Patriarchy.

However, let a man get laid off from his job. Or worse, let him not be exciting enough, or simply display some flaw on their list, and see how fast a woman started eyeing the door. (Because amusing them was all that mattered.) Women could perform below standard or avoid authority and responsibility all together, then bitch that there weren’t more women in charge. Activists tripped all over themselves to see that women “shattered the Glass Ceiling,” yet for all their talk of gender merely being a social construct, the precious snowflakes didn’t seem all that eager to establish female hiring quotas for the hard labor world of blue collar work. (Because those jobs weren’t sexy. They were physically crushing, and women wouldn’t get to the opportunity to play dress up at them, or circulate around high status males like they could at office gigs.) Men lived shorter lives and worked longer hours at more dangerous jobs, and with the exception of the occasional good wife, women didn’t lose sleep over it. As if all that wasn’t enough, women also still got engagement rings, still got the custody of the kids, still got alimony, still got in for free, and it was still alright if they used their beauty and fuckability to get whatever they wanted. And they were still the gatekeepers of sex. If asked if they thought it was right and just, the bitches on the dance floor would probably answer in a tone thick with righteous entitlement something to the tune of, “giving guys a dose of their own medicine,” or that they were “just making up for centuries of male oppression.” If they really wanted to go for the throat they’d say something like, “You’re just mad ‘cause you can’t get laid.” (Because men they didn’t see as fuck-worthy occupied the lowest status possible, and they were to remain silent and invisible. Such men weren’t permitted to have concerns and grievances, let alone hopes and dreams. They were to know and accept their places as sub-human pussy servants, or else.)

Finlay, Samuel (2012-10-14). Breakfast with the Dirt Cult (p. 54). The Red Dirt Syndicate. Kindle Edition.



Now I’m gonna go out into the garage and work on my target stands. Then I’m gonna build a bonfire and have a few beers…

June 28, 2015 5:53 pm

As with so many other things, people mistake a current fad (3rd wave feminism, or the whole multi-culti folly) with permanence.

It’s just a cycle. Don’t sweat it so much.

The masses are the masses. They are made of interchangeable, faceless people who only matter as insects in a hive, not as individuals. Oh, to be sure we need them, they provide the backbone of the world we live in, but they are indistinguishable as individuals. They are concrete thinkers, people incapable of learning anything real. They are born with the minds of slaves, and slaves they will always be.

Who cares? WE need not be “the masses.” WE can think for ourselves, and WE can do our darndest to carve out as much of a little slice of peace and prosperity as is offered to us, IF we do our own thinking and IF we discern true and honest values and IF we try to live by them.

Be yourself. Live an examined life. Figure it out for yourself. Don’t be someone else’s sock puppet.

Enjoy the sunsets. They’re free.

June 28, 2015 6:02 pm

As with so many other things, people mistake a current fad (3rd wave feminism, or the whole multi-culti folly) with permanence.

It’s just a cycle. Don’t sweat it so much.

If the “fad” lasts until after I’m dead, then for all intents and purposes, “permanence” has been achieved…

Fuck them and their fish bicycles… that’s why I went off-menu and found a non-American wife… The vast majority of American females are vapid, over-entitled fuck-puppets trading on their looks as long as they can… when their looks start to fade, then they get desperate and find a “nice guy” who didn’t make the A-list… used to be called “Getting an M-R-S Degree” at University…

They’re not worth my time… or my son’s time. I’m encouraging him to go off-menu as well…

June 28, 2015 6:11 pm

How come Stuck only gets fifty% thumbs down, and I get 60% down for saying the same thing? Unfair.

Seriously, the guy is a moron. His stuff about women is disgraceful. He thinks he can be a dictator to his kids. He is clueless.

Some of the stuff is ok, but as Stuck said, the really moronic ideas are so moronic as to outweigh everything else by a wide margin.

I feel sorry for anyone who does not understand the value of a fine woman in a man’s life. I am happy to explain myself at any time to my wife (for fuck sake, I do not even understand me at times, so how is she going to?), and her advice is generally golden and of pure heart.

Says he does not mistreat women? What bullshit. His whole attitude devalues women.

