Hat tip Boston Bob

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August 27, 2015 1:34 pm

As bad as the government is or can be what do you think would happen if Washington was destroyed in an attack of some kind? How long would it be before we were at each others throats? How long before mass starvation , ethnic cleansing and out right genocide ?.So be thankful Admin / Boston Bob.

August 27, 2015 1:44 pm

@bb, that is going to happen anyway, and will probably be worse thanks to the ability of the statists to ramp up hostilities, not apply human nature or common sense, and their proven violence, death and control.

Keep on believing the State exists to protect YOU even in light of thousands of deaths and mounting pain and suffering.

This puppy is going to implode one way or the other. Continuing to support oppression and murder in hopes that things will stay the same is insanity at its finest.

I’m just glad I won’t have to atone for supporting the killing and suffering of the innocent and godly by the state.

August 27, 2015 1:49 pm

The Fed is not the same as government, nothing federal about it. The Fed is bad.

Some government is required, but not all the government we have.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 27, 2015 1:50 pm

beebs- The Belgium government once shut down for 589 days and believe it or not, things went incredibly well. When the citizens in Belgium said hey ,” we are saving money and besides we may not really need them after all” , TPTB freaked out and said OMG we better get the machine cranked back up the sheep are wise to this.

August 27, 2015 2:09 pm

I rarely if ever call people out, but are you really that stupid to believe that the lack of a massive central government whose main purpose is to steal from the productive class to enrich their cronies and pay off the terminally stupid so they don’t riot, is a better alternative to a much more localized form of government that is directly accountable to the people they have to live next door to. Bullshit you fucking idiot. If it comes to it I have several alternative bug out plans. I would not miss DC for one moment. Many years ago I said if they fired 80% of the people “working” for the government that the only people that would notice are they people they pay their bills to. I still believe that holds true today.

August 27, 2015 2:11 pm

Beebs said: “How long would it be before we were at each others throats? How long before mass starvation , ethnic cleansing and out right genocide ?”

@Beebs, what is this “before” that you speak of? Have you been watching the news? There is already ethnic cleansing and pre-genocide going on, and plenty of people at each other’s throats. A lot of this conflict is a direct effect of actions by the “Fed Reserve” and the federal government. Here, let me explain it to you…

August 27, 2015 2:13 pm

Bea’s example of Belgium is great too. It was a wonderfully functional quasi-anarchy. Also a prosperous and developed country full of ethnically, culturally, racially and religiously similar people of relatively high intelligence and education. The experiment would have produced a different result in Philly or London.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 27, 2015 2:27 pm


Do you really think it would be different anywhere else? I like to dream if just for a moment that government could just disappear and the masses would never notice……… took Belgium close to 2 years for goodness sake and they are quite an educated lot.

August 27, 2015 2:41 pm

Uncle Jay explains Congressional work days.

Yeah, do we really need so much government?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 27, 2015 2:52 pm

Most people in the South would be extremely glad for a chance to prove that the Federal Government is needed for good management like cancer is needed for good health. We would surely phase out Socialism, most Federal agencies and the Federal Reserve and restore prayer etc. The illegals and welfare maggots would move north, business would move south and we would become prosperous and happy. Please throw us into that briar patch.

August 27, 2015 2:53 pm

Very funny video.

August 27, 2015 2:56 pm

I love and admire you folks who sooooo PATIENTLY try to explain SENSE to bb.

How’s THAT workin’ out for ya? lol He’s a fuckn’ LOST CAUSE. Says SOME good stuff on occasion, but heavily dotted with pure horseshit. You might as well try pissing up a rope. He’s not worth the effort … except insulting him is fun.

August 27, 2015 3:37 pm

Come now none of you really answered the question and you know i’m not the most sensitive guy so insults really don’t work very well. No Federal Reserve with no Central government and I would give us 7 DAYS before we start eating each other.

Was reading some stories about white people trapped in the superdom in NEW Orleans during the week of the hurricane 10 years ago.Completely surrounded by hostile blacks who were trying to harm them. NONE of these stories ever made national headlines.The whites finally had to all get together in a circle to fight off the blacks. The only thing that saved them the second night was the national guard finally showed up .You boys keep on dreaming One day you may find yourself in a similar situation. NO government protection , no fed ,no national guard , no nothing.

August 27, 2015 3:42 pm

Stucky I thought you loved me and little bb .Now little bb is heartbroken .Shame on you .Have you no decency?You would hurt a defenseless animal? God have mercy on your soul.

August 27, 2015 5:05 pm

@Pb, I’m only calling you beebs because you objected to it a week ago. Pb fits you better.

In my area I don’t think the nonexistence of the federal government would lead to any violence at all. Some people would stop getting checks, but the rest of us would be 20-30% richer and I’m sure we could come up with new job opportunities for the previously employed feds, if they had useful skills (some do, some don’t).

@Bea, I think anarchy is viable in mature civilized societies comprised of one fairly homogeneous group of reasonably intelligent people. It’s not viable in a place like Iraq, or what most large US cities have become.

August 27, 2015 5:35 pm

Penn head , you are optimistic about human nature . Wish I could be but history and the daily news reports say otherwise..

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 27, 2015 7:25 pm

As a proud resident of the Old Dominion, I say: “Sic semper tyrannis!”

August 27, 2015 9:18 pm

bb, I am talking about the area I live in, which is not average and not a big city. If you take away all police and govt from a large conglomerate metro area like Chicago or LA things might get ugly – in certain parts, things are guaranteed to get ugly. Heck, nearly all of LA is guaranteed to get ugly. Places vary. In Houston or Dallas, parts would get ugly but larger parts would shoot on sight the problems, and most of the metro would do fine. In my area there just aren’t many people predisposed to crime, and the few who are will either be reined in by family, or shot on their first attempt to do something stupid. Don’t paint with a broad brush when people and places vary widely.

John Angelo
John Angelo
August 27, 2015 9:45 pm

Virginia has the highest concentration of customized plates because they’re relatively inexpensive, circa $25-50 annually. Unfortunately we also have the WORST personal property taxes on vehicles in the USA. Sales tax is 4.2% on new vehicles, but this year alone I’ll pay $1,000 each on my two vehicles, more than my house. Thankfully property taxes on homes (which I don’t believe should exist at all) are relatively low. Sic semper tyrannis, indeed. It’s humiliating Democratic political hack Terry McAuliffe is our governor.

Chris Webb
Chris Webb
August 28, 2015 1:05 am

A government mandated license plate with Don’t Tread On Me? Some people are just utterly fucking clueless about what actual freedom is.