Declining Education, Declining Democracy

FORWARD: The American public education system is a massive topic. This article only touches on its role in our current political situation. I’m deliberately leaving out several issues in an attempt to hit the high points and leave this in a manageable state.

An Unhappy Populace

Each passing year the power and wealth discrepancy in our nation grows ever more obvious, despite the media’s best attempts to convince us otherwise. Politicians blatantly lie their way out of corruption charges, and powerful lobbying groups legally rule our congress with an iron fist. At this point it is common knowledge that our nation is completely captured by private/foreign interests, and these issues continue to foster a growing sentiment of resentment.

People are quick to spout leftists rhetoric about evil corporations, and continue to demand increasingly harsh restrictions on US businesses. These misguided attempts to assess blame do more harm than good, as they strangle start-ups in their crib, effectively forcing people to go to monopolies if they wish to continue buying goods/working for a living. Since the 1970s new business starts have fallen by almost 50%, despite a 62% increase in US population. Where have the employment opportunities gone? Well, to large corporations. Since 1980 the number of small businesses have dropped over 10% while large entities have grown by 35%. These mega-corporations continue to lobby for tighter restrictions on businesses to placate the bleeding-heart left, all the while protecting their wealth behind a myriad of loopholes and rabbit-holes.


Business growth

This was never more evident than when the 20,000 page monstrosity that was the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) was passed, and then house chair Nancy Pelosi explained “There is no time to read it, we have to pass it and then we can read it.” Overnight the insurance companies that were on the “in” with Obamacare received a wealth of new entrants, as the law effectively forced everyone to do business with them or suffer government fines. Other instances of government corruption would soon surface, such as the Iraq War fiasco, the mis-use of funds set aside for disaster relief after Hurricane Sandy, and the now infamous Clinton Email Server scandal. All cases were politicians were caught lying and faced no punishment, no justice. After the 2007 collapse of the US housing market and subsequent Great Recession, no bankers went to prison! In fact, the banks most responsible for this crime actually gained in power, as they absorbed other entities propping themselves up even more with the logic that they would be “too big to fail.”


In the face of all of this, Middle America has continued to soldier on, wearily doing their due diligence by pulling out credit to afford trinkets they do not need, work jobs that pay less and less, and pay exorbitant prices for even the most basic of healthcare services. They know the deck is rigged against them, but are too tired to do anything about it. By the time you finish an 8-6 workday and make it back home your mental energy is gone, as is any fire or spark you may have had earlier that day. Still, the anger and hatred is growing. No matter who are 2016 presidential candidates are, the anti-party front runners have left their mark on history.


Our “Champions”

In the left corner we have Bernie Sanders, an unapologetic socialist, and self-described progressive, this Senator from Vermont is running on the Democratic ticket, but is absolutely not part of the Democrat Party. His visions of free college for all, zero-cost healthcare, and complete equality seduce the youth with their safety and simplicity. Slogans such as “too each according to their need” and “its not our fault” adorn his followers Facebook pages and while I do not think he will make it into the Presidency, his policies and practices have started an alarming number of people on the path towards Communism. Stalin would be so proud.


Comrade Sanders

In the right corner we have Donald Trump, a billionaire businessman who has waffled back and forth on his stance on various issues not just over the decades of time spent in the limelight, but even during this very election cycle. Originally Trump threw his name into the Republican Hat as a way to draw attention to himself, and also mock our political system. As the complete incompetence of the other Republican candidates was revealed, Trump changed tactics and actually started taking something of a politician-like stance on some topics. He is a fairly straight-forward Neo-con, who just so happens to be politically incorrect enough to win the support of “middle” America.


Sanders v. Trump

Both candidates have completely spurned the parties they are running for, both have publicly trashed the establishment, and both play off of the active dislike Americans have for their current situation. Their rallies are full of catchy slogans and anger, one demonizing the bourgeois, the other mocking our government. Both horribly missing the mark on what is horribly wrong with this country, and both dooming this country to a repetition of history. Bernie Sanders is supremely un-electable, representing a system that has failed countless times over the last century. His voting block is comprised of the young gullible, the “minorities”, and the slothful. Donald Trump is a showman, a modern P.T. Barnum with a global stage to strut his persona. Trump does not take anything seriously, and has no problems going back on prior comments because he does not mean any of them. Trump is the candidate for those who “just want to vote for someone different,” and do so with as little thought as possible. He is the easy anti-establishment candidate, despite a complete ignorance of the issues, and very few actual stances on policy.
Leading to this moment is a monumental failure by the American public educational system. Rather than turning out productive, responsible adults it has instead pursued a policy of maintaining childishness and ignorance in its charges, the perfect little pawns in a war of clashing ideals.

