As the labor participation rate and employment to population ratio linger near three decade lows, the mouthpieces for the establishment continue to perpetuate the Big Lie this is solely due to the retirement of Boomers. It’s their storyline and they’ll stick to it, no matter what the facts show to be the truth. Even CNBC lackeys, government apparatchiks, and Ivy League educated Keynesian economists should be able to admit that people between the ages of 25 and 54 should be working, unless they are home raising children.

In the year 2000, at the height of the first Federal Reserve induced bubble, there were 120 million Americans between the ages of 25 and 54, with 78 million of them employed full-time. That equated to a 65% full-time employment rate. By the height of the second Federal Reserve induced bubble, there were 80 million full-time employed 25 to 54 year olds out of 126 million, a 63.5% employment rate. The full-time employment rate bottomed at 57% in 2010, and still lingers below 62% as we are at the height of a third Federal Reserve induced bubble.

Chart via econimica

Over the last 16 years the percentage of 25 to 54 full-time employed Americans has fallen from 65% to 62%. I guess people are retiring much younger, if you believe the MSM storyline. Over this same time period the total full-time employment to population ratio has fallen from 53% to 48.8%. The overall labor participation rate peaked in 2000 at 67.1% and stayed steady between 66% and 67% for the next eight years. But this disguised the ongoing decline in the participation rate of men.

In 1970, the labor participation rate of all men was 80%, while the participation rate of women was just below 43%. Then Nixon closed the gold window, setting in motion a further debasing of the currency, unleashing politicians to promise voters goodies without consequences, and giving Wall Street bankers and Madison Avenue free rein to use propaganda to bury Americans in debt, while convincing them trinkets and baubles were actually wealth.

The relentless inflation released by Nixon and the Federal Reserve, and perpetuated by Washington D.C. politicians, forced more women into the workforce over the next 30 years, as families could no longer make ends meet with just the husband working. Over the next 30 years the labor participation rate of women soared to 60%, with the expected negative consequences from having tens of millions of children raised by strangers rather than their mothers. The resultant decline in the family unit and kids being brainwashed by government public school indoctrination has left generations of non-critical thinking zombies, easily manipulated by emotional appeals and false storylines.

As women entered the workforce in great numbers, the participation rate of men gradually declined from 80% to 75% by the 2000. It then began a rapid descent and accelerated after the Federal Reserve created 2008 financial disaster. It now stands at 69.3%, just above its record low in 2015. In the 1950’s when 87% of men participated in the labor market, the country’s economy grew strongly, we produced rather than consumed, we saved before we spent, the family unit was strong, and men’s purpose in life was clear.

When over 30% of working age men aren’t participating in the labor force, trouble is brewing. It’s even worse when you consider the 25 to 54 year old male participation rate has declined from 97% in the 1950’s and 1960’s to below 88% today. Much of the anger building in this country is the result of men in their prime earning years seeing their jobs shipped overseas, outsourced, or taken by HB1 workers. The backlash against illegal immigrants is understandable.

Then there are the young men aged 16 to 24, who have seen their participation rate fall from over 70% in the early 1990’s to below 51% today. The 70% participation rate was consistent from the mid 1970’s through 2000. The precipitous decline is not due to mass enrollment in college, as college students worked when I was their age. There is nothing more volatile than millions of unemployed young men, an imploding economy, growing wealth inequality, and porous borders allowing millions of illegals to invade the country, taking jobs and straining the already bankrupt social welfare net.

The facts obliterate the false storyline of Boomers retiring as the primary cause for the labor participation rate plummeting to three decade low levels. In fact, the number of full-time workers over the age of 55 numbered only 11 million in 2000, representing 18.6% of the over 55 population. Today, over 21 million full-time employed over 55 year olds, represent close to 25% of the rapidly growing over 55 year old category.

Chart via econimica

The overall labor force participation rate of the over 55 population, which had lingered in the 30% range from the mid 1980’s until the mid 1990’s, now stands just above 40% at levels last seen in the early 1960’s. The Boomer retirement meme, peddled by the corporate media, is pure propaganda designed to obscure the fact millions of people, especially men, in their prime working years are not working. The fact is there are 253 million working age Americans and 102 million of them are not working.

Chart via econimica

Of the 151 million working Americans, only 123 million are employed full-time (now 35 hours, then 40 hours), 10 million are self-employed, 7 million work multiple jobs, and 21 million produce nothing as they work for the government. The strong and growing job market mantra being sold to the American people is a complete falsehood, and average Americans know it.

