Clashes break out in Budapest as a crowd of football fans marches by a camp of refugees in the heart of the Hungarian capital. Meanwhile, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia have unanimously rejected a quota system for sharing migrants.

Hungarian police sprayed tear gas on migrants and refugees in the Roszke camp in Asotthalom on the Serbian border, after some of them tried to break out of the facilities on Friday.

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September 5, 2015 9:25 am

This is not related to the internal EU immigration policy, which is a purposeful attempt to eliminate Nation States. This is a humanitarian crisis by refugees fleeing the Middle East and Africa due to the ongoing civil strife, especially killings, female abductions, and utter hopelessness.

I’ve wondered whether the U.S. unwarranted interventions in those countries was a purposeful means to create destabilization, thus causing a refugee crisis – knowing that the refugees would flee to Europe (where else could they go to safety) and support the degradation of Nation States.

Yeah, it’s a long shot, but the masters are more devious than we can imagine.

September 5, 2015 11:23 am

Just like there are the “coyotes” on the Mexican border who charge a hefty sum to the illegals for guiding them across, so also these African “migrants” are charged to get a passage on a boat. Some reports I’ve read indicate that it’s in the area of $1200 per person, which is a years pay to some of these wretches.

So the question in my mind is who’s funding this? The chosen people, so they can continue to destroy the only real threat they ever had, White Europeans? Is the USA funding this, so that it throws the Balkans into chaos and therefore derails any Russian plans to build their pipeline through there?

Erasmus le Dolt
Erasmus le Dolt
September 5, 2015 12:13 pm

Any country involved with the destruction of the Middle East and Libya should be responsible for the refugees. That includes in particular America and its good friend Israel. This is called ‘unintended consequences’ unseen as usual by the Neo-Cons who run he USA through our State Department.. Let this stand as a lesson never to be forgotten and for now clean up the disaster we created.

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
September 5, 2015 2:18 pm

kokoda – things were going too well for Germany. They were starting
to pay off their national debt. This is completely unacceptable
from a bankers point of view. Voila, a couple of million
refugees appear and make sure Germany stays in the red
and Germans keep working for the financial elites and not themselves.
Something to remember, next time you see a picture of
a little boy lying face down on a beach in Italy.
Wallstreet = Murder Inc.

September 5, 2015 2:50 pm

Let the other Muslim states take care of their fellow Muslims. They have giant piles of oil money sitting around, plenty of room, a common culture and religion and if they’re a “religion of peace” then let them prove it by setting up the “refugees” in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc…

Why do the Europeans have to shoulder this particular load? And who’s gonna pay for them all?

Bringing millions of freakin Muslims into Europe? ON PURPOSE? Man, that is either remarkably stupid, or remarkably evil…

I’m partial to the latter explanation… either to create a permanent underclass ruled by the Elites (if you have to ask who they are, you’re not one of them), or create a state of civil war to justify an egregious power grab….

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 5, 2015 4:42 pm

@ Koda

You are on the money – it is cultural warfare with human beings being used as munitions.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 5, 2015 5:38 pm

Lysander says: Just like there are the “coyotes” on the Mexican border who charge a hefty sum to the illegals for guiding them across, so also these African “migrants” are charged to get a passage on a boat. Some reports I’ve read indicate that it’s in the area of $1200 per person, which is a years pay to some of these wretches.

So the question in my mind is who’s funding this?

Families save and sell stuff to gather up to $10,000 to pay me for transporting their loved one to the border and across. The figure, since they have witnessed returnees, not deportees, come back with enough money to start a business, the money sacrificed is a worthwhile investment. I raised my rates when the migrants multiplied, I don’t work for free or cut rate. You try crossing a small inexperienced group through 100 miles of desert terrain in the dark.

September 5, 2015 6:24 pm

@Erasmus “Unintended” consequences? See Kokoda above, who should stop “wondering” and accept that these “consequences” were anything but unintended. A goodly number of these refugees are Christians who know what awaits them if the Da’esh or whatever one chooses to call them are able to take power in Syria. Deluded Americans have allowed a tiny and hostile-to-all-Europeans-and-their-American-descendants minority to take control of US foreign policy and now they complain when the chickens begin to come home to roost? Perhaps Europeans should begin to clamor for Eretz Europe? European-descended Americans seem to want Eretz US-America, given their distaste for the non-European-descended, but they don’t seem to be on board for a solution like that sought by Eretz Israel, so in that sense reaping what has been sown is what one must come to expect. My question is who has done the “sowing” and just where the weeding should begin. I’d suggest in the halls of government rather than among the ranks of the dispossessed who have done nothing to merit the misery that has fallen upon them thanks to the apparently eternal resentment of the vindictive and their running dogs in government.

What is happening in Syria (and elsewhere in the Middle East) is a direct result of US meddling (heads-up Fred Reed) in the region, not so much Europe in my opinion. Qui bono? Hint: it ain’t Europe and it ain’t the US and it sure ain’t the indigenous folks of the Middle East.. Here’s another hint for the West: take control of your currencies and clean your own houses before funding destruction that will only cause you further problems. Wake up!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 5, 2015 7:07 pm

Monte, that why it’s called the great game, sure there was going to be tremendous upheavals but in the end we will have control of the region. Fuck Europe, as Victoria Nuland so eloquently put it.

September 5, 2015 7:27 pm

@EC: The “Great Game” refers to the Eurasian central region, not to the European “homeland”. Nuland’s “fuck Europe” should be read as “fuck you”. If you honestly believe that Mrs. Kagan has “your” and European-descended Americans’ interests at heart, or for that matter the interests of Latin Americans, well, control of Europe and the good ol’ USA and regions south ain’t in your hands and the sooner you realize it the better. When it comes to the Greater Game, y’all are in check now and checkmate ain’t far off. Tote dat barge, lift dat bale and stay enslaved while rings are run round you with your consent.

Erasmus le Dolt
Erasmus le Dolt
September 6, 2015 9:20 am

Monefrio…you’re probably right. The consequences were probably never even discussed. The U.S. just plows ahead and does whatever it is told to do by the Neo Cons and particularly Ms. Kagen. By the way her real name is Noodleman changed to Nuland. Yep, that’s right. John Kerry’s name is not real either. Wiki his family history and do be sitting down. .

September 6, 2015 8:18 pm

“The Camp of The Saints” by Jean Raspail written in the 1950’s . Just as prescient as Orwell’s “1984”