But it didn’t get this way over night, it has taken decades of constant, country-wide erosion of our values for things to get this point. For every step we take in a positive direction, we take four back.


Simple Education for Simple Students

Over 100 years ago George Santayana remarked, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it,” and if this election is any indication, our idiots have doomed us all. Modern curricula bear only a passing resemblance to the lessons of the past.  Rhetoric, Mathematics, and Science have been replaced with Gender Studies, Hand-holding, and Equality. Where once students were encouraged to vie with each other over class rank and accomplishment, now the bar has been lowered so far that everyone is the same, regardless of merit. Gone is the age of winners and losers, today is the age of participants and observers.

Both of our “chosen” candidates only survive at the sufferance of these miscreants. Sanders’ followers strictly adhere to “democratic socialism”, completely ignoring the past 100 years of socialist failure on this planet, completely sure that “this time it would be different.” They will give you all the free shit you could need to keep you happy, just submit to their will. “But Trump is different!,” the other side shouts, “He wants to ‘Make America Great Again!'” Thats great advertising, but it doesn’t mean much. Trump’s plan has changed so often that I think he’s in a “choose your own adventure” book. Sanders’ followers are ignorant of history and economics, whereas Trump’s are ignorant of business and politics. Neither squad enjoys much success in the field of mathematics, but to be fair America fairs poorly in that arena as a whole.

Once upon a time these topics were a staple of any high school curriculum, but as students began to fall behind, the government stepped in to “save” us all by providing standardized testing that “easily” allowed them to gauge a teacher’s competence, and adjust curricula accordingly. In short order the instructors realized that funding was directly tied to those tests, and thus began to only teach to those instruments. In short, the government set the bar for passing on the floor, so that even a drooling idiot could crawl over it and get a diploma.

Of course its not just in the intellectual fields that American institutions have atrophied, the real world skills and realities that one used to encounter in the classroom have been either been removed, wrapped in bubble paper, or had the edges filed off of them so that nobody can hurt themselves. A school used to be a source of learning; basic wiring, carpentry, sewing, and cooking….all of these and more. Now we get “safe spaces” where a cross word is enough to get a student suspended from school for several days.

Unfortunately, this is all by design. The fire of the American spirit has been extinguished with the tears of failed parents, and bleeding heart progressives. Loud voices and conflict are scary, so we enforce Zero Tolerance rules that unilaterally punish all involved parties, further terrorizing students who just wish to resolve their issue and move on with their lives. Repeat offenders are drugged to the gills with ADHD meds if they are lucky, and are slammed to the ground by on-duty police and charged as a criminals if they aren’t.

Its hard to blame the faculty, they’ve had their teeth pulled by parents who refuse to raise their own babies, but insist the rest of us need to clean up after them. Our litigious society prevents educators from filling in the gaps in children’s education where parents have obviously begun to falter. As educator’s power over their wards was depleted, so too was their desire to actually help, replacing discipline with apathy, with all suffering as a result.

And it won’t be getting better anytime soon. We now have several “generations” of educators who have been through this system, and as a result have little to no real-world experience in the matters they are supposed to be teaching. These life-long academics only know how to produce students because it is all they have ever known. Education without the temper of experience is useless. Our predecessors knew this, and some few bastions of this mindset exist still in such commonplace locations as apprenticeships and farms, but these rustic ideals are seen as “barbaric” by those in power, and would go by the wayside if only they could find a way to exert their power in these arenas.

The end goal of all this has been to enforce the complete conformity and uniformity of our citizens. Good little drones who vote as they are told, when they are told. Thinking citizens who question authority and spit in the eye of petty tyrants need not apply.