We know 10,000 Americans per day are turning 65 and will be for decades to come. Some of them are retiring as they had planned for the last 40 years to do. The fact is very few planned. They were sucked into the easy debt vortex sold by the establishment and lived in the present, never planning for the future. When 50% of all households over the age of 55 have $12,000 or less in retirement savings, they aren’t retiring. When even the over 55 households that did save only have $100,000 of retirement savings, they aren’t retiring. That will last them a couple years at most, when their life expectancy is 20 to 30 years. Very few households can survive on their Social Security pittance, as Yellen and her band of merry men provide 0.25% returns on savings and the cost of food, rent and healthcare surge ever higher.

Boomers aren’t retiring en mass because they can’t afford to retire. The labor participation rate of the younger generations is being negatively impacted by the non-retirement of Boomers. This is called the trickle down effect from unintended consequences. The establishment has strip mined the wealth of the country, leaving a barren wasteland in its wake, creating a seething populace, seeking perpetrators to blame. The populist uprising which propels Trump and Sanders has been spurred by the destruction of the working middle class as the corporate fascists, global elite, and banking cabal have pushed their game of financialization roulette to its limit.

The corporate mainstream media machine, whose job is to keep the establishment in power, scorns Trump when he references a true unemployment rate above 20%, while the BLS reports a beyond laughable rate of 5%. In fact, 24% of all Americans between the ages of 20 and 54 are not working. In fact, 18% of all American men between the ages of 20 and 54 are not working. What are these 13 million men doing on a daily basis? They aren’t retired. A large percentage have been screwed over by a system designed to enrich the few at the expense of the many. Of the 35 million 20 to 54 year old Americans not working, many have found they can suckle more from the welfare and disability systems than they can by working. This generates animosity between the middle and lower classes, to the delight of the ruling class, as it takes the focus off their never ending criminal activities.

The Big Lie can work for longer than rational people might think, but eventually the revelation of its falsehood leads to revolutionary change. The average person in middle America is waking up to the lies of the establishment. They know the unemployment rate is closer to 20% than 5%. They know their own personal inflation rate is 5% to 10%, and not the reported 1% to 2%. They know the banker bailout, TARP, ZIRP, QE, and trillion dollar budget deficits weren’t designed to benefit Main Street USA. They know the media is in the back pocket of the establishment. They are sick and tired of getting screwed by a system designed by a wealthy elitist class to shake them down at every opportunity. They are starting to get up out of their chairs and yelling:

I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!!!

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Silent Majority
Silent Majority
April 5, 2016 11:38 pm

@ED & El Coyote- Not all of us Millenials (I am ashamed to be a part of that generation) blame baby boomers for our current demise.

Your generation was thoroughly victimized with some of the most sinister and degenerate brainwashing known to man. Essentially, everything you were ever told was a lie. The access to information was incredibly limited and outright hidden, thus forcing your age group to rely on those in power to provide an “accurate” depiction of reality.

Are the boomers at fault for allowing such a con game to take place? Sure….but the following generations are also responsible for not taking heed to stop it when confronted with the truth. Given the amount of information that is available, there is no excuse for ignorance.

One old timer explained the generational crisis as follows: Your birthdate is like the numbers on a lottery ticket, the boomers got quite a few numbers, while the millenials did not even get the fucking power ball number. Just the way it is.

Silent Majority
Silent Majority
April 5, 2016 11:39 pm

Sorry ***Millennials. I really need to utilize the spell check function on word prior to posting.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 6, 2016 12:44 am

Ed, Not to give advice you’ve heard already. Self-sacrifice without a cause is masturbation. Maybe your willing to let your portion evaporate. I doubt your employer would be happy to know you let his money turn into just more taxes.

There is this idea going around, I know because my sister bought into it, that the government was broke and she was going to starve herself and not claim SS in an effort to help uncle sam.

Even those assholes that blow themselves up for jihad do so with the expectation that their family will receive some sort of compensation.

SS is the least America can do for you, for your service in making America great all those years. Why eat dog food just so a gen xer or millenial can get SSI and play video games in his parent’s house?

April 6, 2016 8:43 am

“Why? Because ya’ll motherfuckers are expensive and unreliable as all hell.”

What establishmentarian crap.

