The Climate Change Distraction

FORWARD: I tend to be long-winded, so this article has been greatly shortened in the hopes that someone will actually read the damned thing. I’m not publishing this under my own name, so don’t expect academic levels of references and figures. You disagree with something, start a war in the comments.


The 1800s set the tone for mankind’s future, not just politically, but economically and scientifically as well. It was at this point when we began to understand that our actions may have a lasting effect on the global carrying capacity for humanity. The concerns have always wavered back and forth, but at the end of the day the predictions all mean the same thing:
“Doom” is a terrible scientific conclusion, as it is rooted deeply in emotion; however, doom is an excellent political conclusion as fear-mongering has long been a preferred tool for those with special interests, and unfortunately the budding science of climatology has been used time and again to push an agenda.

Today, climate change is as divisive a topic as can be found, pitting allies, neighbors, and even family against each other. This all or nothing approach to a very serious and complex problem is yet another challenge America faces in its attempts to stand united.

A Brief Background of Climate Change


The Greenhouse Gas Effect Theory is currently the science underpinning this latest issue. Dating back to 1896, the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius calculated that different gases (most noticeably: Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane) had an effect whereby they would trap the amount of infrared energy in a system, increasing the temperature.

The original observations were considered to be non-important from a Doomsday perspective, as Arrhenius concluded that the effect would take many thousands of years to actually be a factor. As time moved forward, scientists continued to build upon and tweak Arrhenius’ work, isolating carbon dioxide as a contributor, and also discovering worrying trends in past-climate trends (paleoclimatology) where previously stable Ice Ages were discovered to have actually contained many smaller episodes, and in fact were not stable at all, regularly flipping from one state to another.

Alarm began to build in scientific circles, and by the 1960s the rising use of aerosols had caused a rise in smog around the industrialized world, as well as the relatively new phenomenon, Acid Rain. These two very visual concerns led to the beginning of the “Doomsday” crowd, with in 1970 scientists warned of an imminent Ice Age if mankind did not soon change their ways. Legislature passed during this time helped to greatly reduce the Acid Rain caused by industry and other irresponsible use of chemicals.
Times Ice Age
As one problem was conquered, another took its place in the form of a growing hole in the ozone layer located in the Southern Hemisphere. Fast global action proved strong enough to overcome this challenge, as the international outlaw of CFCs and reduction in HCFC use greatly increased the strength of the Earth’s ozone layer.

As the ozone layer slowly began its healing journey, the politician scientists pivoted to the next target on their hit list: The Greenhouse Effect.

Previous climate issues were fairly cut and dry:  sulfur dioxide causes acid rain and HFCs destroy the ozone. But, this time is different, this time the smoking gun was not as easy to identify.  The Greenhouse Effect is primarily driven by carbon dioxide, with methane being a close second. The problem seems simple, right? Just decrease global CO2 and methane production! Unfortunately that would prove more difficult than previous concerns. The sources for carbon dioxide and methane are innumerable, and whereas prior problems could be readily substituted, reduction in carbon dioxide or methane production would destroy entire industries in some countries and would cause great harm to the economy of most others.

In 1992 the world met in Kyoto, Japan, and signed the Kyoto Protocol, which put some loose restrictions on the nations that signed the treaty. To be honest, this rather half-assed approach did little to appease anyone, as only the signees would be holding to their word, while rising powerhouses such as China and India would continue chugging right along, like the little coal-fired-engine-that-could. Half-assed measures get half-assed results, and the El nino of 1998 was all the excuse that was needed. The Doom is back, this time assuring us that our planet would become too hot to support our current way of life, and if we did not make changes soon then we would all be featured in a real life Water World – a fate worse than death according to Costner’s acting career.
Climate change has only gotten more divisive since then, with hockey-stick graphs on one side, and receding glaciers on the other. Is the climate heating? Is it cooling? One ice sheet thickens (Antarctica) while the other grows thinner (Arctic). Some heat is missing, while other locations are too hot.

The simple truth is that Climate Change is not the worldwide threat its been sold to be and is nothing more than a giant, monetized distraction.

The Politics of Climate Change


Al Gore has long been at the forefront for combating “carbon dioxide.” Citing his college professor as his inspiration, Al Gore has become borderline obsessed with greenhouse gases, and how to combat them. His pressure on the US government and media has created a push for green energy kicking off a “gold rush” for the green energy sector. Suddenly money is flooding in, and as we all know, where government money flows, corruption follows. What was initially a dripping spigot of free money turned into several industries over night, with things like solar power and cellulosic ethanol promising to completely destroy the “evil” fossil fuels sector.

