Question of the Day, Oct 20

How many out there still knowingly eat products containing high fructose corn syrup?

Courtesy of –

10 Side Effects of High-Fructose Corn Syrup

You have heard the term high fructose corn syrup if you have spent any time on health websites, magazine articles or television shows. Commonly referred to as HFCS, the sweetener accounts for more calories than any other food option in the entire American diet.

Negative Effects of HFCS

High fructose corn syrup, so commonly found because corn has become one of the cheapest most widely available crops, acts as an alternative sweetener to normal table sugar. The fructose has a much sweeter taste and acts as a much more cost effective option for food producers and manufacturers. Ultimately, HFCS acts as the number one cause for obesity in the world, especially in the United States of America. The sweetener has the ability to decrease metabolism and hinder the natural production of insulin and other appetite controllers, amongst other problems.

1. Obesity

HFCS limits your body’s ability to produce insulin and leptin, making it difficult to metabolize food and regulate appetite. The pancreas remains insulin resistance to all types of fructose, including HFCS, severely hindering appetite control.

2. Diabetes

Due to obesity and an irregular fluctuation of insulin, HFCS leads to diabetes in many people. Continual pancreatic damage remains the main cause of diabetes.

3. Tooth Infections and Decay

Foods rich in sugars and sweeteners like HFCS rot teeth by decaying the enamel coating.

4. LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides Increase

Sugars metabolize into fat, therefore increasing your unhealthy cholesterol levels along with the fat storages in your body. Since high fructose corn syrup does not cause the secretion of insulin or leptin, foods with high levels of the sweetener become nearly fully absorbed and metabolized into fat and cholesterol.

5. Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Heart Disease

High amounts of HFCS often result in higher cholesterol, which in turn blocks arteries and the flow of blood to and from the heart. This process weakens the heart muscles and the ability for new oxygen to circulate throughout the body. The increase in fat storages also harms heart health.

6. Anemia

In order for your body to digest HFCS and other sugars that contain no vitamins or minerals, you must use other storages of the valuable nutrients, depleting your body of its natural amounts.

7. Poor Immunity

HFCS interfere with the creation of hormones and enzymes in your body that normally defend major diseases.

8. Lack of Calories

Even though foods that contain high levels of HFCS provide a ton of calories, those calories have no nutritional value at all. This often gets labeled as the empty calorie phenomenon.

9. Fatigue

High levels of sugar cause your body to release greater amounts of hormones and endorphins that slow the body down.

10. Mood Swings and Withdrawal

Too much sugar and HFCS will cause your body to crave more, and when trying to cut back, the desire and cravings only increase.

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 20, 2015 11:23 am

I have yet to be convinced that high-fructose corn syrup is qualitatively different than sugar (sucrose) as far as how it’s metabolized and its effects. Most of the purported ill effects of HFCS are the same ill effects of eating too much sucrose. Yes, the Standard American Diet is heavy (no pun intended) on nutrition-free “fast” carbs, leading to inflamation, high bad LDL levels, etc. Going after GFCS, though, seems to me like warning about the bad effects of whiskey while ignoring vodka.

October 20, 2015 11:25 am

this is a great post, and one of the more relevant questions you have posted, since it has a very real effect on all our health. I avoid this stuff like the plague. The ONLY time I eat it is when I am eating out and I put ketchup of BBQ sauce on something I am eating. I do drink an occasional energy drink that has it, though. I rarely drink soda, but every now and then ill go down the ethnic food aisle and get a bottle or two of coke that say ‘hecho en mexico’ since they are made with real sugar. Most of the condiments I buy are sweetened with organic agave nectar, and it actually tastes a lot better. “organicville’ makes a wholeline of very good tasting condiments that don’t have the stuff in it. Even the non-organic stuff I buy, I make sure it isn’t made with HFCS. Well worth the extra cost.

A good follow up post of this would be the reason everyone uses HFCS- sugar tariffs. Congress actively puts the interests of a few wealthy cane growing families ahead of the health of us all every single time they allow this to pass.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 20, 2015 11:27 am

PA Mike is right. My doctor said my pancreas must be worn out so consider cokes, cakes, cookies etc as poison. I wish I’d known that 20 years ago.

October 20, 2015 11:36 am

It’s been at least 15 years since I became aware of the HORROR known as HFCS.

It was THAT VERY DAY that I started reading food labels … and have steadfastly avoided ANYTHING with “corn syrup” as if it said Bubonic Plague.

