“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” ― Margaret Thatcher

Via Zero Hedge

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September 15, 2015 3:05 pm

But Bernie is a “NEW” kind of socialist. A brief history from ZH on past socialist experiments.

September 15, 2015 3:48 pm

Hookers and Cigars.

A very goo laugh – spend 18 Trillion to SAVE the country. If Commisar Bernie gets the chance to spend 18T, that 18T will not go to save the country.

September 15, 2015 5:13 pm

The real question is what will 18 trillion dollars actually buy when you force feed it into a system that continually adjusts for available “free funding”. Will actual dollar costs go up or down. Have any of these government goodies gotten cheaper or more expensive for the average tax paying middle class servant since the government has intervened to “help Americans” with these overburdening life expenses. I’m going to guess Bernie has not done the math, nor his constituents, nor can they.

September 15, 2015 6:32 pm

Somehow the fact that we spent trillions on the Banksters is okay? It is okay to spend unlimited taxpayer dollars to fund the Military/Industrial complex and their endless wars? Spend a few bucks on helping the people? Why… we can’t afford THAT! Fuck off! Vote for Bernie! :o)

September 15, 2015 6:33 pm

Get the money form the Banksters! They took it from the people. The people can take it back from them

September 15, 2015 7:44 pm

B is correct. We spend trillions on endless wars but oh fuck no, we can’t spend anything toward social programs that are sorely needed. Just look at our fucking roads, they’re a disgrace!
Bernie will roll back the military, raise taxes on the rich, and indict the guilty. He’s our Man of the hour!
Hell, I hope he spends more than this on serving the people!

September 15, 2015 8:09 pm

and better be watching out for “the Donald’s” spending

he has promised to drastically increase spending on the military and the VA

but has yet to say where the money is gonna come from

tax increase ?
take it from somewhere else?
borrow it ?

but his followers are eating it up
it has even been reported that some are bursting into tears at his rallies
shades of “der fuehrer” ???

September 15, 2015 8:32 pm

Every bill turns into no bid contracts,this is a big problem, congress and Obamas Jarett need to be audited.Ever wonder how they all got wealthy so fast?

September 15, 2015 8:49 pm

You literally cannot make this stuff up. $18 trillion? Why not double it to $36 trillion? Or maybe an even $100 trillion. We are at the point in the country’s history where the blatantly absurd is taken seriously. Bernie seems like a nice old man, but he is batshit crazy. And so are his “followers”. But then again so are Hillary’s “followers” and for the most part so are Trump’s “followers”. I was talking to my wife the other day, and we both concurred that Bush was head and shoulders more credible than anyone on the political scene today. Out.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 15, 2015 11:13 pm

good old bernie better hope the interest rates go negative 10%, surely the chinese think this a solution for the ages. bad idea to trust the ussa

September 16, 2015 12:57 am

Honest to god question:

Where the hell are we going to get that money from?

Not taxes; if they try tapping that spigot any harder, they’ll see unemployment shoot up 300%. All of the sudden everyone will develop some disability, the only challenge will be getting in line before all the doctors quit and get on disability themselves.

Not foreign countries; China’s got the economic equivalent of a full-handle hangover. Japan is only working by the fact that Wiley Coyote hasn’t looked down yet. EU is entering chicken little mode, and that’s probably their best bet if we’re being honest. Russia hates us, South America has no more money thanks to socialists, Africa never had any money anyways, the middle east has Saudi Arabia a.k.a. geriatric gluttons lording over religious fanatics with a rapidly shrinking geologic lottery ticket and lots of enemies, leaving… what? Australia and New Zealand? India? The Moon?

Not pension funds; sorry, they’re severely underfunded and probably his political base. Also, he claims he’ll add to them, making them funded. [INSERT LAUGH TRACK HERE]

Social security is pension funds for the whole country. Also, besides being underfunded, it is also in the terms of IOU’s to other agencies. How will that function once its in the real economy? “Anyone got change for a 1992 30-year bond to the U.S. Forestry Service? My bro’s and I are hitting a strip club for Jack’s 25th birthday, and I’m going to make it rain 1995 Port Authority certificates on those girls!”

The only thing I’m seeing is inflation and bust. Hell, maybe America can start doing those live-aid concerts for ourselves. I can pull a Rachel Dozal and self-identify as starving black AIDS-orphan in baboon-fuckeria in the subsahara if y’all think it would help.

September 16, 2015 1:03 am


Our roads are in excellent shape. Obama passed that initiative for “Shovel-Ready” projects. Don’t feel bad about missing it, though. It’s done such a great job stimulating the economy as promised I’m sure you been too busy at work to notice.


Seriously though, what would spending more money now solve that spending more money then solve? Where did that money go?

September 16, 2015 9:45 am

If a politician says it will cost $18 trillion, true costs including the real cost of additional federal employees ( paid and benefits for life) will be over $35T. We all know politicians can’t do math, nor tell the truth.

Seems it matters not who wins, the assault on the productive middle, and true lovers of man, will continue on unabated, and more than likely dramatically increase.

It is plain as day to me, if you are not a member of one of the supported groups; public unions, seniors, disabled, military industrial complex, breeder, .01% elite, political crony, you can damned well bank on the fact BOTH sides are PROMISING to come after you.

Now feel good about supporting your own future demise by supporting this corrupted, convoluted, disaster of this country’s hero’s and “differences” and/or teams.

At least I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that either more war and crony capitalists, or more forced charity, will absolutely guarantee that the fall of the dollar, then the country, happens faster.

This waiting for shoes to drop, and watching the continued imprisonment and torture of both fellow citizens and foreigners in foreign lands is way too painful. Stress creates cortisol, then estrogen, then belly fat and illness. No wonder we are such lethargic, easily led, sheep.

September 16, 2015 10:36 am

Posting in support of what TE said. I don’t have much to add, I just liked it enough to do more than thumbs-up the post.

If you are a free thinking individualist (what this country was built on) then you aren’t needed. According to our owners we are “evolved” enough now as a country that only by standing together in a mob can we be free.

What utter horseshit.

“If a politician says it will cost $18 trillion, true costs including the real cost of additional federal employees ( paid and benefits for life) will be over $35T. We all know politicians can’t do math, nor tell the truth.

Seems it matters not who wins, the assault on the productive middle, and true lovers of man, will continue on unabated, and more than likely dramatically increase.

It is plain as day to me, if you are not a member of one of the supported groups; public unions, seniors, disabled, military industrial complex, breeder, .01% elite, political crony, you can damned well bank on the fact BOTH sides are PROMISING to come after you.

Now feel good about supporting your own future demise by supporting this corrupted, convoluted, disaster of this country’s hero’s and “differences” and/or teams.

At least I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that either more war and crony capitalists, or more forced charity, will absolutely guarantee that the fall of the dollar, then the country, happens faster.

This waiting for shoes to drop, and watching the continued imprisonment and torture of both fellow citizens and foreigners in foreign lands is way too painful. Stress creates cortisol, then estrogen, then belly fat and illness. No wonder we are such lethargic, easily led, sheep.”

September 16, 2015 2:14 pm

Bigger government led to poor economic performance, lots of cronies and politicians getting rich, malinvestment, lots of no work jobs with Unsupportable pensions, but the even bigger government of Bernie will eliminate all those problems because this time it will be different and socialism/crony capitalism will work, you can ignore the last 100 years or so of history.

September 16, 2015 2:30 pm

I have rarely seen anyone advocate trillions for banks tears and military industrial complex. B and West are full of crap when they imply that TBP thinks that is ok.