Well, the stage was set, and the show must go on. We have fossil fuels and capitalism playing the part of the bad guy, Al Gore and his activists the valiant hero, and “green” technology acting as the magical weapon that will slay the evil pollution beast and save us all. Dissenters are mocked and careers ruined. If you doubt the science on climate change you are met with outright scorn and disbelief, so thorough has the marketing been for this particular “doom” cult.

The rest of the modern world has thrown their lot in with Gore and his cronies as there’s never been a government that didn’t want more control over its people, and once again they have that age old excuse “its for your own good.” As the fever pitch of outraged do-gooders has risen, so has the amount of money flowing from the government (the public) into poorly thought out schemes and technologies. People like to feel important, and the relentless campaigns by governments, activists, and bored people worldwide have ushered in a new era of NIMBY policies that ostensibly are for the good of the environment, but really just defer the cost onto a different location (*cough* Chinese made batteries *cough*)
Chinese River
At this point it is borderline impossible to determine whether or not the Earth’s climate is warming due to just how highly politicized this topic has become. Papers that disagree with the media’s version of climate science are prevented from publication, or even never funded to begin with. The research that has been published in support of climate science is continuously being revised, and the models are constantly being updated as they fail time and again to demonstrate any ability to predict the future.

The Real Problem


While the two ends of the climate change spectrum sling mud at each other, very real damage is occurring to our planet’s carrying capacity virtually unnoticed. Oceans, forests, and fresh water tables all have been devastated, and every last one of these have been fully preventable.

The Ocean, once a bountiful supply of food for many populations, now have been depleted to the point where much of the Earth may as well be a desert when it comes to food availability. The fish are simply not there anymore, destroyed by wanton harvest of commercial operations and gross overestimation of supplies by industry experts.

Westernized countries have largely understood the value of their forests and have begun extensive re-planting programs, while the Third World and emerging markets have been plowing under their forests for palm oil production and substandard farmland. A short-sighted approach to a far-reaching problem.

Of course there is no money in these problems, no way for Western governments and their cronies to loot and pillage their way to a “solution”…so they go ignored in favor of hefty subsidies to buddies in the various “green” industries and their “good enough for government” results.

The greatest threat to our “life as we know it” isn’t gas from cow shit, but instead wind from bullshit – and the Western world keeps eating it up as their leaders pile it higher and deeper, drowning us in piles of complete nonsense in  an attempt to shame everyone into giving more of their future over to government control.

Author: ThePessimisticChemist

Age: 30 Sex: M Location: America

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April 5, 2016 3:04 pm

False Dilemma, Bea…but what more to expect from a gentleman with a limited quantity of brain cells (I hear eight is the number).

I am FOR thinking critically (you should try it some time) asking big questions (even though they may have no answers) and for creating my individual paradigms but having enough room to listen to others and absorb what makes sense.

I am AGIN dogma, groupthink, bullshit and politics.

April 5, 2016 3:16 pm

It is amazing how some people can accept the overwhelming scientific evidence that the Earth is round and not expanding and simultaneously deny the overwhelming scientific evidence supporting the theory of anthropogenic climate change. The only reason for this contradiction appears to be because some wealthy dsleazeballs are trying to make money out of climate change mitigation.

The flexibility of the human mind is truly wondrous to behold.

April 5, 2016 4:09 pm

Unass the computer and get out there day, so I’m a bit late to respond to Hardscrabble Farmer, who made some big posts out of one of which I extract:

“The atmosphere (made up of molecules) rises away from gravity of the massive Earth while in certain states it is drawn towards Earth. The gravity of Earth is strong enough to keep the rising molecules of the atmosphere drawn to it instead of escaping into the immutable pull of the vacuum of Space”

Well, precisely no. Physics (of whatever flavor you favor) doesn’t work that way. When speaking of “the vacuum of Space,” y’see, “pull” is precisely what it HASN’T got. As a matter of fact, all the “pull” (“immutable” and otherwise) is in the big quantities of mass in the neighborhood (like Earth), which warp space/time to produce gravity.

