Guest Post by starfcker

This week marks a seminal shift in the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. This is the week the establishment rolled over and began to accept that he is their front runner. The wild attacks and blatant put downs will be muted from here on out as the establishment struggles to come to grips with their new reality. Trump has proven to be an immensely popular and muscularly resilient candidate. He has survived fire that would have killed any ordinary candidate.

His reward will be to watch a batch of the so-called serious candidates be exiled to the sidelines. the Rick Perrys of the world, the Lindsay Grahams of the world, were valuable to the establishment at 5% support. They have no value at 0%. 5%, 10 times could have allowed an unpopular Jeb Bush to win a lot of primaries with a surprisingly low percentage of the vote, as long as the minor candidates siphoned off some of the rest. With a half of dozen of them at 0%, that strategy is toast.

Republican kingmakers are nothing if not pragmatic, they want results for their money. They aren’t getting it. They are unhappy. They are angry. But like a chameleon changing colors, they want to be on the winning side. They all know Trump, they also know they can deal with Trump, so they will. The Blitzkrieg is over. Trump survived. The establishment sacrificed many of their finest media plants this past weekend. Every one of them ended up looking like exactly what they are, cheap desperate prostitutes, willing to say whatever was required of them, as long as their paychecks kept coming .

Media brands that took a dozen years to build, are now damaged goods. Where will Trump take this, who knows? But the man knows how to make a deal, the man knows how to win, and the man knows how to set a mark so people don’t screw with him in the future. It must suck to be Meghan Kelly, Chris Wallace, and Bret Baier, and know that you are shut out from the Trump circus for the indefinite future. May their shows suffer damage as a result? They might, and it’s certainly a fate no one else is going to risk. Lots of bazookas got laid down at their feet by the mercenary media this week. They took their best coordinated shot at him, and failed. CNN doesn’t have the ratings muscle to go after him in the next debate the way Fox did. Look for a totally different and much less confrontational take on Donald Trump starting now.

You read it here first.

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Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
August 13, 2015 9:05 am

On the nose. I’m looking for the first dropout by the end of August.

August 13, 2015 9:10 am

Yawnnnn….. Like Trump will change things… That’s funny. Trump is were he is, because THEY want him there. He is no threat to the corporate fascist establishment. He is part of it. If you vote, it is acceptance of the corrupt system. If voting in national elections really mattered, rest assured, we would not be permitted to do it.

Spend the time and energy in local elections and politics. The system will never change from the top down. It has to change from the bottom up. Don’t even think that is possible, but it has a better chance than voting in national elections.

August 13, 2015 9:55 am

I’m just reading this… taking it all in… and laughing my ass off at the Repuglican’t Party fracturing…

Told you bitchez before… if all you’ve left us is revenge, then I’m totally cool with that…

Fuckin’ let it burn…

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 13, 2015 9:59 am

If “they” wanted him where he is, they wouldn’t have ordered all of their media lackeys to take him down. Voting may not matter. Trump in the White House may not matter, but the GOPe clearly doesn’t want Trump. Which suggests they’re afraid he might matter. Trump doesn’t even really know what he believes, other than “build a wall”. I listened to his latest speech in Michigan. By far, his biggest applause line was “build a wall”. The applause rolled on like thunder for minutes. If Trump does nothing other than make 2016 about asserting our own sovereignty and border integrity, that’s good enough for me. And if Trump accomplishes nothing, then we’re no worse off than if he’d just done another year at The Apprentice.

August 13, 2015 10:07 am

Demographics is destiny. Trump is the only saying it out loud.

August 13, 2015 10:08 am

I watched Trump last night on Hannity. What really fuels him is that he gets to say on national TV what us poor bastards (more than half the nation) say all along.

As an example he said an important trading partner is Japan, and Caroline Kennedy is the ambassador. He said she couldn’t negotiate any kind of deal. Trump went on to say he would not appoint people because they have donated money, cause he doesn’t need any money.

