Native American Rap

I hope Llpoh likes this. Heya heya ho ho heya heya ha!  I liked it.

A more modern rap beat … by someone who actually, you know, looks Indian. He’s kinda angry. Can’t say I blame him.

Mixing the old and the new.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 6, 2015 2:33 pm

Where’s the music?

August 6, 2015 3:15 pm

Lipoh is white .As Donald Trump said years ago …they don’t look like Indians to me ..concerning casino owners getting all the tax breaks and free land benefits. I think lipoh has been playing us all the while laughing ….a lot.

August 6, 2015 5:08 pm

Yes. The ‘Noble Savage’. I’m sure some early settlers were guilty of atrocities. Information is now becoming available that some of our soldiers apparently starved millions of surrendered German soldiers (ie unarmed civilians) to death after WWII. Ordered, apparently, by General Eisenhower. Not sure if General Eisenhower just took it on himself to commit this crime. Apparently, this was going on during the Nuremberg Trials which also appear to have been something of a sham. At least it appears some of our boys decided to let prisoners slip off into the night.

As far as the ‘Noble Savage’ myth, one review (by D Hocking) of: ‘Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America: A History Forgotten’ written by George Franklin Feldman on Amazon should make it clear that not all American Indians were ‘Noble Savages’.

“The book is interesting and a real page-turner. I found it difficult to put down until I entered regions and times with which I was familiar. Then I found it difficult to go on. The book has some use for the layman as a counterbalance to the “noble savage” nonsense presented in high school history and at national parks. The author includes in one place extensive quotations from the reports of early explorers and this is commendable but he dilutes it by undermining many of his sources, such as by calling Cabeza de Vaca’s report dubious without explanation. It may well be. It is hard to imagine a people surviving with the practices reported, but then they disappeared within 150 years of Cabeza de Vaca’s visit. In one chapter he tells us the Indians could not understand European wars of extermination, if ever there were such, and in the next shows that neighboring tribes engaged in extermination. The author’s background is broad but shallow. Reporting on southern New Mexico (and Arizona) in the 1850s his timeline is attrocious often presenting events 10 years before they occurred, confusing people and tribes – the Oatman’s were attacked by Yavapai, not Apache. Much of his confusion would have been rectified if he’d read a wider range of reports and accounts. While he tells us that he understands the evolution of culture, his presentation skips back and forth across centuries. He presents a thesis, that the American Indian was far more violent than any other race, which he has neither the material nor the intent to prove. What he does demonstrate is that there was far more violence among American Indians than reported in many history books. It wasn’t all taps with coups sticks. Headhunting, human sacrifice,cannibalism and wars of extermination were the norm, not the exception even before Europeans arrived.”

August 6, 2015 5:19 pm

If Reparations go to anyone, it should be to the Native American Indians.

August 6, 2015 5:40 pm

Yeah, whatever, kokoda.

Here’s a link to an article about crime going up in Jamaica.

They also want ‘reparations’. Must be nice.

August 6, 2015 5:50 pm

How Stucky? Did you read the last sentence of that review? I guess until you’re the one gutted and laying on the ground bleeding out you won’t get it. Hopefully, you won’t get your wife and kids killed some day. There’s a reason they put tigers in cages you know.

From 2011 but it just goes to show. Check out the comments.

August 6, 2015 6:47 pm

Stuck – thanks for the laugh! Great stuff.

Subzero – anyone with half a brain knows Native Americans were not peaceniks. They fought and killed like any other peoples.

What they did, and do have, s an ffinity for the land and its creatures, and they were a helluva lot more noble than the modern Europeans. Or Americans, or Africans, etc.

What a douche.

August 6, 2015 6:49 pm

Stuck – we iz 2 moar Noble. Bub bub bub blow me!

Thanks for scalping subhumaniod, but he is not worthy of your time.

August 6, 2015 7:30 pm

August 6, 2015 8:35 pm

I have a grandson who is 6’3″ 300 lbs. white blond hair blue eyes and skin that would make a Swede look dark. The kid has official Injun Papers through his father.

I don’t know who is more noble but modern history has shown Europeans can be real sons of bitches. Mostly when chasing money.

August 6, 2015 9:07 pm

Wow. I am not pointing out what should be painfully obvious.

Thanks, KaD. I will be the first to admit I would like to have lived like the Sioux in ‘Dances Like Wolves’. However, what the Pawnee warriors would have done to the Sioux women and children had not Lt. Dunbar had cases of rifles and ammunition bears consideration.

I can’t change the past. I can only warn that the future is looking darker.

August 6, 2015 9:27 pm

I honestly don’t care about anything but FACTS and putting them together.

Early Canid Domestication: The Farm Fox Experiment

“Even novel coat colors may be attributable to changes in the timing of embryonic development. One of the earliest novel traits we observed in our domesticated foxes was a loss of pigment in parts of the head and body. Belyaev determined that this piebald pattern is governed by a gene that he named Star. Later my colleague Lyudmila Prasolova and I discovered that the Star gene affects the migration rate of melanoblasts, the embryonic precursors of the pigment cells (melanocytes) that give color to an ani- mal’s fur. Melanocytes form in the embryonic fox’s neural crest and later move to various parts of the embryo’s epidermis. Normally this migration starts around days 28 to 31 of the embryo’s development. In foxes that carry even a single copy of the Star gene, however, melanoblasts pass into the potentially depigmented areas of the epidermis two days later, on average. That delay may lead to the death of the tardy melanoblasts, thus altering the pigmentation in ways that give rise to the distinctive Star pattern.”

August 6, 2015 9:51 pm

Answer me this Bible basher. How could sailors navigate around the world with almost pinpoint accuracy by the same stars for hundreds of years using a hand held piece of equipment and the naked eye when said stars are moving away from us in different directions at some astronomical speed?

August 7, 2015 6:03 am

The best Native American band…Redbone !