One chart says it all. This might be why white middle class families are pissed.

Via Zero Hedge

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February 5, 2016 12:39 pm

We are being looted.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 5, 2016 12:46 pm

Suzanna, you are half right. We are being raped and looted and then told how wonderful it is.

February 5, 2016 1:06 pm

Worse, think Trojan Horse.

February 5, 2016 1:27 pm

Well, Old Muck has to disagree.

In every big pack of immigrants there are bound to be rotten apples. Understood and accepted.

But the great majority of them are fleeing a life of nothing but terror, poverty and death and all they want is a chance to work, be human and raise their families in a normal, peaceful manner.

It’s a proven fact that over a four-five year time span (with help at first, but not enough to spoil the motivation to better their situation – three hots and cot max) immigrants learn English, move into higher skill levels of work and gratefully adopt the ways of the host country. I repeat, proven fact..

Don’t throw out the good with a few chunks of rotten fruit..


February 5, 2016 1:38 pm

we don’t need them. and they all broke the law getting here. and more break more laws later. send them home.

February 5, 2016 1:38 pm

From what I’ve been told, we should expect about a hundred million new “immigrants” over the next 30 years.

No culture can withstand that and remain its own culture.

If you’re young, be ready for some real problems coming from it, if your old bow your head in shame since you’re the ones responsible for it.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 5, 2016 2:14 pm

Muck, you assume Islam and it’s followers will evolve into a religion of peace and peaceful followers here but it won’t in a million bloody years. Islam must be reduced to a historical footnote like the Mayan-Inca-Aztec bloody religions.

February 5, 2016 2:26 pm

A chart like that only matters to sheople who WANT a job. That excludes a great many minnies and a large number of ‘Muricans who have discovered the Free Shit Gravy Train. One you go Free Shit, you never go Legit!

February 5, 2016 2:38 pm

Muck, I tend to agree that there are some good immigrants out there but the govt is doing everything it can to flood the country with the unsavory type. My advice to the “good” immigrants is to distinguish themselves as such early and often. One way we could aid that process is to end the free shit for immigrants. A culling is going to take place before long and brown people, as usual, are going to be targets.

February 5, 2016 2:42 pm

Muck…… in fairness, my Trojan Horse comment came on the heels of reading this most excellent article that Billy posted yesterday. I don’t know if you read it, so I’ll re-post it just in case

Tet, Take Two: Islam’s 2016 European Offensive

So, perhaps my Trojan Horse comment was a bit of an itchy trigger finger moment, but then again, these foreign workers are being intentionally recruited and hired at the expense of U.S. workers and some of them are indeed Muslims. And Marxist (international socialists) such as Obama are driving this, both here and in Europe. Muslim immigration to the U.S. is neither benign nor beneficial, in my view. Despite Obama’s rhetoric, Islam should not command the respect and admiration of Americans. Obama’s mosque visit was just another opportunity for him to make Muslims the victims, just as he has done with blacks, Latinos, LBGTers, women and so forth.
Funny, but “the religion of peace” has been fighting and killing its own kind for 1400 years and still does today. I’m not aware of any current wars that pit Christians against Christians or Jews against Jews. Religion of peace my ass.

February 5, 2016 2:42 pm

@Muck: What you must realize is, many of these jobs are being given to foreigners under the H1B Visa program. In fact there is a pending lawsuit between Disney and some of these displaced workers, who were forced to train their replacements from India as part of their separation package.

This crap is running rampant in the tech industry and it’s all about lowering the cost of their Human capital, while it’s SUPPOSEDLY about not being able to find American workers to do the job. Yeah, right, Americans who went to college for an EE degree who’ll work for shit wages.

I saw this with my own eyes when I was VP/Sales for a software company that employed only H1B’s as coders; and boy was their work product fucked up!

February 5, 2016 3:11 pm

Muck, you’re delusional. We need more third world immigration like we need a hole in the head. Western civilization is being destroyed from within. Third world immigrants are the shock troops. Open your fucking eyes. No ‘proven fact’ there. Maybe you need to get out more.

Juan Morspik
Juan Morspik
February 5, 2016 3:33 pm

You who comment on TBP want to wall off the US – Mexican border and keep Muslims out of the United States. Shame on you .Have you forgotten America’s welcoming creed:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.