Nobody Cares, We Are Screwed

Donald Trump and the Republican party have no answers to the plight of education in America, its an elephant they never bother to address. The Democrats are even more dangerous, advocating a policy escalating the infantilization of our future voters, and furthering their dependence on a nanny-state to guide and protect them. At the center of the Democratic plan is the dumbing down of curricula until a talking Parrot could pass the courses, and using the funds of our vast nation to protect each and every little lamb under its control.


Bird voter

Essentially, they want to throw money at the problem. When people cry out “I can’t get a job without a degree!” they respond “Then a degree you shall have!” with no thought whatsoever to the implications for a nation of college educated children facing even fewer jobs.

This isn’t a problem you can spend your way out of. The government, the corporations, and the American people themselves have been at war with their own educational system for a century now, and the scars from this stupidity will not heal over night. As our educational system is further buried under an avalanche of PC bullshit, future generations will be decreasingly prepared for the trials and tribulations of the future, making them easy targets for the predatory upper-class, burgeoning nanny state, and bristling powers across the oceans.

I don’t know how to fix it, but I can tell you this; its going to get worse, before it gets better.

Author: ThePessimisticChemist

Age: 30 Sex: M Location: America

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April 11, 2016 9:12 am

Something that could be added to that big business vs small business graph to make it more illustrative would be the real unemployment rate and workforce participation rate.

Even the uneducated can usually understand simple line graphs and what it means to them personally.

April 11, 2016 9:18 am

You wasted a lot of time on this. Not much substance, and a whole lot of ignorance. Keep trying.

April 11, 2016 9:25 am

“Both horribly missing the mark on what is horribly wrong with this country, ”

I know it. I hate when they horribly miss the mark on what is horribly wrong.

“Trump’s plan has changed so often that I think he’s in a “choose your own adventure” book.”

Good line, there.

” but to be fair America fairs poorly ”

Sounds right when spoken, looks wrong when written, doesn’t it?

“Donald Trump and the Republican party have no answers to the plight of education… At the center of the Democratic plan is the dumbing down of curricula ”

The two statements are interchangeable according to which party holds the whip, ain’t they?

“This isn’t a problem you can spend your way out of…..I don’t know how to fix it, but I can tell you this”

OK, so you’re gonna leave me hanging here. You had me going there for a minute. Not too bad, though. I’ll watch for your next article.

April 11, 2016 9:29 am

@Ed – Yikes, thats what I get for trying to cram at the last second. I’m trying to hold to an “article a week” but ended up not in the house all weekend.

The reason I didn’t offer a way to fix it is because my fixes are impossible.

Good jobs aren’t coming back, people won’t suddenly grow a love of personal responsibility, and the state will not freely give up power.

Its not going to get fixed without some blood being shed.

April 11, 2016 9:44 am

“” but to be fair America fairs poorly ”

Sounds right when spoken, looks wrong when written, doesn’t it?”

Fair Fare.

April 11, 2016 10:20 am

something weird going on here

April 11, 2016 10:26 am

TPC, I like impossible. Lay out a few impossible fixes when you get time.

April 11, 2016 10:29 am

@Ed – I actually have a ~350 word section I cut that is just that, but I didn’t want to make it any more wordy.

I’ll polish it up, this time with better editting, and get it thrown up. I expect I’ll be gutted, but thats the fun of posting here.

April 11, 2016 10:38 am

TPC, get to the answers, don’t worry about the impossible. Way too much time is spent trying to define EXACTLY what is wrong, and very little spent on real solutions. The answers are only common sense, for crying out loud. You seem like a bright guy. What are we going to do? And who is going to do it?

April 11, 2016 10:40 am

And no, I have no intention of gutting you. I like your posts, I read your posts. But make those smarts and ambition count for something.

April 11, 2016 10:58 am

“Democracy” needs to die.

It’s a loser of a policy. Mob rule. And given the shifting demographics of the West – demographics being intentionally shifted – “voting” your way out of your problems is impossible.

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.” – Alexander F Tytler – Lord Woodhouselee

On a related note, Alexander F. Tytler also came up with this familiar list of phases each great civilization passes through…

– From Bondage to spiritual faith;
– From spiritual faith to great courage;
– From courage to liberty;
– From liberty to abundance;
– From abundance to complacency;
– From complacency to apathy;
– From apathy to dependence;
– From dependence back into bondage.”

