Yes. Someone shit their pants. 


I’d like to put a stipulation on Furries in public. If you’re going to dress like a cartoon character, then you should have to entertain me and act like one. All I’m saying is that pianos should be falling all over the place.


Looks like this fashion statement has a bit of a stutter and stammer to it. Also it appears to be in an accent nobody can understand.


Honestly, I’m pretty much at a lost for words. The best part of being freaky behind closed doors is that we, the public, can’t see through those doors. Remember that.


Clearly this is the little piggy that went to market. Not so little now. Walmart will do that to ya bud.


Pick your poison. Like literally. That’s toxins leaving your body people. See, we educate around here too.


I’m not sure if Walmart sells Life Alert, but I’m concerned about how this lady fell and can’t get up. My guess? With those sweet sweatpants, I’d bank on a bottle of vodka. What’s your guess?


For some reason I don’t think this toy will have the outrageous popularity as the Tickle Me Elmo did.


I was just saying to myself the other day, “You know what is totally awesome? That sweet combo of grown ass man and emojis.”


Maybe she is oblivious, maybe she is starting a new trend of leaving the tags on your clothes. Kids do it with their flat-brim hats all the time.


Just holding onto that youth like it’s a life and death situation huh? Listen bud, pull a Rose from Titanic and just let go. Let go.


Just holding onto that youth like it’s a life and death situation huh? Listen bud, pull a Rose from Titanic and just let go. Let go.


I see you’re a big proponent of covering only the top half of things. Just one man’s opinion but perhaps you should rethink that strategy.


With all the remakes out now I suppose it was just a matter of time before they redid Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat…Looks like they’re targeting a more urban audience this time. I’m just saying it’s gonna be harder to keep up with George when you’re tripping over your pants.


That’s just a terrific family credo to pass down from generation to generation. May your words inspire us all…


C’mon lady, that’s just a saying guys use to joke around; you can’t be that ugly!


I guess Carrot Top over here thinks he’s hilarious.


Any volunteers to climb that flag pole and remove this Confederate flag? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Seems like everyone would rather see this flag stay up than see what’s underneath.

See more freaks at People of Wal-Mart

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August 8, 2015 8:37 am

The pig I could use. The rest really are a waste of oxygen.

August 8, 2015 1:40 pm

Perhaps I’m not old enough or just haven’t reached the proper level of “don’t give a fuck” but I just don’t understand these people that shit themselves. Surely there are some signs like an aroma, or a sensation of moisture in that region or an itch…….that would tip a person of to the status of their failed o-ring. Having an accident is one thing but how could you just walk around shopping and not know?

Imagine what their car seat or home furniture looks like!

August 8, 2015 5:53 pm

Indentured Servant I have been wondering the same thing — how can they not know?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 8, 2015 7:31 pm

They have nudists walking around in San Fran, they have the decency to carry a towel to sit on while flaunting their indecency.