Vacuum doesn’t “pull.” I guess people think of vacuum as pulling on stuff because they’re mostly familiar with depressurization effects at high altitudes (which is what “Space” is). What you’re seeing when a biological entity designed to function with a circumambient environmental pressure of 760+ Torr is exposed to way, way less pressure is the opposite of a “pull.” It’s a PUSH. From within, as gases dissolved and otherwise held under pressure expand to enjoy all that much emptier space to which they’ve been given access.

Gravity appears to explain how all accumulations of matter got together following the Big Bang singularity (and following all subsequent supernova lesser bangs). It’s the force that caused hydrogen atoms to accumulate in sufficient mass for thermonuclear fusion to take place. The weakest of the four fundamental forces doesn’t mean that gravity is NOT a force to be reckoned with.

What you’re seeing in the upper atmosphere is a continued steady space/time warping that causes the Earth and each molecule in the atmosphere to “pull” against each other, with the big vector pointing down at the Earth’s core. What you’re also seeing are the actions of other forces on those upper atmosphere molecules, including radiated energy and fast particles lashing out from that big ball of fusing hydroen 93,000,000 miles away, imparting energy to the upper atmosphere molecules which knocks some of them out and away from the Earth. The gravity is still working, but there and then, there are other forces working, and they’re stronger and more influential than gravity at that time and in that place. Their influence would be even greater on those high-fringe atmosphere molecules were it not for the Earth’s magnetosphere functioning as to induce a solar wind slide-past The planetary astronomers figure that Mars lacks a respectable atmosphere because it lacks a respectable magnetosphere.

The “pull” is down toward the core of the Earth, not out into Space. The “pull,” in fact, is why the atmosphere is a part or the Earth and why other molecules out in Space (if they’re not being immediately, locally more powerfully influenced by external forces like light pressure and solar wind and cosmic rays and the gravity of other massive bodies hitherabouts) sort of “want” to jump into Earth’s gravity well and join whatever we’re doing down here.

April 5, 2016 4:24 pm

April 5, 2016 5:14 pm

Re flat earth bullshit – I mean that shit is insane – please explain:

Why sailors all know the earth is round based on the horizon. If the earth were flat, one could use a telescope and see from a boat on the west coast of the UK all the way to the Empire State Building. Can they do that? No-o-o-o. Next I expect to be told that light curves severely away from the earth, to explain this little factoid.

How about if the earth is flat, why isn’t the entire earth either in total darkness or total light at any one time. Why do nations on the same longitude, but different hemispheres, not get the same hours of sunlight? Why are there seasons if the earth is not round?

What happens when you drop a drop of water in a vacuum? What shape is it (hint: not flat). The earth was once a molten ball. What shape is a water drop in space? (Again, not flat).

Seriously, the flat earthers must be trolling. Either that or they are clinically insane.

April 5, 2016 6:28 pm

@Bea Lever… Yeah, at 32,000 feet, the earth does seem to curve away pretty consistently.

April 5, 2016 6:35 pm

Personally, I have found the comments on this thread to be extremely satisfying. Much more than the mere climate change debate. DRUD, HSF (and others) thanks for putting yourself “out there”. This takes courage. Fascinating stuff. I will be thinking about it for some time.

But, I will admit: The Flat Earth Theory freaks me out a little. For me, that may be one bridge too far. Will still research it though, I f only because of those whom I respect here. It’s crazy, but also why I love this particular joint in the interests…

April 5, 2016 6:38 pm

“particular joint on the interwebs”, that is. Not ”in the interests”. Fucking spellcheck sucks. 🙂

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 5, 2016 7:32 pm

I pipe in to say HSF has an open mind and Stucky pulls out my toenails and brands me a “flat Earther” with eight brain cells….nice.

Maggie states that at 32,000 feet the Earth seems to curve away petty consistently, so does that not indicate a roundness to this planet?

April 5, 2016 8:14 pm


I ripped your toenails out because YOU LIE, and no other reason.

You totally misrepresent what I believe about 9-11.

Worse, you write that I believe everything the government tells me. Me??!! Who loathes this shitfuk fascist lying perverted government???

Get the fuck outta here.

April 5, 2016 10:16 pm

However, the curvature COULD be a well designed hologram.

April 6, 2016 1:00 am

Maggie says: “…the curvature COULD be a well designed hologram.”

Like I said last night: Maggie is a big bag of stupid. She would be a good exhibit in any case presenting the evidence of why our military hasn’t won a war in over 70 years.

