Via the Feral Irishman

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February 5, 2016 11:21 am


“We all benefited and we’re all going to pay.” That, my friend is true.

I retired early because my department was sold to a private company,

(hospitals do that) and everything changed. The fate of the patient

became immaterial. It was about numbers and ratios and money.

I rebelled and complained and was punished for it. As a nurse, I saw

my role as being an advocate for the patient, in all ways. When the

door for that opportunity closed I quit. Or was forced out. My ego prefers

“quit.” Are we not all haunted by the image of even welfare folks living

like the rich as compared to other nations and peoples in other lands?

Collectively, we have been smug about USA hegemony. Collectively, we

have also been appalled by the brutality with which our gov has enforced

their world control. That is all coming to light. You have the advantage of

travel, and “insider” knowledge, and you can not be fooled or be ignorant.

I wasn’t born in the US. I am from Frankfurt Germany. I have the benefit

of knowing things as well. Your gentle and sincere remarks have persuaded

me. Thanks.

February 5, 2016 11:58 am

Excellent analysis. I couldn’t agree more that “waking up” is a gradual process. I know this to be true because I “wake up” more and more each day. I felt patriotic after 911. Then, the questions began in my mind. My bad neocon self was glad to see the Taliban and Saddam get taken out; before the quagmire. I was proud to be an American before Snowden. Every time I used my old Blackberry phone, I knew something wasn’t right, but the convenience was too awesome. I didn’t want to admit it to myself until Snowden didn’t let me any longer. By the time the Republican’s won the House and Senate a few years ago, I wasn’t expecting much. In spite of my cynicism, however, I will admit to holding on to a shred of hope. Then along came Omnibus and I knew the TPTB had photos of them all in flagrante with farm animals. And, most recently, just a few days ago the coin tosses in Iowa. Every day is an eye opening experience, there seems to be no way to stopping the train coming down the tracks and it seems all I can do is stand by and watch.

It’s no wonder the sheeple want to close their eyes or would rather watch football when their whole world is about to end. Most days, I hate them. And I do blame them for their lack of curiosity, unwillingness to face the obvious truth (let alone act on it) and their desire to hear only what they want their itching ears to hear. What frustrates me, and perhaps to my shame, is my inability to wake them up. Logic doesn’t matter to them and believe me I have been trying.

These people embrace the religion of Political Correctness using words like: save the earth, justice, equality and peace. They are proud of their good intentions, common sense, nuance and compassion. They “hope” for “change” and the utopian dream of one world under socialism.

But when I ask them why they considered harming the environment as evil; but abortion as choice; they put their hands over their ears. When I show them how they promote women’s rights, unless she’s an Alaskan conservative, or Muslim; they put their hand over their eyes. And, when I ask their opinion of the US national debt doubling under Obama; they put their hands over their mouths. I might even share something like Former President Gerald Ford’s quote: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have”.

But they don’t care.

In the past 10 years I can only think of waking up less than a handful of people. E-mailing, editorials in the newspaper and arguments in lawn chairs around a fire pit while drinking beers. Very few wake up and when they do, it is definitely gradual. But the seeds were sewn and as the shit goes down, maybe they will awake? Or, it may be too late for them.

Yes, I blame the sheeple, but I also blame the TPTB and MSM who lull them to sleep every day. Maybe it was all inevitable in some sort of sick Predeterminism. I wish I had more awake people in my life. Then perhaps I could spend less time on TBP and let go of one of my biggest fears: That is of missing a single post or comment here. I am also encouraged this place is growing. It means more are waking up.

So – in the throes of the 4th Turning at the point where the rotting corpses of The People of Walmart are littered amongst the landscape; when the hard-awakened sheeple’s tears are dried from crying over their decimated retirement funds and lost life savings; when life becomes harder than we ever imagined: Maybe then curiosity will resurrected, questions asked and all followed with swift and terrible retribution.

In any case, everyone will have regrets depending upon the stage of their gradual, and later, drastic awakenings. Some will regret their lazy thinking while watching their kids starve. Others will regret their stock market greed. And others, like me, might regret not having a bigger bug out bag. It will all be a matter of degree.

Perhaps “reaping what we sow” is simply “getting what we deserve”.

February 5, 2016 1:53 pm

“In any case, everyone will have regrets depending upon the stage of their gradual, and later, drastic awakenings. Some will regret their lazy thinking while watching their kids starve. Others will regret their stock market greed. And others, like me, might regret not having a bigger bug out bag. It will all be a matter of degree.

Perhaps “reaping what we sow” is simply “getting what we deserve”.

Either way, humility will be required. I believe there is much more to wake up to.
Some of the older, former members of the establishment are starting to reveal
bits and pieces about how things really work. The world is unbelievably complex.
Yet it still boils down to individuals and families trying to survive in the environment
they find themselves in. What we need is more truth and more awakening. Nothing
can change for the better without the truth. Presently we are inundated with lies.

What else is lurking in the dark? We hear rumors. People write even books about
the true nature of agendas in process or on the horizon.

