
Guest Post by Eric Peters


Imagine if you actually owned your car once you paid the seller for it in full.imagine lead

Did not have to put little stickers and metal plates on it owned by other people (the people who – collectively – are the reality of this construct styled “government”) who have empowered themselves to simply take “your” car in the event you decline to put their little stickers and metal plates on “your” car.

Imagine being able to just go wherever you wanted to go, whenever you felt like going –  without having to obtain permission or explain yourself to random armed strangers. Without having to carry “ID.”

Cattle are fenced in and have ear tags.

Most people seem unable to draw a parallel.

Imagine your adulthood being respected. That it’s up to you to eat a balanced diet – or wear a seat belt.

How about being free to buy a car without air bags? Or a back-up camera? Or a tire pressure monitoring system? It’s probably a good idea to have a fire extinguisher in the house. But no one forces you to have one – much less have three in every room in the house, for “safety.”

Why don’t we have the same right to decide for ourselves when it comes to our cars?

Imagine riding around in the bed of a pick-up truck, wind in your hair, on a warm summer afternoon. Or the same on a motorcycle – without a helmet, if you wanted.non aggression pic

Imagine, in other words, being free to do as you liked – rather than being told what to do by others, or else.

America was once a great country – not because it was powerful but because its people were, for the most part, free. Their “safety” was their own business.

Which meant it was none of the government’s business.

The government’s business – if it had any at all – was to keep people from harming other people.

Not to parent people.

But then a strange thing happened. The people who comprise the government used the magician’s trick of misdirection, got people who were just people to think of the people in government as something more than just people. To assume for themselves the role of superior beings – whose superior judgment must be deferred to.

And – somehow – the people who don’t comprise the government accepted this. Probably, because they never thought to question it. Which is likely a function of their not having been taught to think at all.

Enter government schools. Which train people. If you haven’t read John Taylor Gatto, do so. Go here. One of his keenest insights about government schools is that they were modeled on Prussian schools. What are the Prussians historically famous for? Read and learn.

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And so it came to pass that things which, if done by an ordinary person, would be regarded as completely out-of-bounds (for example, the effrontery of ordering another adult to “buckle up” or demanding to see his “ID”) became somehow ok because the people doing them gave themselves titles and became a kind of secular priesthood, serving a god called government. Which those outside the government had been trained to reverence.

This god is jealous and patriarchal – as well as maternal.

But like all gods, he is really just men (and women). Pay attention to that man behind the curtain.

Gods – secular and otherwise – don’t do much on their own. They don’t event write books (or regulations).

Men (and women) do.

It is men and women, no better (and often, much worse) than other men and women who claim to be god – or that they hear him and are merely doing “his” bidding.

A fairly sizable percent of humanity has seen through the sectarian con and aren’t buying it anymore. The hocus pocus of the priesthood has lost much of its former power, hence its authority. More and more people, for example, see the pope as a well-meaning (well, maybe) old guy in a funny costume who never got laid.

Not as someone who has conversations with an unseen but omnipotent bogeyman and – accordingly – whose pronouncements carry the weight of omnipotence.Magna carta

But the secular priesthood remains as powerful today as the Catholic Church was prior to the Renaissance.

More so, actually.

Magna Carta, for instance, limited the power of the secular priests – denied their “divinity” openly, right there on the parchment.

But as the power of the secular god was restrained, the power of the sectarian god grew – to the extent that even to hold a “heretical” opinion regarding “him” or “his” doctrines (as transmuted, of course, by men) was enough to warrant a death sentence, usually administered in the most savage and painful way imaginable. Today, the church has no such power – much as its priests would no doubt love to recover it. But as power abhors a vacuum, the secular church has filled the void. It has assumed the universal (catholic, small “c”) authority once held by the church – including the power of life and death over ordinary people.

Perhaps one day the race will grow up and shed this seemingly instinctive need for gods – of whatever variety – and come to the realization that there are just people. Some of us smarter, perhaps – others less so. None of us perfect, let alone infallible.

But all of us having the same equal and absolute right to be left in peace provided we ourselves are peaceful.

Someday, perhaps.

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September 7, 2015 10:49 am

Spot on! Good read.

September 7, 2015 11:02 am

I think a more “front and center” issue is house “ownership”. You don’t own your house. Even if you’ve paid off the mortgage, you must pay property taxes, or rent every year to the government or they will seize it. There are certain ways you can’t use it, especially if you live in an HOA neighborhood. If you live in Philadelphia, it can be seized under civil asset forfeiture rules.

September 7, 2015 11:07 am

Exactly mirrors my thoughts.

The gods of “science” and “experts” and “academic omniscience” are bowed to my nearly all.

I sit and watch people die horrible, painful, financially devastating deaths and the REFUSE to even CONSIDER they may be any alternative.

It is as if the past 100 years has produced all knowledgeable gods that are our ONLY choice between life and death.

Researching the financial disaster led me to questioning my health and the paradigm. Bad outcomes from science led me to natural cures. Natural foods and cures, plus undeniable proof of the afterlife, led me back to God.

God states he is the ONLY wisdom and knowledge. Believing that man is God is killing us.

I am a lone island in a sea of intellectually lazy conformists. Combined with things like the rapper (I forget which one, I think the one married to the media whore of the big ass and insane ex-step-dad) announcing running for President in 2020 this week, it is obvious that Idiocracy has somehow become a freaking planbook.