It is HARD to do, any I haven’t been 100% successful. Especially when I learned that it’s in almost EVERYTHING, and worse still, it goes by other names, such as;

— Maize syrup
— Glucose syrup
— Glucose/fructose syrup
— Tapioca syrup
— Dahlia syrup
— Fruit fructose
— Crystalline fructose

And, before folks say they avoid it, consider just some of the foods I know YOU eat;

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October 20, 2015 11:57 am

Hey Iska Waran, YMMV! Individual genetics / metabolism may play a role, the same way some folks SMOKE TOBACCO for a lifetime and suffer no ill efffects, while others get emphysema and cancer. HFCS is not a natural substance, so it’s quite likely to hurt some folks selectively.

My experience is this stuff is a slow, fancy poison. I weigh more when it sneaks into my diet, and have a bigger potbelly when it precipitates out (around my middle, it appears). I try to avoid it, but Stuck’s list is real; what’s weird is finding it listed on FOREIGN foods (in Spanish, for example). We are poisoning ourselves and everyone around the globe! HSF is my hero for growing his own food and staying away from stuff like this.

October 20, 2015 12:08 pm


Nice try responding to Iska. I THOUGHT about doing likewise, but then decided “fuckit”. There are 10 gazillion pages of HFCS articles/studies out there …. the overwhelming majority say it poison shit ….. yet, Iska has “yet to be convinced” …. without stating the reasons why.

He’s either smarter than all of us, or willfully ignorant. In either case, what can one say to such a person?

October 20, 2015 12:27 pm

@ IW…live and learn..
5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You
by Mark Hyman, MD

HFCS and cane sugar are NOT biochemically identical or processed the same way by the body. High fructose corn syrup is an industrial food product and far from “natural” or a naturally occurring substance. It is extracted from corn stalks through a process so secret that Archer Daniels Midland and Carghill would not allow the investigative

5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You

October 20, 2015 12:28 pm

@James: I’ve been growing and consuming my own food for even longer than HSF and as a result am not only scandalously healthy but have a huge, always semi-erect dick and am constantly called upon to breed with the local women, a tiresome task at age 69, but when duty calls…

Little bit of catsup now and then, but hfcs… Basically a no.go. The ladies like that and that’s a fact, Jack!

October 20, 2015 1:18 pm

I still get it from various tomato sauces, and from my stir fry sauces. It is not a lot so I’m not going to go out of my way to avoid it in those products. I do not consume any sweetened beverages, and that is the big one.

October 20, 2015 1:26 pm

The other poison that is almost all present in our food is MSG in all its disquiesd forms.

Combine the two and you have real problems even if not officially recognized as such.

And trying to eat a diet other than the all prepared at home diets of the 1940’s (when people didn’t need two jobs to support a family and had time to prepare them) is almost impossible.

Best to hope for is to minimize the consumption of them. Minimal consumption probably isn’t harmful (if it is actually minimal).

October 20, 2015 1:27 pm

Good grief , I’m sitting here drinking a Pepsi – Cola and eating M+Ms .I guess I am dooming myself but at least little bb eats good.He is right here beside me eating Tuna and drinking low fat milk.

What doesn’t poison us or give us cancer or high blood pressure ?What say you James the wondering.

October 20, 2015 1:38 pm

Hey bb, it’s tough to pay for natural foods and a challenge to grow your own (I’m a gardener, but so far only tomatoes, green peppers and lettuce seem to do well on my postage stamp of a lot). But the alternative is slow suicide by poison, so there’s your choice!
I have borderline HBP, one minor med of a prescription keeps me stable; but I’m trying to lose weight right now (and for the last several years!). Between Stucky’s list and occasional eating out, it’s hard for me to lose weight; but we cook at home more than we used to, and I control my meals more than I used to. Ms. Wanderer is a pretty good cook and my willpower is low (can’t seem to push away from the table, even though I can lift a hundred pounds!) but still trying.I will eventually get down to marriage-weight (so far away!) but the journey of a hundred pounds begins by putting down a single soda pop!

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
October 20, 2015 1:56 pm

Anonymous – Don’t give away the QOD’s for later this week.

Iska, used to drink 2-3 soda’s a day until this crap put me in the hospital. Seems it will give you symptoms that mimic a heart attack. No thanks. Had some ice cream at a neighbors last year, heart was racing for 90 minutes, yeah, no difference between that and cane sugar. LOL.