No one knows for sure if Marie said “Let them eat cake.” But she got her just deserts anyway.

April 6, 2016 11:39 am

Silent Majority–Yes, it doesn’t do any good to blame the ‘Boomers’, I guess. But…it just get my gall, their exaggerated sense of entitlement.

It’s been said, “There’s no shame in being ignorant, but it’s nothing to be proud of either.”

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
April 6, 2016 4:38 pm

Homer, while cleaning out my basement desk I came across a “gold going to the moon” newsletter come-on from Jim Blanchard featuring Bob Bishop.


Gold double-bottomed in 1999 and 2001, at (inflation-adjusted) much lower prices. Gold at $1900 a few years ago was still below its 1980 peak in inflation-adjusted dollars.

Yeah, I get it.

No, we disagree. A credit collapse is inevitable in a fiat money environment when most monetary wealth is in the form of higher-order debt (i.e., IOU-dollars.)

Yes, that is what a bond is. A promise to pay dollars in a stream, and dollars at maturity.

Zimbabwe printed banknotes. The USA has filled an ocean in bonds promising (at the end, if demanded) banknotes.

There is no way to create that many banknotes at $100/bill.

Either we get a massive default (and wealth disappears) or we have to see the limit of 100 dollars per bill change to more like 1,000,000 per bill.

I doubt that will happen soon enough to prevent the meltdown once it begins.

April 6, 2016 6:26 pm

gold, absent the POCB’s, devaluation scheme’s , is what determines the price of their fiat currency .

That’s it .

Whatever .

April 6, 2016 8:05 pm

“As women entered the workforce in great numbers, the participation rate of men gradually declined from 80% to 75% by the 2000. It then began a rapid descent and accelerated after the Federal Reserve created 2008 financial disaster.”

I haven’t read the comments, but I have a question. How did the Federal Reserve create the 2008 financial disaster? Didn’t the seed for the housing collapse start with Jimmy Carter’s Fair Housing Act and accelerated with a variety of federal government laws (eg, repeal of Smoot-Hawley in 2009)and Wall Street greed create the housing market implosion? What part, major or otherwise, did the Federal Reserve play in this economic implosion?

Thank you in advance for any enlightenment.

April 6, 2016 8:20 pm

@ Admin

Thanks. And I meant Glass-Steagall instead of Smoot-Hawley. You can keep me firmly entrenched among TBP’s commenters afflicted with Alzheimer’s.

Silent Majority
Silent Majority
April 6, 2016 10:45 pm

@Homer- I agree the sense of entitlement possessed by the baby boomer generation is disheartening, but let me be blunt and assure you that it is in no way comparable to the sense of entitlement present amongst my generation (Millennials). I honestly become depressed when I think of this generation assuming the positions of power in the USA.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 6, 2016 11:01 pm

The 10,000 people a day retiring meme caught fire.
Nobody mentions the folks dropping dead in their early 60’s.
Poor fucks never collected dime one on SS.

I have a very studious researcher, let’s call her beautiful blonde, she regularly gasps to find somebody she knew in the obituaries, relatively young 50-60 years old working stiffs.

April 6, 2016 11:09 pm


want to tell you this article is posted on Survival Blog, today,
in the economics and investing section.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
April 7, 2016 8:49 am

The Fed is a symptom, not a cause.

People were partying like it was 1999 (in the early 1960’s.) There wasn’t enough organic economic growth to sustain the trend. Credit was growing rapidly, outpacing the measurement of prices in a monetary system that had silver in coinage.

1964, silver was removed from US coins. The value of silver has never looked back, because the money supply (mostly credit, not coin or banknote) kept growing.

1964 to 1974/1981 was a sideways bear market characterized by bouts of high CPI inflation. Interest rates on Money Market Funds hit 16% and mortgages were near that. It was a secular high in interest rates, and rates have declined ever since, raising the capital value of preexisting debt for the last 30 years or so.

Without any consistent ruler for measure, the money/wealth supply lit the afterburners in a vertical rise.

I like to think of it as “M4.” (not the military carbine.)

If M3 is the broadest measure of the money supply, imagine adding (mentally) the underlying value of what people think of when they add up what they are worth.

Yes, I know lots of people have nothing, but what about the top 10% or so. The very, very wealthy have real estate and other “holdings.” Everyone in this cohort has credit cards with credit limits they can spend. Most have stocks and bonds (in or out of 401k plans.)