He says he gets along with everyone, where as Obama (H .5 NIC) gets along with nobody. A good observation.

Who’s really left in the dust are the Republican ‘advisors’ / pundits that have to eat crow for all the bullshit they have spewed for decades.

And oh yes: fuck Jeb Bush.

August 13, 2015 11:01 am

” media plants…cheap desperate prostitutes”. Great phraseology succinct. Your conclusion that PTB have decided to go with Trump because he can be bought is certainly plausible. The prospect of a. Trump presidency is frightening. Can you imagine ? Jesse Ventura only much more corrupt.

August 13, 2015 11:03 am

And oh yes, fuck Jeb Bush.. That was a great line!

August 13, 2015 11:18 am

@Overthecliff: Jesse Ventura was our governor (Independence Party) . He was a lot of talk, and got a ton of young people (first time voters) to vote for him.

Unfortunately little action.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 13, 2015 11:40 am

I love the smell of burning cars and forests in the mornings.

August 13, 2015 12:32 pm

Star…at least cheap prostitutes have some value….MSM…no value what so ever .

We ( the voters) are like a kid listening to a parent telling us what we need and should hear….nodding in agreement and then doing the exact opposite.

Thus we’ll say that Trump is saying things that the average American wants to hear from a politician and then the voter goes into the voting booth to vote for the guy who has been office for 25 years .

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
August 13, 2015 12:32 pm

i wrote my congressman in 2010 and like the whigs they will be history in short order, appears to be coming true

August 13, 2015 12:50 pm

I disagree that the Republican party elite will accept Trump. They would rather lose and keep their comfortable power structure than shake things up with a principled, even if not perfect candidate. This is evidenced by the flock of past instant losers they’ve chosen to field: Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney.

Safer to lose and spend the next four years whining, spouting that “the next election might be our last chance,” all the while bringing in the usual donations from elderly middle America. If there is a detente with Trump, it will just be part of a longer term strategy to bring him down.

August 13, 2015 1:31 pm

Trump would even more popular if he Said build a wall and Stop all immigration . Legal and illegal.

August 13, 2015 1:56 pm

Lostcause, you would be right if the dims had a candidate. Hillary imploding complicates this immensely. They despise trump, but there is a reality that has to be faced. You can’t wish him away. Full frontal assault not only failed to damage trump it damaged the preferred candidates and the presstitutes. It ain’t over, but it will be a bit more civil.

August 13, 2015 2:00 pm

Just wait till he talks about legalizing weed and prostitutes and putting the tax money towards the debt.
He at least talks about the debt and the terrible trade deals we have made. The others act like people who call for road side assistance when they have a flat tire.

August 13, 2015 2:23 pm

Principled ? Good one.

August 13, 2015 4:48 pm

Star, don’t know if you’ve been hiding in a cave but the Dems DO have a candidate and it’s Bernie Sanders. Last weekend more people attended Bernie Sanders rallies than all the other candidates combined (Dem & Gop).

August 13, 2015 5:04 pm

Westy, I’ve been watching sanders closely. His support is energetic and sincere, but very narrow. I don’t think socialism is going to garner broad support, particuarly now. I’m a registered dem, and if he hasn’t finished off the hildabeast before the primary, I aim to help him do that. But I don’t think he has the chops, or the crew for the big job.

August 13, 2015 7:07 pm

In my view, there is nothing wrong with a Trump (R) vs Sanders (D) matchup.

Trump is wealthy and can’t be bought off. He makes the rest of the Republicants look like spineless weasels.

Sanders, though wrong on most economic issues, is principled enough that he probably couldn’t be bought off either. I think it’s possible that Sanders can slay the Hildebeest. After all, the Democrats didn’t want Hitlery in 2008, and I don’t think they really want her in 2016. Most Democrats, in their heart of hearts, understand that Hitlery is so fundamentally dishonest that she makes Tricky Dick Nixon look like a saintly altar boy.