June 28, 2015 6:24 pm

You don’t need to be a physical specimen to defeat or deal with bullies. As a boy I was rather scrawny but I chalk that up to playing outside, sun up to sun down. I always had plenty to eat but simply burned it off at play and doing chores.

As a military brat I was the perpetual “new kid” in school and nearly every school had a bully to contend with along with their monkey see monkey do sycophants. One hard and fast rule my parents had was that none of us kids were allowed to bully anyone or start a fight. We were allowed to defend ourselves but there had to be a clear cut line of avoiding fights which meant our first order of business was to inform the teacher (being a snitch is a good experience for a kid) of the problem along with mom and dad. Once that unpleasant bit of business was out of the way we were free to defend ourselves as needed.

My personal technique was to lull the bullies into a false sense of security by putting up with their shit for a few weeks. Then, regardless of size, and with as many of their sycophants watching as possible, I’d knock the holy shit out of them when they least expected it. I always tried to break their nose and succeeded in doing so a couple of times. More often than not the bullying stopped instantly but on a couple of occasions a real fight broke out and I got the shit kicked out of me (another good experience for a kid) but the bully never fucked with me again either way.

Being the snitch ALWAYS sucked but my parents explained that you had to give the teachers a chance to deal with it which transfers to many other situations in life. Getting my ass kicked was the worst but I learned something each time so it wasn’t all bad.

June 28, 2015 6:30 pm

To all men (and boys) out there…….If you ever run into a bitch like that Tatiana Perez…….RUN the other direction. She’s basically the equivalent of Greg Freeman on ROK!


June 28, 2015 6:41 pm

Llpoh, I agree with you. I never had a son, I had daughters, however kids are kids. I would have hated to have a domineering father like this guy. I won’t comment on mine except to say I tried to copy the things he did right and change the things he did wrong.

What children need is economic stability, love and help for them to find out what their interests are and where their talents lie, then provide exposure to things as well as encouragement that help them be who God intended them to be.

As for the physical part, I was a little kid and then shot up very quickly at around puberty so I was a skinny, unathletic early teen with a big mouth and an independent mind. In other words a bully magnet. I never complained to anyone because I was ashamed of it. In high school I was determined to change things so I went out for gymnastics. I was the worst kid on the team, but i worked my ass off. Eventually I was a three year letterman, held the bar dip record in the weight room and placed in the state championship meet (on the pommel horse). My motivation was to kick the shit out of every asshole who had caused my grief in Jr. High, but by the time I was capable of doing it, they avoided me like the plague and I didn’t give a fuck anymore.

June 28, 2015 6:43 pm

Just spent a few minutes perusing the ROK site. I think I see the guys problem. His goal in life seems to be to attract and fuck only “hot” chicks. He’s a shallow piece of shit chasing equally shallow skanks. Not likely to produce intelligent chirrens when he finds the “right” skank to breed with.

June 28, 2015 6:55 pm

Billy, go work in the garage.

As for bullies, none of my sons had any trouble with them despite being among the best students in their respective classes. They simply weren’t bully magnets despite not being especially big, muscular, etc. They were quietly competent and left insecure people alone.

I always also told my sons two lessons:
1. If it’s not worth killing someone over, it’s usually not worth fighting over. If it is, then be brutal, be fast, and be scarce.
2. If someone tries to use you as a means to establish dominance (i.e., if they hit you, or foul you in gym and don’t get caught, etc.), it’s ALWAYS the second “hit” that gets caught. My example: During floor hockey some jerk checked me “illegally” and I hit back immediately….and got caught. I learned fast; the next time he did it I didn’t respond. For a minute or two. Then, when HE wasn’t looking either, I slammed him into the vertically-folded bleachers (and I outweighed him probably 200 to 150.) Of course, he came off the ground right at me and got benched for it.

Ha ha.

If you want to learn more about all this, there’s a book titled “Facing Violence,” by Rory so-and-so. It is an eye-opener about how we fail to understand that lots of cultures (including cultures in the USA) use violence in a social context. Middle class Americans don’t “get” this, and probably should study it because only then do you realize how surrounded we are by it.