October 20, 2015 2:23 pm

I t hink it’s a bunch of BS

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
October 20, 2015 2:25 pm

Yeah Dutchman, that’s what my dad says. His prostate problems were unrelated, carry on.

October 20, 2015 2:59 pm

@Mike in PA, it makes you wonder, doesn’t it? My dad doesn’t want to hear it either. He is in decent shape for an almost 60 year old, really not over weight, probably because he plays 80-90 rounds of golf a year, but I do wish he would eat better. I think a lot of the reason so many people ignore the warning about the food we eat is because there are so many pills out there that will mask the effects of eating shitty food. Die-a-beetus? no problem, it gets easier and easier to manage. If you get high blood pressure or high cholesterol, they hand you more pills, raher than telling you to get out and exercise more(which will literally improve(if not cure) an overwhelming majority of the most common problems that plague the american land whale as a species.

I think its not JUST HFCS thatis making us so unhealthy, as there is much more bad for you in the processed foor we eat than HFCS. And, again, pills to cover up the inevitable health problems that come from being a lazy fat ass. Another funny thing about being a lazy fatass- you are much more likely to be depressed. Which, surprise surprise, there are pills for that too, so you don’t have to get off your duff to feel good. And, depression is yet another common thing to plague the american land whale that can often be cured with exercise. You will lose weight, feel better about yourself, get healthier, and have knarly veins in your arms and look fuckin jacked. its a win win…

October 20, 2015 3:10 pm

and, I should say that as I type all of this, I am a total hypocrite. I am sick as shit and have been for a few days, just got an antibiotic, finally. And every day that I have been sick, I have gotten a large coke Icee from the gas station, which is full of HFCS. Every single day. Probably more HFCS in the last 5 days than I usually have in a couple months, because the frozen drink feels so good on my throat. If they made one without HFCS, Id get it, but they don’t so I grudgingly consume it even as I tell you guys not too….

October 20, 2015 3:41 pm

Want a big fat marbled cow? Feed it corn. Want a bloated farm raised salmon? Feed it corn. Or, HFCS.

Corn and wheat …. THAT’S what makes you fat. And those two products are probably in 95% of all processed foods.

I did the Wheat Belly diet (no gluten) for almost two months and lost an astounding 38 pounds. I can’t imagine how much weight I’d lose by foregoing both.

But, I am a weak-willed SOB. I LOVE my breads and pastries. I’m hooked. An addict. A fatfuk weak-willed low-life land-whale of the lowest order. They’ll have to chop down a Redwood for my casket.

October 20, 2015 3:45 pm


You’re not fat. At least you have 6 foot 8 inches to spread your weight around. I have mine jammed into 5 foot 9 inches.

October 20, 2015 3:50 pm

Iska, if he’s right, and I have no reason to believe this guy is lying, this video does a damn fine job of explaining how our bodies see and react to HFC.

October 20, 2015 4:20 pm

Want a big fat cow? feed it corn. Corn and wheat, that’s what makes you fat. Herr stuckmeister. They should teach that in the schools. Billboards. TV commercials. it really is that simple

October 20, 2015 4:55 pm

Iconoclast421 says:

“I still get (HFCS) from various tomato sauces.”

Me, too. I almost never have a can of soda (maybe 6 times a year, tops) and consume desserts and other sweets even less. If I snack, it’s pretzels due to my Pennsylvania upbringing. I use less than a teaspoon of raw sugar in my morning coffee.

I ain’t worried about this shit.

October 20, 2015 4:58 pm

I just noticed Admin’s donation thermometer hit $10,000. Congrats.

October 20, 2015 8:04 pm


Muck pushed us to the goal with a very generous donation. Last year we reached $12,000.

October 20, 2015 10:04 pm

Please do some research on “gliadin protein” and “Endocrine disruptor chemicals” and you will be shocked to find that HFCS is not the only problem causing the obesity epidemic in our country.

October 20, 2015 11:00 pm

Ya’ know ………

It might be interesting to track obesity rates per country in relation to per capita HFCS consumption per country.

The increasing obesity problem seems to have started after the introduction and widespread use of HFCS.

I’ve got no idea where to find the information or exactly how to meaningfully correlate it in a result one way or the other.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 20, 2015 11:14 pm

Each mg of carbs breaks down into one carb of sugar. Thats ok if you exercise.,.otherwise it turns to fat.