Guess where we are?

“Democracy” needs to die…

April 11, 2016 11:31 am

” He is the easy anti-establishment candidate, despite a complete ignorance of the issues, and very few actual stances on policy.”

Tell me how many of our Presidents knew shit about the economy, foreign policy, etc., before they were elected. Did the Hope and Change Muslim apply his superb knowledge of Community Organizer to the office of Pres.

April 11, 2016 11:44 am

I will say it again: an educational system reflects a culture, it cannot create a culture. It is limited in its capacity to overcome the teaching (or lack thereof) and examples set forth in students’ homes (including media exposure).

We are approaching a point where it will be impossible to even agree on what should be taught to the young because we are becoming a Balkanized society. Already, American history is getting short shrift to the study of world cultures and the struggles of minority groups. Our kids are being prepared to accept all cultures as equally worthy so they will be unable to form value judgments and thus be compliant citizens in the coming global power structure. I believe this is no accident. The Plan has been beautifully executed.

April 11, 2016 12:30 pm


I’m enjoying watching the destruction of the two political parties from those outside of the party that have hijacked it. As an Anarchist, I’ve always warned against creating “tools” that, should they ever fall into the wrong hands, could be used against an entire society. Big Government is now too big to fail with 1/2 of US households now dependent in some way on Uncle Sugar in order to eat but fail it will.

As a side note, I spent yesterday at a bird sanctuary near where I live that houses and rehabilitates Condors, Hawks, Falcons, Owls, etc. They are able to rehabilitate about a thousand birds back into the wild each year but the biggest problem they face is that of people feeding birds such as these. A young bird that is fed by a human never learns how to hunt and is dependent on that human and these birds are no longer capable of taking care of themselves – ever. What is true for an Eagle must be true for us humans, right?

April 11, 2016 12:37 pm

According to Nick Rockefeller this is plan.The Rockefeller foundation supported feminism as a way to get more women in the work force paying in more taxes.With both husband and wife working most would have no other choice but to put their children in public schools in which the kids would be indoctrinated with secular values. Create within children a sense of both loyalty to and dependent upon the state.

April 11, 2016 3:08 pm

This article really resonated with me. Unfortunately, I am married to someone who thinks exclusively with her “Feelings”, with no weight given to actual “Facts”.

Example: We were commiserating about how illiterate college graduates are these days, in total agreement that the public education system is failing our children. And yet, when I reach the next logical conclusion that we should consider homeschooling our elementary-aged children, even though she is a college trained elementary teacher who is a stay-at-home mom with the one remaining pre-school child, she flips out and insists that they MUST go to school. Nevermind that I point out the cognitive dissonance necessary to believe both of these ideas at the same time…

The universe could give a shit how you FEEL about it as it squashes you like a bug.

April 11, 2016 3:40 pm

@Peaknic – My wife and I both have our undergraduates in Chemistry. She has her MBA-Marketing, I have a MS-Chemistry.

Both have good, professional jobs. I manage a lab, she’s a marketing director.

Given all of that, we still want to home school. In fact, we are trying to get things set up so that she can work from home and take on the bulk of home schooling while I come home to assist (I can work 6-3 if I feel like it).

Over the years I’ve known a lot of home school kids, and they are almost always slightly awkward, and just a touch naive.

They are also honest, better educated, and harder working than their public peers.

April 11, 2016 4:02 pm


You do not need to put as much effort into this as you think. The typical child in public schools here in the USA receives less than 3 minutes per day of direct interaction with his or her teachers. An hour spent with your child is more attention than they receive in a month at Uncle Sugar’s School for idiots.

Next, you do not need to cover every topic every day nor do you need to teach 6000 years worth of history as pretty much anything anyone would every need to know can be learned by studying either the Greeks or the Romans. Someone that has a good grasp of Roman history can make sense of any thing of any historical relevance that is presented to them.

April 11, 2016 4:09 pm

As if there was any doubt about public schools . . .

April 11, 2016 5:14 pm

TPC ,no home schooling for you.Whether you like it or not this country is going to burn like no other in history and you are going to have front row tickets. Only Satan himself has committed a greater sin then America.Better pull your head out of the sand big boy.Get a good battle rifle and side arm.You’ll be happier.