September 7, 2015 11:35 am

Fortunately, governance allows humanity, in general, to interact responsibly for societal functioning.

Unfortunately, with governance, the hidden monster always grows and TPTB assume a god complex, thus eventually destroying the society – this is a sure bet.

September 7, 2015 12:14 pm

“The people who comprise the government used the magician’s trick of misdirection, got people who were just people to think of the people in government as something more than just people. To assume for themselves the role of superior beings – whose superior judgment must be deferred to.”

Fascism is a religion of the state. It sees government as God, or at least, as the hand of God. It is totalitarian because it sees everything as political, and believes that anything that government does is always what is in the best interest of the collective, at the expense of the individual. It wishes to control all aspects of our lives. The religion of the state will control how many ounces of soda pop you can buy, or what your children must be fed, because it knows what is best for you. It wants to impose uniformity upon us, uniformity in our actions, speech and thought. If you are not part of the fascists’ Gleichshaltung, you are part of the problem. You are the enemy. “O con noi, O contro di noi”, or, “You are either for us, or you are against us.” Fascism seeks a political unity or group loyalty that is used to destroy the individual. It views unity as a political virtue, a religion of a sort. Sadly, the Progressive left that held fascism up as a desirable goal in the early 20th century, (at least until Adolph started killing Jews) has come full circle and the calls for their American brand of”Volksgemeinschaft” be regularly heard in the rhetoric of Obama, Hillary and their ilk. Unfortunately, the state cannot be everything that the Progressives want it to be, and though they may be aware of that fact, it will not stop them from trying. It can only get worse on the road to misery.

September 7, 2015 12:20 pm

Interesting… Thanks. This is why I read TBP

Led me into a half hour of learning some things I’d never known.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 7, 2015 2:02 pm

Soon the only world government must be your government, your tag will be The Mark of the Beast, you will have only Beast eMoney, you will live where TPTB want you to live, travel only with their approval, your body pierced and filled with their elixirs, your stomach only GMO food, your mind contain only approved thoughts, and your god must be their god.

September 7, 2015 3:22 pm

I was with you until you brought God and the church into the conversation. Remember you can say no.You can choose what church to go to. What to believe. You have that freedom.

September 7, 2015 5:19 pm

@yahsure… the Magna Carta is what the Founders based the idea of fundamental, or inalienable, right upon. The Magna Carta was meant to draw a line between the “divine right of Kings” and the fundamental rights of mankind. In particular, the “folks” in 1215 had some real issues about the Kind taxing them on everything without offering anything in return.

Now, I realize that everyone these days prefers to act as if the words and actions of a few white men gathered somewhere in the vicinity of 30 blocks of modern squalor about 250 years ago do not matter. The trendy thing is to call them Elitists, or better yet, insist that they were protecting their own wealth and families and any benefit to the common man in the streets was incidental. As if that first shot fired across the Atlantic in the form of a “Declaration” that was perhaps as bold and courageous equal to any action of desperate men in history, since it was irrevocable, was simply a step in common diplomatic negotiation.

What we fail to realize every stinking day as we watch the corruption of our elected “gods” who are no better than the ones they replace is that until and unless we, as a people, can throw off the chains of nonsense that put filters over our eyes to strain out any truths that contain even one shred of an idea we have been made to understand might offend someone, even if that idea is only of secondary importance to the truth it is being used to explain.

Because, just as any number of intellectuals have told us in any number of articles, books and, even, fiction novels such as 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 or Atlas Shrugged, et al, WORDS matter because the ideas they are meant to convey matter.

People exchange information with words. They communicate ideas. And they change their opinions and develop new ideas of their own. It is what makes us human.

@TE … read your reply and especially liked this:

“I am a lone island in a sea of intellectually lazy conformists. Combined with things like the rapper (I forget which one, I think the one married to the media whore of the big ass and insane ex-step-dad) announcing running for President in 2020 this week, it is obvious that Idiocracy has somehow become a freaking planbook.”

This is something I posted to a friend in a message earlier today “Unless people begin to realize that the complete deterioration of culture that we see around us is by design, they will continue to believe the next tyrants will help fix the problems we see around us. They will not fix a thing. Only one Person ever walked this earth who can help and He’s already done all that He can.”

Take that to mean what you will, but I believe you (TE) are right… Idiocracy has taken over.

September 7, 2015 6:19 pm

spot on eric, I read everything you write. Its funny how when many in this country come to accept that religion is nothing but a scam, they lean towards more government to substitute. Its like the HAVE to have some superior entity ruling over them to feel safe and whole. So much of the lefts outright assault on christianity (which, despite my comments on its stupidity, which I stand by, I don’t view it as a threat to my safety or well being, and will fight for your right to worship whatever sky fairy you choose to believe in) stems from their belief that GOVERNMENT is the first last and only authority over everything. They want to rid the world of one false “god” and replace it with another even more dangerous one.

My hope is that eventually we will get back to a place where people are left to their own devices so long as they don’t harm others, my biggest fear is that it will require a collapse and A LOT of violence in the aftermath to get back to that state of being.

September 8, 2015 9:12 am

@TE… mind if I quote you using that paragraph and call you TE from TBP?