April 6, 2016 3:43 am

@vodka… normally I just ignore asswipes, but you keep falling into my line of sight. I am not sure what I’ve done to draw your nasty attention or if in fact you are simply Jellyfish fermented into a new stench, but since you can’t recognize sarcasm between folks who comment to one another regularly, why don’t you just crawl back into your alley with your cheap bottle of hooch and STFU?

April 6, 2016 8:17 am

“Why sailors all know the earth is round based on the horizon.”

Yoose guys are confusin me ovah heah, already. Do yoose mean round like a ball (I can’t remembah the word for that) or round like a plate, you know, circyoulah?

Oh, yeah SFEERICUHL. That’s the round like a ball word I couldn’t remembah.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 8:22 am
Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 8:38 am

I watched the video the other night Araven posted. Creator of video claimed that there is no ocean floor older than 200 million years. Then in very next breath said that that in and of itself was proof that earth was expanding. It is provably false. One can go to the tablelands in Newfoundland stand on ocean floor that is several hundred million years older than what he claims is oldest ocean crust. That in and of itself blows up the retarded theory of expanding planet. So we can strike once and for all the expanding earth theory off this list. The tablelands also ended up being conclusive proof that the Theory of Continental drift is undeniable. I’m not going to bother explaining that. Anyone with a shred of common sense should be able to figure that out.

Now I am going to add that the previous video, if you can put up with the annoying background music shows how the scientific method works. It is a book that is continually rewritten. Not one static in time. My problem, the one I always have when I argue with the sky daddy people is that they say everything is false. Believe this theory instead. They use quack science not to advance it. No they use it to discredit it. To scare everyone into thinking that their book has all the answers. That if you have any altering view put them aside. Leave it to the mysteries of faith. It is a retarded backward view that belongs in stone age. Not 2016.

Araven how’s that thumb tasting today.

cz you are beyond my contempt. Go pray to your sky daddy.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 8:47 am

The Tablelands

Brendan Murphy was my Professor at St F X.

April 6, 2016 9:39 am

Rob in NS, thank you for finally answering my question with some data rather than just invective. You seem to think this is all so obvious that I should not need to ask questions, but let me ask you, if it was all so straightforward would you have spent 4 or more years studying it? If geology was as easy to understand as you keep stating in uncomplimentary terms why would they pay you to do it instead of just hiring any Joe off the street?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 10:10 am

Watch the fucking second video. There is a man in Parrsboro. He has spent his entire life looking for fossils without a formal, as you would call it, education. He is widely credited for putting that part of Nova Scotia on map as far as research in geology goes. You are throwing up another red herring. Your original video was invective and I responded in kind. You don’t need a college degree to know that expanding earth is completely retarded. And you can’t just post some retarded shit then sit there like a dumb ass. Say stuff like well I watched this video. Please prove me wrong. Your goal like I said is to misdirect and discredit science not advance it. If you are going to float some fucked up theory then it is up to you to provide the context and reason as to why you are doing it. Not me. And now I see HSF is at it again on another thread. What a fucking go ahead!

April 6, 2016 10:25 am


As a fellow farmer, I love your articles and your willingness to confront difficult topics.

Yes, ALWAYS have a healthy dose of skepticism & question official narratives/orthodoxy in science, theology, politics, whatever…. Any time there is a large group of people who create institutions of power, income, or status, they WILL defend those and their status quo using every tactic available; violently if necessary. It’s just human nature.

Sadly, modern day “science” has become just another institution, with many little fiefdoms inside the different disciplines. The scientific method (empirical science – – based on what can be directly observed, *tested*, replicated, and used in something concrete, like engineering) is so alien to these people. Invoking “science” has become some kind of magical/psedoreligious talisman used to ward off unpleasant thoughts and feelbads.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 10:38 am

Atta boy Dan!

More mushrooms popping out of the shit.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 6, 2016 12:05 pm

I can hardly wait for the next 9/11 thread to see you buck the “official story” Stucky. How am I a liar, you always accept the official blather TPTB spew after any false flag as if anyone who questions is a idiot or freak or inbred retard.

At least I am not a blind sheep.

April 8, 2016 5:33 am

Man – TBP is turning into GLP 😉
As for the OP’s post – where to even start.
I won’t.I’ll just post shite.

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By 2017, climate change will be the very least of all your worries.

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