The Second Income Tax

Guest Post by Eric Peters

One of the reasons people haven’t got much money anymore is probably due to the fact that the insurance mafia takes more and more of it all the time.empty pockets

Using the government as its muscle.

First car, now “health.”

Soon, no doubt, mandatory life insurance will be required as well.

Insurance has become a de facto second income tax. Except instead of paying the government mafia, we’re forced by the government to pay the insurance mafia.

In economics, this is called rent seeking.

So-called “private” (and inevitably, for-profit) businesses make money the new-fashioned way, by seeing to it that laws are passed requiring the populace to purchase its products or services. So much easier (and so much more profitable) than the old-fashioned way of having to persuade people to freely purchase what you have to offer.

Imagine the Hamburger Lobby ( a consortium of McDonalds, Wendys and Burger King) got Congress to pass a law requiring the purchase of at least one hamburger a week from the “provider” of your choice. Would you expect the price of a hamburger to go up – or down? Probably the only reason there isn’t a mandate to buy hamburgers (yet) is because the Hamburger Lobby hasn’t figured out a way to frame such extortion in terms of a “public good.”

Give them time.cost of insurance pic

Meanwhile, insurance costs continue to skyrocket – precisely because we’re not permitted to say no.

How much is the average person paying out to be “covered”? (Which, by the way, is not the same thing as actually getting anything, in the event you file a claim.)

At-gunpoint car insurance costs in the neighborhood of $1,300-$1,500 a year for most people (see here) or about $120 a month.

How about health insurance? It’s currently about $250-$350 month for a very basic (and basically worthless) Obamacare policy for a single (healthy) young adult (see here). This works out to about $3,000-$4,200 annually. You will be (forced) to pay much more if you are older – or have a family. Just as you will be forced to pay more for car “coverage” if the mafia’s enforcers select you for a roadside “tune-up” (i.e., give you a ticket for the manufactured, victim-free offense of driving faster than they like), the fact that you’ve never filed a claim – or had one filed against you – being immaterial.

But, let’s call it $600 a month – a very conservative figure – to be “covered” for car and health insurance.obamacare pic

Grab your pay stub. Have a look at federal and state tax withholding. Odds are you are paying less to the federal and state mafia (er, government) than you are to the insurance mafia.

If not, you will be.

Obamacare costs are skyrocketing, in some cases by 30-40 percent. So is car insurance – in part because the government keeps mandating expensive new “safety” features that cost a small fortune to fix when the car is in an accident.

This is what happens when there’s no saying no.

Street muggers aren’t going to leave you a $20 in your wallet. They’re going to take everything. Why? Because they have the power to do so.

So does the insurance mafia. Expect the same, accordingly.van by the river

Car insurance is arguably even worse than health insurance. Among other things, you’re forced to buy multiple policies if you have more than one vehicle – even though it’s not physically possible to drive more than one of them at a time. And you’re usually required to maintain “coverage” even if the car never moves.  Which is like being forced to buy health “coverage” for a mannequin, when there is no possibility of it even catching the sniffles.

The fact is that as much as we’re bled white by the tag team of fiat currency and government filching through whatever’s left in our pockets, it’s the growing burden of insurance-at-gunpoint that’s eventually going to leave us all living in a van down by the quotes

To really get a handle on just how much they mulct from us, look at the numbers from a different angle.

What if you simply put the money you were forced to pay the insurance mafia into an interest-bearing account (or better yet, a mutual fund) with the principle and interest accrued remaining your property unless you actually caused damage to someone else’s person or property – in which case, the funds would be used to compensate the person for his loss?

Take the low figure of $1,300 annually. Over just ten years’ time, you’d have a principle of $13,000. But the miracle of compounding interest would increase that sum considerably. Invested conservatively, as in a mutual fund, that $13,000 would probably be $20,000 after ten years’ time. And after another ten years, that $20,000 might be $35,000.don corleone

This is not chump change. But what about “what if”?

How many of you have ever caused $35,000 (or even $10,000) in damages to anyone? It is much more likely that you won’t have an accident … which of course is why insurance is profitable.

It would still be so if the operation were run on a free market rather than a gangster basis.

Just less so.

Insurance issuers (as opposed to a mafia) would need to earn your business. By offering you a policy that seemed like a good buy. The ability to say no would impose the same positive pressure on insurers that the same market forces impose on McDonalds and Wendys.

They have to convince you to buy their burgers – because they can’t force you to buy them.

Nevertheless, they still manage to make billions of dollars – without resorting to mafiosi tactics.

And without bankrupting us.

Why can’t insurance work the same way?

Probably, because that would work for us.

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December 18, 2015 7:28 am

Brilliant article. Didn’t have time to read it, bit the premise is 10,000% on the money

December 18, 2015 7:53 am

There is a difference between personally voluntary because there are (legal) ways anyone can use to avoid it and forced with no one able to escape by any legal means.

There are several ways anyone can avoid vehicle insurance, there are no ways I know of to avoid healthcare insurance or the associated “tax” if it’s not bought.