February 5, 2016 3:54 pm

Juan Morspik

First, it was the fucken’ Frenchies who gave us that goddamned statue. Never trust a Frenchie. It was a conspiracy from the get-go … to cause our demise.

Second, what was maybe good back then, is not good now. Times change. Needs change. Back then ‘Murika was a huge land, sparsely populated. For example, we needed lots of immigrants to kill Injuns. Now? Not so much.

Third, I’m sure you’re talking about OTHER people. I’m betting YOU don’t want a poor ass mooslimfuk Syrian immigrant living next door to you …. hmmmm?

Fourth, blow me.

Fifth … Morspik? Yes, indeedy … we do need moar spics …… Mr. El Coyote!

February 5, 2016 4:07 pm

Ah, outed again.

I couldn’t resist.
The Devil (and two glasses of wine with lunch) made me do it.

February 5, 2016 4:15 pm

One day after hundreds of police in Germany carried out raids on suspected ISIS terrorists across the country, the head of the nation’s domestic intelligence agency, BfV, confirmed that the terror group is sending militants into Europe disguised as refugees.

“We have repeatedly seen that terrorists … have slipped in camouflaged or disguised as refugees. This is a fact that the security agencies are facing,” Hans-Georg Maassen told ZDF television.

“We are trying to recognize and identify whether there are still more IS fighters or terrorists from IS that have slipped in,” he added.

According to local media reports, Maassen said the BfV had received more than 100 tip-offs that ISIS militants were disguised among the refugees staying in Germany.

Two men and a woman were arrested during Thursday’s police raids, all three of whom had existing warrants out for their arrest. One man, whose wife was also detained, was wanted by Algerian authorities for belonging to ISIS. He had been trained in Syria. The other man had fake ID documents.

Police had been searching for four Algerians linked to ISIS in Syria who they said are “under investigation over suspicions that they are planning a serious act threatening the security of the state.”

Maassen warned against alarm, however.

“We are in a serious situation and there is a high risk that there could be an attack,” he said. “But the security agencies, the intelligence services and the police authorities are very alert and our goal is to minimize the risk as best we can.”

And Obama wants to keep bringing in more and non-vetted “Syrians”, er, widows and orphans to help fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist Islamic third world hellhole. Further, he believes that American employers should accommodate Muslim employees by giving them the opportunity to pray five times a day while on the clock. After all, Muslim countries accommodate Christians so well in Muslim countries. Why, they even give them a serene seaside view to enjoy whilst having their heads removed from their bodies.

February 5, 2016 4:50 pm

Jaun the dumbfuck……….I’m not interested in walling off our borders. I am however in favor of some sane fucking immigration laws like we have had for much of our history. The cuurent practice of paying immigrants just for sticking out their grubby hand attracts exactly the wrong kind of immigrant. Immigrants should have some gumption and desire to better themselves as evidenced by the extreme measures and hard work they undertook to get here.

Current immigration laws and practices will do nothing more than turn this formerly great country into the shitholes these immigrants are coming from. Just look around if you doubt that.

February 5, 2016 5:09 pm

The whole building a big wall thing is popular.
A sure winner would be to declare that he(Trump) would push for term limits in Washington.To get rid of the dead old wood that has gotten us to where we are. Plus it is good to place blame on officials and give them the boot.This would make anyone running win the election.Republicans anyhow.

February 5, 2016 6:14 pm

BTW, no wall is needed to keep the illegal beaners out. Simply start deducting zeros from the aid packages uncle sugar shovels down Mexico way every time we catch an illegal and somebody in beanerville will get the message and take action.

February 5, 2016 8:02 pm

Agree with IS at 2:26.

One somewhat overlooked, but a critical facet of this debate is the general American work ethic, especially among some segments, and contrasted against other some countries work forces. It appears that even as we speak, the disincentives to work are increasing. Pride of workmanship went the window long ago, the scales tipping toward entitlements.

February 5, 2016 8:54 pm

The trend is Cruz’ friend.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 6, 2016 2:02 pm

Two thumbs down for wisecracking that the trend of jobs going to foreigners favors Cruz the foreign-born for the job of prez.

The thickheadedness it burns.