Buddy, super hot girls barely get away with wearing cutoff jorts and a belly shirt. What makes you think you can rock it out? Seriously, what makes you think that? I need to know so we can somehow correct that part of your thought process.


I’m not quite sure what type of animal she is trying to be but I can tell you it certainly is a promiscuous one.


I see scarecrows not having a brain is a common trait in that species.


What FarmersOnly.com users really look like.


Those camo booty shorts are quite the oxymoron you’ve got going on here. The camo is supposed to hide everything but those bottom biscuits scream “look at this ass!!!” I just can’t figure you out girl.


Don’t ya hate it when your fupa gets all greasy and makes your pants slip off?…Well I certainly know I hate it when it happens to other people, I can tell you that much.


Holy OCD!!!! If that’s your idea of a good time feel free to come over to my house at any time and straighten it up. I’d be happy to know where anything I own belongs.

1040 1039

I have no idea what the Confederate flag and used auto parts have to do with “saving the tatas” but since it’s October we won’t question it and we’ll just support it.


Just because poodles don’t look ridiculous enough on their own you go ahead and shave and paint your dog into a walking Peach Ring. Find a better hobby.


Just 90% titty and 10% shirt right there. It’s almost like your boobies are holding your shirt in place and not the other way around.


Santa is just rubbing it in that he is still on vacation after 10 months. Get to work dude. Can’t you see the stores are already prematurely prepping for your holiday?!?!

1030 1029

Once again, this further proves that diamonds are a woman’s best friend. Go ahead ladies, no need to hold back on our account, we understand you can’t resist the urge to jump into this sexy ride.


You ever toss on somebody’s smaller clothes just as a goof? Most of us instantly know that’s not happening. Apparently some of us don’t pick up on that sign of discomfort and head out to Walmart for some shopping. Honestly, if that was a free throw in basketball, it would be an airball that hits a cheerleader.


What? Cap’n Crunch needs to go grocery shopping too…Probably not the best PR move buying Cheerios in public, but even the Cap’n probably gets sick of eating the same cereal every day.


Next time you should probably rethink giving that paper shredder a piggyback ride.


Wow, you’ll really stop all those thieves from breaking into your car now. It’s common knowledge that thieves can’t unlock sliding locks. That’s why they have so much trouble in public restrooms.


When you walk into the salon and ask for the flamingo….


That’s a sweet look…if you’re a cartoon character that’s about to grow wheels and roll away. What the hell are you doing man?


Wowzers. Those socks look like runway lights to a place I don’t want my plane to ever land.

See more freaks at People of Wal-Mart

Notify of
October 31, 2015 12:42 pm

I saw a photo of a bunch of Mexican guys with curl-up boot toes. Some sort of festival in Ojinaga, across the border from Presidio, Texas. Relatively recent fad, I’m guessing. Reminds me a lot of the Gringo drugstore cowboys.

Me No Likey
Me No Likey
October 31, 2015 2:26 pm

Pic 1: Mama, don’t let your boys grow up to be…to be…whatever that is.

Pic 2: What crawled up her ass and died?

PIc 3: Kid on the right: “If it comes near me I’m punching it.”

PIc 4: Look ma! No ass!!

Pic 5: Don’t you think you’re going to need more than a just a 4-pack of toilet paper with all that going on back there?

Pic 6: Ok. My morbid curiosity always gets the best of me. So if your stomach has drooped all the way down there, where is your….? Never mind.

Pic 7: And in the rest of my spare time I clean the bathrooms at highway rest stops and gas stations.

Pic 8: Oh look, it’s a Mercedes! Such a classy guy.

Pic 9: Hello, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals?…

Pic 10: Take it off, take it all…oh, I see you already have.

Pic 11: Elvis is alive! And so is Jerry Garcia!

Pic 12: If I were Diamond Bar, a city in the Inland Empire in Southern California, I’d sue for defamation.

Pic 13: Oh honey, purple’s not your color. Other than you look just fine. No, really.

Pic 14: Trust me, those little kids will be having some wild dreams tonight…

Pic 15: Excuse me. Just a suggestion, but I’d cut down on the bleach.

Pic 16: Oh hey, wow, where’d you get those cool pinstripes?

Pic 17: What’s wrong with this picture? Just can’t put my finger on it. A different purse, maybe?

Pic 18: So…ever tried skiing on ’em?

Pic 20: Well, Bob, I will give her points for wearing all stripes, and the green peek-a-boo’s matching the green highlighting on the shoes is a nice touch. But I’m going to have to penalize her for wearing pink socks that just don’t match.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 31, 2015 8:12 pm

D-rat, it’s zumba techno, wait for it:

October 31, 2015 8:19 pm

EC..I waited…but no tamale..what ups ese?


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 31, 2015 8:30 pm

Admin posts a buttplug foxtail and nary a yawn. The country’s so de-sensitized, it’s fucking numb.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
November 1, 2015 4:35 pm

I bet the tips uh those boots smell like RANK beaner anus.