What is significant is that the election of either Trump or Sanders would signal the repudiation of the corrupt and sleazy business-as-usual mindset of both the Democraps and Republicants.

August 13, 2015 8:54 pm

VB, spot on

August 14, 2015 9:02 am

If you can’t spot the sucker at the table in a half hour, it is probably you. Trump is there, not to win, but to suck the air out of the room. Our controllers are not stupid. They sense the frustration and they give you Trump. Hope and Change! A wall with a big door! I for one will not fall for this game again.

So vote for Trump if you think it matters. I can guaranfuckingtee you, we will all be here in another 8 years wondering how such a jackass got elected. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Until the whole thing comes crashing down, not one fucking thing will change. I voted for Obama, not once, but twice! Why? Not because I liked him, trusted him, though he would do a damn thing different. No I voted for him because I thought he had the best chance to hasten the end. He exceeded even my wildest expectations.

Until people see that the country we knew is gone. Does not exist any longer. It ain’t coming back folks. Only then will like minded people move to areas with other like minded people. Take over local and then state governments and secede. That is the only answer now. The psychopaths in charge now will never give up there power. EVER. It has to be taken from them.

With the state of mind of most people, this is probably a fantasy. In my view, the NWO has won. Most Americans are mindless idiots, who have no conception of what a republic is, how we gained it and what it will mean when it is gone. There are no atheists in foxholes. This is simply biblical all laid out by God years ago. If you haven’t yet. Find God. Make peace with him and pray for guidance in the years ahead.

August 14, 2015 9:31 am



August 14, 2015 4:56 pm

Thanks for this Star. We have to agree to disagree.

Trump IS an insider if he is “rich,” and he doesn’t know rich, which the truly rich would show him the second he would step into office. Same as all the rest. For cripes’ sakes to you SEE what Billary is worth? Do you see how much richer the rich got by “giving” to Billary? I sure as hell do.

And, #2 Trump has been Democrat for longer than he has been a Rethug.

I so wish I could still muster the hope to believe one (already proven greedy) man with a captured CONgress, and no reins on the corruption (has Mr. Trump even really mentioned THAT? NO? WTF?), and a braindamaged republic, is going to “change” much of anything. Yeah, we need to start somewhere but the man has supported the racist policies of the Demoncrats for decades. Decades.

This my dears is Kabuki theater, buying into it lends legitimacy. I’ve no time for that shit.

Now if he quits acting like the reason we should hire him is because he is the greatest negotiator that ever lived, and the richest man when there are the REAL powers pulling strings, then I might believe.

My gut tells me he is being used, either voluntarily or involuntarily, to pull something over on us stupid sheep. We are the group that has been standing between the very few real elite and total earth dominion for the past 75 years.

Abandon all hope, but be happy anyway. I am trying so damned hard to make that my new motto.

Congrats on making ZH, that is awesome!

August 14, 2015 7:43 pm

Nice work, chief. Funny, since I’ve been banned over there for a couple of years (I nicked the house, ignorance, not malice). TE, thanks for the compliment

David Wooten
David Wooten
August 14, 2015 10:28 pm

Donald Trump is an Eminent Domain thief with a nasty habit of engaging government authorities to seize people’s homes, small businesses and other property whenever Trump covets such property for one of his development schemes.

Two who fought back were Vera Coking, an elderly widow in Atlantic City whose home Trump wanted for a limousine parking lot and Michael Forbes, a Scottish farmer whose home and farm Trump wants for a golf course.

With the help of the libertarian Institute for Justice, Mrs. Coking was able to thwart Trump’s attempted theft of her home in Atlantic City. Mr. Forbes may not be so lucky and may eventually be evicted from his home, along with his family.

August 14, 2015 10:29 pm

Bush will be the nominee and Hitlery will be there as well. Trump will go third party and torpedo Bush. It’s almost as simple as a mathematical equation. Bush-Trump= Hitlery.