As the credit bubble inflated, it was a feedback loop to M4.
– interest rates fell, so bonds rose in value. “I’m richer” said bondholders.
– borrowers (gov’t and corps) issued bonds like mad hatters. “I’m even RICHER” said bondholders.
– richer people chased bigger houses, boats, planes, and above all MORE INVESTMENTS!.
– all these things went up in price due to demand.
– people borrowed to buy the more costly stuff.
– the holders of their IOU’s (debt) said, “I’m even RICHER!!”

Do you see?

It was (according to people like Fed governors) a virtuous cycle. The more credit in the system, the richer people felt. The richer they felt, the more they spend and borrowed. The more they borrowed, the richer they felt. RINSE AND REPEAT.

The Fed simply accommodated this insane demand for credit by relaxing standards of assessment at every turn. Banks could get bigger and bigger and bigger. They could issue ever more dodgy credit instruments (like Collateralized Debt Obligations, the bane of the housing boom.) FASB accounting standards were relaxed.


Because people were collectively drunk with optimism. They WANTED Ponzi schemes so the charlatans among us simply provided them.

All that M4 wealth floats higher on nothing but confidence. Mass psychology 101.

April 7, 2016 9:37 am

I am a Boomer, born in 50. Don’t call all Boomers brainwashed by BS. THAT’s BS. Some of us figured out what was going on without the great and wonderful internet. My grandfather HATED FDR, Called him a Commie and told me so when I was just a pup. My Father, who fought in WWII thought Viet Nam was fighting for Dow, Esso (Exxon to you young ‘uns), etc. I was railing on about Trilateral Commission, CFR, etc, and most around me thought I was a Right Wing Nut. Some got it.

So, like SM, and others, each generation has the mass of clueless, and a minority of those that get it. I was lucky, got out of HS in 68 with an old school education – America is Great, Founding Fathers were smart, honorable. Then headed to “higher education”. THAT is where the BS started. I had one, ONE conservative history professor. The rest were so full of left wing propaganda, it was sickening. I argued and paid with Ds. I made sure my kids were pointed in the right direction – pun intended.

And I say TAKE THE SS. I agree, it is better spent by the people on here, and most others, that letting Uncle Shithead keep it.

And Stucky, I am not a freeloader here, so there.

April 7, 2016 1:35 pm

EL Coyote–Being old is a bitch. Everyone around you are dropping like flies. That is why I think it’s important to surround yourselves with young people. It keeps your mind active and your experience will be helpful to them. That’s why God created Grandkids, I guess.

Silent Majority & BigMIKE–Eric Berne, psychiatrist of Transactional Analysis fame, wrote about ‘scripting’, like a movie script. He said that kids get a ‘script’ from their parents and the kids act out this ‘script’. But..there are some who run an anti-script. They do the opposite of what their parent’s ‘script’ calls for. “I’m my own person and I can think for my self”, they say, “I’ll do as I want”. These are the ’60’ Hippies, today’s Boomers.

Thinking they are a free and independent people making their own decisions, a funny thing happens at around 30yrs old, they revert back to the ‘script’ that their parents wrote for them. They become their parents, so to speak.

Is it any wonder that the Millennials exhibit the traits of entitlement that the Boomers exhibit, Silent Majority? Or…BigMIKE, the wisdom that was passed on to you by your Grandfather and Father that now influence your thinking?

The people in power are running a script created for them by the Boomers. The ‘script’ that Eric Berne talks about is really a belief system. We all have one and it pays to examine it and discard the Santa Claus and Easter Bunny parts and integrate more realistic beliefs. There are many beliefs that we as a culture hold in common and there are many beliefs that are individual . Some are excess baggage that need to be dumped.

The Constitution is a cultural belief and the belief has survived through time because it incorporates universal truths. The Progressives are trying to change your beliefs in the Constitution, society, and how you relate to your fellow man and the government. You must understand this. You must see the suttlely

April 7, 2016 1:47 pm

How in the hell did that happen? My new computer has a mind of it’s own. It just posted my comment before I finished it.

To Continue–subtle attempt to change your beliefs. You are malevolently being manipulated. Without core beliefs that are true and universal, you are like a ship without a compass and you will be tossed recklessly upon the sea of life. You will lack direction and meaning in your life and pass that on to your offspring.

Be careful what you believe.