Rationalization and denial are legion…but are defenses against horrific truths. As
our defenses dissolve…because we are actively seeking truth, more will be
revealed. Yet we have masses of people with no curiosity, deliberately ignorant,
outright hostile to friends or family trying to help them/warn them. I am so loathe
to blame them (a flaw in my logic apparently) because I am afraid!! of the anger
and strong negative feelings even a rightful blaming will cause.

Helping to heal people and relieve pain has been my calling, it is my nature.
I have sinned and engaged in mean spirited behavior, true. In the effort to
atone for those, I endeavor to be more open, more kind, more forgiving.
Like many, I hoped people would wake up and act…do something to help
others to wake up.

Unfriendly says: ” What frustrates me, and perhaps to my shame, is my inability to wake them up. Logic doesn’t matter to them and believe me I have been trying.”

Many are trying, and I have tried. I have literally been told, gently and politely, and
angrily, to “stop talking about those unpleasant things, my life is stressful enough,
I don’t want to hear bad news.”

When TSHTF, people may wake up, but not necessarily to “the truth” and their lack of
responsibility and morality. The fad of pretending to be “rich” or successful has
ended. Those that continue playing that game, in this age of disclosure, will indeed
reap what they sowed…a collapse and all it entails. Fantasies are expensive, and
believing in “recovery” (all evidence disputes it) will be very personal and devastating
to these believers.

One last thing. I mostly never voted, there was never anyone honest to vote for.
Then my husband insisted I vote, so to please him, I did, and in turn voted who he
said to. I crossed my fingers, but to no avail.

Oh gee whiz, I changed my mind! Thanks boys. men.

February 5, 2016 3:00 pm

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

February 5, 2016 3:06 pm

Suzanna, the “we deserve it” reminds me of the Hangman’s Poem……….
When they created an unsustainable economic system that provided me with 12% annual returns, I did not speak up……..

When they rigged the system to provide $0.99 cent gasoline while rest of the world paid five times that, I did not speak up.
Maintaining a constitutional republic requires constant vigilance and involvement just as the founding fathers warned. We trusted someone else to be vigilant and involved……….and they eagerly took on the job. Feigning surprise and outrage when they acted in THEIR interests is akin to dropping your kid off at a daycare in a crackhouse and being surprised when the kid comes home covered in cigarette burns and filth.

We all suffer from cognitive dissonance to one degree or another. I try to remind myself to always question everything, including what “I already know”. One area I failed to do that is with respect to racism. I lived in SC for about six years, 25 years ago and got along quite well with many blacks. I mistakenly believed that blacks were still the same after living in predominantly white locations ever since. Apparently there has been a sustained degradation in race relations since then. The true nature of our military is another area I suffered Cog Dis. Being a military brat and later a military spouse, I had a skewed view of the institution. Once you see how noble, well intentioned citizens are used as muscle to carry out banker wars it’s impossible to not see it.

February 5, 2016 4:03 pm


“Feigning surprise and outrage when they acted in THEIR interests is akin to dropping your kid off at a daycare in a crackhouse and being surprised when the kid comes home covered in cigarette burns and filth.”

Now that is a florid analogy.

I find out everyday that the more I know, the more I need to learn and understand.
The human condition or lesser IQ? Gosh, I wish I could speed things up. I wish
I were young and strong so I could get out there and speak out, lead a rally.
People are walking on eggshells these days/PC and all.

I am most surprised that Blacks and women (men too) haven’t protested PP.
Maybe they are afraid of being arrested as terrorists. Maybe nobody cares.

Racism? It is bad. Really bad. I had to leave the city. I am 5’2″ and <115#.
An easy target, and I have been targeted. Now, I live among small farmers.
I am amazed and full of respect for my neighbors. It is incredible how hard
these people work every day. And, they are sweet- natured…as people go.
Please keep your experience and wisdom flowing. Everyone can use it.


"Once you see how noble, well intentioned citizens are used as muscle to carry out banker wars it’s impossible to not see it."

We seem to be in a cycle of never ending banker wars. The gov is afraid of vets finding
out about the depleted uranium they are now riddled with. And, the 70 or so immunizations
they have been given. The damage to some of these people is not reparable.

February 5, 2016 4:05 pm

oh oh…post got chopped up

February 5, 2016 4:38 pm

“I find out everyday that the more I know, the more I need to learn and understand.”

It’s a bitch ain’t it?! When you learn that just a few tidbits of what you once held dear were lies, it makes you wonder how you could have been so stupid. From that point on though, everything eventually becomes suspect. The trouble I have is not falling too far down any particular rabbit hole. 9-11 for instance…….we can all argue and debate until we die and the current crony oligarchs and useless idiots won’t care one bit. At some point you just have to focus on something you can exert influence over. 9-11 isn’t it, at least at this point in history.

FWIW, when llpoh told you you seem like a good fit here, he was right. You are aware which is why you fit. Further awareness is still needed though. Few of us will ever achieve full enlightenment which is why you must always question everything and pick your battles.

BTW, the feds aren’t afraid……..of anything. They’re too stupid and arrogant to be afraid.