Triple H
Triple H
December 18, 2015 7:59 am

As usual, great article from Eric Peters. Agree +100. The paying for multiple car insurance policies when you can only drive one car at a time has always pissed me off. Insurance on its basics is a pretty good thing, weather it is for Home, Car, Life, or Medical, but as Peter so correctly identifies the issue, it is when you are forced by law(sic) to have it, there is no stopping the abuse. And that abuse will always grow.

Thanks for the great article Eric.

December 18, 2015 8:07 am

Isn’t it ironic how politicians can turn the thought of healthcare as a “right” into one of the most expensive taxes in history. (So far anyway)

Party on democrats, party on.

December 18, 2015 8:15 am


It’s only expensive to the paying class, the subsidized class is doing better than ever with it.

December 18, 2015 8:28 am

What makes insurance such a horrible value is none of these policies have any cash value. Being self employed I have paid my own BCBS for over 25 years. About $15,000 for 25 years. We have had minimal claims – and no major surgeries. So it works out to about $375,000 I’ve paid in over the years and don’t have one fucking thing to show for it. It’s really just anti-bankruptcy insurance.

Same for car / home. A complete ass rape racket.

December 18, 2015 8:47 am

Agreed Anon,

In my profession I work with lots of doctors, my son in laws dad is a orthopedic surgeon.

Not one doctor I know has yet come out in favor, they hate O-care and they all say the say thing. The only people who like this living abortion are those that don’t have to pay for it.

Free healthcare my taxpaying ass.

December 18, 2015 10:08 am

Excellent read. When you play blackjack, at least the casino gives you an option to make that sucker insurance bet. With a mortgage, a car loan or health insurance you have no option …..even if you had a million bucks in liquid net assets.

Mandatory Insurance is just another example of government and the corporations becoming as one. I think it’s called fascism.

December 18, 2015 2:27 pm

starfcker says:
“Brilliant article. Didn’t have time to read it…….”

Is that not the dumbest fucking comment ever posted on TBP? Move over bb, you’re about to have company! Where is Stucky when you need him to ridicule someone into oblivion? I’d do it but laughing at that stupidity sort of extinguished the desire to do so.

EL Creyente
EL Creyente
December 18, 2015 2:37 pm

One good rule of thumb is to never be the first to comment on what may turn out to be a 2 pump chump of an article. Check out Maggie’s article, she is closing in on 300 comments.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 18, 2015 2:49 pm

A lot of insurance will not be paid after the certain collapse; only buy what you absolutely must.

December 18, 2015 3:20 pm

EC… it is NOT my article. I simply chose it for the proper place for you to mock me and harangue Jfish.

And would you explain what 2 pump chump means?

The article is, of course, true and makes great points. What it doesn’t provide is any hope that we can escape the tax and insurance prison.

December 18, 2015 6:08 pm

Maggie said:
“And would you explain what 2 pump chump means?”

You really don’t want to know but just in case…………..

December 18, 2015 6:13 pm

robert h siddell jr says:
“A lot of insurance will not be paid after the certain collapse;”

No kidding! Once hyperinflation hits you can stop paying life insurance premiums for sure. Mortgage holders and drivers will still be required to buy those but I doubt payout will happen or they’ll be worthless if they do.

Dan Pendergast
Dan Pendergast
December 19, 2015 7:49 am

Just to clear up a few mis-conceptions. It is possible to legally avoid auto insurance. The reason the so-called government can force you to buy auto insurance is because they have legal title to the vehicle.

When the vehicle was first sold [by way of a car lien] the dealer transferred the Manufacturers Certificate of Origin [MCO] to the State as required by law. The MCO is legal title now in the possession of the State. What the owner/borrower gets is a Certificate of Title which is also known as equitable title giving the owner/borrower time, possession, and use [usufruct] of the State’s property—that is, as long as said owner follows all the State’s rules for such usufruct possession. Things like keeping the State’s property insured, following thousands of ridiculous so-called laws, getting safety inspection-you know, all those things for the ‘public good’. That’s how they, as stated in the article, always come at us-its for the public good.

So, just how can one avoid buying auto insurance and not be in violation of State mandates? For most people in our society, this is an impossibility, not because that option is foreclosed to them by any law, but by the addiction they have acquired over their lifetime to want it all and want it now. They have become addicted to a cure-all called credit. Most have never bought any big ticket item with cash. Most Americans can’t save a dime because credit is a very expensive way to travel through life.

However, if, for example, one could walk into a showroom and negotiate a cash deal with a dealer then that person could demand the legal title [MCO] from the dealer for that vehicle. You will find provision for that in your State statutes. In North Carolina it is found at NCGS 20-52.1. You must educate yourself on this because it is so seldom used by the public that when I called over 20 different dealers not one of them were aware of that statute.

So what does this mean? Well, since you now have legal title you are not compelled to buy insurance, register the vehicle, but tags, get it inspected, pay property taxes on it or even have a license to travel in it——- but that’s another story. In actuality, you have just removed that auto from the venue and jurisdiction of those road bandits, the police.

The federal health insurance racket is attacked in a different manner. Unfortunately, most will never get the gumption to learn how to do it because most Americans have grown fat, lazy and whiney and they are not interested in learning who they really are and how they are being controlled through lack of knowledge.