Via Knuckledraggin

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 17, 2016 10:12 am


robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 17, 2016 11:51 am

Heard the Great Man speak as Libertarian Party Candidate for POTUS in 1996 (and 2000). Quote from Wiki: “His campaign qualified for matching funds during each election but did not accept them, per his campaign platform. Browne’s refusal to accept matching funds won him expected praise from libertarians and those who are against the concept of federal matching funds, but also earned him somewhat greater exposure in the “mainstream” media. Browne said he needed to be true to what he had preached in his libertarian speeches and that “it would be highly inappropriate for me to stick my nose in the trough after having denounced the Republicans and Democrats for doing so.”

January 17, 2016 12:11 pm

I would even be satisfied if the IRS was abolished. That’s a start.

January 17, 2016 1:21 pm

The best Presidential candidate of my lifetime.

January 17, 2016 3:29 pm

A wise man and a great statesman , if that can be said of a Libertarian..
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I’m sorry that it didn’t work out…if ever it could.

Flailing Rand Paul Goes Full Cuckservative (“Trump Must Be Stopped”) But Paleo-Libertarianism May Emerge From Wreckage


However amusing it is to see Rand Paul emulating the brilliant campaign strategy of Jeb Bush, there is something deeply disgusting about this. At a time when other leading candidates such as Marco Rubio and Chris Christie seem to be advocating war with Russia as the main reason to support them, Rand Paul is redefining libertarianism as essentially cucking for minorities and pandering to every group except Whites.

This is especially foolish, and condescending, because non-Whites explicitly support big government and left wing economic policies, no matter what white libertarian Senators, white libertarian staffers, and white libertarian students tell them they should support. At this point, it is as if Rand Paul is deliberately trying to ensure libertarianism remains an ideological dead end and a waste of time.

Besides, if you actually care about things such as limited government, the power of the feds, or long lost rights such as freedom of association, you should be angry. As Trump says, I’ll accept the mantle of anger.

Luckily, not all libertarians are falling for Rand’s cringing approach. Lew Rockwell, whose website was once the home of Right-Libertarians, seems fed up with Rand Paul’s stupidity and sneeringly characterized Paul the Lesser’s position as, “Mass immigration is the core GOP value.” [Rand: Trump Must Be Stopped, by Lew Rockwell, LRC Blog, January 16, 2016]

LewRockwell.com has also been putting out some strong material lately against what the late Murray Rothbard called the “Revolt Against Nature,” Egalitarianism [The Menace of Egalitarianism, by Lew Rockwell, LewRockwell.com, October 5, 2015]

The Manlet Rand’s campaign is already all but over. Years of careful planning and pandering, “playing the game” as Jack Hunter called it, is about to end in embarrassing failure. But maybe something good will come out of it.

Even as the typical “Student for Liberty” continues his devolution into some horrifying combination of an SJW mixed with a Bronie, the more intelligent, courageous, and consistent libertarian may be able to restart the long dormant Paleo-Libertarian tendency.

And it’s about time.

January 17, 2016 3:40 pm

So far not one candidate has talked about reforming no bid gov contracts.Yes,the million dollar toilet seat.Five million dollar hammer contract that goes to a congressman’s husband or kid.No one ever investigates Obamacare Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarret money that dissapeared.They did joke call 1 800 f you!What first trash does that?

January 17, 2016 10:43 pm

I had the honor to be a part of his campaign team in 1996 and voted for him that year. Harry had produced an 1/2 hour infomercial to introduce voters to him and the idea of what a Libertarian is. Anyhoo, I booked it on leased access cable and I believe a broadcast station or 2, but the only TV network to respond to my request to buy a prime-time 1/2 hour was ABC. They offered me a 1/2 hour after Disney’s wonderful world show on Sunday nite. NBC and CBS refused to offer a slot saying Harry wasn’t a “bona fide” candidate, even though he was on the ballot in all 50 states. Mind you, this was not “free” airtime this was gonna cost something like $600k. I took it to the FCC. The Mass Media bureau refused to take it up.

maxer's mom
maxer's mom
January 17, 2016 11:35 pm

All of the brown noses running for prez….are brown noses/shills…

it is SO obvious…you want to laugh out loud. Trump? At least he

can talk.