I won’t start fights. I don’t get into Monkey Dances. I will run if confronted by lots of incipient violence. But I will also defend myself to the utmost, as will my sons. Knowing where that line exists is a key element of being a “real” man, who lives with the capability of total violence but restrains it.

June 28, 2015 7:24 pm

Lipoh says … her advice is generally golden and pure of heat…Is this the real reason you married a WHITE woman?

Lipoh also says .. he doesn’t understand the value of a fine woman in a man’s life…. tell how this fine WHITE woman has been a blessing.

Lipoh , do you still feel guilty about leaving everyone else on the reservation ?

Get mad and get over it. These are fair questions.

June 28, 2015 7:28 pm

Lipoh , if you can’t or won’t answer these questions how will you ever advance to the next level?You like to win don’t you ? Ok play the game.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 28, 2015 8:34 pm

bb, that LLPOH married a white woman or not is irrelevant. We should be so lucky. remember that aaron and his sis got in trouble for criticizing moses’ choice of a mulata wife.

Re-read Billy’s evaluation of American women for insight into the superficial, entitled, controversial, self-centered, useless, Princess epidemic in America.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 28, 2015 8:39 pm

Now if your wondering why I didn’t marry a white woman, they are like potato chips, you can’t have just one. Did you listen to the Eddie Money interview? You missed his comment re women.

June 28, 2015 8:51 pm

IS – my experience with bullies was roughly similar. A good punch in the nose generally sees them off. Sometimes a punch in the nose was followed by me getting my ass kicked – but generally not. I fought dirty you see (“dirty redskin” reflected my fighting style). Generally, I got bullied by bigger, much older kids (say a twelve year old vs a fifteen year old). So in order to level the field, I had to fight dirty.

When I was getting my ass kicked by some older kid I resorted to the winning master stroke. You see, I was a biter (musta been part pit-bull in a previous life). If some big, older kid was beating shit out of me, I bit them. And not gentle like. Like draw a lot of blood like. And then when they were howling I beat them to a pulp.

You see, getting beat up by a bully was not on the top of my to do list. I preferred to not get beat up, or to get bullied. If the choice was get beat up, or bite the living shit out of them, gee, I chose bite the living shit out of them every time.

I hate bullies. When word got out that I would bite the bastards, then beat the shit out of them after I bit them (busted nose, lost teeth, etc.), the fuckers tended to leave me alone. It was a win-win. I did not get bullied, and they did not get the shit bit/kicked out of them.

I have never fought for fun. I fight only out of necessity or when intentionally provoked. And backing up tends not to be an option. A poor redskin who moved around a lot had a lot of bullies to contend with. Many of those would still be carrying scars for being assholes. I hope those scars serve as a lifelong reminder to leave folks alone.

June 28, 2015 9:16 pm

llpoh, I fought dirty if I had to and I never fought for fun either. Fighting was about winning, not getting my ass kicked. I was never a biter though. That was one of my parents rules. I got bit by a black dude in high school. I thought he was pinching me or something. The sensation was odd but kids in the crowd started yelling that he was biting me so I ripped his teeth loose from my side and literally knocked him out by punching him in the face till I was out of gas.

I think all the bullies I dealt with were bigger than me but with bullies you either show them they can’t pick on you for free or you’ll get bullied daily. Bullies are fucking pussies deep down and they don’t like fucking with unpredictable motherfuckers like me.

June 28, 2015 9:18 pm

“I agree with way more of this post than I don’t.”

Me too, Tommy. Some of the self-appointed “Big Dogs” on this site let it sail WAY over their heads.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 28, 2015 9:26 pm

Big Dog status does not make them infallible. It is simply a pecking order and some of these peckers have been known to choke the chicken only minutes after a brilliant post.

June 28, 2015 10:01 pm

Big Dog status does not make them infallible. It is simply a pecking order and some of these peckers have been known to choke the chicken only minutes after a brilliant post. – El

Hey El?