April 11, 2016 5:22 pm

Next time before you spout off about Bernie Sanders, TPC, perhaps you’ll take a moment to listen to what the man says. From reading your piece, it’s obvious you don’t even have a fucking clue. Either that, or you’re on Hillary Clinton’s payroll.

April 11, 2016 5:58 pm

TPC, I give you a lot of credit. You mind your thread with a good mix of fierceness and humility. I’m chewing on you a little today. I put up mine, and take my lumps on certain days. But I like what you say above , this will make me a better writer. I try to look at it the same way. There are friendlier places to post, but none I can find where the feedback is unfiltered and as benificial to one who wishes to improve. The admin, stucky, hardscrabble, they crank out essay after essay like it’s second nature. With none of the repetitive trope so many national writers crutch on. It’s astonishing how original they continue to be.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 11, 2016 6:27 pm

“Either that, or you’re on Hillary Clinton’s payroll.”


For a second there I though I was in the monkey assault thread……

April 11, 2016 7:16 pm

Here is food for thought, especially for those who support “public education” and rally about the doctrine of “socialization” that they claim is lacking in “homeschooled” children.
Let’s look at what “public education” has to offer:
1. Cliques and rampant bullying, quite often the victim of bullying punished more harshly for fighting back. Many times, bullies are part of a “protected” class–racial minorities, jocks, etc. Strong official disapproval of students making friends outside their grade level. “Peer pressure” used to push conformity.
2. Teachers that don’t teach reading writing and arithmetic. Pushing communist principles such as rabid environmentalism, blaming humanity for conditions beyond our control as well as pushing “communitarianism” (“it takes a village”)–actually communism. This also ties in with teacher-recommended feminizing and drugging (mostly boys) to make them “less fidgety” and more compliant–all for the “benefit” of the teacher.
3. Non-existent moral guidance…the communist concept of “values clarification”, allowing each student to set his own moral standard with no discussion permitted as to guidelines. A student dare not mention God or the Bible in “public school”–not permitted…discussing Islam is OK…even field trips to mosques are encouraged.
4. Sex education that normalizes homosexuality and other deviant practices, actually encouraging deviant behavior and downplaying heterosexuality and abstinence.
5. Insane zero tolerance practices, punishing students for pop-tarts shaped like guns or a student having an “unauthorized aspirin” or plastic butter knife. Of course, abortions and birth control are available without parental notification.
6. Lockdowns and backpack/locker searches by police utilizing “drug dogs”, getting the upcoming generation used to random unconstitutional searches. Quite often, students “roughed up” by “school resource officers”…just because they can…Lockdowns should be reserved for prisons–not schools…
Since these “socialization” practices seem to be the norm in our “public education” systems, parents who send their children to these dysfunctional “indoctrination centers” are guilty of child abuse…
Children who are homeschooled actually do much better in life as they are comfortable with people of all ages. True socialization takes place outside the classroom.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 11, 2016 7:24 pm

“As our educational system is further buried under an avalanche of PC bullshit, future generations will be decreasingly prepared for the trials and tribulations of the future, making them easy targets for the predatory upper-class, burgeoning nanny state, and bristling powers across the oceans.”

Great quote, and these same useless chair warmers make up the public service. Those bristling powers overseas must be laughing their asses off.

April 11, 2016 9:00 pm

Secede! Pray Texas Utah starts the ball rolling! F Big Pharma,bankers,politicians

April 12, 2016 3:31 pm

@TPC: From your writings I can see that you’re the one who’s the “special kind of stupid”. In one paragraph you’re calling Trump a neocon, in another you’re calling Bernie a Commie, so that leaves Hitlery. Where are your negative comments about her? Do you think she ISN’T a neocon? Are neocons good or bad? If they’re good that must prove you’re on the Hitlery payroll. Otherwise do you have a point, or just enjoy wasting TBPers time with your drivel?

April 12, 2016 3:54 pm

The article focuses on the anti-establishment candidates. How in the fuck you managed to miss that point is beyond me.

Careful there son, if you leave Bernie’s dick in your mouth too long it will stick that way.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 13, 2016 11:23 am

Westcoaster- I left you a message in the LIBERTARIAN thread last night, please read it before you comment on drivel again in this thread. Thanks.