Hello Walmart shoppers.

October 21, 2015 6:03 am

When our little group of families in Oklahoma began meeting a few years back, one of the team members was a nurse/nutritionist and gave us all an excellent presentation on processed foods and the danges of HFCS (and, yes, MSG). She explained the chemistry that caused the extra molecule to be metabolized differently, forcing the liver into overwork that it should not have to perform for simple digestion. She showed the types of fat accumulation around the ribcage typical of those women who tended to have diets high in HFCS sweetened foods.

That meeting started my research into natural ways to cook and sweeten foods. I started growing Stevia to see if it was indeed a natural herbal sweetener. It is and except for everything being green that you put the dried leaves into, it is an excellent alternative to sugar. Good honey is excellent, IF you know where your bees have been pollinating (pun intended.) Mostly, learning to use spices and herbs to maximize flavor is your best way to really enjoy your food and get the most nutrition from it. The bulk around my ribcage isn’t completely gone, but it is melting away the right way after learning what I learned from her.

As for MSG? You can’t completely avoid it, but simply watching for it makes sense. Using safe salts like Himalayan Crystal Salt and/or North Sea Salt instead of chemically processed salt is helpful. Use fermented soy (MISO) instead of processed soy sauce and to thicken your soups, use a flour paste instead of corn starch.

Now, having said that, do I still occasionally eat something with HFCS in it? RARELY. After two years of almost cleaning my system of it, it gives me a terrible headache. I’d rather have a hangover, so if I’m going to have a headache, I’d rather have one for a good reason.

October 21, 2015 6:27 am

However, I have a friend who is a long time big time farmer south of here in the farming region of Southeast Missouri who bristles and rages if he even hears or sees the term High Fructose Corn Syrup. He is so defensive of GMO corn and everything Monsanto has done to make his life more profitable that he would probably drink a bottle of RoundUp to try to prove to me it is perfectly safe for human consumption.

October 21, 2015 8:36 am
October 22, 2015 8:17 am

I had some bad numbers on liver enzymes a few years ago. This worked for me along with cutting the HFCS from the diet.

October 22, 2015 8:39 am

HCFS and artificial sweeteners are two of the our biggest health threats, especially in combination with the stripping of nutrients/micronutrients from our foods and constant toxic bombardment with vaccinations and pharmaceuticals.

Once I cut my “only one a day” soda pop habit, and detoxed my body, my arthritis, along with many other issues, went away.

If I drink ONE American soda, it flares back up and my joints become painful, swollen and unbearable. Within an hour.

Even when I drink Mexican coke, less than one a month, the carbonation/phosphorus and too much sugar (good ole cane sugar) will cause tenderness. But nothing like one HCFS pop.

The main problem is that thanks to the USDA/FDA labeling laws, you can be consuming lots of these toxins and not any know it. If a toxin is less than 1% of total volume, it does not have to be listed. Neither do any of the ingredients that are called “flavorings” as it has been ruled that those are corporate, proprietary and do not have to be disclosed.

Add to this the mandates that we avoid the sun, thus are wholly deficient in Vitamin D – which repairs many of these toxin issues, and that even our produce is grown on ground without micronutrients and drenched in toxins, and we haven’t a chance.

Those that did not start their lives drenched in the neverending chemical experiment we call modern health are NOT seeing the devastating effects of this toxicity to the same extent as those that are being bombarded 24/7, from before birth until our (painful, slow and expensive) deaths.

What amuses me more than anything is that people that KNOW the government is corrupted and lying to us about national security, finances, insurance, etc., etc., somehow think that when it comes to the health recommendations they are clean.

NOTHING could be further from the truth. Believe what they tell you at the detriment of your own life, and your offsprings too.

I don’t know why God led me to break free of the chains of our slavery and find the truth of natural health and substances, but he did. I praise him, daily, for that.

I watch my sister deteriorate into never-ending pain, illness and depression/mania and can SEE how I’ve been “saved.”

If they are lying to us about unemployment and war, to think they are telling the truth about our health – even as we SEE the cancer and obesity all around us, is Stockholm Syndrome at its best.

Many have been trying to wake us up. I say, if you continue to believe they give two shits about your true health, then you deserve every illness, death medicine and dollar it is going to cost you. And it will.

October 22, 2015 8:48 am

Here, hear, TE!!!!