Q: What’s the difference between pink and purple?
A: Your grip.

dc calls 3rd wave feminism and multi-cult BS – themselves extensions of cultural Marxism, which has been building in this country at least since Teddy Roosevelt and only postponed by a depression and a world war – “fads”….

dc has his head crammed so far up his ass, he’s actually wearing himself as a hat…

[imgcomment image[/img]

Got two more 400 meter target stands assembled. Gonna run a range here in a couple weeks. Next up – moar ammo.

June 28, 2015 10:07 pm

SSS – don’t you have some dentures to clean?

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 28, 2015 10:08 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 28, 2015 10:40 pm

IS – one of my dad’s rules was that in a fight there ain’t no rules. Where and when he came from, Marquis de Queensbury did not apply.

Bricks, hammers, chains, knives, guns all became an option, depending on circumstances. Never knew or heard of him to start a fight. Heard of and saw a lot get finished tho. Redskins copped a lot of shit, believe it or not.

He had a bit of experience re either learn to win, or get your ass kicked every day, and maybe get killed, as the other guys did not fight Queensbury either. They were not bullies as most people think of bullies. They were evil sons of bitches who would happily maim or kill in many instances. Virtually nothing was off limits, as you would never know the intention of the other guy.

One story of when he used a hammer: There was on a one armed man. One armed man came into the bar where my dad was drinking, and started screwing with my dad.

My dad says “I don’t want no trouble.” One armed man had a big metal hook on the arm/hand that was missing. He hit my dad with the hook and knocked him clean over a pool table and onto the floor on the other side. My dad said it was like getting hit with a sledgehammer. One armed man came around the table to keep going after my dad.

My dad was wearing a carpenter belt, and came up with the hammer (probably an Estwing – he loved those). Hit the one armed man between the eyes with it. One armed man dropped like a sack of shit. My dad went to hit him with it again, but some bystanders grabbed him before he could.

Sheriff showed up, and hauled the one-armed man away. Before he left he told my dad: “Son, that one armed man has beat up every man in the county. You are the first to ever take him.” I have no doubt if the bystanders had not grabbed my dad he would have killed that guy. Or if my dad had not had the hammer, or found similar, he would have taken a mighty beating at the very least.

Different rules applied because who we were, where we were from, and because of the frequency we were fucked with.

June 28, 2015 11:07 pm

Oh Gawd…………I actually agree with SSS and Tommy’s posts. The end is nigh.

All females who posted need to apply for a talking head job on CuNNt or Fux News as they are thinking like…..well, females with that familiar feminist slant.

SSS and Tommy aren’t afraid to think old school on this one.

June 28, 2015 11:23 pm

I’m a little different than you guys. When I was a kid, I loved to fight. South florida was kind of rednecky, and simple fistfights rarely got you in trouble. I was a tall wiry pretty boy, and trouble tended to pick me out of the crowd. But I had a little secret, I’d been hitting a heavy bag since 8th grade, and was not nearly as much of a mark as I seemed to some. Got hit hard a few times, but never really took a beating.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 28, 2015 11:39 pm

Sorry, Billy Big Dog. Big Dogs are never wrong. I was agreeing that they missed the premise of this post, it was a time to go crazy on women. I followed through.My buddy LLPOH has been a bit too comfy and swatted softballs at the chicks. I may knit him an apron. Heh.

You did great, Sgt Finlay sounds like a guy with his head on straight.

I wonder who downed me about the potato chips comment. If you had listened to Eddie Money, he said that he would fall in love with the blonde and then a redhead passed by. This is my experience in watching women but I do not mean to say I do white women. I would look ridiculoius with a blonde eye candy on my arm, there’s this thing about being 5’4″ and dark. I’m nowhere as thin or good looking as Marc Anthony, otherwise I’d be hitting on JLo.

June 28, 2015 11:49 pm

EC – You were lusting after some blonde chick about six months ago. You were singing a different tune back then.

June 29, 2015 12:00 am

Star – some folks fight for fun. Where my dad came from, and to a much lesser extent where I came from, it was much more serious. Losing was bad business as it put you at the mercy of someone who wanted to hurt, maim, or kill you. Generally just hurt you, but it was impossible to know for sure.

So brick, saltshaker, etc. was preferable to losing.