April 7, 2016 2:29 pm

If you had an aging workforce getting ready to retire, coupled with bogus unemployment figures which are so fanciful they would make Walt Disney blush, how would you cover it up in such a way to make people not notice? Pay workers more… specifically those workers in the lower strata. $15.00 an hour might be just the bilge pump this garbage scow needs to stay afloat. Wealth effect through government dictate.

“Happy days are here again..the sky above is clear again…” My bullshit meter is pegged.

April 8, 2016 4:19 pm

Rise Up says:

bb says: “…Business is good at FedEx .Trucking companies are hiring for just about every kind of job you can imagine. UPS has benefits that would match any of the top 500 corporations.”
What accounts for the increased volume of FedEx and UPS when general retail is in a slump? Is it because online retailers are overtaking brick/mortar stores?

Yeah well, FEDEX & UPS are hiring more and more ‘independent contracting’ companies to run the loads for them in ‘THE BIG RIG TRUCKS. These independents run hard using ‘paper DOT logs’ so they can skirt the ‘DOT hours of service’ laws. They also pay the drivers shit money – no where near the good pay that FEDEX or UPS company drivers get paid. So the next time you are out on the highway and a BIG FEDEX / UPS Tractor hauling double trailers rolls past you just remember that the driver is most likely sleep deprived and in a BIG hurry to rack up as many miles as he or she can in order to receive the biggest paycheck possible (paid by the mile).

April 8, 2016 4:39 pm

RETIREMENT ? What a fucking joke !

Another stock market crash to destroy what remains of your 401K or IRA after the other 3 stock market crashes of the last 30 years wiped out most of it’s value (but remember, you are in it for the long haul – again, what a fucking joke). And not to forget about what inflation has done to any savings you may have acquired. Throw into this mix the Savings & Loan crisis of the late 1980’s / early 1990’s, and let us never forget the good ole RTC – the RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION “resolving the crisis, restoring the trust” – that is what the sticker on the front door of my bank said after the federal goon squad took over the bank. They resolved part of the crisis by ‘calling in’ many loans that were in good standing which ruined more than just a few local businesses and personal lives – mine being just one of many.

Twenty years spent rebuilding it all, then POOF – 2008 / 2009. RETIREMENT ? WHAT A FUCKING JOKE ! Just ask todays seniors with any savings how that big interest payment is going for them. AND, when the USA DOLLAR implodes all of the paper assets you thought were really assets won’t be worth the paper they are printed on. Most public pensions & corporate pensions will be cut back to almost nothing – or maybe default will cut them back to nothing at all. So go right ahead and dream of that elusive retirement – for most of us IT WILL NEVER COME.

April 8, 2016 11:24 pm

@ DC sunsets , I completely disagree with the fed is a symptom , not a cause .

POCB. They wish to own the world in fee simple . period .

The Creature from Jekyll island ring a bell , sir?

Passage of the so called FED Reserve act on Christmas eve , by what , 4 people , after everyone else was sent home for Christmas break ? Really?

Federal Reserve is not a part of the federal government and not a reserve . Just do a FOIA request , as I did , and they will tell you so .

Research further , why ?
Who does it benefit ?


History is intertwined and convoluted so that you cannot put the pieces together .
The truth will set you free , but first it is going to piss you the fuck off .
‘Whatever .

Jakob Stagg
Jakob Stagg
April 9, 2016 11:10 am

“Today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people”

–Zbigniew Brzezinski

April 9, 2016 11:55 am

“Are the boomers at fault for allowing such a con game to take place? Sure”

Silent M, the way I see it, the only way “we” can be at fault for the shit done by government, is that we didn’t start killing the bastards and keep on until the last politician and bureaucrat was dead.

None of us out here paying taxes, etc. has had a say in what has been done. I was too busy taking care of my kids to go on a suicide mission against the real enemy. Of that failure to act I’m guilty as shit.

April 9, 2016 12:02 pm

EC, Llpoh and others; thanks for the responses, and I’m sorry I can’t answer now. Pow Wow season is gearing up and I’m bagging beads to sell once I’m out on the trail for the Spring/Summer/Fall seasons.

Selling beads to regalia makers at Pow Wows is the only business I have left. I hope to be able to handle it this year, given the injuries from a car wreck last June that sidlelined me for most of the selling months of ’15.

Wintertime is when I can loll around posting online, and that time is used up for now. Y’all keep at it. I’ll be tossing in a dumbass joke from time to time for the rest of the year.