My brother, who was not very big, was starting to take a beating, and grabbed up one of those little glass salt shakers you see at cafes everywhere. He managed to bang it on the guy’s head once, which turned the tide of the war. He then banged it on his head another twenty times or so, seeing as it worked so well the first time. The guy had knots all over his head when it was all over. Sounded like a woodpecker banging on a tree. My job in that little episode was to remind the bully’s friends they best leave it one on one. I was fairly confident my little brother would figure out a way to balance things out. I did not suspect it would be an innocent looking salt shaker, but my family is very inventive in a crisis.

Another time he was getting his ass kicked and came up with a Bic pen off the floor. He used the other guy for a pincushion with that thing. Don’t know how many times he stabbed him with that pen before the guy broke free and ran away.

My own personal best use of a handy prop was to throw a just opened full can of beer into a guy’s face that was coming at me. I meant it as a delaying tactic, but glory be, hit him dead square in the mug and dropped him like a sack of spuds. After duly pounding on him for awhile, I went elsewhere for my next beer.

Whenever I see a movie where the good guy punches the bad guy and “knocks him out” I start screaming at the screen “Hit him again! Hit him again!”. My wife always asks why I do that, even tho by now she knows why.

The why is that the fight is not over until the prick for sure and certain is not getting up for more. You have to be certain they either do not want more, or are incapable of it.

My family did not fight for fun.

I tell these stories not because some of them are funny, a bit, but because a great many folks have never seen this stuff up close, have never had to fight so hard because losing meant really bad things, and because you never know when you may need to do anything possible to win.

I suspect Billy and a few others know. But most may think they do, but do not.

In a crisis, use whatever you have to. And when you get the advantage, hit the motherfuckers again. And again. And again. Until you know it is over. Then hit the bastards again, because they deserve it.

June 29, 2015 12:02 am


After the most brutal, sadistic “welcome” to TBP, why are you still here?

June 29, 2015 12:04 am

EC – All women love me. It is my charm and animal magnetism. I figure the least I can do is love them back. Figuratively, f course. I am totally loyal.

June 29, 2015 12:06 am

SSS – it wasn’t that bad. And of late, I have been singing her praises. If she can survive this, she can survive anything. I for one am most pleased that she is still here.

Don’t tell her I said that.

June 29, 2015 12:15 am

I remember a funny incident from high school. My school was semi-rural and very cliquish. I was the independent type and wanted nothing to do with them. A new kid moved from out out town and nobody accepted him. Naturally he became my friend. He wasn’t small and was pretty muscular, also friendly but for some reason, this kid started to pick on him. He wasnt the violent type and tried to brush it off.

This bully was the state wrestling champion and thought he was pretty hot shit. One day we were coming out of the locker room and their he was. He talked some smack and made it clear he wanted to fight. Then he went into his wrestling stance, crouched with his arms spread. My friend very quickly grabbed his hands and kicked him in the balls. He was never bothered again after that.

June 29, 2015 12:17 am

Where does he say a man should mistreat a woman? I never said a man and wife shouldn’t consult each other. Maybe I’m old fashioned but there is only one captain of every ship, no?

June 29, 2015 12:17 am

Lloph ,you disappointed me.Don’t want to play .?I thought you would take a bite.Had a surprise for you.Oh well off to greener pastures.

June 29, 2015 12:22 am

I am married and there are times, of course, when it is better for my wife to “take over” a situation or to “make the call”. But there are some decisions she cannot make and if she does it is hell bent for leather.

June 29, 2015 12:29 am

SSS says:


After the most brutal, sadistic “welcome” to TBP, why are you still here?

I can think of two reasons. Low self-esteem or that she simply doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about her. You decide.

June 29, 2015 1:03 am

Hey EC, don’t feel so bad. If you want to have some fun at my expense, when I was in my 20’s I did a video for some little mexican singer named mijares. The deal was, I pass out drunk and he steals my chick. The little mex wins. You’re good at finding video stuff, it’s out there somewhere. I think the song was called ‘Nuda’

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 29, 2015 6:30 am

The first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about fight club.

June 29, 2015 6:41 am

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.